Angela Wensley Report Nueva Aldea 2010 PDF
Angela Wensley Report Nueva Aldea 2010 PDF
Angela Wensley Report Nueva Aldea 2010 PDF
E N G I N E E R I N G V4B 1K1 Email:
MARCH 2010
Prepared for:
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . 4
RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . 14
1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 22
2.0 EVAPORATORS . . . . . . . . 23
2.1 Superconcentrator S-1 TAG 551-51-0101 . . . . 23
2.2 Concentrator Effect E-1 TAG 551-51-0102 . . . 26
2.2.1 Old Tube Bundles . . . . . . 26
2.2.2 New Tube Bundles . . . . . . 27
2.2.3 Concentrator Shell . . . . . . 28
2.2.4 Concentrator Top Head . . . . . 30
2.3 Evaporator Effect E-2 TAG 551-51-0103 . . . . 31
2.4 Evaporator Effect E-3 TAG 551-51-0104 . . . . 32
2.5 Evaporator Effect E-4 TAG 551-51-0105 . . . . 33
2.6 Evaporator Effect E-5 TAG 551-51-0106 . . . . 34
2.7 Evaporator Effect E-6 TAG 551-51-0107 . . . . 35
2.8 Evaporator Effect E-7 TAG 551-51-0108 . . . . 37
2.9 Surface Condenser TAG 551-51-0109 . . . . 37
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
7.0 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . 52
7.1 The Need for Quality Assurance . . . . . 53
7.2 The Need for Corrosion Testing . . . . . 54
7.3 The Need for Failure Analysis . . . . . 56
8.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . 57
FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . F-1
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
There were numerous leaks in the type 2304 duplex stainless steel tubes near the
bottom of both the A and B tube bundles. The leaks occurred:
1. At welds between short vertical tubes and the large diameter condensate
header. These leaks originated at defects (pores) in the welds.
2. In the heat affected zones for welds between thin-wall Tubel® tubes and the
small diameter headers. These leaks had no evident origin (unlike those in
case (1) above) and appeared to result from liquor-side corrosion.
Feritscope inspection of the welds for phase balance revealed anomalies that
should have been resolved by quality assurance (QA) in either the design stage
or during construction. The welds in case (1) had ferrite contents ranging from
19% to 38%, while the welds in case (2) had ferrite contents ranging from 52% to
69%. The ferrite range expected for duplex stainless steel welds is between 30%
and 60%.
An elbow in a condensate drain was cracked and was removed. The Feritscope
revealed that it had a ferrite content of only 13%, well below the range of 35% to
55% expected for type 2304 duplex stainless steel tubes. The high austenite
content (87%) would have made the elbow susceptible to stress corrosion
cracking (SCC) in superconcentrator service. The low ferrite content was likely
due to an improper annealing heat treatment after the elbow was hot formed.
This is another example of inadequate QA during construction of the
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
The cracked (SCC) type 304L stainless steel tube bundles were removed from
bodies A, B, and C. The uncracked tube bundle was moved from body D to body
C. New bundles of type 2304 duplex stainless steel tubes were installed in bodies
A, B, and D. While the tubes were out, a very good attempt was made to remove
the cracks from the wall of the concentrator using flap discs. SCC was found in
the shell of bodies A, B, and C and in the top head in the following locations:
Extensive SCC was also found in the dividers (non-pressure parts) between the
four bodies.
Corrosion thinning of the type 304L stainless steel shell and tubes in body A,
possibly due to intergranular attack, had also progressed at a slow rate (<0.25
mm year).
Removing the cracks from much of the high-risk locations on the type 304L
stainless steel shell and cap has bought some time; however, the SCC is liable to
re-initiate. Also, the type 304L stainless steel tubes moved to body C will most
probably develop SCC. The best long-term strategy is to replace the shell, caps,
and all remaining type 304L stainless steel tubes in the concentrator using type
2304 duplex stainless steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
The shell and internals on the liquor side of effect E-2 are now entirely of type
304L stainless steel construction (the original carbon steel top head was replaced
in 2009) and are visually without any corrosion or SCC. PT (penetrant testing)
should be done in 2011 to confirm the absence of SCC.
There was no access to the upper head, although inspection in 2009 revealed
some galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top head adjacent to the top
cylindrical ring of type 304L stainless steel. This location should be inspected in
The bottom shell, head, and internals on the liquor side are all type 304L stainless
steel and visually without corrosion or SCC.
There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top head adjacent to the
upper cylindrical ring of type 304L stainless steel.
Visual inspection through the lower manway of E-4 did not reveal any
significant corrosion of the carbon steel shell and bottom head. The thickness of
the carbon steel divider around the liquor inlet in E-4 was 10 mm, a value of
interest as the original nominal thickness (the dividers in the effects E-5, E-6, and
E-7 were noticeably thinner due to corrosion). Also of interest was the use of
stainless steel for the mist eliminator supports in E-4. The carbon steel supports
in effects E-5, E-6, and E-7 have experienced corrosion.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
The China hat and the roof above the liquor inlet in the bottom of E-4 need to be
inspected for damage that may be similar to that which caused the failure of the
same components in effect E-5.
There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top head adjacent to the
upper cylindrical ring of type 304L stainless steel.
One of the ladder rungs in the bottom liquor zone had failed due to corrosion,
making entry unsafe. The stainless steel China hat on the liquor inlet had
separated (due to fatigue cracking) from the carbon steel liquor inlet. Without the
China hat, inlet liquor impacted the ceiling of the divider above the inlet, causing
it to fail. Although I had no opportunity to closely inspect the failures, I suspect
that preferential corrosion of high-silicon content welds in the carbon steel
divider contributed to the failure. Caustic SCC of the carbon steel divider may
also have been involved. This hypothesis needs to be confirmed by failure
There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top head adjacent to the
upper cylindrical ring of type 304L stainless steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
In the liquor zone, the shell and bottom head of E-6 experienced severe corrosion
thinning and also preferential attack of heat affected zones adjacent to the welds.
The carbon steel internals exposed to liquor on two sides had double the
corrosion rate of the carbon steel shell. The divider around the liquor inlet had
thinned to as low as 3 mm. The mist eliminator wall, roof, and supports for the
mist eliminator were also severely corroded. The roof of the mist eliminator had
a corrosion perforation. The liquor inlet, China hat, and possibly the floor (if one
exists) of the mist eliminator also likely experienced severe corrosion thinning.
