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1. What is the syllabus. How have you prepared.

Important documents DOC 4444,

Radio Regulation, ICAO Annexe, DGCA CAR.

2. ITU and its purpose. Radio Regulation and its volumes.

3. RTG and RTR(A), Full form of RTR A Difference between telephony and


5. ICAO and annexe, DGCA, AAI

6. Requirement of radio, Radio net work RDARA, MAWARA

7. Types of telecommunication services, Types of message and priority indicator, SS

DD FF GG , what is flight safety message, Cancelling of message

8. Communication procedure, Frequency to use, Communication failure, Reciever

failure, Types of Call sign, callsign of controllers SMC – Ground VDF - homer
etc, UTC

9. Distress and urgency communication procedure . Distress frequency, ELT,

Sattalite search rescue, LUT, MCC, RCC

10. Aeronautical broadcast service, ATIS, VOLMET

11. Radio navigation service Q Codes, accuracy

12. Aeronautical information service. AIP, NOTAM, AIRAC, AIC, CAR,

AERADIO,ADIZ, 8 ADIZ in india north, south, east, west, central , mumbai,
delhi, kolkata Briefing procedure, FIR in India


14. Why QNH is used in vicinity of ground

15. Types of airspace, ATS route are class D airspace

16. Airport lighting and marking

17. Phrases, acknowledge, approved, cleared, maintain, report, request, say again, I
say again, readback, contact, changing to, monitor, roger, break , break break ,
Wilco word twice,

18. Abbreviation, hj, h24, . Pronouncing Alphabets, calling numbers.

19. Nautical mile, great circle, Rhumb line,

20. Definition, Aeronautical fixed service, Aeronautical mobile, Aeronautical

broadcasting service, Aeronautical radio navigation service, Aeronautical fixed
station Aircraft station, air to ground, air ground, Aerodrome elevation,
Aerodrome reference point, Airmet , Sigmet, Air report, Air taxi, ATC c;earence
ATC instruction, ATIS, DA/DH, MDA, Estimated Approach time, Estimated off
block time, Estimated time of arrival, Expected approach time, Difference
between Heading and track, Altitude , Height, elevation, Flight Level, Transition
altitude, Transition Layer, Transition Level, Rapid taxi way, ATS, What are air
traffic services ,ATS routes, Maneuvering area, movement area, prohibited area,
restricted area, control area, control zone, aeorplane, aircraft, aerodrome, airport,
simplex, duplex, Is mobile duplex Blind transmission Primary frequency,
Secondary frequency, Location indicator Notam, AIP, CAR, Preflight Bulletin

21. 6 Prohibited areas. Where is it given.

22. Rules of air, Flight Plan, Flight plan filling in india, One hour on land 10 minutes
in Air, V for VFR, I for IFR etc M for mach number , F for FL

23. VMC, VFR, Special VFR, IFR , Semi circular FL, RVSM FL, Light signal,
Ground Signal, Light displayed by aircraft. Why Red on port

24. Electricity: Ohm’s Law, Ampere, Watt, Volt, Resistance, BB ROY GB VGW,
adding in series parallel, Cells and battery, Inductor, Capacitor, Generator,
Alternator, Motor, Transformer, Why domestic supply is 50 Hz and aircraft
supply 400 Hz, Ohm’s law for ac, Impedence, How to calculate Impedence, LCR
circuit diagram. Frequency in ac circuit, resonance. Resonance is 1/ 2 pai under
root L C Krichoffs law, Diode, Triode.

25. Symbols and Diagram of cell, resistance, inductor, capacitor, LCR circuit,
transformer , transistor, PNP ; NPN, diode, triode, Transmitter, TFR (tuned
frequency receiver), Super hetrodyne reciever,. Numericals based on resistance ,
capacitor etc.

26. What is diode and triod. CRT, Gas used in CRT.

27. Radio theory: Atomic structure, Valence shell, how is ac produced, What is
oscillator, magnetron, cyclotron, what is electromagnetic wave, Frequency
spectrum VLF to EHF and equipments in each band. Phase difference,
polarization, Speed of light, refractive index. Speed of light does it vary yes it is
more in vacuum and it is slowed down in transparent media like air and water the
ratio by which it is slowed is refractive index. The exact speed is 299792458
28. Modulation, types of modulation, What is frequency modulation modulation
depth. Diagram, What is side band.

29. Emission designator of NDB, RTF, VOR, ILS DME Emmision designator what is
2 in A2A J3E Suppressed carier used in HF communications as intelligence is
contained in side bands only single side band is sent to economise on band width
30. Amplitude, wave length, frequency relationship, numericals based on it

31. Propogation of radio wave : Surface wave, Sky wave, Space wave, Ground wave,
duct propogation.

32. H F PROPOGATION Sky wave D, E, F. Layer, how are D E F layers created .

Created by sun rays breaking ozone ions Skip distance, Dead Space, Critical
angle, critical frequency, Day and night frequency, Range of VHF and HF

33. Block diagram of Transmitter, Reciever, Superhetrodyne receiver. Qualities in a

receiver. Triple S F, Switches in a receiver Volume control, BFO, AVC, Squelch,
Noise limiter How do you tune a transmitter We use a variable air capacitor for
tuning. Synthesizers are also used.

34. Microphone, Types of microphone, speaker

35. Fading, Selective fading. How to overcome it.

36. What is antennae, types of antennae, whip antennae, wire antennae, ferret rod
antennae, Loop antennae, sense antennae, parabolic antennae, Log periodic
antennae. ifference between antannae , ariel . Antannae is solid metal structure ,
ariel is wire based , ATU, Antannae length for 30 M Hz, Factors affecting strength
of signal amplification and design and orientation of antennae, Self radiating mast
is used for transmitting long and medium wave in which mast itself acts as an

37. Atannae gain is ratio between radiation intensity in a given direction and that
produced by an ideal antannae which transmits in all direction. What is loop
antannae with two arms used in ADF

38. EIRP stands for effective isotropically radiated power. it is the amount of power
that a theoretical isotropical antennae would emit to produce peak power in
direction of maximum antannae gain. EIRP = power at transmitter - cable loss +
antannae gain

39. NDB working and limitation, Night effect

40. VOR working , VOR, frequency of reference signal and variable signal, limitation
of VOR , Which has got more range VOR or NDB. Difference between VOR and

41. ILS working and diagram Drawing ILS diagram Category of operation, Back
course, Glide slope off the air non precission approach Localizer off the air non
instrument approach

42. GPS

43. Linear , Non Linear transmission

44. Radar principal, Types of radar and their power, Types of Radar SSR , ASSR,

45. Primary and Secondary radar, AWR, DME, SSR, TCAS, GPWS

46. Why tv antannae is bigger than vhf antannae more antannae gain.



49. How does tv work

50. What is radio spectrum. Radio spectrum it is group of consecutive frequency

assigned to particular user for a purpose with emission designator , It starts from
vlf i.e. 3 k hz to ehf i.e. 300 G hz then describe equipment in each band.

51. Latitude and longitude of india extent

52. Relationship between watt and decibel dB = 10 Log watt , 100 watt is 20 dB \

53. Sigmet, PAPI, VASI, Elde's lamp signal . Steady red etc

54. What is electro magnetic wave and its use. Microwave for telecom , infra red for
remote control , U V for strerlization, x ray gamma ray in medical,

55. Diagram of runway, Markings etc, Runways lighting refer cd given to you. Width
of stripes 3 feet.

56. CDMA, GSM full form.

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