SITXFSA001 Assessment C2 Part A Practical Demo V1-0
SITXFSA001 Assessment C2 Part A Practical Demo V1-0
SITXFSA001 Assessment C2 Part A Practical Demo V1-0
Your assessor will do the following.
Observe you 3 times in an operational food preparation area using a range of safe food handling practices.
Use the checklist to observe you using a range of skills/tasks.
Observe you over a period of time while you learn and use various skills/tasks.
Ensure that you can consistently perform all tasks multiple times satisfactorily.
Decide when you are competent at all tasks.
Observable skills/tasks Answer the following questions. Your assessor may ask
you a selection of the following questions to support the
demonstration of a skill or task (Questions may vary
according to the practical task being demonstrated)
Demonstrates use of safe food handling Q1: What are two organisational hygiene procedures you
practices in food handling work functions on must follow as part of your normal job role?
at least three occasions.
1.Cleaning and Sanitizing to avoid food contamination.
2.Use gloves to touch food or ingredients. After touch
raw food make sure you change the gloves or if touch by
bare hand make sure you wash and sanitize hand
especially when you handle fish or meat.
Follows organisational hygiene procedures Q3: Why must you follow organisational hygiene
when demonstrating safe food handling procedures?
We should follow organisational hygiene procedures to
ensure that the food we make is safe to eat. Poor
hygiene practice can be harmful not only for the
customer who consume those food but also for those
who are involved in handling, preparing and making
those food.
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Observable skills/tasks Answer the following questions. Your assessor may ask
you a selection of the following questions to support the
demonstration of a skill or task (Questions may vary
according to the practical task being demonstrated)
Uses appropriate communication methods Q6: Who do you report unsafe practices and breaches of
to report unsafe practices and breaches of hygiene procedures to?
hygiene procedures.
For any kind of unsafe practices and breaches of hygiene
Procedures we should report or inform to the Head Chef
or in charge of the Kitchen or Restaurant Manager.
Correctly identifies food hazards that may Q9: Explain how the HACCP system of identifying and
affect the health and safety of self and controlling food hazards helps your business.
Q10: How can pests and vermin contaminate food?
Pests and Vermin can contaminate food through
Removes or minimises, and reports, Q13: How can you remove or minimise the risk of
hygiene hazards. contamination from pests and vermin?
1.By using Insecticides or doing regular pest control in
the kitchen.
2.Keep kitchen neat and tidy so that they can’t attract
pest and vermin to grow their numbers.
Q14: What are two methods you can use to kill or reduce
the level of pathogenic bacteria in food?
Follows correct organisational procedures to Q16: What should you do if you have an infectious
report personal health issues that could disease that may contaminate food?
cause a hygiene risk.
If I have Infectious disease without delay I have to Inform
my Head chef or Kitchen In charge so that he or she
can send me to sick leave or rest until get well as no food
Industry worker specially kitchen worker’s are not
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Observable skills/tasks Answer the following questions. Your assessor may ask
you a selection of the following questions to support the
demonstration of a skill or task (Questions may vary
according to the practical task being demonstrated)
allowed to handle food when they have any infectious
disease, because for little unconsciousness this disease
can attack other people’s body through food or by touch,
breath, blood, as well as cough and saliva.
Accurately reports incidents of food Q19: What must you do if you think food has become
contamination resulting from personal contaminated due to personal health issues?
health issues.
You Can’t use the food anymore which has contaminated
due to health issue. You inform your supervisor and with
his permission through in the bin. If you use any food
contaminated through health issue that will definitely
make customer sick as a result not allowed to serve.
Ceases participation in food handling Q21: In what health-related situations must you stop any
activities where own health may cause food food handling activities?
In case of Infectious Disease. You can’t continue work in
the kitchen as food handler until get well when you have
any infectious disease. You must go to sick leave or rest
with the approval of your supervisor or head chef.
Consistently demonstrates techniques to Q23: Why should you wear an apron when preparing or
prevent food contamination from: handling food?
clothing and other items
unhygienic personal contact.
Apron work as a Safeguard for food handler from
Disease, Dirt and Heat.
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Observable skills/tasks Answer the following questions. Your assessor may ask
you a selection of the following questions to support the
demonstration of a skill or task (Questions may vary
according to the practical task being demonstrated)
Prevents unnecessary contact with ready- Q26: Why is it important to limit contact with ready-to-eat
to-eat food. foods?
The more we have contact with read-to-eat food the
more possibility to get contaminated by touch or by other
way, so food handler should try to limit contact with
ready-to-eat foods to keep it safer and more fresh.
Clean Chopping board immediately After use and food
contact surfaces such as service bench should be
properly clean and sanitize while get messy or dirty or
after every use.
Uses hygienic cleaning practices to prevent Q30: Describe how you hygienically clean an item of
food-borne illnesses. equipment you use to prepare food items.
Make sure you don’t mix one food with another one, use
separate container and utensils for different food, and
different proportion.
Consistently demonstrates correct hand- Q32: When should you wash your hands? Give at least
washing technique and uses the correct three examples.
1. After touching Raw meat and fish by bear hand or
without gloves.
2. After Using Toilet.
3. After using chemicals/Insecticides
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Observable skills/tasks Answer the following questions. Your assessor may ask
you a selection of the following questions to support the
demonstration of a skill or task (Questions may vary
according to the practical task being demonstrated)
Q33: What equipment and facilities do you need to wash
your hands correctly?
1.Sink and water.
2.Hand soap.
3.Towel to dry up hand or hand dryer.
4. Sanitizer.
Interprets documents or diagrams that Q34: Choose a document or diagram relating to food
relate to food safety programs, food safety safety. Explain what hazard the document or diagram
and hygiene procedures and HACCP relates to or how the information contained within it is
practices. applied in your workplace or training organisation.
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