There was preferential corrosion of carbon steel welds for the mist eliminator
likely due to the high silicon content of the welds. There was also galvanic
corrosion of carbon steel adjacent to all stainless steel components, especially of
drain pipes from the mist eliminator.
All carbon steel internals in effect E-6 should be replaced using type 304L
stainless steel. The cylindrical shell and bottom head in the liquor zone below
the lower tubesheet should be protected; for example, using anodic protection
below the liquor level and a stainless steel lining above.
There was no access to the upper head. Inspection in 2009 revealed some
galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top head adjacent to the upper cylindrical
ring of type 304L stainless steel. This location should be inspected in 2011.
Surface Condenser
The internal carbon steel surfaces were covered with "carbuncles" that had
pitting corrosion underneath, characteristic of oxygen corrosion. If this situation
is unacceptable for operational purposes, consideration should be given to
replacement of the surface condenser using a stainless steel that is resistant to
oxygen corrosion.
The external "half-pipe" headers on both digesters had leaks that occurred at
fatigue cracks in duplex stainless steel welds with incomplete root penetration.
Repairs were made by cutting windows in the half-pipes, beveling of the roots of
the upper and lower welds, followed by welding using type 309L austenitic
stainless steel. The welds were originally made only from the outside. The
windows were then replaced with adequate purging of the root side with argon.
Continuous Digesters
The bottom scrapers in both the digesters were visually in good condition. There
was no visual evidence of propagation of the small cracks reportedly found in
the Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester scraper in 2009, although these still pose a threat
to the serviceability of the bottom scraper in that digester.
The China hat in the Line 1 (pine) digester had erosion of the circumferential
welds that exposed the underlying carbon steel structural support. Weld repairs
were made using type 309L stainless steel, an unacceptably soft material. In
2011, the cone should be re-plated using type 2205 duplex stainless steel. The
China hat for the Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester was modified.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Cracking of stitch welds at screens can be minimized by using type 312 stainless
steel instead of the weaker type 309L stainless steel currently used.
The replacement carbon steel cover plates for the beam nozzles on both digesters
were in good condition. There is no imminent need to replace these covers with
duplex stainless steel as was recommended in 2009. The remaining solid type
304L stainless steel covers should be replaced using carbon steel.
There was no evident corrosion of the vapour injectors, although they were not
removed for inspection and there was no access for inspection. The injectors
should be temporarily removed for inspection in 2011.
Areas of white coloured surface on the wall near the top of the digester may be
active corrosion due to the action of vapour from the injectors. In 2011,
thickness measurements should be made in selected white areas.
The exterior surface of the inner central pipe of the Line 1 (pine) impbin was
corroded over a length of approximately 1 m. The corrosion was observed when
a modification was made that involved shortening both the inner and outer
pipes. Reportedly, the outer pipe is not used so it is possible that corrosive wood
acids could have condensed inside, destroying the passivation of the type 304L
stainless steel. A vent hole in the outer pipe may prevent wood acid vapours
from accumulating.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Most of the rolls experienced mechanical damage that may have occurred during
the earthquake. Most of the mechanical damage involved small areas of
deformation of the roll surface, but in one case (side 1 of pine D2 press 7) the roll
was torn. Such locations may be sites for initiation of fatigue cracking in service
and should be monitored.
No significant corrosion was observed on the type 316L stainless steel pre-bleach
presses 1, 2, and 3. The EOP-stage press 5 had corrosion in the housing for the
shredder/conveyor discharge screw on the top. ClO2 vapours from D-stage
filtrate introduced to the standpipe caused superficial corrosion that turned the
type 316L stainless steel housing blue in colour.
The Line 1 D0, D1, and D2-stage presses 4, 6, and 7, respectively, were more
corroded than their Line 2 counterparts, likely the result of higher ClO2 residuals
on the pine side. The pine D-stage presses had transpassive corrosion of nickel-
base welds made using filler metal ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625). At least one plug
weld in the lining in the side 2 vat had already corroded through to the
underlying carbon steel. A welding filler metal that is resistant to both
transpassive and pitting corrosion should be used; unfortunately, this material
has not yet been invented. Iron-base materials such as Alloy G3, Alloy G30, and
Avesta P54 resist transpassive corrosion but may be susceptible to pitting
corrosion. The best way to determine the best filler metal is to do corrosion
testing in actual D-stage filtrates.
The pine D-stage presses 4, 6, and 7 all had pitting corrosion of the
superaustenitic stainless steel (6% Mo stainless steel) in stagnant areas and
crevices. These locations included the edges of the flaps, the frames for the flaps,
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
the distribution screw covers, and the housings for the shredder/conveyor
screws. Currently, the pitting corrosion is just a cosmetic problem, but after
several (5 to 10) years could affect the operation of the presses, necessitating
replacement of major components of the presses.
The flaps for the three D-stage presses 4, 6, and 7 were modified to narrow the
gap between the flap and the roll. First, strips of 6% Mo stainless steel were
installed, followed by a welded lining of 6% Mo stainless steel that was both seal
welded and plug welded. Unfortunately, the material used for welding was
ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) nickel-base alloy. The welds will corrode in service.
Pre-bleach press 1 was not opened for inspection during the time I was at the
mill, due to damage to the foundation from the earthquake. Press 4 (D0) was
rebuilt. Access to presses 5 and 6 was limited due to nearby structural damage.
Press 7 (D0) had the most corrosion. In general, the Line 2 D-stage presses were
less-corroded than their Line 1 counterparts. The housing shredder/conveyor
discharge screw on the EOP press had developed a blue colouration due to
corrosion by ClO2 vapours released from D-stage filtrate added to the standpipe.
Duplex stainless steel piping containing Line 1 (pine) D-stage filtrates had
numerous leaks due to internal corrosion. Attempts to repair or patch the leaks
have resulted only in more leaks. Type 2205 duplex stainless steel does not have
sufficient resistance to pitting corrosion when the Cl2 and ClO2 residuals are
high. No leaks have (yet) been observed in duplex stainless steel piping on the
eucalyptus side. Suitable alternatives for replacement of the corroded lines are
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Severe pitting was observed in the bottoms of two expansion tanks (565-23-901
and 565-23-902) of carbon steel construction. The pitting appeared to be
conventional "oxygen pitting" due to air ingress in hot water and was not
characteristic of MIC.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
I recommend that:
S2. The failed elbow from the condensate drain should be examined by a
competent metallurgist (Angela Wensley) to provide the following
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
S3. Corrosion testing should be done to determine the effect of heat treatment
and welding on the corrosion of type 2304 duplex stainless steel in
superconcentrator black liquor. Angela Wensley can do this work.
