Sitxfsa002, Sitxinv002 - Written Assessment v2

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Student name:
Assessor name:

Qualification: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Unit of competency SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices

CLUSTER SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items
The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Has the student completed adequate training? Yes No

Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No

Does the student understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes No

Have the student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes No
Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment? Yes No

The following documents may be completed and attached: Comments:

☒ Written Assessment

The student will answer a range of multiple choice,

short answer and/or extended response questions. S NYS

☐ Practical Observation / Demonstration

The student will demonstrate a range of skills and

the assessor will observe where appropriate to the
unit. The Observation Checklist will be completed by
the assessor.

 I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks.

The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to

me and I understand these processes.
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged

or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment.


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Qualification: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices
Unit of Competency: SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items
Assessment 1 Written Assessment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment 3
Assessments to be completed for this unit:

Your trainer/ assessor would have told you when the assessments will take place on the first day of
training delivery for this unit.
 The written assessment (Assessment 1) will assess your knowledge and is one part of the
assessment tool for these two units of competency.
 The practical assessment (Assessment 2) will assess your knowledge and practical skills through
practical observation/s. This will take place in the College’s commercial kitchen. Your assessor will
record behaviours they have observed to confirm competency against each Performance Criteria.

Reasonable Adjustment

1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?

No Skip question 2

Yes Proceed to question 2

2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to confirm that you have the knowledge required to complete the tasks
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices
 key features of commonwealth, state or territory and local food safety compliance requirements as they
impact workers at an operational level:
o contents of national codes and standards that underpin regulatory requirements
o reasons for food safety programs and what they must contain
o local government food safety regulations and inspection regimes
o consequences of failure to observe food safety policies and procedures
o meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia
New Zealand Food Standards Code
 hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) or other food safety system principles, procedures
and processes as they apply to particular operations and different food types:
o critical control points for the specific food production system and the predetermined methods of

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control, especially time and temperature controls used in the receiving, storing, preparing,
processing, displaying, serving, packaging, transporting and disposing of food
o main types of safety hazards and contamination
o conditions for development of microbiological contamination
o environmental conditions and, temperature controls, for storage
o temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule
 contents of organisational food safety program, especially procedures, associated requirements, and
monitoring documents
 food safety monitoring techniques:
o bacterial swabs and counts
o checking and recording that food is stored in appropriate timeframes
o chemical tests
o monitoring and recording food temperatures using a temperature measuring device accurate to plus
or minus one degree Celsius
o monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment
o visually examining food for quality review
 methods to ensure the safety of food served and sold to customers:
o packaging control:
 using packaging materials suited to foods
 monitoring of packaging damage
 protective barriers
 temperature control
 supervision of food displays
 utensil control
 providing separate serving utensils for each dish
 safe food handling practices for the following different food types:
o dairy
o dried goods
o eggs
o frozen goods
o fruit and vegetables
o meat and fish
 equipment operating procedures, especially how to calibrate, use and clean a temperature probe and
how to identify faults
 choice and application of cleaning, sanitising and pest control equipment and materials
 cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements relevant to food preparation and storage:
o cleaning:
 dirt
 food waste
 grease
 pest waste removal
o sanitising:
 eating and drinking utensils
 food contact surfaces
o maintenance:
 recalibrating measurement and temperature controls
 minor faults
 high risk customer groups:
o children or babies
o pregnant women
o aged persons

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o people with immune deficiencies or allergies
o unwell persons.

The following Foundation Skills are also being assessed:

 Reading skills to:
o Read and interpret food safety programs, policies, procedures and flow charts that identify control
 Writing skills to:
o Complete documentation for monitoring food safety

SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items

 contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
 meaning of:
o wastage to a commercial catering organisation and reasons to avoid it
o contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code
 reasons for protecting food from contamination
 different types of contamination:
o microbiological
o chemical
o physical
 methods of rejecting contaminated food
 potential deficiencies of delivered perishable food items:
o contaminated food
o food that is intended to be:
 frozen but has thawed
 chilled but has reached a dangerous temperature zone
o packaged food that is exposed through damaged packaging
 correct environmental storage conditions for each of the main food types specified in the Performance
o correct application of humidity and temperature controls
o correct ventilation
o protecting perishables from exposure to:
 heating or air conditioning
 accidental damage through people traffic
 environmental heat and light
o sanitary cleanliness
o storing perishables:
 in dry stores
 in cool rooms
 in freezers
 in refrigerators
 sanitised and hygienic conditions
 at room temperature
 food safety procedures and standards for storage of perishable supplies:
o appropriate containers
o labelling and coding
o first in first out methods
o storage environments
o temperature, humidity, light and ventilation specifications for storage
o cleaning and sanitising processes for food storage areas
o quarantining the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food:

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 chemicals
 clothing
 personal belongings
 indicators of spoilage and contamination of perishable supplies:
o degradation of flavour, aroma, colour and texture
o enzymic browning
o drying and hardening
o crystalisation
o infestation of animal and pest waste
o mould
o exposed packaged food through damaged packaging
o odour
 indicators of quality of perishable items:
o currency of best by or use by dates
o freshness
o size
o weight
 correct and environmentally sound disposal methods for kitchen waste and hazardous substances.

The following Foundation Skills are also being assessed:

 Writing skills to:
o write stock rotation labels and simple documents that record temperature results

Tasks instructions:

 Your assessor will explain the assessment process and your rights if you are unhappy with the
outcome of your assessment.
 Your trainer will also ask you if you have any special needs to complete the assessment.
 You will have a chance to ask questions.
 You must answer all questions correctly to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.
 Make sure you complete the assessment cover sheet and sign the student declaration
 This written assessment consists of 40 question items.
 You have 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete this task.
 Read the instructions for each question carefully.
 You should write full sentences. For example, if you are asked to explain a word or topic, this
means that you must write down enough information to show your assessor that you have the
required knowledge.
 You may use sources such as websites to complete your assessment. If you use information from
other sources, then you must reference the source.
 DO NOT copy and paste responses from other sources. If you do so, it is plagiarism and your
trainer will mark you NYS.
 Formatting requirements:
o Font: Arial with size of 11 or 12 for ease of reading
o Include a footer on each page with your name, unit code and date.

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Place/Location where assessment will occur, recording and reporting requirements

 This written assessment will be completed under supervised conditions and in the presence of your
trainer/ assessor at the College premises on Level 2, 38 College Street, Darlinghurst 2010.
 Your trainer/ assessor will have notified you of the date of the assessment date on the first day of
training delivery for these two units. Your trainer will also have told you that attendance on
assessment day is compulsory.
 Assessments are completed on the College’s Moodle platform.
 Your trainer/ assessor will open up the assessment for you at the start of the assessment session.
 Your trainer/ assessor is available to assist you if you have any questions while completing this
 When you have completed your assessment, you must save and convert the document to a PDF
 Upload your PDF file to your Moodle account.
 You must digitally record your signature and the date on the assessment cover sheet.
 Your assessor will mark the assessment within 7 working days from the date that you submitted
your assessment.
 Both you and your assessor must complete the Assessment Outcome Record at the end of this
assessment booklet.
Resource Requirements

 The primary resource you require to complete this assessment is access to your Moodle account.
 Laptops are available for all students completing the assessment at the College Street campus.
You must complete your assessment in MS Word document format.
 Written questions may ask you to view a website. Laptops will provide you access to the Internet so
that you can view such websites.

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Assessment 1 – Written Assessment

1. Go to the following website:

Find the part about the Food Standards Code.
Answer the following questions:

a) Which Standards are about Food Safety?

Interpretation and application

Answer- Food safety practices and general requirements.

b) How many parts are in the Food Safety Standard?

Answer- There are five food safety standards.

c) Which standard/ sub-standard is about Food Safety Programs?

Answer- The food safety standards aim to lower the incidence of foodborne illness

2. Go to the website You will see information about

Food Safety Programs. Look at the ‘Purpose’ section of the document.
Answer the following questions:

a) What system is a key part of a Food Safety Program?

- A food safety program identifies the food safety hazards associated with a business’s food
handling activities and indicates how the business will monitor and control these hazards.

b) Look at Section 5 of the document. In your own words, write down the 6 parts that must be included in a
Food Safety Program.
 Hazard Identification
 Hazard control
 Monitoring
 Corrective action
 Review
 Record keeping.

c) In your own words, give 2 reasons why a food business should have a food safety program.
 Keep customers safe.
 Protect business.

