Summer Internship Guidelines (Batch 2018-20)
Summer Internship Guidelines (Batch 2018-20)
Summer Internship Guidelines (Batch 2018-20)
Sr. no. Contents Page no.
1. Objectives of SIP 01
2. Guidelines for Students 01-02
3. Weightage for SIP Evaluation 02
4. Important Dates for SIP 03
5. Suggested Topics for SIP 04-05
Guidelines for Writing Summer Internship Project
6. 06-10
7. Guidelines for Summer Internship Presentation 11
8. SIP Calendar 12-14
I. Format of SIP Joining Report from the
II. Format of SIP Completion Letter from the
III. Format of Acknowledgement
9. IV. Form-I - Student’s Weekly Performance 15-25
Appraisal Form by Industry Guide
V. Form-II - Student’s Aggregate Performance
Appraisal Form by Industry Guide
VI. Form-III – Faculty Guide’s Feedback Form
VII. Weekly Log sheet
VIII. Faculty Guide Certificate
Objectives of SIP
Every student has to undertake a Summer Internship. This Internship is designed to give the
students a full time exposure to the corporate world, to enable the students to develop orientation
to real life situations in industry. This internship is offered in organizations of repute with
specific focus in areas of specialization of the student. The duration of the internship is for 6-8
weeks. A major part of this internship is a Summer Project on a particular area related to his/her
subjects of specialization invoking depth empirical study by data collection through primary
sources and analysis by application of statistical tools.
1. At the end of the first year the students are required to work in the industry for a period of 6-8
weeks. This gives an opportunity to the students to show their latent capabilities.
2. Summer Internship Project (SIP) comprises of 400 marks that is equivalent to 12 Credits, which
means if a student fails to clear SIP he/she will be awarded Fail.
3. Faculty Guide will be in contact with students during their Summer Internship and also take the
mentees performance feedback from Industry Guide.
4. The students should follow the EIGHT WEEKS SIP CALENDAR (attached herewith) and
ensure the compliance with the same task.
5. The students should seek approval of Faculty Guide before getting the final printout of their SIP
6. All the students are required to submit two hardbound copies of the report (along with a softcopy
to the Faculty Guide).
7. All the summer training project reports should be bound in maroon leather and inscribed with
golden letters. The signature of the Faculty Guide should be sought before final binding of the
In order to improve and strengthens the internship programs, the Faculty Guide will collect forms from
the students, which are provided to them at the beginning of the SIP. These forms are as follows:
Form-I: Student’s Weekly project Appraisal Form - To be filled by the student’s Industry
Guide and has to be sent to the respective Faculty Guide on weekly basis either scanned copy by
mail or hard copy by post. (Attached as Annexure - IV)
Form-II: Student’s Aggregate Performance Appraisal Form- To be filled by the student’s
Industry Guide at the time of project completion. The student has to submit this form along with
the summer internship project to the respective Faculty Guide along with the Project Completion
Certificate. (Attached as Annexure - V)
Form-III: Faculty Guide’s Feedback Form- To be filled by the concerned Faculty Guide after
visiting (in Delhi/NCR) and due consultation telephonically (other than Delhi/NCR) to the
Student’s Industry Guide. (Attached as Annexure - VI)
Daily & weekly Report Format: The students should record all their daily activities day wise
and send it to their Faculty Guide. (Attached as Annexure - VII)
Important Dates for SIP
1) The regular classes for Term IV will start from July 01, 2019 (Monday).
2) There will be a panel of three expert members (Corporate Expert, Alumni
Member and Internal Faculty) for the evaluation of Summer Internship
Presentation Examination.
3) “SIP Champ Awards” to three best Summer Interns will be given.