S4. In 2011, the tubes and welds in the lower part of the superconcentrator
should be inspected for defects and corrosion.
S5. In 2011, the exterior surfaces of the steam inlets (type 2304 duplex stainless
steel) in the top of the superconcentrator should be inspected for SCC using
PT. The vapour inlets should also be visually inspected for corrosion
C1. The shell of the concentrator should be replaced using type 2304 duplex
stainless steel.
C2. The type 304L stainless steel tubes currently in body C should be replaced
using type 2304 duplex stainless steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
C5. Corrosion testing of austenitic and duplex stainless steels should be done in
samples of liquor from bodies A, B, C, and D to determine their
susceptibility to SCC and intergranular attack. Angela Wensley can do this
E1. Selected weld tees in evaporator effect E-2 should be closely inspected for
SCC using PT. Flap discs should be used for preparation of the surface for
±25 mm on either side of the welds.
E2. The junctions between top heads and upper stainless steel rings in
evaporator effects E-3 and E-7 should be inspected for galvanic corrosion; if
necessary, the galvanic corrosion should be repaired using type 309L
stainless steel welding consumables.
E3. The China hat and the roof above the liquor inlet in the bottom of evaporator
effect E-4 should be inspected for preferential weld corrosion, fatigue
cracking, or SCC that may have contributed to the failure of the ceiling in
evaporator effect E-5.
E4. A sample for the failed divider from E-5 should be examined metallurgically
for caustic SCC in the fracture area. Angela Wensley can do this.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
E5. The bottom of evaporator effect E-5 should be scaffolded so that a full
corrosion inspection can be made. The carbon steel wall, head, and internal
structures in the liquor zone may be expected to be in similar condition to
those in evaporator effect E-6 in 2010 (galvanic corrosion, preferential
corrosion of welds and heat affected zones).
E6. The carbon steel structural internals in the liquor zone of evaporator effect E-
6 should be replaced using type 304L stainless steel. These include the liquor
inlet, China hat, divider and ceiling around the liquor inlet, wall and ceiling
of the mist eliminator, supports for the mist eliminator, and condensate
drains from the mist eliminator.
E7. The bottom of evaporator effect E-7 should be scaffolded so that a full
corrosion inspection can be made. The carbon steel wall, head, and internal
structures in the liquor zone may be expected to be in worse condition than
those in evaporator effect E-6 in 2010 (galvanic corrosion, preferential
corrosion of welds and heat affected zones).
E8. The lower shell and bottom head of effects E-5, E-6, and E-7 must be
protected against corrosion thinning. Priority should be given to effect E-6.
Alternatives are:
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
D1. The external "half-pipe" headers around the bottom of both digesters should
be monitored for leaks.
D2. The central pipe in the Line 1 (pine) impbin should be inspected to see if the
corrosion had continued. If corrosive wood acids are trapped between the
central pipes, perhaps a vent hole can be made.
D3. The arms and paddles of the bottom rakes in the digesters and the impbins
should be 100% inspected using PT.
D4. The external plates on the China hat in the Line 1 (pine) digester should be
replaced using type 2205 duplex stainless steel.
D5. The remaining type 304L stainless steel cover plates for beam nozzles should
be replaced using SA516-Grade 70 carbon steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
D6. The inserts in the steam injectors should be removed for corrosion
D7. Selected white areas on the wall in the upper parts of both digesters should
be selected for thickness monitoring.
D8. Type 312 stainless steel should be used for repairs to the screen welds and to
the China hats.
D9. The thickness of the bottom heads of both impbins should be monitored for
erosion thinning.
B2. Corroded plug welds in the D-stage presses should be repaired using an
alternative weld filler metal with better corrosion resistance than
ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625). This alternative weld filler metal should be used
for all welding 6% Mo stainless steels in the D-stage presses and piping.
This requires assessment by corrosion testing in D-stage filtrates (Angela
Wensley can do this). Possible acceptable weld filler materials are Alloy G3,
Alloy G30, and Avesta P54. Nickel base fillers such as Alloy 625, Alloy
C276, Alloy C22, and Alloy 59 must be avoided in D-stage service.
B3. All type 2205 duplex stainless steel piping associated with the presses and
standpipes in the pine side should be replaced. Acceptable replacement
materials are titanium (Grade 2), FRP with an epoxy vinyl ester resin such as
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
W1. All "carbuncles" should be removed and the locations cleaned, polished, and
passivated. If necessary, weld repairs should be made using an over-
matched filler metal such as 309MoL, 317L, or 904L.
W3. The use of biocides and/or boil-outs to prevent MIC in type 316L stainless
steel white water tanks should be investigated.
T1. Consideration should be given to replacing the carbon steel expansion tanks
with new tanks of type 2205 duplex stainless steel. For duplex stainless steel
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
in hot water service, it is important that the chloride content of the water not
exceed approximately 10 ppm.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
I was at the Nueva Aldea mill from 24 March through 1 April 2010 during
the annual general plant shutdown. The 2010 shutdown was
extraordinary as it was in the aftermath of a major earthquake. I
previously attended the general plant shutdowns in November 2007 [Ref.
1] and January 2009 [Ref. 2]. The mill started up in 2006.
I was based in the contractor's room on the second floor of the main office
building. I made corrosion inspections of equipment in the evaporators,
digesters, impbins, and the bleach plant presses. I also made cursory
examinations of white water tanks for the Line 1 (pine) pulp machine and
the expansion tanks for the turbogenerator. My exit meeting was on 1
April 2010.
Paul Praszkier and Sergio Stahl of Safe Control inspected the recovery
boiler fireside. Emory Hull of Sheppard T. Powell Associates made
waterside inspections. Paulo Ormeneze of Metso supervised work in the
digesters and impbins. Marcelo Silveira and Fabrezio Contin of Metso
supervised work in the superconcentrator and concentrator. Alejandro
Roa of BASF inspected FRP equipment. Several representatives of GL&V
including Micael Bertilsson and Alessandro Costa Barbosa were on site for
modifications to the bleach presses.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
19% 77%
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S1
2.1 Superconcentrator S-1 TAG 551-51-0101
Hydro-testing revealed several leaks in both the A and B bodies (Figure 3).
