World Investment: Key Messages and
World Investment: Key Messages and
World Investment: Key Messages and
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UNCTAD/WIR/2019 (Overview)
I commend this year’s World Investment Report for both industrial and
investment policymakers, and as an important tool for the international
development community.
António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Preface iii
For some time now, the global policy climate for trade and investment has not
been as benign as it was in the heyday of export-led growth and development. Yet
the need to attract investment and promote exports to support industrialization,
economic diversification and structural transformation is as great as ever for
developing countries, especially the least developed countries.
The many new industrial policies that have been adopted in recent years – in
both developing and developed countries – almost all rely to a significant degree
on attracting investment. At the same time, we are observing a declining trend
in cross-border productive investment.
It is in this context that we are seeing explosive growth in the use of special
economic zones (SEZs) as key policy instruments for the attraction of investment
for industrial development. More than 1,000 have been developed worldwide in
the last five years, and by UNCTAD’s count at least 500 more are in the pipeline
for the coming years.
There are many examples of SEZs that have played a key role in structural
transformation, in promoting greater participation in global value chains and in
catalyzing industrial upgrading. But for every success story there are multiple
zones that did not attract the anticipated influx of investors, with some having
become costly failures.
The World Investment Report 2019 surveys the universe of SEZs today,
provides an overview of SEZ laws and regulations, and assesses the sustainable
development impact of SEZs. The report offers recommendations through
three lenses: lessons learned from the past, a forward-looking perspective and
a pioneering idea in the form of “SDG model zones”.
I hope that the report will inspire and reinvigorate efforts around the world to
make investment work for development through SEZs. UNCTAD stands ready
to support stakeholders in this endeavour.
Mukhisa Kituyi
Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Foreword v
The World Investment Report 2019 was prepared by a team led by James
X. Zhan. The team members included Richard Bolwijn, Bruno Casella, Arslan
Chaudhary, Hamed El Kady, Kumi Endo, Thomas van Giffen, Kálmán Kalotay,
Joachim Karl, Isya Kresnadi, Oktawian Kuc, Jing Li, Anthony Miller, Kyoungho
Moon, Abraham Negash, Shin Ohinata, Diana Rosert, Astrit Sulstarova, Claudia
Trentini, Elisabeth Tuerk, Joerg Weber and Kee Hwee Wee.
Research support and inputs were provided by Jorun Baumgartner, Faicel Belaid,
Magdalena Bulit Goni, Juan Carlos Castillo, Tiffany Grabski, Yulia Levashova,
Luisa Sande Lemos, Sergey Ripinsky and Linli Yu. Interns Zahra Ejehi, Robert
Kuhn, Alina Nazarova and Mxolisi Artwell Ngulube also contributed.
The manuscript was edited with the assistance of Caroline Lambert and copy-
edited by Lise Lingo. Pablo Cortizo designed the charts, maps and infographics;
he and Laurence Duchemin typeset the report. Production of the report was
supported by Elisabeth Anodeau-Mareschal, Nathalie Eulaerts, Rosalina
Goyena, Sivanla Sikounnavong and Katia Vieu.
The report benefited from extensive advice from François Bost and Rajneesh
Narula on chapter IV. At various stages of preparation, including during the
expert meetings organized to discuss drafts, the team received comments and
inputs from these experts: Aradhna Aggarwal, Xiangming Chen, Teresa Cheng,
Manjiao Chi, Riccardo Crescenzi, Stefan Csordas, Thomas Farole, Masataka
Fujita, Yeseul Hyun, N. Jansen Calamita, Markus Krajewski, Alexey Kuznetsov,
Olga Kuznetsova, Guangwen Meng, Maria Camila Moreno, Shree Ravi, Emily
Sims, Ilan Strauss, Juan Torrents and Giovanni Valensisi.
Acknowledgements vii
PREFACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
FOREWORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
KEY MESSAGES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
REGIONAL TRENDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Global FDI
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows % 2018
continued their slide in 2018, falling by 13 per cent
to $1.3 trillion. The decline – the third consecutive $1.3 trillion
year’s fall in FDI – was mainly due to large-scale
repatriations of accumulated foreign earnings by United States multinational
enterprises (MNEs) in the first two quarters of 2018,FDI
downwardtax trend
introduced by that country at the end of 2017.