3. The State of NSW has its own Food Safety regulations. Go to
Go to the ‘About us’ tab.

What are the three main pieces of legislation (laws) used by the NSW Food Authority?

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4. You have a restaurant in Sydney. You receive a letter to say that someone will come next week to do
an inspection on your restaurant.

a) What government authority will this person come from if your business is in Sydney?

 The NSW Food Authority

b) What is the title of the person who will come to inspect your restaurant (Hint: 3 words)?

 Food safety inspection

c) Give two things this person can do when visiting your restaurant.

 Ensure correct storage, shipping, packing and distribution of food ingredients and products

 Ensure quality and safety throughout diverse supply chains

d) The person finds evidence that there are mice in your restaurant! Write down 3 things that he/ she can
do because you did not follow food safety regulations.

5. Go to Standard 3.1.1 of Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code at

a) Find the definition of contaminant’. Now write it in your own words.

- a polluting or poisonous substance that makes something impure .

b) Find the definition of ‘contamination’. Now write it in your own words.

- the action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning.

c) Find the definition of a ‘hazard’. Now write it in your own words what a hazard means with food.

- A food ‘’hazard’’ refers to any agent with the potential to cause adverse health consequences for
consumers. Food hazards may be biological, chemical, physical, allergenic, nutritional and/or

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6. In the table below, there are 6 examples of contamination in the left column. In the right column, write if
these are examples of microbiological/ biological, chemical or physical contamination.

Examples of contamination Type of contamination

a) A sick cook not washing his/ her handling before handling food Biological Contamination
b) Pesticides from unwashed vegetables Chemical contamination
c) Hair in food dish Physical contamination
d) Fly spray used near food preparation area Chemical contamination
e) Milk turning sour because it was not refrigerated Chemical contamination
f) Kitchen clearing agents stored near food preparation area Chemical contamination

7. Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a system that is used to keep food safe at every
stage of food production.
Answer the following questions about HACCP.

a) There are 7 principles of HACCP. What are they?

 Conduct a hazard analysis.
 Determine the critical control points.
 Establish critical limits
 Establish corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a particular critical control
point is not under control.
 Establish a system to monitor control of the critical points.
 Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.
 Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principle
and their application.

b) Now think about the second principle of HACCP. Explain it in your own words.

-At any point where hazard can be avoided, reduced, or lowered to acceptable levels, critical control points
can be determined.

c) Now explain the sixth principle of HACCP in your own words.

- The HACCP team is sufficient and operating according to the plan.

8. Your ae a restaurant manager. You have been hired to provide food for a function. One of the food
items is to provide 60 portions of fried chicken thighs for the function.

Look at the HACCP template below. You need to complete the HACCP template below for receipt of
the raw meat at your restaurant to the transport of the food to the venue.

Do not forget to think about:

o conditions where contamination can occur from microbes
o suitable environmental conditions and temperature controls for storage
o temperature danger zone
o the two-hour and four-hour rule

Process Possible Critical Monitoring: Monitoring: Monitoring: Corrective Verification Record-

Step / Critical Hazards/ Limits What/How Frequency Who Action keeping
control points sources of
(CCPs) contamination

Receiving No broken Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant

In good At all time

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Physical package supervisor/ repot report

Storing Physical In good Temperatur At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant
temperatur e supervisor/ repot report
e perishables Return
<5c frozen
items < -

Preparing Physical No Cook At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant

contaminati temperatur supervisor/ repot report
on e must Return
over 75

Processing physical No Cook At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant

contaminati temperatur supervisor/ repot report
on e must Return
over 75

Displaying Biological Temperatur Fridge At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant
e control display 2-4’ supervisor/ repot report

Serving chemical Clean Sanitize At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant
serving supervisor/ repot report
ware Return

Packaging physical Good No damage At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant
condition package supervisor/ repot report

Transporting Physical, No broken All food At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant
biological, seals, labelled supervisor/ repot report
chemical. boxes, properly. Return
damage Temperatur
goods. e control
HACCP log book
vehicle for