Leaks were found in two locations:
1. In the thin-wall (reportedly 0.9 mm) Tubel® tubes above welds to the
small diameter headers. These locations could not be repaired, so
entire platens were taken out of service by cutting and plugging
(Figure 4). Figures 5 and 6 are views of a sample removed with two
perforated Tubel® tubes and a section of the small diameter header.
There was no welding defect associated with the leaks that evidently
resulted from corrosion of the heat affected zone above the welds.
2. In the lower welds for the short vertical pipes between the small
diameter headers and the large diameter condensate headers. Leaks
occurred at original weld defects such as pores (Figure 7). In at least
one case, the leak washed an adjacent drain tube almost to the point of
perforation (Figure 8) necessitating plugging. Most of the weld defects
were successfully repaired using type 2209 duplex stainless steel filler
metal (Figure 9).
The filler metal originally used for the tube-to-header welds is not known.
I was told it could have been either "2209" or "2304." The ISO designations
for these filler metals are 23 7 NL and 22 9 NL, respectively. There may be
a large difference in corrosion resistance between these two materials.
Since there was no portable alloy analyzer on site, it was not possible to
ascertain which filler metal was used.
expected for duplex stainless steel tubes is 35% to 55%, while the ferrite
range expected for duplex stainless steel welds is 30% to 60%. The tubes
and headers had ferrite contents consistent with 2304 duplex stainless
steel; however, the ranges measured for the welds were not within the
expected 30% to 60% range. Figure 10 shows some of the weld ferrite
measurements written on the adjacent tubes and headers. The welds
between the short vertical tubes and the large-diameter header had 19% to
38% ferrite. The welds between the Tubel® tubes and the small-diameter
headers had 52% to 69% ferrite. This wide variation in ferrite contents
suggests that there was a QA problem with materials selection (What
welding consumables were used? Were the tubes properly heat treated?)
and welding qualification during original design and fabrication of the
superconcentrator. Welds having low and high ferrite contents will have
greater susceptibility to corrosion and SCC in service.
My hypothesis is that the elbow was not hot formed at the correct
temperature (900º to 1150ºC) or was not subsequently annealed at the
correct temperature (950º to 1050ºC).
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
During the 2010 shutdown, the top head was removed (Figure 15) so that
the tube bundles could be changed. The 304L tube bundles from bodies
A, B, and C were removed and scrapped. The 304L tube bundle for body
D was moved to body C where it will now be at risk of SCC. New 2304
tube bundles were installed in bodies A, B, and D.
Figure 16 shows the 304L tube bundle removed from body A. Visual
inspection confirmed that the tubes had extensive SCC. Many tubes had
SCC in a spiral pattern (Figures 17 and 18) produced by the tube
straightening operation after the annealing process. The straightening
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
operation introduced significant tensile stresses into the tubes that in turn
caused SCC in service. Cracking along the weld seam (Figure 19) is
evidence that the tubes were not properly annealed during their
manufacture. Also apparent in the 304L tube bundle removed from body
A was SCC of structural parts (Figure 20). In this case the tensile stresses
to support SCC were residual stresses from welding.
Visual inspection revealed the 304L tubes from body B also had SCC. I did
not have an opportunity to inspect the tubes from bodies C and D.
Figure 22 shows the new type 2304 duplex stainless steel tube bundle for
body A. The Tubel® tubes (Figure 23) had the stenciled identification
"IRSA EN 10217-7 TC1 ISO D4/T3 0 32 x 1.2 1.4362 HEAT 490708 OF
511815 (48)". I have never heard of IRSA as a supplier of duplex stainless
steel tubes and they have never been approved by me. A very important
part of any QA program is qualification of the product. In this case I
would have insisted on metallurgical confirmation of the composition,
microstructure, phase balance, and heat treatment.
I used the Feritscope to measure the ferrite contents of some of the tubes
and welds (Figure 24). The tubes had ferrite contents in the range of 44%
to 51%, appropriate for type 2304 duplex stainless steel. The welds
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
between the tubes and the small-diameter headers, however, had 62% to
80% ferrite, well above the expected range of 30% to 60%. This suggests
that independent QA was not carried out during the design and
fabrication of the new tube bundles.
The short tubes between the small- and large-diameter headers were
made by Sandvik, a well-known producer of high-quality duplex stainless
steel. These tubes had very uniform ferrite content of 51% to 54% (Figure
Figure 26 shows body A after the old 304L tube bundle was removed. The
curved part in Figure 26 is the shell of the concentrator, while the straight
sides are the partitions, or dividers (non-pressure parts) between the A
and C bodies and between the A and D bodies. The cylindrical shell
contained 11 rings, numbered from bottom to top. The circumferential
welds were also numbered 1 through 12 from bottom to top. In ring 1,
there was an extra circumferential weld that I named 1A. For
convenience, the circumferential welds were further identified by their
body. Circumferential weld A1 was that portion (90º) of weld 1 that was
in body A.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Originally, it was hoped that all SCC could be removed from the shell of
the concentrator. The large number of remnant welds with SCC, however,
made complete elimination impractical. It was decided instead to focus
on removal of SCC from the welds and adjoining shell for at least ±25 mm
on either side. The reasoning for this is that there is no driving force for
SCC adjacent to a remnant weld to propagate across the thickness of the
wall, whereas a driving force for through-wall leaking existed at the
circumferential and vertical welds.
The original procedure for finding and removing the SCC was:
When it became apparent that the cracking in the shell beside the
circumferential and vertical welds was almost continuous (see Figure 38)
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
and that most of the cracking could be removed within a depth of 1 mm,
the procedure was modified to flap disc polishing to a depth of 1 mm on
either side of the major welds. There was some confusion as to whether
the welds were also to be polished, despite the clear evidence that the
welds, at least in body A, had SCC. I left the site before the removal of
SCC from the shell was completed. Also, the bottom head had not yet
been inspected.
Removal of the cracks should prolong the life of the concentrator shell.
Although it is hoped that the SCC will not return, it is probable that new
cracks will re-initiate. I recommend that the shell of the concentrator be
replaced using type 2304 duplex stainless steel. The new shell should
have meaningful QA, following the guidelines for duplex stainless steel
pressure vessel construction previously provided to Nueva Aldea by
Angela Wensley Engineering.
The top head was cut off 150 mm below circumferential weld 12. It was
moved to a location where it could be scaffolded internally for inspection
(Figure 41). The top head had three sections joined with circumferential
welds 12, 13, and 14. The sections in turn had segments separated by
radial welds. PT revealed extensive SCC associated with circumferential
weld 12 (Figure 42), remnant welds on the head (Figures 43 and 44)
circumferential welds 12 and 13, and the radial welds (Figures 45 and 46).
