BizBulletin February 3issue 2019 PDF
BizBulletin February 3issue 2019 PDF
BizBulletin February 3issue 2019 PDF
w w w. b b u l le t i n . c o . z a
Once is mistake, twice is a coinci- This is an entrepreneurial publica-
Isaac Mavuso Publishing Editor
and influencing the economy, as what you liked and what you would
dent and thrice is a commitment tion aimed for you our township well as to know what is happen- love to see in the future. Please sign
and a mark we are here to stay. hustler, a dreamer and the hopeful ing in relation to entrepreneurial up to receive the electronic version
This is our third instalment of our lover of entrepreneurship. The pub- events, support, motivation and de- of the publication on your smart
publication. The joy it brings us to lication seeks to provide township velopment gadgets.
be your newspaper of choice for entrepreneurs with relevant and l www.isaac-
your entrepreneurial news fit for compelling business content and a We would love to hear from you, engage with us on
you. glimpse on the issues impacting comments about the publication social media.
a book.
last resort and a need that is essen-
With every publication we are going tially an engagement you must have
to suggest and introduce a book to win even before you get in to battle. | | 081 571 1658 buy and read for the month. We in- The book was a guide for generals
vite you to read one book a month and war leaders, but its relevance
BizBulletin is compiled by the BizBulleting Team, Edited and Published by Isaac Mavuso. Layout and design by and start building your library. The comes down to individuals, groups
Jemito Khoza. Contributor Marang Marekimane Found of Business Process Machenics books we are going to share are and businesses. It is a must have
books treasures and a must read and share.
A business is a multi-dimen- recognise them as such – EXCUSES.
It is only the greatest compelling
3.SERVICE OR PRODUCT This will inspire you and awake your
creative spirit because your work
Successful businesses develop sys-
tems and later make it a template
sional journey that demands
WHY that will propel you to great- pays. for growth.
for a dynamic individual who ness and secure you a spot at the # What is your solution, how
is a visionary, pregnant with table of EXCELLENCE where the are you planning to solve people’s 5.BUILD SYSTEMS 6.TALK IS VERY CHEAP
the spirit of I CAN and filled greatest commodity is the level of problems? Well in business you will
with POSSIBLILITIES. There influence you have or is assumed only be doing one of the two or # Running a business is one # What ever your dreams
are, things one needs to con- you have. What is YOUR WHY? both for some, 1. Service thing and building a successful busi- and aspirations are, however good
2. Product. The question is are you ness is about systems. Many busi- your plans are means absolutely
sider and remember when providing a SERVICE or a PRODUCT? nesses fail not because their idea nothing if they are not brought to
they choose or are chosen 2.SOLVE PROBLEMS FOR CASH It could be both. was bad, but they ran a business life and for that you need action –
to pursue entrepreneurship. with-out systems. Business needs whether you work hard or smart
Here are some of the things order and your job is to manage and it does not really matter the only
to consider and remember. # Business is simple, it is 4.GOAL IS GETTING PAID to enhance this order. thing that matters is results, does
about people – people have needs, you action yield results and desired
1.THE WHY problems, pains and aspiration. # Many businesses owners It’s about your product or service results for that matter.
At any given time, people have an are hoping to get paid and that be- the cost, packaging, how does it get Remember excuses in most cases
# At the heart of every busi- itch and this itch needs a form of a comes an uphill struggle to realise to customers, customer experience justify poor performance, while re-
ness there lies a BIG WHY, the pur- scratch. So, if you want to empower for some reason, those who employ and how transactions are made as sults celebrate power performance.
pose of it all, the reason you will your WHY you must establish your make it a point to pay staff but not well as managing the revenue all No-competition just DEDICATED
choose wake-up in the coldest win- opportunity and needs you want to themselves. the way to dealing with suppliers. DRIVEN RESULT ORIENTATED PER-
ter morning and over-ride all the fulfil for people and be paid for it. Paying yourself must be a priority Remember success is not a random FOMANCE.
excuses you could have and and it must be standard wage. thing it is deliberate. << ACTION >>
Themba Nkuna with the beautiful ladies of Palesa Pads, a reusable sanitary pad, a stride towards healthy and
uninterrupted schooling for girls.
National Development Agency conducting a workshop an assesment workshop for organisations lead by elderly people and people living with disability organised by Laurancia Morweni from
Health and Social Development. Community Directorate in Katlehong
Pule Moloi founder of Bokamoso Foundation hosted the prayer for Cancer Survivors and remembered those who died
Charities for Change different Organisations present what they do and how they impact the world one person at a time.
