Ingles - Sena Mecatronica
Ingles - Sena Mecatronica
Ingles - Sena Mecatronica
1. Watch this video once and take note of the most important ideas.
Career Spotlight: Mechatronics Engineer
2. Watch the video again with subtitles and answer these questions.
2.1 What is mechatronics?
2.6 What are the materials and working process of the new
//the materials are made out of plastic and they are run by air out of
metal and run by motors
2.8 What is the comparison she makes about small and large
//the small where you have more creativity and independence and a
large company where there is more job security but also more structure
//to be a great engineer you need tobe a great engineer you need to
love creating
2 Write a definition for this words, write an example from the video,
and your own example sentence.
and quality of
the strawberry
Lead the initiative in The solar Strawberry
an action; an project production,
example for independent
others to of climate
Be driven operated, with a lot of with
moved, or management investigation
controlled by a and plaining of the best
specified conditions
person or
source of
Embedded is a controller As a A scale
system with a mechatronic prototype that
dedicated engineer she show us the
function within design the information
a larger system and and set the
mechanical or the she made necessary
electrical a prototype actions to
system, often keep the ideal
with real-time conditions
Hands-on doing With robotics, where you put
work something mechanical all the
rather than and electrical knowledge in
learning about systems practice
it from books,
lectures, etc