I left the site before the removal of SCC from the top head was completed.
After re-welding the top head to the shell there will be a new
circumferential weld called 11A.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
In 2009, the carbon steel top head was replaced with a new head of type
304L stainless steel. In 2010, hydroblasting limited access to E-2 to
viewing from the upper and lower manways. A view of the new top head
through the upper manway revealed no visible problems (Figure 47).
Figure 48 is a view of the bottom head from the bottom manway where
there were no visual problems. Since all "tube side" locations (exposed to
liquor) are type 304L stainless steel, no corrosion or SCC are expected. To
confirm the absence of SCC, PT at selected weld tees should be done in
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 49 is a view of the upper part of the mist eliminator in the bottom
liquor zone. All parts were type 304L stainless steel. There were no visual
Figure 50 shows the China hat over the liquor inlet in the bottom of E-3.
China hats of type 304L stainless steel construction often have problems
with fatigue cracking. Access for closer inspection is required to
determine whether any fatigue cracks have developed.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figures 55 and 56 are views of the carbon steel divider around the liquor
inlet. The thickness appeared to be the original nominal thickness of 10
mm. Since the roof of the comparable divider in E-5 has failed, it is
important to verify the condition of the divider and the China hat in E-4 in
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon
steel top head in the vapour zone (Figures 57 and
58). The roof of the divider above the liquor inlet
had failed (Figures 59 and 60). The China hat had
failed and may have impacted the roof of the
divider (Figure 61).
The failure of the China hat was evidently due to fatigue. Selective
corrosion of high-silicon content welds may have contributed to the
failure of the divider (Figure 62). The fractures in the divider were brittle
in appearance with little deformation as would be expected for such a
ductile material. A sample of the divider should be examined
metallurgically for caustic SCC.
Figure 63 shows the carbon steel bottom head of E-5. I did not go inside
because a rung for the ladder had failed due to corrosion, making entry
unsafe (Figure 64). In 2011, the bottom of E-5 should be scaffolded so a
complete corrosion inspection can be done.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figures 67 and 68 are views of the bottom liquor zone before the
scaffolding was installed. There was severe corrosion of the carbon steel
in the bottom liquor zone below the lower tubesheet. Figure 69 shows the
China hat and the top of the divider around the liquor inlet. The divider
in E-6, which did not have a roof as did the dividers in E-4 and E-5, was
severely thinned, to as low as 3 mm (Figure 70). If the original thickness
of the divider was 10 mm (as was measured in E-4) this means there has
been a loss of 7 mm in less than 4 years due to corrosion from both sides,
unlike the shell that sees liquor on only one side. The stiffeners on the
outside of the divider were similarly thinned and many of the welds had
failed. It is unlikely that the divider would survive for 1 year more.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Above the liquor level in the bottom liquor zone of E-6 there was
preferential corrosion of high-silicon welds resulting in the complete loss
of some welds (Figures 71 and 72). The carbon steel roof of the mist
eliminator was perforated due to corrosion (Figures 73 and 74). The
carbon steel supports for the mist eliminator were corroded (Figure 75).
(Recall that the supports in E-4 were stainless steel.)
After I had left the mill I received a report that corrosion of the weld heat
affected zones had been found in the bottom head.
Due to excessive heat, I was only able to inspect
the top through the upper manway in 2010
(Figures 79 and 80). In 2009, slight galvanic
corrosion of the carbon steel was observed above
the upper stainless steel ring in the upper liquor
In 2009, the lower liquor zone of E-7 had the most severe corrosion of
carbon steel of any evaporator at Nueva mill. Scaffolding was installed in
2010 but I had left the mill before it was completed. Figures 81 through 83
are views through the lower manway. The carbon steel shell and internals
of E-7 were likely in a condition at least comparable to those in E-6.
Figure 84 shows galvanic corrosion of a drain pipe for the mist eliminator
where it transitioned from stainless steel to carbon steel.
Figure 85 is a view through the upper manway. The carbon steel wall was
covered in "carbuncles" that appeared to be from oxygen corrosion. The
carbon steel underneath was pitted (Figure 86).
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
The shells of the two continuous digesters were constructed using type
2205 duplex stainless steel. The major work done in the digesters in 2010
was the repair of the external "half-pipe" headers providing dilution to the
bottom heads of both digesters. Also, the China hat in the Line 2
(eucalyptus) digester was modified.
The impbins were both constructed using solid type 304L stainless steel.
They operate at atmospheric pressure (plus static head) and at a lower
temperature than the continuous digesters. As with all solid type 304L
stainless steel vessels, the impbins are at risk for external SCC beneath wet
thermal insulation. The bottom scrapers in both impbins are solid type
2205 duplex stainless steel for resistance to the higher wear expected in
the bottoms of the impbins. In 2011, the central pipe in the Line 2
(eucalyptus) impbin was modified (shortened).
Figure 87 shows the location of the type 304L stainless steel "half-pipe"
header around the bottom of the type 2205 duplex stainless steel Line 1
(pine) digester. After the 2009 shutdown, leaks developed in the upper
welds of the half pipes in both digesters. The temporary repair in both
cases was to construct a box around the leaks (Figure 88). During the 2010
shutdown the boxes were removed. Figures 89 and 90 show the leak in
the half-pipe on the Line 1 (pine) digester; Figures 91 through 93 are views
of the leak in the half-pipe on the Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester. It was clear
that the leaks occurred by the process of fatigue cracking.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
It was decided to cut windows in the half-pipes (Figure 94) to give access
to the root sides of the upper and lower welds (Figures 95 and 96). The
insides of the half-pipe were slightly beveled and new weld metal was
added on the roots (Figures 97 and 98). Metso used type 309L stainless
steel for the new welds. My Feritscope revealed that the original welds
between the half-pipes and the digester had approximately 44% ferrite -
characteristic of duplex stainless steel, probably type 2209 filler metal.
Type 309L is acceptable for joining the type 304L stainless steel half-pipes
to the type 2205 duplex stainless steel digester wall. Type 2209 duplex
stainless steel welding consumables are preferred since 2209 is harder and
more resistant to cracking than 309L.
