11 Mistakes Affiliates Make

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6 Finch

8 Benjamin Yong

10 Tony Wang

12 Rio Lim

14 Rohail Rizvi

16 David Ford

18 fbQueen

20 Malan Darras

21 Tuan Vy

23 attila

24 Mr. Green


Hey, Charles here.

Welcome The affiliates featured in this book are some of

the most successful and creative people in this

I know all of these guys (and girls) personally,

and they have over-delivered and with some
great advice to help you.

Take some notes when you’re reading this,
and take some time to think about your
business from two points - tactical and

• Tactical - these are the parts of

your business such as lander tricks,
creatives, copywriting etc. Think of
these as “working IN your business”.

• Strategy - these are parts of your

business such as vertical selection,
traffic source selection, target market,
branding, network, researching trends,
trying out new markets etc. Think of
these as “working ON your business”.


There are great strategic tips, but also some
powerful tactical tips.

Every Wednesday I take an hour or two off

from working IN my business and focus on
strategy. A lot of these affiliates have become
successful because they focus on strategy as
WELL as tactics.

Action Step
Make a note of three things that you
could do (or stop doing) to help build your
business - remember that reading and
learning is worthless unless you implement
what you learn.

Grab a coffee and put your feet up and spend

some time working ON your business today
with this guide.


P.S Remember that a few years back most

of these affiliates were brand new to the
industry… Now they’re crushing it.


11 Super Affiliates answered
the following question:

What are some of the

you made as a newbie
in affiliate marketing?

The biggest mistakes I made

were projecting profits and
discounting the hidden costs
of doing business.

1. Projecting profits – It’s easy 2. Success in this industry is

to treat yesterday’s stats as completely irrelevant unless
a projection of your future it is tied to a repeatable
wealth. process.

“I made $500 on Monday, Like a lot of newbies, I

therefore I’ll make $500 held the assumption that a
every day for the rest of the ‘great affiliate’ is something
year. Shit, I guess that means you become through an
my salary is $180K. Better accumulation of successful
go buy a newcar.” campaigns. In reality, it’s a title
you can claim daily. You simply
Until that ‘future money’ is in need to turn up, put in the work,
your bank, it doesn’t exist. make sensible decisions and
grow with your data.
The worst part of projecting
profits is the assumption The people we associate as
that affiliate marketing has great affiliates are those who
a finishing line, or a point at have grasped the reality that
which your hard work pays off. — just like everybody else —
their stats will reset to zero at
It doesn’t. midnight.

The industry is a treadmill. If Acceptance of temporary profits

you slow down, your returns keeps high performers trapped
diminish. If you pull out your in the moment: which, in turn,
phone and start calculating keeps the profits coming.
how much money you’ll have
earned by 2019, you lose
momentum. It’s natural. You
might even fall off.


3. Discounting hidden costs – When I was just getting started,
When I assess my campaigns, I tried to juggle far too many
I always add 5% to the costs. campaigns.

There are so many hidden If you try to manage twenty

expenses that will eat away at campaigns, each earning $50/
your profit margins – currency day, it won’t be long until
exchange rates, wire fees, you’re calling in the fire brigade.
PayPal fees, etc. Followed by a shrink to console
you for the projected profits
It’s better to acknowledge that just slipped through your
these costs up front by giving fingertips.
yourself a -5% ROI penalty.
Something I try to ask myself
Likewise, don’t be lazy: form a that I never used to:
company. It’s senseless to run
affiliate campaigns under your “If the campaign doesn’t
personal name unless you enjoy have the potential to make
paying more taxes than you a profound difference to my
need to. bottom line, then why the
hell am I launching it?”
The second hidden cost, and
much more significant for a —finch
newbie, is the neglected FinchSells.com

cost of time that goes into

every campaign you launch.


Benjamin Yong

You must learn to walk

before you can run.

1. I Didn’t Milk The Campaign 2. Focusing On The Wrong

While It lasted Thing By Thinking Too Big

When I hit my first big As a newbie, when you are

campaign – a campaign that being told over and over
made me $xxx,xxx in profit in that affiliate marketing can
a month, I did not put in more make you 4-5 figures daily
effort to scale it. Instead, I took profit, you start to have that
a long vacation nextmonth unrealistic expectation that
thinking that the campaign you’ll hit those numbers right
would be on “autopilot”. away. And because you are
so overwhelmed with such
Eventually, the offer got pulled expectations, you want to get
the following month and I into the bIG game instead of
could not hit another profitable the sMall game (like running on
campaign for the next few Adwords or Facebook instead of
months. If only I hadn’t taken beginner-friendly sources like
a vacation, I could have made mobile pops).
additional $xxx,xxx in profit.
I’ve seen many case studies
Lesson here, when you have where people want to make
a profitable campaign, be a $1,000/day and they do not
relentless machine and milk even have a $10/day campaign.
it while it lasts because you You see where the problem is?
never know when is the next
time you’ll be seeing such a You must learn to WALK before
campaign again due to the you can RUN.
nature of our industry.
Know your limit and start with
a realistic goal before working
towards bigger goals.