FDI flows to developed economies reached the lowest point since$706 2004,
Developing $557 bn
declining by 27 per cent. Inflows to Europe halved to less than $200 billion, due
$34 bn
to negative inflows in a few large host countries as a result of funds
and to a sizeable drop in the United Kingdom. Inflows in the United chaper States 1-2 also
declined, by 9 per cent to $252 billion.
Greenfield investment
Flows to developing countries remained stable, rising by 2 per cent. As a result
in manufacturing
of the increase and the anomalous fall in FDI in developed countries, FDI
the share
of developing countries in global FDI increased to 54 per cent, a record.
• FDI flows to Africa rose by 11 per cent to $46 billion, despite declines in many
$1.3 trillion
of the larger recipient countries. The increase was supported by continued
resource-seeking inflows, some diversified investments and a recovery in
South Africa after several years of low-level inflows.
• Flows to developing Asia, the largest recipient
region, were up 4 per cent. In a sign of Top
FDI 100 MNEs
downward trend
continued dynamism, greenfield project account for more than
1/3 R&D worldwide
announcements in the region doubled in Developed of business-funded
value, recovering from their 2017 pause. $706 bn
Developing $557 bn
• FDI in Latin America and the Caribbean was 6
per cent lower, failing to maintain momentum $34 bn
2007–2018 Transition
after the 2017 increase halted a long slide.
Greenfield investment
Key Messages ix
in manufacturing
chaper 3
FDI in the region is still 27 per cent lower than during the peak of the
commodities boom.
• FDI flows to structurally weak and vulnerable economies continued to
account for less than 3 per cent of the global total. Flows to the least
developed countries recovered from their 2017 fall, back to $24 billion, the
average for the decade.
-13% 2018
Global FDI
In 2019, FDI is expected to see a rebound in developed economies as the effect
of the tax reforms winds down. Greenfield project announcements – indicating
$1.3 trillion
forward spending plans – also point at an increase, as they were up 41 per cent
in 2018 from their low 2017 levels. Despite this, projections for global FDI show
only a modest recovery of 10 per cent to about $1.5 trillion, below the average
over the past 10 years. The underlying FDI trend remains weak. Trade tensions
also pose a downward risk for 2019 and beyond.
FDI downward trend
The underlying FDI trend has shown anemic growth since 2008. FDI net of
one-off factors such as tax reforms, megadeals and volatile financial flows has
averaged only 1 per cent growth per year for a decade, compared with 8 per $706cent
Developing $557 bn
in 2000–2007, and more than 20 per cent before 2000. Explanations include
declining rates of return on FDI, increasingly asset-light2007–2018
forms of Transition $34 bn
investment and
a less favourable investment policy climate.
down. There are close to 1,500 SO-MNEs, account for more than
$34 bn
funded R&D worldwide. Technology, pharmaceutical and automotive%
100 MNEs
MNEs in the global top 100 account for more than one third of business-
1/3 R&D worldwide
the biggest spenders. The R&D intensity (relative to sales) of the developing-
of business-funded
country top 100 is significantly lower. International greenfield investment in R&D
activities is sizeable and growing.
2 658
ownership of critical infrastructure, core technologies National investment
and other sensitive business assets. Furthermore, at policy measures
ISDS cases Key Messages xi
up 35%
least 22 large M&A deals were withdrawn or blocked for regulatory or political
reasons – twice as many as in 2017.
Top 100 MNEs
Screening mechanisms for foreign investment are gaining importance. Since
account for more than
2011, at least 11 countries have introduced new screening frameworks and at
66% 34%
in specific industries or regions.
(IIAs). For at least 24 existing treaties, terminations entered into effect. The
impact on the global IIA regime of novel features in new agreements, including
some megaregional treaties with key investor countries, will be significant.
Many countries are also developing new model treaties and guiding principles
to shape future treaty making.