In 2008, there were two failures of the bottom scraper in the Line 1 (pine)
digester. The origins of the failures were small cracks in martensitic
carbon steel that formed when the stainless steel filtrate pipes were
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
welded onto the trailing edges of the scraper arms without preheat. The
small cracks grew across the arms by a fatigue mechanism. A new bottom
scraper, reportedly built using proper preheat, was installed in the Line 1
(pine) digester during the shutdown in 2009. No problems were found
visually in 2010 (Figures 100 through 102).
Welds on the type 304L stainless steel China hat experienced erosion that
exposed the carbons steel supports at the circumferential supports (Figure
103). Carbon steel was also exposed around the bottom (Figure 104).
Ultrasonic thickness testing (UT) revealed loss of thickness of the type
304L stainless steel plates. The eroded welds were weld repaired using
type 309MoL stainless steel that is too soft to resist erosion. I had
recommended using type 312 stainless steel but none was available. The
China hat should be re-plated in 2011 using type 2205 duplex stainless
steel, welded using 2209 duplex stainless steel consumables.
There were numerous cracked stitch welds in the screens (Figures 105 and
106). These welds were probably originally made using type 308L
stainless steel which has low-strength and is prone to hot cracking. I
recommended using type 312 stainless steel welding consumables for the
stitch welds, but none was available. Type 312 stainless steel is much
stronger and more resistant to cracking than either 308L or 309L.
There are two vapour injectors in the top of the Line 1 (pine) digester. The
nozzles for the injectors are type 2205 duplex stainless steel. The external
welds were inspected using PT (Figure 107). There are replaceable inserts
in the nozzles (Figure 108) that I believe are also type 2205 duplex
stainless steel. In other digesters the inserts experience corrosion in the
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
annular space between the nozzles and the inserts. In 2011, the inserts
should be removed from the injectors to see if any corrosion has occurred.
In the top of the digester (at the elevation of the top separator) there was a
white colour on the wall that was clearly related to flow of vapour from
the injectors (Figure 109). There may be some thinning of the wall in the
white areas. Monitoring of the thickness on a reproducible ultrasonic
testing (U)T grid is recommended. There was no visual corrosion
problem with the top separator screw (Figure 110).
No visual problems were found with the bottom scraper (Figures 111 and
112). Since the bottom scraper is similar to the one that failed in the Line 1
(pine) digester, it likely contains small cracks in martensitic areas created
by the lack of preheat during welding of the dilution pipes. The existence
of microcracks was confirmed by a metallurgical sample taken in 2009. If
a severe stress cycle were to occur such as the dropping of a stuck plug,
any existing microcracks could grow by a fatigue mechanism. The Line 2
(eucalyptus) digester scraper should be inspected carefully for cracking
every year using PT. The China hat did not exhibit the high amount of
wear as the China hat in the Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester. A modification
was made in 2010 involving welding a pipe onto the top of the China hat
(Figure 113).
The new row of screens added in 2009 was intact (Figure 114). Any
cracked stitch welds should be repaired using type 312 stainless steel filler
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
In 2009, many of the type 304L stainless steel cover plates for the beam
nozzles on both digesters were found to have SCC on their external
surfaces. Most of the covers were replaced using carbon steel (Figure 115)
with a lining of duplex stainless steel on the inside (Figure 116). Although
the carbon steel covers were supposed to be a temporary measure until
duplex stainless steel covers could be made, the good condition of the
carbon steel covers in 2010 suggests that they will give good service for
many years. The priority should be replacement of the remaining type
304L stainless steel covers instead of the carbon steel covers.
In the top of the Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester, some white areas were
observed (Figures 117 and 118). A UT monitoring grid should be
established so the wall thickness can be monitored. The steam injectors
appeared intact (Figures 119 and 120). The inserts should be removed in
2011 so they can be inspected for corrosion.
Figure 121 is a view of the bottom scraper in the Line 1 (pine) impbin.
Although no visual problems were observed, the scrapers should be PT
inspected annually for cracking. The PT should include 100% of the
accessible surfaces of the arms and paddles.
In 2010, the central pipe was modified (shortened). This involved cutting
back both the inner and outer pipes (Figure 122). During this work, severe
corrosion of the outer surface of the inner pipe was observed (Figures 123
and 124). The space between the inner and outer pipes is not used,
allowing corrosive wood acids to collect in this area. One possible way to
stop the corrosion would be to cut a vent hole in the outer pipe
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figures 125 and 126 are views of the duplex stainless steel bottom scraper
in the Line 2 (eucalyptus) impbin.
Figure 128 shows the central pipe that was not modified.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
There are seven Aker Kvaerner (now GL&V) Compact Presses in the Line
1 (pine) bleach plant and seven presses in the Line 2 (eucalyptus) bleach
plant. The presses are of twin-roll design:
Both the pine and eucalyptus lines have three pre-bleach presses, followed
by a D0-stage (press 4), an EOP-stage (press 5), a D1-stage (press 6), and a
D2-stage (press 7). The principal material of construction for presses 1, 2,
3, and 5 is type 316L stainless steel. The principal material of construction
for the D-stage presses 4, 6, and 7 is 6% Mo stainless steel. Most of the
piping is either FRP or 6% Mo stainless steel, but some piping is type 2205
duplex stainless steel.
In 2009, corrosion problems were found in the D-stage presses and piping
where significant residual ClO2 existed. The Line 1 (pine) D-stage presses
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Most, if not all, of the rolls had mechanical damage. Since no mechanical
damage was noted in 2009, it may have occurred during the earthquake.
Most of the mechanical damage produced deformation of the roll surfaces
(Figures 129 through 133), but at least one example of rip was observed
(Figure 134). In service, a rip may grow as a fatigue crack. The dents need
to be monitored to see whether they develop into cracks.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
The welds are corroding because the nickel-base welding filler metal
ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) has poor resistance to a phenomenon called
transpassive corrosion in D-stage filtrates. Unlike pitting, transpassive
corrosion causes the entire surface of the material to corrode uniformly.
Beginning in 1989, I published a number of papers on the poor corrosion
resistance of nickel-base alloys in chlorine dioxide bleaching [Refs. 3 to 5].
This information is well known throughout the pulp and paper industry
and most companies forbid the use of nickel-base alloys in their bleach
Until very recently, there was no matching filler metal for 6% Mo stainless
steel. Avesta (now Outokumpu) developed filler metal P54 for their alloy
254 SMO (a 6% stainless steel) but it is not recommended for welding
thicknesses greater than 6 mm due to its tendency for hot cracking. A
compromise has been to use either Alloy G30 or Alloy G3 for welding 6%
stainless steel. Alloys G30 and G3 contain only 5% Mo and are slightly
more susceptible to pitting corrosion than 6% Mo stainless steels – but are
not susceptible to transpassive corrosion. In the absence of corrosion
testing, I would recommend Alloy G30.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
The flaps from the Line 1 (pine) D-stage presses were removed so they
could be modified. Some of the flaps showed a discolouration (Figures
139 and 140) whose cause was unknown. To me, the colours resembled
those caused by frictional overheating.