Disposal Recycle item Sort Apply At all time Manager Inform Supervisor Restaurant
recycle waste supervisor/ repot report
item manageme Return
to dispose

9. In Question 2, you wrote down the 6 parts that must be included in a Food Safety Program. Look at the
list below. Tick other parts that should be in a Food Safety Program

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Work instructions or procedures

The years of work experience of each person working on the premises

A process flowchart

Recipes for all poultry dishes

Personal hygiene instructions/ procedure

Procedures for monitoring temperature gauges on cool rooms, freezers and ice rooms

10. Write down three different worksheets or checklists that you might use to monitor and record critical
controls as part of a Food Safety Program.

1.fridge temperature

2. cleaning schedule


11. There are many techniques (ways) to monitor food safety in a commercial kitchen.
Look at the table below. In the left column, there is a list of different food safety monitoring techniques.
In the right column, give one example of when you would use each technique.

a) Use a thermometer to monitor and record food cooking poultry dishes


b) Chemical test

c) Bacterial swabs

d) Food storage checklists

e) Smell test

f) Visual inspection

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12. You are preparing food at a takeaway venue. In the table below, there are different kinds of food that
customers can buy. In the right column write the correct packaging materials to make sure the food sold
to customers stays safe.
Food type Packaging material
a) 2 servings of Pad Thai Aluminium takeaway box
b) 1 serving of Caesar salad Plastic container takeaway box, cling wrap
c) 1 serving of vegetable soup Aluminium soup takeaway box
d) 2 servings of chocolate chip ice-cream Ice-cream takeaway, paper bag
e) 2 x servings of prawn crackers Aluminium box
f) 1 x 2 litre bottle of Coca Cola White Plastic bag

13. For each of the items in the food order, what serving utensils (spoon, forks, etc.) would you use for each

Food type Serving utensil

g) 2 servings of Thai Pad Thai Spoon, folk
h) 1 serving of Caesar salad Folk,
i) 1 serving of vegetable soup Soup spoon
j) 2 servings of chocolate chip ice-cream Dessert spoon
k) 2 x servings of prawn crackers Small tong
l) 1 x 2 litre bottle of Coca Cola Takeaway glass

14. You would like to cut down on your costs. One of your employees suggests that you should only give
one fork and spoon with each food order.
Answer the following questions:

Do you agree or disagree with your employee?

I disagree
Give two reasons why you agree or disagree:

Reason 1: it won’t not up to the standard,

Reason 2: yes, it will help to reduce the cost but it may impact the business.

15. Think of the example in question 12. There are hot and cold food types.
How would you pack 6 items?
List some protective barrier materials that you could use to ensure the food stays safe for eating.

Packing method:
I will like

Examples of protective barriers:

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16. Think of the example in Question 12 again. You have the order ready to be picked up.
The customer calls you to say that she cannot arrive for 30 minutes because there is heavy traffic on
her route.
Write down how you would monitor the temperature of the food order you have prepared.

Put the hot item inside the hot bag in a hot display, if there is ice cream put inside the freezer. If salad put
inside the fridge.

17. In your take-away, you also have food display area that has a range of hot foods that drop-in customers
can purchase.
Describe four ways that you and/ or your employees would use to ensure the display area stays a safe
area for food.

1. keep the hot display are always net and clean.

2.Make sure the temperature of hot display 70’ C
3.Make sure hot food are always covered in aluminium cover or boxed.

4. only cooked food are supposed to be store in a hot display. Not a raw food

18. There are different safe food handling practices you need to think about for different food types.
In the table below, there are 8 food types (a to f) in the left column.
In the right column, write down one example of a safe food handling method you would use with this

Food type Example of safe food handling method for this food
a) Dairy products Don’t allow dairy products, including raw eggs, to remain at room
temperature for longer than necessary – never more than 2 hours.
b) Dry good, e.g. rice or pasta Net to be stored in the dry storage
c) eggs Net to be stored a cool room at 1to below 4ºC
d) Frozen foods Frozen food needs to be stored in a freezer above -18 to -24’ C
e) Fruit The best temperature for fruit storage is between 6ºC and 8ºC. Lower
temperatures than this can lead to freezing, which destroys the structure
of the item
f) Vegetables The best temperature for vegetable storage is between 6ºC and 8ºC.
Lower temperatures than this can lead to freezing, which destroys the
structure of the item
g) chicken Chicken Need to be stored in a raw meat section with proper
h) fish in a bed of crushed ice between 0ºC and 2ºC, on a drip tray and covered
in plastics