On the Horizon Business Indaba in Santon hosted by the University of Stellebosch Business School
As entrepreneurs, most of our they are also very costly. You might People are willing to meet when On the day of the meeting, respect PARTNERSHIP – much like a cus-
efforts are geared towards meet- not see the actual cost per meeting they know they can assist. This the time limit. tomer would like to know “why buy
ing the right people – the Deci- because it’s accepted as part of our means you must know what you from you and not the competitor”,
sion-maker. Someone that can in- sales process. The logic is the sale want. SUBMITTING PROPOSALS decision-makers want to know why
vest their resources, elevating you makes up for the expense. Truth is, When requesting a meeting, in- Bear in mind, “who asked you to you chose them to work with. This is
to the next level. Customers invest you don’t always make the sale, so clude some sort of an agenda. Be- send the proposal?”. where you show off how much you
by purchasing. Some offer finan- some of it is a loss. yond informing the next person understand of their mandate or the
cial investment, while others offer what you want to discuss, it helps You can get away with a lot if some- business objectives. Help them do
their skills to work for or with you. Here are some tips to avoid wasting them decide: one asked you to submit a proposal. their work and you have a deal;
Then there’s social capital – that time and money. • Is the meeting necessary If you’re shooting in the dark, you’ve
opens doors for you to meet all MEET THE DECISION-MAKER – some things can be answered via got to be clear on the following: • Social capital is as finan-
the others. Do some research on the compa- email or a quick phone call; cial. This does not change the need
nies and people you want to work • Are they the right person • What do you want to for some sort of synergy to get buy-
“These are all influential people. with. The more you know, the easier to speak to – especially if you’re en- achieve? – if this isn’t clear, it cre- in.
Don’t waste their time” it is to foster a relationship. gaging with a large corporation. It ates the impression that the meet- The less guessing on how to work
may also influence who else needs ing will be a brainstorming session; with you, the more likely they are to
While face-to-face meetings are im- MEETING REQUESTS to join that meeting; • Why THIS PARTICULAR agree to work with you.
portant to build relationships,
… W I N E
P R O M O T-
S U P P O R T-
Fellow Hustlers and lovers of Entrepreneurship we know you are always out and about doing entrepreneurhip things and gathering, and we also know you capture the moments with your
nice gadgets. We have a two page on our newspaper dedicated to sharing those captured moments. All you have to do is send in your higher resolution pictures with a nit of detail about
where, what was happenig and who’s CAPTURED... in the picture of course. Send them to
Growing a business demands Construction is the process of con- bottom line or profitability of the and what the potential customer some people will buy something
an intentional and dedicated structing a building or infrastruc- operation by minimizing costs. drives, that is robbery. they don’t need but will buy be-
ture. i.e. a house. WIKIPEDIA cause it is a good bargain. Your buy
effort driven by the business 3. ADVERTISED AND PRO- one and get one free. It is all about
owner. Entrepreneurs and Growing the business is on the oth- 1. OPPORTUNITY: MOTION being creative.
business owner must also er hand is about the exploitation (in
understand as well as dis- a good way) of the existing custom- a. To grow your business, you a. The growth and devel- 5. LOCALIZE YOUR PROMO-
tinguish the difference be- ers, for example introducing a new need to establish if there is a need opment of technology has made TION
product and or encourage custom- or a market to exploit and looking it super interesting to finding and
tween building and growing ers to buy more, you buy two get at the size of the market, timing and persuading customers to buy. Yet a a. Over the year’s technology
a business. one free. the duration to which you can take customer could be sitting at home has made it possible for a business
advantage of the opportunity. yet be part of a bigger community to promote and sell their products
What is the difference between DEFINITION: The process of im- of people with the same interest and services to a specific market,
Building and Growing? As an en- proving some measure of an enter- 2. PLANNING: yet have never met at the same those who are interested thanks
trepreneur this must be as clear as prise’s success. time are friends. So, the question is to the technology and algorithms
day from night. Building is about Business growth can be achieved a. An important part of which media platforms you can find we don’t need to understand but
establishing and making sure the either by boosting the top line or growing a business. You never wake the customers. will for you. think of face book you
business is grounded with estab- revenue of the business with great- up and just decide you want to grow 4. IRRESISTIBLE OFFER: can choose who can see you advert
lished clients. The Wikipedia use the er product sales or service income, and exploit the market. There are “Targeted advertising.”
definition from a construction view. or by increasing the people who “somaar” decide to in- a. Customers love and enjoy Go get them tiger…
DIFFINITION: crease prices based on the looks a good bargain it is for this reason BBTeam