Task 2 - Shalom Ulloa

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CODE: 1031144030




JULY 17TH 2019

● What does it mean to teach something in a developmental progress?

Developmental progress is the way that the child needs to develop the math skills,
this allows to identify the next step for the child in order to improve the knowledge
and develop the learning- teaching process in a good way, also it helps to
recognize the students skills and the knowledge that he/she has at the moment in
order to work in a new knowledge and strategies for motivate and develop the
math skills in the child. It allows to the teacher to identify where they can start and
how they can teach or what kind of elements they can uses in order to help the
child progressively.

There are many developmental progression like subtizing, meaningful object

counting, counting- based comparisons of collections large than three, number-
after knowledge, metal comparisons of close or neighboring numbers, numbers
after equals one more. Each step allow to the child to develop many skills, the idea
is to work with a few number and when the child recognize them, the number can
be more in each step.

´´With each step in a developmental progression, children should first focus on

working with small collections of objects (one to three items) and then move to
progressively larger collections of objects. Children may start a new step with small
numbers before moving to larger numbers with the previous step´´ Frye, D.,
Baroody, A. J., Burchinal, M., Carver, S. M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell, J. (2013)

Example: Compare two sets of toys and identify which of the sets has more or less
in order to recognize the number 1 to 5 in each set.

● What does it mean to monitor something progressively?

It is important to see the develop of the child in order to change the activities or the
strategies for helping the child but also it is important to recognize if the child is in
the level according with his/her knowledge, since the teacher needs to be with
them and observe the progress of each child, since according with the different
strategies and activities the child can progress and the teacher can analyze if the
child needs continue in the same level or he/she can pass to the next step because
the child need to be in the assertive level, he/she cannot be in a low level or high
level since it can have a consequences in the process.

´´It is important to continually monitor progress so that children can be consistently

engaged in activities that are neither too far below their level (and therefore not
interesting) nor too far above it (and therefore frustrating). Progress monitoring also
allows teachers to plan what children should learn next. Example 7 contains a
model of the flow of progress monitoring. In this model, a teacher focuses small-
group instruction on counting small collections. The teacher observes and records
the children’s progress using the checklist in Example 8. Looking at the largest set
counted successfully and the type of errors made, the teacher can plan different
activities for the two children, Sarah and Bill. Sarah should continue counting small
collections, while Bill is able to move on to comparing magnitudes of collections.
The teacher should also plan to reassess Sarah and Bill, repeating the ongoing
process of progress monitoring.´´ Frye, D., Baroody, A. J., Burchinal, M., Carver, S.
M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell, J. (2013)

Example: All the children started the same day to recognize the number 1 to 3 in
two weeks everybody identify the number 1 to 3 and counting different element
with the same number, then they continue with the number 4, 5 and 6 two weeks
then most of the children identify the number 1 to 6, however 1 of the children does
not recognize the numbers, therefore he/she needs to remember and practice
more about the number 4, 5 and 6, the teacher identify the mistake and help the
child with it, on the other hand the other children continue in their process
according with their knowledge developed.

● What does it mean that math instruction is built on what children know?

The children have a knowledge and the idea is to identify how the children can use
the knowledge in an independent way, therefore with different activities the children
can show their knowledge and themselves can solve the math instruction with their
own knowledge and all that they have developed along their lives, that’s mean that
the children know what they can do in order to solve something. It has three steps
observation, introduction activities and formal assessments in order to identify the
children math level and helps the teacher for teaching in a good with taking
account the children’s previous knowledge.

´´Evidence from studies of several math curricula suggests that preschool,

prekindergarten, and kindergarten children are most likely to gain math knowledge
when they are frequently exposed to targeted, purposeful, and meaningful math
instruction. Progress monitoring can be a useful way to ensure that children are
receiving this type of instruction.´´ Frye, D., Baroody, A. J., Burchinal, M., Carver,
S. M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell, J. (2013)

Example: Give shapes to the children with many colors and observe what the
children do with the shapes and the colors, then the teacher show the different
color and classify the colors according the primary and secondary colors after the
teacher allows to the children do something independently and see what kind of
classification the children solve according with their knowledge, finally according
with the result the teacher can identify the children´s level.

● What does it mean to see the word mathematically?

The idea is to involve the children with an informal math vocabulary in other to help
the comprehension about mathematical knowledge and then use the formal
vocabulary in order to relate the informal and formal vocabulary and use the formal
vocabulary in a real context where the children can be confident, the teacher can
motivate the student for use the mathematic vocabulary in their daily life, talking
about different topics using the math formal vocabulary, finally the children will
identify the both vocabulary (Formal and informal) and they will use in a real
context relating both with the same meaning.

´´Math instruction for young children should begin with informal representations of
math ideas.124 Initially, teachers should link math ideas to familiar experiences,
terms, or analogies, resisting the urge to use more formal methods until children
have a conceptual foundation for understanding them.125 For example, teachers
should use terms that represent children’s informal understanding of addition, such
as “more” and “all together,” as opposed to the more formal, symbolic
representation. An example of informal understanding might be “Bill had three
carrots, and his mother gave him one more. How many carrots does Bill have all
together now?” This phrasing is in contrast to formal representations, such as
“Three plus one equals what?” or “3 + 1 = ?” Table 6 provides examples of how to
teach informal representations of math concepts.´´ Frye, D., Baroody, A. J.,
Burchinal, M., Carver, S. M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell, J. (2013)

Example: The children can identify the multiplication through the word ´´time´´ 2
times 3 equal 6 then when the children recognize the operation the teacher can
introduce the multiplication with a formal presentation that’s mean 2 multiplied by 3
equal 6, it can help the children with the formal and informal vocabulary taking
account the knowledge.

● How could the different knowledge areas include math in their curriculums?

The teacher can allow to the children associate everything with mathematics, if the
teacher purpose mainstream with the different activities in the day, the children can
develop the math skills fast, the teacher can read a book and count the animals,
see a picture about a specific topic and relate the geometrical shapes in the
picture, every curriculums can cross with the math associating the main topic with
math activities.

´´ In order for preschool, prekindergarten, and kindergarten children to develop

math skills, teachers should set aside time each day for purposeful math
instruction.143 Dedicated time for math instruction can help to provide children with
skills in the foundational areas of math described in Recommendations 1 and 2.
During math lessons, teachers can help children learn specific skills they can build
upon throughout the rest of the day (as described in the remainder of this
recommendation). Teachers can use large and small groups during dedicated
math time to tailor instruction for children at different developmental levels. Large-
group (or whole-class) time can be a good place to introduce a concept for the first
time or illustrate a concept through an example that is relevant to children’s
everyday lives. For example, teachers can read children a book that relates to the
skills that will be taught, or they can play a whole-group game with the class. It is
important to remember, however, that introducing a concept in a large group is
most helpful when children have similar skill levels; it is also useful to reinforce the
concept in smaller groups, particularly for children whose math understanding may
not be as advanced as other children and who may miss key instructional points
during whole-group activities.´´ Frye, D., Baroody, A. J., Burchinal, M., Carver, S.
M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell, J. (2013)

Example: The teacher show a picture about the fable, the children stat to tell a
story according with the picture, then the teacher and student count how many
animal there are in the picture and what kind of shapes there are in the picture,
associating the literature with math.

Frye, D., Baroody, A. J., Burchinal, M., Carver, S. M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell,
J. (2013). Teaching math to young children: A practice guide (NCEE 2014-4005).
Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional
Assistance (NCEE), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of
Education. Retrieved
from https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/PracticeGuide/early_math_pg_111313.pdf

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