19. Equipment to measure temperature is important for food safety. In the box below, write about a
temperature probe.

Temperature probe
a) Explain how to calibrate it
- Fill a cup with crushed ice and add just enough water to barely float the ice. The temperature of
the ice water will always be 0 degree Celsius (32’F). this is the temperature that you use as a

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guide to calibrate your probe thermometer

b) Explain how to use it

- Insert the stem of a probe thermometer into the thickest part of the food, or in the centre of the
food if the food is even in thickness. If the food is liquid (e.g soup or stew) stir it to make sure the
heat has been evenly distributed before inserting the thermometer in order to get an accurate
temperature reading.
- Wait at least 15 seconds for the reading to steady and then record the reading.

c) Explain how to clean it

- Wash the thermometer with warm water. Washing your thermometer probe wish warm water will
remove any residue that may be on the probe, and it'll help start the sanitizing process. 
- Sanitize the thermometer with alcohol.
- Rinse the thermometer, dry the thermometer with clean paper.

20. What the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?

cleaning – cleaning is the process of removing visible dirt, fragments, foams and germs from surfaces.
Sanitizing – sanitizing is the process of reducing or lowering the number of germs on objects or surfaces to
safe level. According to public health standards

21. Think about the cleaning (and sanitising) equipment and products you would use in a commercial
kitchen. Now complete the table below.
(Cleaning products mean chemical products)

Cleaning problem What equipment would you use? What products would you use?
a) Cooking oil spill on
kitchen floor
b) Blockage in kitchen
c) Mouse droppings under
kitchen cabinets
d) Milk spill inside a fridge

e) Baked on grease in an
f) A sick worker has
sneezed on a worktop
g) Dirty glassware and

22. Maintenance of kitchen equipment is also important for food safety.

Complete the following table for 4 examples of kitchen equipment.

Name of equipment How often should it be checked? How would you check it?
a) Toaster Every time before use Wire cord no identify faulty

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b) Blender Every time before use Attach part correctly



23. Some kitchen equipment has temperature controls. This equipment needs to be recalibrated now and
then. Think of 2 examples and complete the table below.

Equipment name How it is recalibrated

a) Food thermometer Put in boiling water read as 100 degree, put in ice water read as 0 degree

b) Freezer, fridge

24. Think about minor faults (problems) that can happened with kitchen equipment. Complete the table
below for 3 examples.

Equipment name Describe the minor fault Describe how you can fix the fault
a) oven Faulty temperature Read manual or call technician



25. When we think about safe food, some groups of customers can be high-risk of getting sick.
Write down 4 high-risk groups.





26. Most food stocks that we store in a commercial kitchen will have date codes.
There are two main kinds of dates codes.
Give the common names of the two date codes.
Write down what information each date code contains.

Date code 1:


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Date code 2:


27. Food rotation labels are used to label and date food products for food preparation and storage. Look at
the label below and answer the questions.

a) What food type was prepared?

b) Who is MSR?

c) When (date and time) was the food prepared?

d) When (dare and time) must the food be used by?

28. Food waste is a part of every commercial kitchen. Give 2 reasons why we show avoid food waste.




29. You are on the early shift at a commercial kitchen and part of your job is to be there for a food delivery.
You see the packaging on frozen chicken is broken and water is leaking from the package. You do not
want to accept the order.

Write down what you would do in this situation:

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30. You are accepting a food delivery at a commercial kitchen.
The table below how a list of items in the food order in the left column.
In the right column, write down what signs you would look for that would show there are problems with
the food.