(This list is indicative only and students can choose other topics as well as per consultation
with their Industry and Faculty Guide)
1. Study on Evaluation of Service Quality and 1. Equity Analysis & Portfolio of Stocks
Dimensions in Insurance Company. 2. EVA -The Real Wealth Evaluator
2. Process of Market Expansion and its effect 3. Evaluation of Non Performing Assets of a Private
on Market Share of coke products Sector Bank
3. Study on Evaluation of Branding Strategies 4. Financial Accounting Systems & its Analysis
of Phonepe. 5. Best Investments Mid Cap Funds
4. A study on Brand Recall of customers of 6. A Comparative of Mutual Fund and Equity
News18 News Channel Linked Saving Scheme
5. Study on the digitization drive of Axis bank 7. Report on the Ratio Analysis and Changes in the
6. Business Development with Online Blogs & Financial Position of the Company
Marketplaces 8. Impact of Demonetization on the working capital
7. Business Networking with Client Prospects Management of a company
via Online Marketing Platforms 9. An Analytical Study Of The Impact Of Dollar
8. The impact of counterfeit brands on sale of Price Movement On Indian Equity Market
original brands 10. An Empirical Analysis Of Risk Return &
9. Branding Strategies for a company for Performance Of Various Fund
Enhanced Customer Engagement 11. An Insight To Mortgaged Based Securities
10. Consumer response to unethical retail 12. Analysis Of Arbitrage Opportunity Between
behavior NCDEX And NCX In Agri. Commodities
11. The effect of search engine optimization on 13. Analysis Of Capital Structure Of Five Leading
marketing performance of a company FMCG Companies
12. Factors affecting compulsive buying 14. Analysis Of Investment Patterns Of Companies In
behavior BSE Indo next segment (SMES) Using Financial
13. Factors affecting impulsive buying behavior 15. Analysis Of Mutual Funds NFOS (IPOS) & Their
14. The impact of different sales promotion Performance Evaluation
tactics on consumers 16. Analysis Of Sarfaesi Act On NPAS Of The Banks/
15. Impact of consumers’ demographics on their FIS
choice behaviors 17. Application Of Computer In Online Income Tax
16. Effectiveness of integrated marketing Return Filing
communication with respect to consumer 18. Banking Operation &Credit Risk Mgt Of SME
attitude towards brands Banking
17. An association between advertisement 19. Benchmarking Corporate Governance And
message and content and the response of the Financial Aspect For The FMCG Players
buyers 20. Business Process Reengineering
18. Study of effects of sales man personality on 21. Capital Structure And Cost Of Capital And
brand sales Valuation
19. The impact of brand extension on brand 22. Cash Management & Asset Liability Management
personality of a Commercial Bank
20. Consumers’ behavior for out-of-stock 23. Financial Derivatives Market & Its Development
situations In India
21. Relationship between packaging 24. Indian Debt Market In Indian Scenario
characteristics and consumer brand
1. A study on relationship between 14. Impact of Technology on Work –life Integration
Technology and Work Stress in an 15. Assessing relationship between Employee
organization Motivation and Satisfaction
2. Job Stress and its impact on Job Satisfaction 16. Affect of Work stress on employee Psychological
3. A Study on Employees Perception towards Well-being
Performance Appraisal System 17. Assessing relationship between Emotional
4. A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Intelligence and Conflict Management Style
Development. 18. A study on Employer Branding and Organizational
5. Identification of Factors affecting Employee Attractiveness
Job Satisfaction 19. A Study and Analysis Of Grievance Handling
6. A Study on the Effectiveness of System
Recruitment and Selection Process 20. A Study On Workers Participation In Management
7. A Study on the Perception of Employees 21. Work stress and its Impact on Job Attitude
towards Corporate Social Responsibility 22. Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee
8. Role of HR in Corporate Social Commitment
Responsibility 23. Impact of Personality on Job Performance
9. Impact of Work force Diversity on 24. A Study On Employee’s Awareness Towards
Organizational Performance Knowledge Management
10. Role of HR in Employer Branding 25. Relationship between Employee Motivation and
11. A Study on Organizational Culture and its Organizational Commitment
Impact on Employees Attitude
12. A Study on Employees Engagement and its
Impact on Job Performance
13. A Study on factors affecting Quality Of
Work Life
Every Student is required to identify a topic for SIP from his/her area of specialization and do the
analytical study on that topic.
