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Love Idioms List with Meanings and Examples

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence

apple of my eye an adored person My precious daughter is the apple of my eye.

Bobby asked her out, but she decided to stay home and do
ask out ask someone on a date laundry.

Apparently, Tiffany and Tim are an item. I always see them

be an item be a couple together.

be nuts about really enjoy She is nuts about her new boyfriend.

everyone has different

beauty is in the eye of preferences for what is Ella likes guys with big beards. Her girlfriends say to her that
the beholder attractive beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.

dating someone you have I don't like blind dates because I want to know what she
blind date never met looks like first.

two couples dating at the My friend always goes on double dates and likes getting
double dating same time attention from both guys.

make someone annoyed She drives me crazy. I don't know if I should buy her another
drive someone crazy or feel madly in love diamond or get a divorce.

We got hitched last month. Didn't you get the wedding

get hitched get married invitation?

go steady date each other I asked her to go steady, but she dated Joe instead.

to be attracted to Mary had the hots for George, so she wrote him a love
have the hots for someone letter.

head over heels to be deeply in love Sarah was head over heels for her new boyfriend.

heart goes out to feel sympathy My heart goes out to Sara. She spent years fighting cancer.

joined at the hip inseparable Jane and Joe are joined at the hip.

decide not to marry at

leave at the altar the last minute Her fiance left her at the altar and moved to Fiji.

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love makes someone
blind to their partner's Love is certainly blind. Tom is very attracted to a girl who
love is blind imperfections eats on the toilet.

someone who cheats on Hank is such a love rat. This is the tenth girl I've seen him
love rat their partner with this week.

lovey-dovey kissing and hugging Kate really hates it when couples are lovey-dovey in public.

Frank wanted to make love in the tent, but his wife wanted a
make love sex hotel room.

no love lost mutual dislike There is no love lost between Donald and Hillary.

on cloud nine very happy Elizabeth was on cloud nine when she put on the diamond

Their relationship is now on the mend after going to

on the mend restore or recover counseling.

Their relationship is on the rocks. They'll probably break up

on the rocks near the end soon.

ask someone to get

pop the question married He popped her the big question during their vacation.

It was just puppy love during high school but they broke up
puppy love teenager romantic love in university.

through thick and thin in good and bad times He loved his wife through thick and thin.

throw it in her have sex with her You should throw it in her. I think she really wants you.

Are you ever going to tie the knot? You aren't getting any
tie the knot get married younger.

to think someone is very

to fancy someone attractive Do you fancy Molly? She likes you too.

walk out on someone to end a relationship My girlfriend walked out on me, so I drank a bottle of vodka.

to say romantic things to

whisper sweet nothings someone Sue likes it when I whisper sweet nothings in her ear in bed.

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