Food type Signs of problems with food

a) A box of mixed fruit

b) A box of 6 whole frozen chickens

c) A box of 24 chilled salmon fillets

d) 12 packaged loaves of sliced bread

31. The table below has a list of food types.

For each food type, write down:
 Suitable storage area
 Suitable storage temperature
 Suitable humidity and ventilation (air flow)

Food type Storage area Storage Humidity and ventilation

temperature needed in the storage area

Dairy products

Dry goods

Frozen goods


Fresh Meat

Fresh Poultry

Fresh Seafood

32. Now for the same food types, write down how each can be protected from:
 heat
 light
 air conditioning
 people traffic

Food type Heat Light Air conditioning People traffic

Vegetables Away from heat Away from Away from direct In shelf cool room
sunlight aircon away from walk way

Dairy products Away from heat Away from Away from direct In shelf cool room

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sunlight aircon away from walk way

Dry goods Away from heat Away from Away from direct In shelf dry store
sunlight aircon

Frozen goods Away from heat Away from Away from direct In freezer shelf
sunlight aircon
below – 18

Fruit Away from heat Away from Away from direct In shelf cool room
sunlight aircon away from walk way

Fresh Meat Away from heat Away from Away from direct In shelf cool room
sunlight aircon away from walk way
under 5

Fresh Poultry Away from heat Away from Away from direct In shelf cool room
sunlight aircon away from walk way
under 5

Fresh Seafood Away from heat Away from Away from direct In fridge shelf
sunlight aircon
temperature 0-2

33. The table below has a list of places where perishable items can be stored. The table also has a list of
food types. Tick the best storage place (one example is done for you).

Dry store/ Cool room freezer Fridge

Vegetables 

Dairy products 

Past/ rice 

Frozen goods 

Fruit 

Fresh Meat 

Fresh Poultry 

Fresh Seafood 

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34. Storage areas must be kept sanitised and hygienic. Think about a cool room.
Write down 3 ways that you would use to:
 saniitise the cool room
 keep hygienic conditions in the cool room day by day
How to sanitise:

How to keep every-day hygienic conditions:

35. This question will test your knowledge of food safety procedures.
You have taken delivery of 10 Kg of fresh chicken breast fillets. Chef has asked you to leave 4kg for
immediate use. Chef tells you to store the other 6Kg in two batches of 3kg.

a) What type of containers/ would you use to store the chicken?

b) Complete the rotation label below – you completed this job this morning.





c) Where is the best place to store the chicken?

d) In the storage area, you see a 2kg portion of chicken with the ‘Use by’ date of 9.00pm tomorrow.
Explain how the ‘first in-first out’ rule helps you to decide which chicken should be used first.

36. Think of the items that can cause contamination of food. In the table below, describe ways that the
items can be properly stored so that they do not contaminate food.

Item Where it should be stored

Chemicals used for cleaning and
Employee clothing

Employee personal belongings,

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e.g. jewellery, mobile, etc.

37. You need to look for signs of spoilage in perishable food. In the table below. There are examples of
food and indicators (signs) that the food is contaminated or going off.
Complete the blanks in the table with:
 examples of food that show the signs of spoilage
 signs of spoilage for the food type

Food type Indicators of spoilage or contamination

a) Deterioration of flavour
Milk products
c) Colour
d) Texture
e) bananas Enzymatic browning
f) Becomes dry and hard
Frozen meat Crystallisation
g) Mouse droppings
Bread mould
h) Damaged packaging on food

38. Sometimes perishable foods can still be used; however, their quality is not as good as it should be.
Think about ways that you can check the quality of food items by their appearance (for example, the
way they look or feel)
Now complete the table below.

Quality sign What this can tell you about food quality
‘Best before’ or ‘Use by’ labels

Freshness (e.g. when

vegetables were harvested)


39. There will always be waste food products in a commercial kitchen. Waste should always be disposed of
in an environmentally friendly way. This does not mean that we must throw them away.

Look at the table below. Write down a suitable disposal method for each item.

Item Suitable disposal method

Unsold leftover food that is safe
to eat
Out of date vegetables and fruit
packaging can be recycled
Cust of meat left over after meal
Cardboard packaging

40. Many hazardous substances used in a commercial kitchen and should be disposed of safely.

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Give suitable ways to dispose of the in the list below.
Item Suitable disposal method
Oven cleaner
Chemical cleaners
Pest control chemicals
Contaminated or spoiled food


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Assessment outcome Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory 

Feedback to student

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adjustment been applied Yes  No 
to this assessment?

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 My assessor has provided me with feedback about my assessment

 My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
 I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment

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