Math Statement

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Math Statement

Math isn’t about crunching numbers and memorizing formulas. A leading specialist at the

Russian School of Mathematics says he finds his best students not necessarily among those who

like math, but in the ones who have strong reasoning, communication and stamina (Tyre, 2016).

These are the students who excel at math problem solving. How can I support this type of

learning in my classroom?

Involvement is a critical key to mathematical success; the more engaged the students are,

the more effective their learning is (Alonzi & Condon, 2014). In this math lesson on shapes and

directions I use a strategy called Math Talk. This is a method of group learning where students

can participate in a discussion about concepts or key terms, share the different ways they used to

solve a problem, and deepen one another’s understanding (Hintz & Kazemi, 2014). My students

discussed and showed one another the directions they were trying to learn using the correct

vocabulary, and then worked with one another to complete their worksheets. The students get to

help one another learn; this can be more effective than repeated direct instruction. It is important

that the students become active learners; simply listening to direct instruction is rarely effective

in eliciting comprehension and can lead to boredom and off-task behavior. (LaFave, 2012).

While math can and should be conceptualized, scaffolded learning in mathematics

requires some rote memorization skills, such as recalling multiplication facts; these skills provide

a foundation for higher-order thinking (LaFave, 2012). Latest research shows that conceptual

thinking is not more effective than rote memorization, but in fact the two are closely correlated;

it is a combination of the two that may be best for students’ learning (Ansari, 2016). While rote

memorization is anything but pleasant, a teacher can incorporate many techniques to increase

retention of facts that include engaging sight, sound, and even touch, or simply making the

information more real or interesting for the students themselves. Research suggests that when

information has one or more of these attributes, students will remember what they have learned

more easily (LaFave, 2012). In my lesson on shapes and directions each student got to interact

with the manipulatives and visual aids, ensuring engagement of the tactile senses, and each

student got a chance to talk or share, making memorization and repetition a fun part of the class.

At the elementary level math is best taught in a context of play, showing a natural

relationship between the daily life of the students and their interests and activities to the

mathematical patterns and logical concepts (Sarama & Clements, 2011). In my lesson mentioned

above, the students got to immediately apply their learning in a real-life context by using the

direction words in relation to one another, as well as looking for the shapes they just learned

about in the classroom.

Another way I create fun, real-life learning in my classroom is by using games to help

practice and retain facts. Math games are an effective way to motivate students. Not only can

games make the information more accessible to all learners, but games grounded in mathematics

that are self-directed, engaging, and appropriately challenging to all students give the students a

chance to practice their mathematical reasoning and understanding (Buchheister, Jackson &

Taylor, 2017). Games can be adapted for any level of learning. For example, in my class,

students can practice addition and subtraction by using dice to race to the end of the 100’s chart,

play lucky 5, 10 and 15’s with cards, or use a variety of laminated game worksheets with a

partner. While playing games students can move beyond low level cognitive tasks such as

recalling facts in isolation and apply their learning in context, which enables higher- order

thinking skills (Basham & Marino, 2013). In addition, not only can I see each students’ strengths

while watching them play, I can tailor the games to each individual’s need, making games an

invaluable part of a differentiated classroom.

Until very recently, I believed I wasn’t a math person, even though I am a certified k-8

teacher able to complete all of the necessary math tasks for my certification and degree. While I

have come to recognize that math can be accessible and fun and is very much a product of effort

and access to understanding, I know that I wasn’t alone in my feelings about math. Unfortunately

many educators experience math anxiety, sometimes even math teachers (Geist, 2015). Those

who feel less competent at math are less likely to use it in activities for kids of any age, less

likely to use diverse and developmentally appropriate methods of teaching to target more

students (Geist, 2015).

What we believe about ourselves can be a big factor in our success. A person’s belief

about their lack of ability to control or perform something can become a psychological block and

turn into an inability to perform. For example, despite consistently having similar, and in some

cases even better scores, women have a much higher level of anxiety about math than men

(Jameson, 2014). The opposite is also true; if the person believes they are capable, they can

achieve a lot more. (Jameson, 2014). This means I need to inspire students to believe they can do

anything they see their teachers do, and possibly more. In my math lesson, I ensure that all

students feels successful because there is peer support, and the students who need extra support

get to see the correct answers before saying them independently. Another way I make sure all my

students feel success is by appropriately scaffolding every math lesson to include the previous

foundational information in the frontload; in this way I am structuring all my classes like an

intensive intervention (Powell & Fuchs, 2015). In my lesson about shapes and directions, I

introduced the students to the familiar ways we use the terminology in daily life before I asked

them to do so themselves. When students have the necessary level of modeling, they can take on

the tasks themselves. It is my goal to make sure that everyone has the base knowledge to

participate and feel successful.


Alonzi, P., & Condon, D. (2014). Economics Without Numbers: Teaching Strategies for Math-

Lite Students. Journal Of Higher Education Theory & Practice, 14(4), 28-33.

Ansari, D. (2016). No More Math Wars. Education Digest, 81(7), 4-9.

Basham, J., Marino, M. (2013). Understanding STEM Education and Supporting Students

Through Universal Design for Learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 8–15.

Buchheister, K., Jackson, C., & Taylor, C. E. (2017). Maths Games: A Universal Design

Approach to Mathematical Reasoning. Australian Primary Mathematics

Classroom, 22(4), 7–12. Retrieved from


Geist, E. (2015). Math Anxiety and the "Math Gap": How Attitudes Toward Mathematics

Disadvantages Students as Early as Preschool. Education, 135(3), 328-336.

Hintz, A., & Kazemi, E. (2014). Talking About Math. Educational Leadership, 72(3), 36-40

Jameson, M. M. (2014). Contextual Factors Related to Math Anxiety in Second-Grade Children.

Journal Of Experimental Education, 82(4), 518-536. doi:10.1080/00220973.2013.813367

LaFave, N. J. (2012). You Want Me to Teach What? Sure-fire Methods for Teaching Physical

Science and Math. Arlington, Va: NSTA Press. Retrieved from


Powell, S. R., & Fuchs, L. S. (2015). Intensive Intervention in Mathematics. Learning

Disabilities Research & Practice (Wiley-Blackwell), 30(4), 182–192. https://doi-

Sarama, J., & Clements, D. H. (2011). Engaging Young Children in Mathematics : Standards for

Early Childhood Mathematics Education. Mahwah, N.J.: Routledge. Retrieved from


Tyre, P. (2016). The Math Revolution. Atlantic, 317(2), 50-57.

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