ACCURA 3700: High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

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Energy Solution for Human & Nature

High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter
Installed at multiple locations within a facility
Actually makes possible enterprise energy management

Revision 1.12[English]
Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Power Disturbances/
Trend of Lightning occurred for the Last 10 Years

Especially the last 10 years, lighting occurs, average 132 days, 190 

days in 2007. Lightning strikes directly the power quality problems  
as the main factor of the power disturbances in a facility.  
[Source] Korea Meterological Agency, “Report of Lightning in 2011” EBZT


Average Cost per Outage by Line of Business $VSSFODZ 


The line of continuous process manufacturing has much more

greater than that of the others. Below is based on the case of
united states.
[Source] EPRI, “The Cost of Power Disturbances to Industrial & Digital Economy Companies”

* Recloser events consist of a one-second outage followed, a few seconds later, by another  
one-second outage. and the events are relatively common and result when one or more
automated switches in the distribution system try to interrupt an electrical fault by
opening, interrupting electrical current, and then quickly reclosing in the hope that the  
fault will cease or “self-clear.” If the fault does not self-clear after two or three switch
opening/closing cycles[the recloser event], the reclosers lock open and must be manually

Power Quality Problems by Line of Business
Each of lines of business showed a similar distribution by average

8.3 per year. Below is based on the case of united states.

[Source] EPRI, “The Cost of Power Disturbances to Industrial & Digital Economy Companies”

** Data, communication, electrical manufacturing,
Digital Economy
Continuous process manufacturing Steel, semiconductor, chemical, oil

Fabrication and essential services Water, waste water, gas

/POF _ _ _ 

Harmonic Management 6OJU 

Many nations have the planning or actual enforcement on harmonic  

management[regulation] which is mainly based on IEC61000-3-6.




Advent of the Power Quality Era in 0.2% Reading/IEC62053-22 Class 0.2S True RMS Measuring
Switchgear Panel Accuracy

In switchgear panel, various power quality Recently enterprise energy management Accura 3700 is capable of exceptionally
problems such as Dip[Sag]/Swell frequently system is essential for effective energy use accurate measurement of highly nonlinear
occur, which are caused by power supply, and preventive maintenance to prepare CO2 loads. A high-level sampling technique
power equipment, and load condition. Energy emission management in plant, data center enables 128 sampling /cycle true-rms
management supervisor determines the and building. The key factor to determine measurement.
cause by power quality analysis, and then reliability of the energy management is
makes appropriate preventive measures or measuring accuracy. Accura 3700 makes
post-measures. 0.2% high accuracy measurements for
voltage and current , and conforms to
IEC62053-22 class 0.2 for power and energy.

Dip[Sag]/Swell[IEC61000-4-30 Class Maximum/Minimum/Average within CE/UL Safety and Reliability

B], Power Quality Aggregation Interval

Accura 3700 provides a variety of power Accura 3700 provides statistical information The structure-framework, circuit, fire-
quality such as Dip[Sag], Swell, Harmonics[up such as maximum, minimum, and average of Accura 3700 conforms to standard,
to 63rd], Crest factor, K factor, and Unbalance. of voltage, current , and power within C E [ E N 61 32 6 -1 , E N 61 32 6 -2-1 ] a n d
This makes it possible to precisely analyze aggregation interval on communication. UL[UL61010-1, 2nd edition]..
and diagnose various problems with This includes information that measurement
energy management and power facilities. parameters instantaneously fluctuate, which
the measuring method of power quality makes it possible to precisely analyze the
information conforms to IEC61000-4-30 power quality trend of voltage, current, and
Class B. power.