Please note that these are only suggested topics, and students can choose other topics as per
consultation with their Industry and Faculty Guide)
(100 MARKS)
Each student should prepare three identical project reports, one of which must be submitted to the
Institute on July 15, 2019 (Monday). The report without certificate of completion issued by the company
guide will not be accepted under any circumstances. Page numbering should commence from the table of
contents. The color of the hard bound summer report has to be Maroon with Golden Printing. The
specimen can be seen in the library of the Institute.
The outcomes of research works are to be conveyed to end-users or recorded for future use. The research
efforts will be useful to the end-users only when they are documented in the form of reports. So, a
standardized format for the report will help researchers present their contributions and findings more
4. Bibliography
5. Appendices
Introductory Pages
Acknowledgements: In the process of carrying out any project, the students would have received help
from different persons and organizations. So, all those helps should be acknowledged under this heading.
In an academic research, a sample list of people who are to be acknowledged is as follows:
Industry Guide
Organizational Head (Industry Head)
Members of the department who rendered their valuable suggestions and criticism during the research
The executives in different organizations who provided data and literature for the research
Faculty Guide
CRC Head
Director General
The typesetting office and personnel.
Abstract: Abstract gives an executive summary or overview of the project report outlining the title of the
project, objective(s), shortcomings of existing literatures, need for further research, proposed measure of
performance and research methods, results of comparison and highlights of inferences as brief
Table of content: Table of content is the catalogue of the project report, which summarizes every aspect
of the report.
List of tables and figures: In project reports, the data and results are presented in the form of tables for
quick grasp. Each and every table must be numbered. The numbering should be such that it is internal to
each chapter. For example, if the total number of tables in Chapter 4 is 20, then the numbering should be
from Table 4.1 to Table 4.20 and similarly for figures.
Different items under 'Text' are Chapters, Main Sections, Subsections, and Conclusions.
Chapters: The text of the report should be divided into different chapters depending on the type of
project. In the case of survey based project report, the different chapters are as listed below:
1. Introduction
a. Introduction of Topic
b. Background & justification of the topic
2. Company Profile
3. Literature Review
4. Research Objectives and Hypothesis
5. Research Methodology
6. Data Analysis and Interpretation of Findings
7. Conclusions
8. Suggestions and Recommendations
Introduction: The chapter on introduction should begin with the origin and the development of the
project concept along with the most significant contributions in the past must be summarized in this
chapter. At the end of this chapter, the plan of project in the form of a flowchart should be presented.
Further, this chapter should give a lead for literature search.
Introduction to Organization: It focuses on background, organization structure, company turnover,
product line, distribution network, market share and relevance of the subject to the organization under
Literature Review: Literature review is the crucial part of any research. This helps the researcher avoid
reinventing past contributions and results. This focuses on the past literature in the field of research and
its classification under different angles.
Objectives and Hypothesis: Based on the direction of the literature review, the researcher should clearly
spell out the objectives of the research and related hypotheses. As mentioned earlier, hypothesis is an
assumption about the population where the truth of the assumption is not sure. The researcher should list
a meaningful number of hypotheses, which will be tested under the chapter 'Data Analysis’.
Research Methodology: Methodology aims to finalize the activities of research design and data
collection procedure.
After designing the questionnaire, the researcher should organize the data collection activity with the
help of interviewers as per the assumed sampling plan and experimental design. Anyone or a
combination of primary data collection methods, viz., observation method, personal interview, and
telephone interview and mail survey is to be used in the study.
Data Analysis and Interpretation: The data analysis can be classified into preliminary analysis and
hypotheses testing. This chapter deals with the application of statistical tools for the analysis of data and
making inferences.
In preliminary analysis, the data are presented in the form of charts and graphs to have insight into the
research problem. This helps the researcher come out with some inferences, but these are based on the
observations from the charts and graphs.
The second type of analysis is the testing of hypotheses. The different hypotheses which have been
formulated earlier are tested at this stage. This exercise will reveal certain underlying facts of the
research problem which will help the researcher formulate strategies for the operations of any business
system. This chapter will have a major subsection on results and discussions. In some cases, this section
deals with mathematical models and regression models, in addition to the above items.
