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Configurable Control Zones Software

for the RC12-10 Controller

Version 10 Edition: 08.2016

Features Overview of contents

The changing needs of today’s machinery requires software Ordering Information 2
that can change along with it. From simple machines Functional Description 2
requiring unidirectional control, to complex machines with Internal Variants 2
bidirectional control and/or fan-drive functionality. The Sample Functions 3
Configurable Control Zones software is a single software Components required 4
with many different configurations. These configurations Wiring diagram 5–6
are recognized using the BODAS-service Tool. Safety Instructions 7

 USH00075, edition: 08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

2 Configurable Control Zones Software | RC12-10 Controller

Ordering information

The CCZ application software is used with the RC12-10/30

control unit. When ordering, link the hardware and soft-
ware type codes with a "+", for example:

RC12-10/30 + CCZ1210 (R978730855)

Functional Description

The general function of this software is to make an RC12- neutral with a separate on and off time delay. This switched
10/30 controller flexible and easy to configure for typical output can also be used to power the proportional outputs.
proportional control of functions needed on a machine.
Some of the configurations also have a fine control mode
The software divides the RC12-10/30 controller into six (6) where the input range does not change but the current to
separate zones, each of which can be independently config- the output can be adjusted to be lower than the maximum
ured as a dual solenoid driver (DSD) or a single solenoid current.
driver (SSD). In addition one of the zones can be config-
ured for a fan drive with reversing functionality using up to For fast response times without overshoot on the outputs,
6 temperature inputs. each output can be configured using a soft start function.

Each zone contains a switched output that can be either For setup information, see USH00075-B.
turned on or flash with output A, output B, and/or when in

Internal Variants

The configurable control zones CCZ is an easily configur- The AFC (automatic fan control) monitors temperature
able software program for controlling various types of inputs (either analog or J1939-CAN messages) to propor-
outputs. These outputs usually control a hydraulic pump, tionally control the speed of the cooling fan circuit. Using
motor or valve. There are three different configurations time ramps, you can configure how quickly the fan
variants used in each zone, the DSD, SSD, and AFC. responds to a change in the requested fan speed.

The DSD (dual solenoid driver) is an amplifier that takes

input from a joystick, pedal, or potentiometer and then
drives 2 separate solenoids. Typically, the solenoids are
attached to a pump, motor, or valve. The first solenoid
drives the output in one direction, and the second solenoid
drives the output in the opposite direction. The bidirec-
tional input is typically scaled from (+/–100%) from a
center position.

The SSD (single solenoid driver) is an amplifier that takes

input from a joystick, pedal, or potentiometer and then
drives a single solenoid. Typically, the solenoid is attached
to a pump, motor, or valve. The solenoid drives the output
in one direction. The unidirectional input is typically scaled
from (0  100%).

Bosch Rexroth Corp., USH00075, edition: 08.2016

 RC12-10 Controller | Configurable Control Zones Software 3

One program, many uses.

Example 1 – Single function machines.
The versatility of the Control Zones software means that it Zone1  Configure drum rotation as DSD
can be configured for many different machines, from single
function, to multi-function or fan control.

Control Zones Software makes new machine development

easy. For example, a new machine might be developed with
up/dn, and lf/rt functionality. Then the machine might
need in/out functionality added. Not a problem. With the
same controller and the same software loaded, simply log
in to the controller, enable and configure the new functions,
and your new machine function is now ready to use.
Example 2 – Multiple function machines.
Compatibility, built-in. Zone1  Fwd/Rev functions
Zone2  Steering functions
The Control Zones software was developed to be used on
both 12V and 24V systems. In addition to the predefined
coils, there are ‘manual’ settings that can be selected to
allow for maximum compatibility with all types of compo-

Fault dectection, included.

The Control Zones software has several different fault

Example 3 – Single or multi function machines, with
detections built in, to monitor the inputs and outputs for
fan control
wire breaks, as well as electrical ‘shorts’ to power or
Zone1  Up/Down functions
ground. The Control Zones software is programmed with
Zone2  Auger rotation
Start-Latch functionality, to make sure certain conditions
Zone3  Conveyor in/out
are met before the outputs can be activated. The RC12-10
controller provides for E-stop functionality that can be
wired in and then activated with the Control Zones soft-
Zone6  Fan drive (w/rev)

 USH00075, edition: 08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

4 Configurable Control Zones Software | RC12-10 Controller

Making Connections Components shown

Pre-packaged connector kits, and pre-crimped wire kits, The following electronic components are illustrated above:
make wiring up the controller quick and easy. Wire kits
come in several different quantities and lengths, to fit your (R917008181) RC12-10 Controller
specific application.
(R978730365) BCK1-96 Connector Kit
Once the controller is connected, and wired into your
system, simply connect to the communication node with a (R978730366) BCK1-58 Connector Kit
CAN-USB adapter, and configure the software with the
BODAS-service Tool. (R978730358) BWK1-18 Signal Wire Kit

The BODAS-service Tool can also be used for things like (R978730356) BWK2-16 Ground Wire Kit
‘data-logging’ which will allow you to save performance
data, as well as other parameters, to your computer. (R978730360) BWK2-16 Power Wire Kit

(R978058209) NODE-CAN1 Wire Assembly

(R978058300) NODE-SERVICE Cable Assembly

(R978005614) CAN-USB Can Adapter

(R902109416) BODAS-service Full Edition

Bosch Rexroth Corp., USH00075, edition: 08.2016

 RC12-10 Controller | Configurable Control Zones Software 5

 USH00075, edition: 08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

6 Configurable Control Zones Software | RC12-10 Controller

Bosch Rexroth Corp., USH00075, edition: 08.2016

 RC12-10 Controller | Configurable Control Zones Software 7

Safety Instructions

▶▶ The suggested circuits do not imply any technical

liability for the system on the part of Rexroth.

▶▶ The safety instructions contained in RE 90301-01-B must

be observed.

▶▶ Leads for speed sensors must be shielded. The shield

must be connected to the electronics on one side or to
the machine or vehicle ground via a low-resistance

▶▶ Cables to the electronics must not be routed close to

other power conducting cables in the machine or vehicle.

▶▶ Sufficient distance from radio systems must be


▶▶ All connectors must be unplugged from the electronics

during electrical welding operations.

▶▶ The electronics may only be tested with the solenoids

connected. The proportional solenoids must not be
connected to spark suppression diodes.

▶▶ Switching solenoids at the outputs of the RC control

unit need not be connected to spark suppression

▶▶ Other inductive loads that are in the system but not

connected to the RC must be connected to spark sup-
pression diodes.

▶▶ In order to preserve the warranty, any installation or

replacement of the RC software (flash EPROM) must be
performed by personnel from Rexroth.

 USH00075, edition: 08.2016, Bosch Rexroth Corp.

8 Configurable control zones software | RC12-10 software

Bosch Rexroth Corp. © 2016 Bosch Rexroth Corporation

Hydraulics This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set
8 Southchase Court forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth Corp. It may not be
reproduced or given to third parties with its consent.
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U.S.A. The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements
concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be
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derived from our information. The information given does not release the user
Facsimile (864) 967-8900 from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered
info@boschrexroth-us.com that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.
www.boschrexroth-us.com Subject to change

Bosch Rexroth Corp., USH00075, edition: 08.2016

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