National investment
IIA reform is progressing, but much remains to be done. Almost all new treaties
policy measures
contain numerous elements in line with UNCTAD’s Reform Package for the
International Investment Regime. UNCTAD’s policy tools have also spurred
initial action to modernize old-generation treaties.
Increasingly, countries interpret, amend, replace or
+ terminate outdated treaties. However, the stock of
old-generation treaties is 10 times larger than the
in 2018 number of modern, reform-oriented treaties. Investors
Total IIAs in force continue to resort to old-generation treaties; in 2018,
IIA reform actions are also creating new challenges. New
treaties aim to improve balance and flexibility, but they
also make the IIA regime less homogenous. Different
National investment
approaches to ISDS reform, ranging from traditional ad
hoc tribunals to a standing court or to no ISDS, add to
ISDS cases
policy measures
broader systemic complexity. Moreover, reform efforts are occurring in parallel
and often in isolation. Effectively harnessing international investment relations
for the pursuit of sustainable development requires holistic and synchronized
reform through an inclusive and transparent process. UNCTAD caninplay 2018an
important facilitating role in this regard.
Total IIAs in force
niche to mainstream. A growing number of investors are integrating ESG factors
into their investment decision making to enhance performance and mitigate risk.
5 400
The positive track record of sustainability-themed products is reinforcing the
ISDS cases
views of asset managers and securities regulators that such factors are material
to long-term investment performance. As these sustainable investment trends
take root and expand, they can have a stronger influence on the operational
policies and practices of MNEs.
building Bilateral
capabilities. The degree and type of specialization is closely
linked to countries’ level of industrialization, following an SEZ
Z NES in development ladder. partnerships
countries building
Many new types of SEZs and innovative zone development
programmes are emerging. Some focus on new industries, such
as high-tech, financial services, or tourism – moving beyond the
Z NES in
trade- and labour-intensive manufacturing activities of traditional SEZs. Others
focus on environmental performance, science commercialization, regional
development or urban regeneration.
International cooperation on zone development is increasingly common. Many
zones in developing countries are being built through bilateral partnerships
or as part of development cooperation programmes. Regional development
zones and cross-border zones spanning two or three countries are becoming a
feature of regional economic cooperation.
xiv type of SEZ:
World Investment Report 2019 Special Economic Zones
Key Messages xv
that SEZs market to investors. Modern SEZs can make a positive contribution
to the ESG performance of countries’ industrial bases. Controls, enforcement
and services (e.g. inspectors, health services, waste management and
renewable energy installations) can be provided more easily and cheaply in
the confined areas of SEZs.
SEZs are traditionally big employers of women, with about 60 per cent
female employees on average. Some modern zones are implementing
gender equality regulations, such as anti-discrimination rules, and support
SEZ Sustainable
services, such as child care and schooling facilities, setting new standards
for SDG performance. Development
Profit and Loss
• The new industrial revolution and the digital economy are changing
manufacturing industries – the main clients of SEZs. SEZs will need to adapt
their value propositions to include access to skilled resources, high levels of
data connectivity and relevant technology service providers. SEZs may also
have new opportunities to target digital firms.
• The current challenging global policy environment for trade and investment,
with rising protectionism, shifting trade preferences and a prevalence
of regional economic cooperation, is causing changes in patterns of
international production and GVCs. These changes can significantly
affect the competitiveness of SEZs, which function as central nodes in
GVCs. International cooperation on zone development is likely to become
increasingly important.
Finally, the 2030 Agenda to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
provides an opportunity for the development of an entirely new type of SEZ:
the SDG model zone. Such zones would aim to attract investment in SDG-
relevant activities, adopt the highest levels of ESG standards and compliance,
and promote inclusive growth through linkages and spillovers.
2 000
1 500
1 000
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 1
transaction activity. The value of cross-border merger and acquisitions (M&As)
rose by 18 per cent, fueled by United States MNEs using liquidity in foreign
affiliates that was no longer encumbered by tax liabilities.