Easy Adding of Modules

Easy adding of modules to the rear side

of meter provides customized extension
of function to flexibly meet a variety of
applications. Accura 3700 has a variety of
modules such as digital input/output, digital
input, digital output, analog input, analog
output, analog /pulse output, RTP input,
leakage current measuring and DC measuring.
The modules can be added up to three
regardless of order, and the same module can
be selected.
Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Enterprise Energy Management System

Enterprise Energy Management

Accura 3700 is installed at switchgear panel

and Accura 2300/2350 at distribution panel
within a facility. The meters provide power
quality information essential for energy
management. Accura 3700 truly makes
it possible to realize enterprise energy
management together with Accura 2300/2350.

Preventive or Post Measures on

Management of Power Equipment

Accura 3700 provides power quality

information which enables management of
energy use, power facility operation and high
efficiency device analysis. This presents an
energy management supervisor the analytic
criterion on both energy use and power
quality, which makes it possible to establish
appropriate preventive or post measures.

Reliable Energy Management

Energy management gives a variety of

managements such as power quality, cost
cur tailment, demand, power equipment
replacement, and energy planning.
Accura 3700 makes 0.2% high accuracy
measurements for voltage and current, and
conforms to IEC62053-22 class 0.2 for power
and energy. This makes it possible to precisely
analyze and diagnose various problems with
energy management and power facilities.




Semiconductor 1BOF



Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Accura 3700 makes 0.2% high accuracy measurements for voltage and current, and conforms to IEC62053-
22 class 0.2 for power and energy. This makes it possible to precisely analyze and diagnose various
problems with energy management and power facilities. Accura 3700 provides a variety of information
such as Dip[Sag]/Swell, harmonics[up to 63rd], Crest factor, K factor, and Unbalance, which is essential for
management of switchgear panel. And at the time of events[dip, swell] generated, the backlight color on
Accura 3700 LCD changes from gray to orange.

Display Mode

Voltage/current/power/energy Current Demand Dip alarm[Backlight orange color]

kWh net[kWh received - kWh delivered] kWh received kWh delivered kWh sum[kWh received + kWh delivered]

Event Mode

Dip Start Event Log Dip End Event Log Swell Start Event Log Swell End Event Log





Accura 3700 Digital Power Quality Meter

Accuracy Parameter

Voltage line to neutral

Display Range

0.0 ~ 9999V, kV

±0.2% Reading

Voltage line to line 0.0 ~ 9999V, kV ±0.2% Reading

Current Ia, Ib, Ic 0.000 ~ 9999A, kA ±0.2% Reading

In 0.000 ~ 9999A, kA ±0.2% Full scale

Power Active 0.000 ~ ±9999kW, MW Class 0.2S 1

Reactive 0.000 ~ ±9999kVar, MVar Class 0.2S

Apparent 0.000 ~ 9999kVA, MVA Class 0.2S

Energy Active 0 ~ ±999,999,999kWh Class 0.2S

Reactive 0 ~ ±999,999,999kVarh Class 0.2S

Apparent 0 ~ 999,999,999kVAh Class 0.2S

Demand Power 0.000 ~ ±9999kW, MW Class 0.2S

Current 0.000 ~ 9999A, kA ±0.2% Reading

Frequency 42 ~ 69Hz ±10mHz

Power Factor 0.000 ~ 1.000 LEAD/LAG ±0.5% Full scale

THD Voltage 0.0 ~ 999.9% ±0.5% Full scale

Current 0.0 ~ 999.9% ±0.5% Full scale

TDD Current 0.0 ~ 999.9% ±0.5% Full scale

Crest factor 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

K factor 2 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

1. Means IEC62053-22 Class 0.2S.

2. Not displayed on LCD screen of Accura 3700. It is available only on communication.

Accura 3700 Module

Parameter Display Range Accuracy

Analog Input 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

Analog Output 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

RTD Input[displayed as temperature] 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

