Background - Author, Paul The Apostle
Background - Author, Paul The Apostle
Background - Author, Paul The Apostle
For example:
The Book of Genesis tells the story of the creation and the beginnings of the
human race.
The Book of Jeremiah records the warnings of the destruction to come on
The Gospel of Matthew shows the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah according to the
Old Testament.
The Gospel of John does the same but for a Greek audience.
The Book of Acts recounts the story of the establishment of the early church.
The Epistle to the Romans is the major thesis on the basic doctrines of
The Epistle to the Galatians was written as a defense of the Gentiles' right to be
free in Christ and part of the church.
The Epistle to the Ephesians was written as an appeal to Gentile Christians to
accept their Jewish brethren and strive for unity in the church.
I could go on but as you can see, every book had its purpose and message for
the reader - The Epistle to the Colossians was no exception.
Paul's Ministry - 32 AD - 67 AD
32-34 AD - Paul was born in Tarsus, educated in Jerusalem, served as a
Pharisee and as a special envoy of the Jewish religious leaders. He was
converted while persecuting Christians near Damascus. He preached in this
area and spent time in the Arabian Desert before entering Christian ministry.
35 AD - He tried to associate with the Apostles but was rejected out of fear
for his past violence against Christians. He was then introduced by Barnabas
and subsequently accepted by the leaders in the church at Jerusalem.
58-60 AD - He was detained in Caesarea for two years awaiting the outcome
of hearings based on accusations of sedition by Jewish religious leaders. He
has three hearings before a series of local rulers, and ultimately appeals for a
hearing before Caesar in Rome in order to avoid further detainment or plots
by the Jews to kill him.
60-61 AD - He has a disastrous trip by sea that ends in shipwreck, but Paul
and the crew are saved. He eventually arrives in Rome and is placed under
house arrest.
61-63 AD - Ultimately Paul was moved to a prison in Rome while awaiting his
trial/hearing before Caesar in order to defend himself against charges of
insurrection and conspiracy. While he was imprisoned he received many
visitors and fellow workers whom he taught and directed. He was even
successful in evangelizing many among the servants and guards in Caesar's
household - Philippians 4:22.
63 AD - It seems that after these two years he did plead his case and won his
64-66 AD - In some of his letters Paul had mentioned that his plan was to
return to Jerusalem with the special collection of funds, go back to Rome to
strengthen the church there and then push on to Spain in order to open up
new frontiers for the Gospel.
There is some evidence in the non-biblical writings of the time that he may
have done this when freed from prison the first time.
Some say, however, that after his arrest in Jerusalem and imprisonment in
Rome for two years, his plans changed.
He did not go to Spain during his brief time of freedom. References from his
epistles describe a different course of action after his release. For example
there is evidence that:
We could make a case for the fact that he used his time of freedom to
encourage established churches.
I Timothy and Titus are letters that suggest that Paul was free and actively
working with these preachers and others in his ministry of strengthening
established churches.
Some scholars believe that after his first imprisonment in Rome, 64-66 AD,
Paul was active in strengthening these churches and it is believed that it was
during this time that he wrote the first letter to Timothy and the letter to Titus.
A great turning point in Paul's life and ministry as well as the progress of the
church occurred in 64 AD. This is the year that Nero burned down the city of
Rome. Nero was a great builder and he secretly began the fire in order to
make way for a newer and more glorious city that he would rebuild according
to his plan. He was also a fiddle player and historians record that he played
out of the sheer joy that this destruction gave him.
Of course to divert blame from himself, he accused Christians of setting the
fire because everyone knew that Christians considered Rome to be a wicked
place - they had motive. The Bible does not mention Nero as the persecutor of
the church even though this trouble is the background of at least two epistles:
II Timothy and I Peter.
We get information about this persecution from the Roman historian, Tacitus,
who knew about Nero's involvement and false accusations of Christians. He
knew that Christians of that time were an easy target because they were
without influence and mostly despised by the pagan citizens of Rome.
Nero accused them of setting the fire and ordered their persecution.
Multitudes of Roman Christians were arrested and put to death in cruel ways:
67 AD - It was during this period of persecution that Paul was rearrested, not
at the insistence of angry Jews, but as a recognized leader of a religious group
who had allegedly burned down the city of Rome.
It was during this second and final imprisonment that Paul wrote his last
epistle to Timothy (II Timothy).
Paul knew that with this second imprisonment he had little hope of release, so
he encouraged Timothy to come and visit him in Rome before winter.
We believe that Paul was finally executed in Rome (beheaded) in the period
between 66 and 67 AD.
We know that Paul is the author because he names himself in the first verse.
This letter was universally accepted by the early church as an authentic letter
from Paul. We also know that Paul had originally written the Colossians a
previous letter about John Mark but this letter no longer exists (4:10).
It seems that one of Paul's associates, Epaphroditus, had come to Rome with a
gift for Paul from the Philippian church, and while he was there he informed
the Apostle of a dangerous heresy brewing in his home congregation of
Philemon verse 23 tells us that Epaphroditus was also detained for a while with
Paul but later released and given a letter to take back to the Philippians
thanking them for their gift.
In the meantime, after Epaphroditus' departure, Paul writes three other letters
to churches and people about different matters.
1. One to the Colossians regarding the false teaching and heresy that they are
dealing with.
2. One to Philemon concerning a runaway slave Onesimus whom Paul had
converted in prison and was sending back home to his master.
3. One to the church in Ephesus that was experiencing problems of unity and
These letters were sent by the hand of two other helpers, Tychicus and of
course, Onesimus, the converted slave (Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 4:7-9) It
seems that Philemon was a member of the church at Colossae and Tychicus
was there also. This is where the converted slave Onesimus returned to as well
for both are mentioned in Colossians 4:7-9. Tychicus is also mentioned as the
messenger bringing Paul's letter to the Ephesians. And so, while in prison in
Rome between 61 and 63 AD, Paul wrote several epistles, one of which was
addressed to the brethren at Colossae and delivered by Tychicus.
Background - Colossae
(Modern Day Central Turkey)
In 500 BC, Colossae had been a city of importance, especially as a trade center,
but by New Testament times it had lost its strategic importance to the city of
Ephesus that was 100 miles to the west and closer to the sea and shipping
By Paul's time, it had lost its prestige and was extremely decadent. The
language of Paul's letter suggests that he had not been there personally (2:1),
but Epaphroditus, who was from that region, had established the church there.
There was a period when Paul spent a long time in Ephesus (Acts 19) and sent
out Timothy and Epaphroditus to evangelize the surrounding area. Colossae
may have been established during this evangelistic outreach.
Content and Reason for the Letter
The heresy that occasioned the writing of this letter was a mixture of ideas
from Greek philosophy, oriental religions and Jewish traditions. It was being
presented as a "higher thought" cult and promoted as a new philosophy for
Christianity. Some of its features included:
In response to these false ideas, Paul writes a letter to the Colossians, not as
an effort to debate them, but simply an opportunity of presenting the person
of Christ to them once again. Paul presents Jesus with all of His divine
attributes, and permits his readers to form their own conclusions between the
teachings concerning Jesus of the gospel and the doctrine taught by the false
teachers among them.
His objective was to show that Jesus and His teachings were pre-eminent (first
and superior) in every area of life and spiritual knowledge - including this "so-
called" higher knowledge.
This is a basic outline for the book and the order in which we will be studying
1. Salutation - 1:1-2
2. Christ: Preeminent in Personal Relationships - 1:3-29
3. Christ: Preeminent in Doctrine - 2:1-3:4
4. Christ: Preeminent in Ethics - 3:5-4:1
5. Conclusion and Greetings - 4:2-18