United States (1) 277
China (2) 134
Hong Kong, China (3) 111
Singapore (5) 76
Netherlands (7) 58
United Kingdom (4) 101
Brazil (6) 68
Australia (8) 42
Spain (17) 21
India (9) 40
Canada (15) 25
France (13) 30
Mexico (12) 32
Germany (11) 37
Italy (16) 22
Indonesia (18) 21
Israel (19) 18
Viet Nam (21) 14 Developed economies
14 2018 2017
Korea, Republic of (20) 18
13 Developing and transition economies
Russian Federation (14) 26 2018 2017
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 3
Figure 3. FDI outflows, top 20 home economies, 2017 and 2018
(Billions of dollars)
Japan (2) 160
China (3) 158
France (9) 41
Hong Kong, China (6) 87
Germany (5) 92
Netherlands (14) 28
Canada (7) 80
United Kingdom (4) 118
Korea, Republic of (13) 34
Singapore (8) 44
Russian Federation (12) 34
Spain (10) 40
Switzerland (156) -35
Saudi Arabia (28) 7
Italy (15) 26
Sweden (17) 23
Taiwan Province of China (21) 12
Thailand (18) 17 Developed economies
15 2018 2017
United Arab Emirates (20) 14
Developing and transition economies
Ireland (157) -39 2018 2017
Source: UNCTAD.
1990 2000 2008 2018
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 5
Greenfield recovered, but unevenly
The value of announced greenfield investment projects recovered from its
slump in 2017, with a 41 per cent increase to $961 billion. The bulk of the
increase came from a doubling of announced projects in Asia.
The long-term slide of greenfield investment in manufacturing – critical for
industrial development in developing countries – halted in 2018. In developing
economies, the value of announced projects in manufacturing rose by 68 per
cent to $271 billion. Most of the increase took place in Asia, but announced
projects also increased markedly in Africa (up 60 per cent); they slumped in
Latin America and the Caribbean.
Much of the increase in manufacturing was due to large-scale projects, mostly
in natural resource-related processing industries. The number of projects in
developing countries rose by a more modest 12 per cent. The growth in the
number of projects in typical early-industrialization industries – the type often
attracted by SEZs – remained lacklustre.
Overview 7
For some treaties and economic groupings, such as the African Continental
Free Trade Area (AfCTA) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), where regional hubs have a significant role, the share of direct
investment covered by the agreements is higher than the share of investment
by ultimate owner.
Overview 9
FDI flows to developing Asia increased marginally
FDI inflows to developing Asia rose by 4 per cent to $512 billion in 2018.
Growth occurred mainly in China, Hong Kong (China), Singapore, Indonesia
and other ASEAN countries, as well as in India and Turkey. Asia continued to
be the world’s largest FDI recipient region, absorbing 39 per cent of global
inflows in 2018, up from 33 per cent in 2017.
Flows to East Asia rose by 4 per cent to $280 billion in 2018 but remained
significantly below their 2015 peak of $318 billion. Inflows to China increased
by 4 per cent to an all-time high of $139 billion. Flows to South-East Asia
were up 3 per cent to a record level of $149 billion. Robust investment from
other Asian economies, including investment diversion and relocations of
manufacturing activity from China, supported FDI growth in the region. Strong
intra-ASEAN investments also contributed to the trend, although Singapore
played a significant role in this as a regional investment hub.
FDI inflows to South Asia increased by 4 per cent to $54 billion, with a 6
per cent rise in investment in India to $42 billion, driven by an increase in
M&As in services, including retail, e-commerce and telecommunication. West
Asia saw a 3 per cent rise in investment to $29 billion, halting an almost
continuous 10-year downward trend. The largest increases were recorded in
Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Outflows from Asia declined by 3 per cent to $401 billion, representing 40
per cent of global outward FDI. This was mainly due to reduced investments
from China for the second consecutive year, caused by policies discouraging
capital outflows, as well as by increased screening of inward investments
in Europe and the United States. In contrast, outward investment from the
Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Thailand
The prospects for FDI flows to the region are cautiously optimistic, due to a
favourable economic outlook and ongoing efforts to improve the investment
climate in several major economies. Announced greenfield investment projects
doubled in value in 2018 across Asia, suggesting continued growth potential
for FDI. Global trade tensions could negatively affect investor sentiment but
could also lead to further investment diversion.