Conclusions: The chapter on conclusions summarizes project findings, contribution of the study,
limitations of the study, and scope for the future research.
Suggestions and Recommendations: The researcher has to give his/her views as suggestion or
recommendations to the organization based on the analysis of data collected.
A bibliography, the product of the practice of bibliography, is a systematic list of books and other works
such as journal articles. Bibliographies range from "works cited" lists at the end of books and articles to
complete, independent publications. As separate works, they may be in bound volumes such as those
shown on the right or computerized bibliographic databases. A library catalog, while not referred to as a
"bibliography," is bibliographic in nature. The references can be classified into journals, books,
magazines, newspapers, research studies, etc. These are illustrated below.
Journal articles: The articles which are taken from journals should be included in the bibliography as
per the following format.
Author(s), year of publication, Title of the article, Name of the journal, Volume of the journal,
Issue number and page number
A few examples of journal publications are presented below. If the number of authors is more than two,
it is preferable to use et al. after the first author.
1. Panneerselvam, R. and C. Oudaya Sankar, (1993) 'New heuristics for assembly line balancing
problems', International Journal of Management and Systems, VOL. 9, No. I, pp. 25-36,
2. Panneerselvam, R. et al., (1990) 'Models for warehouse location problem', International Journal of
Management and Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 1-8.
Government publications
Ministry of Law, Government of India, the Copyright Act,' 14 of 1957, Delhi, The Manager of
Publications, 1960, p. 10.
Books: If some of the items from a book are referred in a research, the format to include that book in the
research report is as given below:
Author(s), Title of the book, Name of the publisher, Place of publication, Year of publication.
After thoroughly checking the draft of the research report, it should be given for final typing. This section
deals with important instructions for typing the report. The different items which are to be concentrated
are paper, margins, indention, spacing between .lines and spacing within a sentence.
Paper: The quarto-size white thick unrolled paper is used for the final printing of the report. The printing
should be done on one side only.
Margins: The left margin and the right margin of the report should be 1.5 inch and 1 inch, respectively.
The top as well as bottom margin should be 1 inch. But, in the pages starting with a chapter, the top
margin should be 3 inch.
Indention: The paragraph can be classified into general and indented. The first line of general paragraph
is not indented, whereas in indented paragraph, the first line of the paragraph is indented by 10 spaces
from the left margin.
Spacing between lines the entire report should be typed with 1.5 inch except indented paragraphs, tables
and footnotes. The indented paragraphs, tables and footnotes are to be typed with single spacing. But
there should be double spacing between each neighboring pair of these single spaced items, that is,
between adjacent indented paragraphs as well as adjacent tables.
Triple spacing should be given for the following cases:
Before each paragraph heading
Before and after each centre heading, centre subheading, side heading and indented paragraph.
The draft of the report should be reviewed for an appropriate number of times so that the errors are
completely removed. While reviewing the draft, certain guidelines are to be followed, as indicated below:
The report should have appropriate length. The number of Pages should be restricted to 50-75 pages.
Important Note:
The Faculty Guide has to be kept informed about the progress of the research work and the final report
has to be hard bound in maroon color with golden text only after the draft has been approved.
(150 MARKS)
1. Introduction of Topic
2. Justification of Topic
3. Objectives of Study
4. Research Methodology
5. Major Findings
6. Recommendations
7. Conclusions
8. Reference List
1) There will be a panel of three expert members (Corporate Expert, Alumni and Internal
Faculty) for the evaluation of Summer Internship Presentation Examination.
2) Students are informed that SIP Presentation is compulsory to get promoted in Term IV. If
you fail to appear, you will have to reappear with your junior batch in Academic Year
May 2019
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
Confirmation about: Joining Weekly Report
Intimation with scanned copy
1) Company
Report of all the
2) Place of work document
3) Department of work Mail to Faculty
Guide and CC to
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Last date for sending SIP topic approval Weekly Report
the confirmation of from Industry Guide Mail to Faculty
joining report or from Faculty Guide & CC to
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Literature Review Weekly Report
Mail to Faculty
Guide & CC to
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Objective of the Weekly Report
study, Design Mail to Faculty
the Hypothesis Guide & CC to
and Research
Including Ch.-1
Methodology & Ch. -2
completion report
26 27 28 29 30 31
To be approved by
Industry Guide or
from Faculty Guide
i) Student is supposed to send e-mail on the said date to their Faculty Guide
ii) Faculty Guides are supposed to follow up on all areas mentioned above. In case of non-compliance by the
students, send immediate report to Director General & SIP Coordinator and follow-up with the students.