Leakage Current Input 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

DC Voltage Input 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

DC Current Input 0.0 ~ 999.9 ±0.5% Full scale

Power Quality
Item Standard Condition Accuracy

Voltage Dip[Sag]/Swell IEC61000-4-30 Class B Half-cycle moving ±0.5% Full scale

1 rd
Voltage/Current THD IEC61000-4-7 Up to 63 harmonic ±0.5% Full scale

Current TDD 2 IEC61000-4-7 Up to 63rd harmonic ±0.5% Full scale

Voltage/current unbalance IEC61000-4-30 Class B, NEMA MG1 ±0.5% Full scale

Vector diagram 3 ±0.5% Full scale


1. THD[Total harmonic distortion], Voltage THD: V L , Current THD: I L



2. TDD[Total demand distortion], Current TDD: I L


Where I - can be current rating chosen only on communication between current
rating[default] and peak demand current.
3. Not displayed on LCD screen of Accura 3700. It is available only on communication.
Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Accura 3700 has a variety of modules. The modules can be added up to three regardless of order,
and the same module can be selected. But AO module can be added up to two.

Input/Output Device


Accura 3700 DIO module


Digital input 8 channels, digital output 2 channels

Channel Accura 3700 DI module

Accura 3700 DO module

Digital input 12 channels

Digital output 6 channels

Accura 3700 AI module Analog input 6 channels

Accura 3700 AO module Analog output 6 channels

Accura 3700 A4D2 module Analog output 4 channels, pulse output 2 channels

Accura 3700 A2D4 module Analog output 2 channels, pulse output 4 channels

Accura 3700 RTD module RTD input 3 channels

Accura 3700 ELD module Leakage current input 6 channels, digital output 1 channel

Accura 3700 DC module DC voltage input 1 channel, DC current input 2 channels

Digital input 4 channels, digital output 1 channel

Accura 3700 has two ethernet ports[bridge] which enable network connection by direct STP/SFTP
cabling between two meters without hubs. Accura 3700 has a separate RS485 port.

Communication Port[Port Name] Specification

Ethernet 2 port[Ethernet1, Ethernet2] Modbus TCP protocol

100 Base-TX [100Mbps/ Full Duplex]

Ethernet-switching 1, RSTP[Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol]

Star, Daisy-Chain 2, Ring Connection

RS485 1 port[Ta, Tb] Modbus RTU protocol

1200 ~ 115,200bps

1. Ethernet-switching enables network connection between two Accura 3700s

2. Can connect maximum 20 Accura 3700s


Step 1
Panel Mounting 90mm
92mm x 92mm
[3.62" x 3.62"]
The position of tightening screws ф5mm
diagonally is different according [ф0.2"]
to the type of installation, ANSI
4” or DIN96. ф102mm
2 90mm
1 1



Step 2
Adding Module
Modules can be added up to three regardless of order, and the same
module can be selected. But AO module can be added up to two.

- Example


Accura 3700 Accura 3700 Accura 3700 Accura 3700

+ + +
DIO Module DIO Module DIO Module
+ +
AI Module DI Module
AI Module

Step 3
Ethernet 4X
Accura 3700 Communication JOH

Accura 3700 has two ethernet ports[bridge] SL
which enables network connection just by
direct STP/SFTP cabling between two meters
without hubs. Accura 3700 has a separate Ring connection, RSTP** support
Ethernet cable
RS485 port. Maximum 100M

* STP[Shielded Twisted Pair]

SFTP[Screened Foiled Twisted Pair]
** RSTP[Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol] Daisy-chain can connect maximum 20 Accura 3700s
*** Shielded Twisted Pair 1P or 2P[UL2919 recommended]

4X 4X
Ethernet/RS485 Converter
RS485 Cable***

Maximum 32 Accura 3700s can be connected per bus

Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Accura 3700 Digital Power Quality Meter

Feature Accura 3700 makes 0.2% high accuracy measurements for voltage and current, and conforms to IEC62053-22 class
0.2 for power and energy. And Accura 3700 provides a variety of information such as Dip[Sag]/Swell, harmonics[up
to 63rd], Crest factor, K factor, and Unbalance, which is essential for management of switchgear panel.