Overview 11
FDI flows to transition economies continue to slide
FDI flows to the transition economies of South-East Europe and the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) declined in 2018 for the second
consecutive year. Investment to the region dropped by 28 per cent to $34
billion. The contraction was driven by the halving of flows to the Russian
Federation, by far the biggest economy and largest recipient in the group,
from $26 billion to $13 billion, in part due to international political factors and
domestic policies aimed at reducing investment round-tripping. Some of the
other larger recipients in the region – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine
– also saw declining inflows. In contrast, flows were buoyant in South-East
Europe, especially in Serbia and North Macedonia. Serbia became the
second largest FDI recipient among transition economies as inflows grew by
44 per cent to $4.1 billion, driven by a surge in new equity capital.
Outflows from transition economies remained unchanged at $38 billion,
making the region a net FDI capital exporter in 2018. The Russian Federation
accounted for 95 per cent, with outflows of $36 billion – almost three times
more than inflows. The rise was driven mainly by reinvested earnings in and
loans to established affiliates. Equity investment in new greenfield ventures
and foreign acquisitions declined by almost half, reflecting caution about
overseas expansion.
FDI inflows in the transition economies are expected to stabilize in 2019.
Growth prospects for inflows into South-East Europe, where greenfield
project announcements doubled in 2018, are more positive.
Overview 13
the decline in FDI was modest, while Latin American LLDCs experienced a
more pronounced downturn. Flows to LLDCs remained concentrated in a
few economies, with the top five recipients (Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, Mongolia,
Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan) accounting for 56 per cent of total FDI to the
group. Chinese MNEs are increasingly active sources of investment and are
present in practically all LLDCs. Prospects for FDI vary according to LLDCs’
level of development and industrialization, with the fastest growth expected
in those with more potential for economic diversification.
FDI flows to the 28 small island developing States (SIDS) slipped for a second
year to $3.7 billion, with an 11 per cent contraction in the Caribbean SIDS.
FDI in Asian and Oceanian SIDS stagnated at $1 billion. FDI flows to African
SIDS fell by 22 per cent to $0.6 billion.
FDI flows into SIDS will remain fragile and dependent on few capital-intensive
projects. The trends in announced greenfield projects suggest further
concentration of FDI in a narrow range of industries in the services sector (e.g.
business activities, hotels and restaurants). Several SIDS in Africa and in the
Caribbean can expect sizeable investments in new tourism projects. In some
SIDS, ongoing SEZ development could create new investment opportunities.
Liberalization/promotion Restriction/regulation
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Overview 15
Among the new restrictions and regulations, developed countries adopted
a number of measures to address national security concerns. In developing
countries, measures included new foreign ownership ceilings in certain
industries or restrictions on the acquisition of residential property. New local
content requirements and obligations to employ local workers were also
introduced, including as part of public procurement rules.
Numerous cross-border M&A deals (exceeding $50 million) fell through in
2018 because of government interventions. At least 22 deals were blocked
or withdrawn for regulatory or political reasons – twice as many as in 2017.
Nine were halted for national security considerations, three were withdrawn
due to concerns from competition authorities and three more were aborted
for other regulatory reasons. Another seven deals were abandoned due to
approval delays from host-country authorities.
Penalties 11
timeline 14 Screening
expansion 54 scope
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 17
Figure 7. Number of IIAs signed, 1980−2018
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
IIA regime. Many of these developments have benefited from UNCTAD’s work
on IIA-related technical assistance and capacity building.
Cumulative number
of known ISDS cases
1987 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Overview 19
Most of these reform elements are in line with the options identified by
UNCTAD in the Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development.
Five principal approaches emerge from IIAs signed in 2018 (used alone or
in combination): (I) no ISDS (four IIAs entirely omit ISDS), (ii) a standing ISDS
tribunal (one IIA), (iii) limited ISDS (19 IIAs), (iv) improved ISDS procedures (15
IIAs), and (v) an unreformed ISDS mechanism (six IIAs). Some of the reform
approaches have more far-reaching implications than others.