All efforts to keep the ClO2 residuals as low as possible will increase the
service life of the D-stage presses.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
distribution screw covers, namely cleaning and passivation, apply for the
shredder/conveyor housings.
The type 316L stainless steel housings for the shredder/conveyor screws
on the EOP presses had a blue colour (Figures 154 and 155) that was
evidently caused by ClO2 vapours escaping from the standpipes where D-
stage filtrate was used for dilution. Scratches in the Line 2 (eucalyptus)
EOP press had initiated corrosion (Figure 156).
Duplex stainless steel piping for D-stage filtrate service in the Line 1 (pine)
side is experiencing corrosion to the point of through-wall leaking. The
corrosion is most apparent at heat exchanger 547-58-1400 (Figures 157 and
158). A horizontal line under the press floor has myriad leaks (Figures
159 and 160); attempts at repairs by patching have been unsuccessful
(patches create conditions for crevice corrosion that is easier to initiate
than pitting corrosion). Replacement of the duplex stainless steel piping
using titanium, FRP (such as Derakane 470-300 or equivalent), or 6% Mo
stainless steel (welded using Alloy G30 or Avesta P54) is recommended.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
In 2009, severe MIC was found in three white water tanks for the Line 1
(pine) pulp machine. The tanks were presumably of type 316L stainless
steel construction. Two of the tanks were opened during my time at the
Pine side tank 572-22-1155 (Figure 163) had through-wall leaks in 2009. In
2010, several plates were replaced. Figure 164 shows one of the old plates
with external rust bleeds from through-wall leaks. If the plate was
replaced using the same material (type 316L stainless steel) and the same
welding filler metal (type 316L stainless steel) as the original tank, it will
develop new leaks very quickly. At the very least, a higher-alloy welding
consumable should have been used, such as type 309MoL stainless steel,
type 317L or 904L stainless steel. Use of higher alloy plate such as type
317L stainless steel or type 2205 duplex stainless steel would also give
improved resistance to MIC.
The "carbuncles" inside pine side tank 572-22-1156 had been removed
before I had an opportunity to inspect the tank. There were numerous
locations of pitting corrosion where nearby weld repairs (made in 2009
using (type 309MoL stainless steel?) were not corroded (Figure 165) and
other locations where the welds (previous repairs using type 316L
stainless steel?) were attacked (Figure 166).
Removing the "carbuncles" and polishing the surface will slow the
corrosion but MIC is liable to re-initiate. If possible, regular boil-outs and
biocide applications could kill the bacteria responsible for the MIC.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
In 2009, two expansion tanks for the turbogenerator had internal corrosion
characterized by "carbuncles". The corrosion was attributed to oxygen, a
normal corrosion mechanism for carbon steel tanks in hot water service.
Tank 565-23-901 (Figure 167) had more "carbuncles" in the bottom (Figure
168) than in 2009, suggesting that the corrosion was progressing. A spot
was selected for examination before (Figure 169) and after (Figure 170)
removal of the scale. The black deposit found beneath the scale appeared
to be magnetite (Fe3O4). In 2009, the underlying deposit was browner in
colour. Magnetite deposits indicate better control of the oxygen in the
Tank 565-23-902 (Figure 171) had "carbuncles" in the bottom (Figure 172)
comparable with those observed in 2009, suggesting that the corrosion
was not progressing rapidly. A spot was selected for examination before
(Figure 173) and after (Figure 174) removal of the scale. The black deposit
found beneath the scale appeared to be magnetite (Fe3O4). In 2009, the
underlying deposit was also black in colour. Magnetite deposits indicate
better control of the oxygen in the water.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
This year, my sermon will be to promote the better use of materials and
corrosion resources. When I began working in the pulp and paper
industry in 1977, I was part of the Materials and Corrosion Engineering
Section located in the MacMillan Bloedel Technical Centre in Vancouver,
Canada. We served several pulp and paper mills of MacMillan Bloedel,
located across Canada, the USA, and Europe. During my time with
MacMillan Bloedel (1977 to 1992) we documented savings to the company
in excess of twenty million dollars per year. The same (or greater) amount
could be saved by Celulosa Arauco y Constitución if the materials and
corrosion function was expanded.
Let me be clear: the suppliers do not necessarily act in the best interest of
Celulosa Arauco y Constitución. They do not have the capability of doing
the necessary research to validate the materials selected for their
equipment. This is why we now have corrosion in the superconcentrator,
concentrator, evaporators, and bleach presses, to name just some of the
equipment. Suppliers rely on their past experience which often does not
help when process parameters such as black liquor solids or chlorine
dioxide residuals are being extended. The customer must have a greater
role in specifying the proper materials and welding consumables.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
While suppliers have their own QA personnel, these people act in the
service of the supplier and not necessarily in the service of the customer
(Celulosa Arauco y Constitución). Their QA people are mainly acting to
keep costs down, often to the detriment of the customer. An independent
(of the supplier) third-party QA person can act in the interests of the
Good QA begins at the design stage, and may involve such issues as
materials selection, welding consumables, heat treatment, corrosion
allowances, post-weld cleaning, and many more subjects. An error in
materials selection caught in the design stage (selection of type 304L
stainless steel for the concentrator, selection of carbon steel for the
evaporator effects handling intermediate-solids black liquors, and
selection of ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) for welding of the D-stage bleach
presses) can prevent much more expensive repairs after the equipment
has been built.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
There were many times when an alloy analyzer would have been valuable
during the 2010 shutdown at Nueva Aldea. Identification of the material
used in the tube-to-header welds in the superconcentrator and
concentrator are two examples. Others include identification of the filler
metal used for the "half-pipe" headers on the digesters, the welding
consumables used for the bleach presses, and the piping in the bleach
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
There is a long list of subjects from Nueva Aldea alone that would merit
corrosion testing, including:
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
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ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 11. Elbow from the large condensate drain in the bottom of
the superconcentrator removed due to cracking. The
elbow had only 13% ferrite, not characteristic of 2304.