Realtime measurement
Sampling/cycle 128
Commercial frequency 50/60Hz
True RMS measurement
Voltage, current, power, power factor
Accura 3700 Frequency 42 ~ 69Hz
Neutral current[In]
Demand, peak demand, predicted demand 1, 2
Maximum, minimum
Maximum 2, minimum 2, average 2 within aggregation interval 3
4 Quadrant energy
kWh/kVarh received, kWh/kVarh delivered IEC62053-22 Class 0.2S
kWh/kVarh net[kWh/kVarh received - kWh/kVarh delivered] IEC62053-22 Class 0.2S
kWh/kVarh sum[kWh/kVarh received + kWh/kVarh delivered] IEC62053-22 Class 0.2S
Power Quality
Harmonics Up to 63rd harmonic
Voltage/Current THD 4, Current TDD 5 Up to 63rd harmonic
6, 2 7, 2
Crest factor , K factor
Dip[Sag], Swell IEC61000-4-30 Class B
Unbalance[voltage, current] 2 IEC61000-4-30 Class B, NEMA MG1
Vector diagram
Harmonic graph[voltage, current] 2
Oscilloscope 2
Demand trend 2
Dip[Sag]/Swell event detection period Half-cycle moving 1-cycle RMS Measuring
Digital input, analog input event detection period 1msec
Number of event logs Maximum 1,000
Adding Module[Option]
Adding of modules to rear side of meter Maximum 3 modules
Atmosphere temperature inside panel 9 1 sensor
Ethernet[Bridge, Modbus TCP protocol] 10, 11 2 port[Ethernet1, Ethernet2]
RS485[Modbus RTU protocol] 10 1 port[Ta, Tb]
UL certification UL61010-1 2nd edition
CE certification EN61326-1, EN61326-2-1
AC power AC 85 ~ 265V
DC power DC 100 ~ 300V

1. Predicted demand is calculated by assuming that present power is equal to power of the time remaining in the demand interval.
2. Accura 3700 is not displayed on LCD screen of Accura 3700. It is available only on communication. V QFBL k  I L
6. Crest factor: , 7. K factor: 
3. Accura 3700 provides statistical information such as maximum, minimum, and average of voltage, current, and power within V SNT I L
aggregation interval. This includes information that measurement parameters instantaneously fluctuate, which makes it possible to L

precisely analyze the power quality trend of voltage, current, and power.
8. It is available only when adding a module when adding modules
having input channels.
4. THD[Total harmonic distortion], Voltage THD:
V L , Current THD: I L
L L 9. It is not for firewatching, but for reference only. A temp sensor is
V I mounted on the side of Accura 3700.
 10. for communication with Energy Management Software.
5. TDD[Total demand distortion]. Current TDD: I L 11. Bridge enables network connection between two Accura 3700s
without switching hubs.
Where I - can be current rating, which is chosen only on communication between current rating[default] and peak demand current.

Accura 3700 Module

Accura 3700 has a variety of modules such as digital input/output, digital input, digital output, analog input, analog output, analog/pulse output,
RTP input, leakage current measuring and DC measuring. The modules can be added up to three regardless of order, and the same module can be
selected. But AO module can be added up to two.

Model Channel Specification

Accura 3700 DIO module Digital input 8 channels Dry contact, redundancy

Digital output 2 channels AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]

Accura 3700 DI module Digital input 12 channels Dry contact, redundancy

Accura 3700 DO module Digital output 6 channels AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]
Accura 3700 DIO module
Accura 3700 AI module Analog input 6 channels DC 0 ~ 20mA

Accura 3700 AO module Analog output 6 channels DC 4 ~ 20mA

Accura 3700 A4D2 module Analog output 4 channels DC 4 ~ 20mA

Pulse output 2 channels AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]

Accura 3700 DI module Accura 3700 A2D4 module Analog output 2 channels DC 4 ~ 20mA

Pulse output 4 channels AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]