ISDS reform is being pursued across various regions and by countries at
different levels of development. In parallel, multilateral engagement on ISDS
reform is gaining prominence, involving a number of institutions such as
Overview 21
~5 400
250 5 000
200 4 000
50 1 000
47 845
29 500
79 176
0 0
1975 1986 1995 1997 2002 2006 2008 2014 2018
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 23
Table 1. The SEZ development ladder
Zone policy objectives Prevalent zone types
High-income • Provide an efficient platform for • Logistics hubs free zones only (not
economies complex cross-border supply chains industrial free zones)
• Focus on avoiding distortions • Innovation and new industrial
in the economy revolution objectives pursued
through science parks without
separate regulatory framework,
or though incentives not linked
to zones
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 25
To date, few countries systematically assess the performance and
impact of SEZs, and even fewer have instated mechanisms to deal
with underperformance. Doing so is critical, because the turnaround of
unsuccessful SEZs requires timely diagnosis, especially when there has
been a significant level of public investment in zone development. UNCTAD’s
SEZ Sustainable Development Profit and Loss Statement (P&L) can guide
policymakers in the design of a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation
system (table 2).
• Supplier linkages beyond the zones
Indirect economic contributions
• Indirect and induced job creation
Combined economic impact • Additional GDP growth
• Investment expenditures
• Operating costs
Net cost of/revenue from zones
• Foregone revenues and subsidies
• Income from zones
• Payback time of zone investment
Fiscal/financial viability of zones
• Fiscal burden
• Technology dissemination
• Skills and know-how transfers
Dynamic economic contributions
• Industrial diversification and upgrading
• Enhanced regional economic cooperation
• Labour conditions
Social and environmental • Environmental impact
impacts and externalities • Appropriation or misuse of land
• Illicit flows
• Pilot function of zones
Policy learning and
• Catalyst function for reforms
broader reform impact
• Reduced motivation to reform
Overall sustainable • Evolution of the role of zones in the economy
development impact • Long-term zone transformations
Source: UNCTAD.
Overview 27
require heavy capital expenditures or that are far away from infrastructure
hubs or cities with sufficient pools of labour; unreliable power supplies; poor
zone design with inadequate facilities or maintenance; or overly cumbersome
procedures. The facilitation of administrative procedures for businesses and
investors in the zone through regulatory streamlining and one-stop shops or
single windows is a must.
Active support to promote clusters and linkages is key to maximizing
development impact. Firms operating in zones can benefit from network
effects and economies of scale. Zone specialization helps to promote
clustering. Firms operating in the same or adjacent industries have greater
scope to collaborate, pool resources and share facilities than firms operating
in unrelated industries. Nevertheless, even multi-activity zones can extract
some of the benefits of co-location. Firms in different industries can share
common services in the zone. Pro-active identification of opportunities,
matching efforts and training programmes, with firms within and outside the
zone, significantly boosts zones’ impact.
A solid regulatory framework, strong institutions and good governance
are critical success factors. The legal infrastructure of SEZs should ensure
consistent, transparent and predictable implementation of SEZ policies.
The responsibilities of SEZ governing bodies should be clearly defined. The
autonomy of the governing body, particularly in the context of an increasing
number of private zones, is important to minimize conflicts of interest.
The choice between public, private or public-private partnership zone
development models depends on the country-specific policy and legislative
context and on the types of SEZ that governments aim to develop. Private
sector zone development offers advantages, including a better understanding
of appropriate levels of investment and facilities best suited to the zone and
access to an established network of investors (tenants) in the zone.
Overview 29
with rising protectionism, shifting trade preferences and a prevalence of
regional economic cooperation. These changes can significantly affect
the competitiveness of SEZs, which function as central nodes in GVCs.
International cooperation on zone development is likely to become increasingly
important. The trend towards more regional rather than multilateral economic
cooperation is likely to give further impetus to the development of regional
and cross-border zones.
Overview 31
Business Facilitation
FDI Statistics
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