11 Mistakes Affiliates Make
11 Mistakes Affiliates Make
11 Mistakes Affiliates Make
6 Finch
8 Benjamin Yong
10 Tony Wang
12 Rio Lim
14 Rohail Rizvi
16 David Ford
18 fbQueen
20 Malan Darras
21 Tuan Vy
23 attila
24 Mr. Green
Take some notes when you’re reading this,
and take some time to think about your
business from two points - tactical and
Action Step
Make a note of three things that you
could do (or stop doing) to help build your
business - remember that reading and
learning is worthless unless you implement
what you learn.
you made as a newbie
in affiliate marketing?
In my short affiliate
marketing career, I don’t
remember actually making
any big mistakes, so I guess
I’ve been pretty lucky with
making decisions.
When you first start out, there There is a big learning curve
is no shortage of information when you first start affiliate
out there to start. There’s a lot marketing before you get to the
of great information out there, ‘making money’ part. It’s easy
but unfortunately there’s also to skip the fundamentals when
some bad or unhelpful advice. you start, but it will only get
I’m going to share two big you so far. It helps to keep in
mistakes I made when starting mind that all the skills you learn
out. My hope is that you can in the
take this advice and not get
stuck on the same mistakes. beginning will help you no
matter what area of online
1. Not Learning the Mechanics marketing you decide to focus
on. Don’t worry about what
I was very impatient in the area of marketing you start out
beginning and wanted to start with. Any skill you gain will
making money now. Because help you in almost any area of
of my impatience, I would try marketing. Soon, you won’t give
to find any shortcut I could the mechanics a second thought
take. I would do things like slap and be able to spend most of
together a landing page without your time marketing. When you
learning how to make one start out however, don’t neglect
properly, or avoiding tracking the mechanics or you can only
because I didn’t understand go so far.
how it worked.
—Malan Darras
Damn, it’s crazy how open some ground for affiliates. Period.
affiliates are when you ask Guys who have gone through
them questions. this training have gone on to
make consistent $10k+ per day
I hope you pulled a few gems profit from their campaigns.
from this compilation and came Not to mention the life- long
away with a few solid actions friendships and masterminds
you can take. that get formed during this in-
person, 3-dayevent.
Inside information and having
successful affiliate friends will If you’re sick of taking the
put you way ahead of the game scenic route on the way to
in this industry. Think of these becoming a profitable affiliate,
affiliates as your friends - they you might be a suitable
blog, podcast and speak to help candidate.
I have friends who have been
If you found this compilation trying to get profitable and they
useful, but you’re wanting more, just can’t…. And they started at
you may be a good fit for some the same time as I did in 2008.
of my programs, Nobody is
going to give away the golden I know it’s difficult, but once
goose online… Forfree. you crack it in this industry,
things will never be the same
The Newbie FastTrack is a again.
program I’ve built from the
ground up that is suitable for And of course I’ll still be
anyone – even if you’re brand delivering massive knowledge
new to the industry. I’ve had bombs on my blog at
people take this course and charlesngo.com + emails,
come out the other side making SnapChats, Facebook posts etc.
solid $500 per day campaigns
and going on to do incredible If you haven’t added me on
things. SnapChat yet – you’re missing
out! Add me charles_ngo
The AFFcelerator Super
Affiliate Intensive is the most —Charles
advanced, high-level training