Accura 3700 RTD module RTD input 3 channels PT100, JPT100

Accura 3700 ELD module Leakage current input 6 channels AC 0 ~ 2,000mA

Digital output 1 channel AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]

Accura 3700 DO module
Accura 3700 DC module DC voltage input 1 channel 0 ~ 200V

DC current input 2 channels ±100mV[Shunt required]

Digital input 4 channels Dry contact, redundancy

Digital output 1 channel AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]

Accura 3700 AI module Operation

Digital input detection period 1msec

Analog input detection period 1msec

Analog output control period 200msec

Accura 3700 AO module UL certification UL61010-1 2nd edition

CE certification EN61326-1, EN61326-2-1

Power Supplied from Accura 3700

Accura 3700 A4D2 module

Accura 3700 A2D4 module

Accura 3700 RTD module

Accura 3700 ELD module

Accura 3700 DC module

Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Accura 3700 Digital Power Quality Meter

Specification Voltage Input

Measuring range AC 60 ~ 500V direct L-L[Line to Line]
Pickup AC 5V direct L-N[Line to Neutral]
Maximum rating 1.1 x max of measuring range
Frequency range 42 ~ 69Hz
Burden 0.02VA/phase @ 220V
Withstand AC 2,000V RMS, 60Hz 1minute
Impedance 3MΩ/phase
Wiring Three phase 4 wires/3 wires, single phase 3 wires/2 wires
Current Input
Rating 5A nominal/10A full scale 3 ~
Calibration range 50mA ~ 10A[phase current]
Burden Maximum 0.02VA/phase @ 10A
Pickup 5mA
Power Supply
Rating AC 85 ~ 265V 50/60Hz, DC 100 ~ 300V
Power Accura 3700 2.5W
Accura 3700 DIO module 0.5W
Accura 3700 DI module 0.5W
Accura 3700 DO module 0.5W
Accura 3700 AI module 0.6W
Accura 3700 AO module 3.3W
Accura 3700 A4D2 module 2.5W
Accura 3700 A2D4 module 1.7W
Accura 3700 RTD module 1.0W
Accura 3700 ELD module 0.6W
Accura 3700 DC module 1.0W
Weight Accura 3700 510g
Accura 3700 module 110g
Operating temp -20 ~ 70℃[-4℉ ~ 158℉]
Safety temp 1 -20 ~ 65℃[-4℉ ~ 149℉]
Storage temp -40 ~ 85℃[-40℉ ~ 185℉]
Operating humidity 5% ~ 95%, non condensing
1. Conforms to UL61010-1 2nd.

Accura 3700 Module

Division Type Description
Digital Input Dry contact Minimum pulse width: 10 sec
Isolation: maximum 300V
Rating: DC 5V[Self excitation]
Digital output PhotoMOS relays[Form A relay] AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]
Isolation: AC 2,500V for 1 minute
Output Latch mode
Pulse mod Minimum pulse width: 10msec
Analog Input 0 ~ 20mA, DC current
Analog Output 4 ~ 20mA, DC current
Pulse Output PhotoMOS relays[Form A relay] AC/DC 400V 350mA[max 1A]
Isolation: AC 2,500V for 1 minute
Minimum pulse width: 10msec
Minimum pulse period: 20msec
RTD Input PT100, JPT100
2, 3, 4 Wire
ZCT rating
Leakage Current Input Voltage-type ZCT[Zero current transformer]
[Primary 200mA/ Secondary 100mV @ 1.2kΩ] 1
DC Voltage Input Measuring range[accuracy guaranteed]: 0 ~ 200V
Pickup: 20V
DC Current Input Rectifier output current 0 ~ 100mV[Shunt required]
Battery current 0 ~ 100mV[Shunt required]
1. Contact rootech about outside of ZCT rating.