June 2019
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Weekly Report
Mail to Faculty
Guide & CC to
Including final
draft of
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Commencement Weekly Report
Mail to Faculty
Guide & CC to
Data collection CRC
Including Ch.-3 &
Ch.- 4 completion
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Starting of Weekly Report
Mail to Faculty
Data analysis
Guide & CC to
by using CRC
Statistical tools
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Finding and Report Weekly Report
Mail to Faculty
conclusion Writing
Guide & CC to
& Starts CRC
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Submission of Draft report to Final touches to Submission of Signing of
Form - III be show to report Form - II Releasing
Industry Guide letter/certificate
and View from the
obtained Industry
i) Student is supposed to send e-mail on the said date to their Faculty Guide.
ii) Faculty Guides are supposed to follow up on all areas mentioned above. In case of non-compliance by the
students, send immediate report to Director General & SIP Coordinator and follow-up with the students.
July 2019
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
Term IV Classes
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Final Submission Summer Internship Summer
of SIP Report Knowledge Sharing Internship
Session Project
through Panel
of Externals)
21 22 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Contact Email ID
During the tenure of Summer Placement, Mr./ Ms……………………. has carried out a Summer
Project titled “______________________________________________________________”.
I certify that the Summer Internship and the Summer Project have been undertaken by
Mr. / Ms. …………………………………… (Name of the Student) of GL Bajaj Institute of
Management and Research, Greater Noida, recognized by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India, under
my supervision.
Contact Email ID
Format of Acknowledgement
I owe my gratitude to many people who helped and supported me during the entire Summer
My sincere thanks to _________ [FACULTY GUIDE’S NAME], the Faculty Guide of the
project, for initiating and guiding the project with attention and care. He/ She has always been
available for me to put me on track from time to time to bring the project at its present form.
I am also thankful to CRC Head for providing me the opportunity for SIP in
____________________________ [COMPANY NAME].
I am highly thankful to the Director General of the Institute for her support, motivation and
continuous efforts in providing us the better learning environment and opportunities to groom
ourselves as per the expectations of the corporate world. Without her support, it would not be
possible for us to successfully complete our SIP.
I also thank all faculty members without whom this project would have been a distant reality.
Name of the Industry Guide:……………………………......................………………………..
Contact details-..………………………………………………………………………………..
i. Discipline
ii. Sincerity
v. Team Work
i. Total No. of working Days………………………………………………………………
ii. No. of Days present……………………………………………………………………….
iii. Punctual - Yes/ No
Form -II
PGDM Batch-2018-20
(To be filled by the Student’s Industry Guide at the time of project completion. The student has to
submit this report along with the summer internship project to the respective Faculty Guide.)
i. Discipline
ii. Sincerity
iv. Communication
v. Team Work
i. ………….. ( in %)
ii……………( in Days)
Form -III
G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida
PGDM Batch-2018-20
(To be filled by the concerned Faculty Guide after due consultation with the Student’s Industry
Guide during their personal visits to the Industry - For Delhi/NCR Students)
Date of Visit :
Sr. Parameters for Excellent Very Good Average Poor
No. Evaluation Good
i. Clarity of Concepts
v. Initiative, Self
Reliance & Sense of
PART-B: ANY REMARKS/SUGGESTION:…………………………………………………
Weekly Log Sheet
This is to certify that the work reported in the Summer Internship Project titled“
Management and Research, Greater Noida, India, is a bonafide record of her/ his original work
carried out under my supervision. This work has not been submitted elsewhere for any other
degree or diploma.
Name: ________________________