Figure 12. Closer view of cracks in the elbow removed from the
superconcentrator. The cracks may be SCC.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 13. The ferrite content of the replacement elbow (38%) and
the to welds (48% and 48%) in the superconcentrator
were acceptable for duplex stainless steel.
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 15. View inside the concentrator after the cap had been
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 17. Many of the 304L tubes from concentrator body A had
a spiral pattern of SCC from stresses introduced by the
tube straightening process during tube manufacture.
Figure 18. Closer view of a type 304L stainless steel tube from
concentrator body A with SCC aligned in a spiral
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 19. SCC aligned with a weld in a type 304L stainless steel
tube from concentrator body A.
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E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 22. New bundle of type 2304 duplex stainless steel tubes
for concentrator body B.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 23. New type 2304 duplex stainless steel tubes with
stenciled identification "IRSA EN 10217-7 TC1 ISO
D4/T3 0 32 x 1.2 1.4362 HEAT 490708 OF 511815 (48)".
Figure 24. Ferrite contents of the 2304 duplex stainless steel tubes
(upper row) and the welds between the tubes and the
small diameter header (lower row) for body B.
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ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
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Figure 40. The thickness of the wall after removal of the SCC
below circumferential weld A6 in concentrator body A
was 19.62 mm.
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ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 47. View inside the top of evaporator effect E-2. The shell
and top head are type 304L stainless steel.
Figure 48. View inside the bottom of evaporator effect E-2. The
shell and bottom head are type 304L stainless steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 50. Stainless steel "China hat" above the liquor inlet in
evaporator effect E-3.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 52. There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top
head of evaporator effect E-4.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 53. View inside the bottom of evaporator effect E-4. The
wall and bottom head are carbon steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 55. Intact roof above the liquor entrance in the bottom of
evaporator effect E-4.
Figure 56. The thickness of the carbon steel divider around the
liquor inlet in evaporator effect E-4 was 10 mm..
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 58. There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top
head of evaporator effect E-5.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 59. The roof above the liquor inlet in the bottom of
evaporator effect E-5 had failed.
Figure 60. The roof above the liquor inlet in the bottom of
evaporator effect E-5 had failed.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 61. The remainder of the roof and the failed China hat
above the liquor inlet in evaporator effect E-5 fell to the
bottom inside the divider around the liquor inlet.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 63. View inside the bottom of evaporator effect E-5. The
wall and bottom head were carbon steel.
Figure 64. Failed rung from the bottom of evaporator effect E-5.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 66. There was no galvanic corrosion of the carbon steel top
head of evaporator effect E-6.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 68. View inside the bottom of evaporator effect E-5 before
the scaffolding was installed. The wall and bottom
head were carbon steel.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 69. Intact China hat above the liquor inlet in the bottom of
evaporator effect E-6.
Figure 70. The divider around the liquor inlet in evaporator effect
E-6 had thinned to 3 mm (from an original 10 mm?).
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 75. The carbon steel supports for the mist eliminator in
evaporator effect E-6 had evidence of thinning.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 81. View inside the bottom of evaporator effect E-7. The
wall and bottom head were carbon steel.
Figure 82. Intact China hat above the liquor inlet in the bottom of
evaporator effect E-7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 84. Carbon steel support and carbon steel drain pipe for
the mist eliminator in evaporator effect E-7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 85. "Carbuncles" covered the carbon steel walls above the
lower tubesheet of the surface condenser.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 88. Temporary leak management box for the external "half-
pipe" dilution header around the bottom of the Line 1
(pine) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 93. Closer view of a fatigue crack that caused the leak from
the external "half-pipe" dilution header around the
bottom of the Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 95. The upper weld on the "half-pipe" header did not fuse
completely through to the root side.
Figure 96. The lower weld on the "half-pipe" header did not fuse
completely through to the root side.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 97. New upper fillet weld made on the inside of the "half-
pipe" header.
Figure 98. New lower fillet weld made on the inside of the "half-
pipe" header.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 100. View of scraper arm "A" and the China hat in the
bottom of the Line 1 (pine) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 101. View of scraper arm "B" and the China hat in the
bottom of the Line 1 (pine) digester.
Figure 102. Scraper arm "A" in the bottom of the Line 1 (pine)
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 103. Eroded weld in the middle of the China hat in the
Line 1 (pine) digester, exposing the carbon steel
support underneath.
Figure 104. Carbon steel at the bottom of the China hat in the Line
1 (pine) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 105. Cracked stitch welds in the lower screens of the Line 1
(pine) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 107. PT of the external weld for a vapour injector at the top
of the Line 1 (pine) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 109. Wall of the Line 1 (pine) digester below the top
Figure 110. Upper part of the top separator screw in the Line 1
(pine) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 115. Carbon steel cover plate for a beam nozzle for the
Line 2 (eucalyptus) digester.
Figure 116. Interior view of the duplex stainless steel lining on the
inside of a carbon steel cover plate for the Line 2
(eucalyptus) digester.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 121. China hat and scraper arm in the bottom of the Line 1
(pine) impbin.
Figure 122. Bottom of the central pipe in the Line 1 (pine) impbin
after it was shortened by 1 m.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 123. Section of the interior central pipe removed from the
Line 1 (pine) impbin.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 125. China hat and scraper arm in the bottom of the Line 2
(eucalyptus) impbin.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 136. Corroded plug weld in the lining of side 2 vat in the
bottom of the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 137. Another corroded plug weld in the lining of side 2 vat
in the bottom of the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 141. Spacers installed (prior to lining) on the flap from side
1 of the Line 1 (pine) press 6.
Figure 142. Lining installed on the side 2 flap from the Line 1
(pine) press 4.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 143. Pitting corrosion of the edge of the side 2 flap from
the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
Figure 144. Closer view of pitting corrosion of the edge of the side
2 flap from the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 145. Pitting corrosion of the frame for the flap on side 2 of
the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
Figure 146. Closer view of pitting corrosion of the frame for the
flap on side 2 of the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 147. Corrosion product leaking from bolt holes for a cover
plate on side 1 of the Line 1 (pine) press 7.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 159. Leaks in the duplex stainless steel pipe between the
heat exchanger and the Line 1 (pine) press 5
Figure 160. Leaks in the duplex stainless steel pipe between the
heat exchanger and the Line 1 (pine) press 5
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
Figure 164. Leaking plate removed from the Line 1 (pine) white
water tank 572-22-1155.
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010
ANGELA WENSLEY Corrosion Inspections During the General Plant Shutdown
E N G I N E E R I N G at Nueva Aldea – March 2010