Standard Accuracy

IEC62053-22 Class 0.2S Electricity Meter Equipment

Compliance Power Quality

IEC61000-4-30 Class B Voltage Dip/Swell


UL61010-1 2nd edition[IEC61010] Safety requirements for electrical equipment


IEC61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge[ESD]

IEC61000-4-3 EM Field

IEC61000-4-4 Electric Fast Transient

IEC61000-4-5 Surge Immunity

IEC61000-4-6 Conducted Radio Frequency Common Mode

IEC61000-4-8 Rated Power Frequency Magnetic Field

IEC61000-4-11 Voltage Dip/Short Interruptions


UL61010-1 2nd edition UL mark

EN61326-1, EN61326-2-1 CE mark

ISO 9001:2008[QMS-1347] ISO 9001


Warranty 2 years

Accura 3700 makes 0.2% high accuracy measurements for voltage and current, and conforms to
IEC62053-22 class 0.2 for power and energy. Accura 3700 provides a variety of information such
as Dip[Sag]/Swell, harmonics[up to 63rd], Crest factor, K factor, and Unbalance, which is essential for
Information management of switchgear panel. And Accura 3700 has a variety of modules. The modules can be added
up to three regardless of order, and the same module can be selected.

Device Model Description

Digital Power Quality
Accura 3700 Voltage/current/power

harmonics[up to 63rd], unbalance

Crest factor, K factor

Ethernet[Bridge] 1


Atmosphere temperature inside panel 2

Module Accura 3700 DIO module Digital input 8 channels, digital output 2 channels

Accura 3700 DI module Digital input 12 channels

Accura 3700 DO module Digital output 6 channels

Accura 3700 AI module Analog input 6 channels

Accura 3700 AO module Analog output 6 channels

Accura 3700 A4D2 module Analog output 4 channels, pulse output 2 channels

Accura 3700 A2D4 module Analog output 2 channels, pulse output 4 channels

Accura 3700 RTD module RTD input 3 channels

Accura 3700 ELD module Leakage current input 6 channels, digital output 1 channel

Accura 3700 DC module DC voltage input 1 channel, DC current input 2 channels

Digital input 4 channels, digital output 1 channel

1. for communication with Energy Management Software. Bridge enables network connection between two Accura 3700s
without switching hubs.
2. It is not for firewatching, but for reference only. A temp sensor is mounted on the side of Accura 3700.
Accura 3700 / High Accuracy Digital Power Quality Meter

Accura 3700 Digital Power Quality Meter

Accura 3700 Accura 3700 Rear

Accura 3700 Module

Accura 3700 DIO module Accura 3700 DI module Accura 3700 DO module

Accura 3700 AI module Accura 3700 AO module

Accura 3700 A4D2 module Accura 3700 A2D4 module

Accura 3700 RTD module Accura 3700 ELD module Accura 3700 DC module

Accura 3700 Digital Power Quality Meter
126.3mm 96mm 77.4mm
[4.97"] [3.77"] [3.04"]



Front Rear Side

Accura 3700 Adding Module

85.4mm 109.3mm 133.3mm
[3.36"] [4.30"] [5.24"]

Accura 3700 Module

86.2mm 26.9mm
[3.39"] [1.05"]


Rear Side

brand creates
new value for energy measuring and control
Rootech provides a total solution of
electrical energy which covers both
of high accuracy measurements and
customer oriented contents.

Rootech has goals for pursuing

happiness of human and nature on
the basis of rightly understanding
electrical energy.

Rootech, Inc.
102-611 Digital Empire2,
88, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Tel. +82_31_695_7350 Fax. +82_31_695_7399

Accura 2300S/2350, Accura 2700/2750, Accura 3000, Accura 3300S/3300, Accura 3500S/3500, Accura 3550S/3550, Accura 3700, Accura 5500,
Accura 7500 are trademarks of Rootech Inc. Contact rootech for detailed specifications and order information. Information contained herein is
subject to change without notice. Copyrightⓒ2012 Rootech Inc. Printed In Korea

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