3. Not Taking Action He told me that he was KILLING
it with various verticals. He
There were these moments doesn’t think about what
where all my profitable
campaigns died down. And to promote, he just does it and
instead of launching new sees what works and doesn’t.
campaigns, I turned to some
affiliate marketing forums That conversation was a
trying to find out what is the wake up call for me. To make
“next big thing”. I told myself money in this business, don’t
that if I were to launch a think. Instead justdo. Because
campaign, I want to launch the the moment you think you’re
“best” campaign ever! already losing out to other
people who are taking action.
After days and weeks, I was still
doing the so called “research” No action, no results. You take
because I had yet to find the action, you’ll be rewarded. This
“right” vertical to promote until is the rule of this game.
one night I was chatting with a
—Benjamin Yong
friend about campaigns.


Tony Wang

Focusing on short term

rather than long term

1. Focusing on short term 3. Not focusing on systems.

rather than long term
I was fine with doing the same
I spent way too much time things over and over again
worrying about daily profits or because it “made money.”
focusing time and energy on
strategies that would only last Now I realize I could have
a month rather than developing made a lot more if I developed
long-term competitive systems to free up my time, so
advantages. I could focus on higher level
2. Not re-investing profits into
better technology. For example, I should’ve created
SOPs for recurring tasks or
Looking back, I should have create templates for the same
used my profits and started landing pages I used frequently.
upgrading to better servers and I also should’ve had a master
hiring skilled programmers right repository of scripts I used on a
away. regular basis. Again, this eats up
your time and energy.
A major competitive advantage
in this industry is proprietary
technology because that’s a lot
harder to steal than a landing
page or angle. As I’ve gained
more experience I’ve noticed a
lot of the bigger guys all have
their own trackers and unique


4. Not working with other 5. Not hanging out and
people. masterminding with other
affiliates IN PERSON.
At first, I tried doing everything
myself because I wanted to Random Skype masterminds
keep all of the profits. don’t count because you still
don’t know the other person.
I was hesitant to train up an And chances are, they don’t
assistant, hire a VA or even know you either. That means
participate in joint ventures. the element of trust isn’t fully
Now I realize a big element of
ROI is not just money invested As a result, you guys are
but also TIME. If you delegate hesitant to share your best
a task, or work out a revshare information and the mastermind
deal, sure you’re not making as isn’t as effective. When you
much. meet someone in person, a
different type of bond forms.
But you’re saving time and There’s a lot more empathy and
energy. I’d rather make $500 a trust. You guys are more willing
day working 1 hour versus to help each other out, which is
the purpose of a mastermind.
$1000 a day working 4 hours.
—Tony Wang Master
AFFcelerator Instructor


Rio Lim

In my short affiliate
marketing career, I don’t
remember actually making
any big mistakes, so I guess
I’ve been pretty lucky with
making decisions.

However, there’s one thing I The very first thing I did

would like to talk about. It is before embarking on affiliate
something I feel that is possibly marketing was to partner
the biggest “mistake”
up with my brother. Each
that almost all newbies make: of us focused in different
attempting to find success in areas and acquired different
affiliate marketing ALONE . specializations.

Finding success alone isn’t Remember that the longer it

impossible, but it’s extremely, takes for one to achieve some
extremely hard to do especially form of success or traction, the
when you have no expertise in greater the probability for one
any skills required in affiliate to give up and fail.
It took me around 4 months
Based on my experience, most to actually see some “results”.
lone guys that actually do well Had it taken longer, it would’ve
in affiliate marketing started been much tougher to go on.
off with some background in Expenses and losses were
either programming, designing, mounting daily.
copywriting, ppc, etc.
Social and mental pressure was
If you aren’t strong at any one growing difficult to manage
of those skills, the odds are because of constant failure.
hugely stacked against you.
There’s just too much too learn!


If you can’t find a suitable To sum up, if you really want
partner that is reliable and to crush the affiliate marketing
has the same vision and game, don’t just rely on yourself,
goals, try joining or creating think of it as a team game,
masterminds. Expect 80% of how can we find more win-win
these masterminds to fail. situations with other guys?

Eventually you will find the —Rio lim

one or two guys that you www.facebook.com/riolimsg
can connect with better, and
progress further with them
in your affiliate marketing


Rohail Rizvi

The biggest mistakes I made

were not capitalizing on
untouched opportunities
with newly-launched offers
as much as I should have
and not scaling campaigns
as far as I could have while
they were hot.

A lot of the offers and angles It can make a massive

you see being run have been difference in the ROI and
beaten to pieces. From one scalability you can achieve as
creative affiliate creating the well as lead to exclusive rights
original angle and lander to on running these offers.
hundreds or even thousands
ripping the same exact copy In marketing, and in everything
and angle. else, you are rewarded for
creating value.
That’s not to say those landers
and angles won’t work for By tackling a new offer and
you and that you won’t be creating a new angle you
profitable. It’s just that you are creating value for the
won’t see nearly the same level advertiser and for the customer
of mind-blowing conversion as they are being presented
rates and EPCs as if you had if with something they’ve never
you were the first one to bat. seen before in a manner that’s
You get enough of a headway unique and appealing to them.
before others start copying you In turn, you’ll be rewarded with
to really dominate the niche the early bird prize of insane
and offer. ROI and little to no competition.


What steps can you take to Remember – that offer that’s
finding these kinds of offers? killing it for you right now will
Well for one – just ask! That’s eventually stop doing so.
what your affiliate manager is
partly there for. Find out what Achieve the greatest ROI you
offers they’ve just brought possibly can while you can.
on board that look like they
have potential. Also keep an Riding the gravy train on what’s
eye out for email blasts from hot at the moment by copying
your networks. Yes, they can everyone else will only get you
get repetitive and sometimes so far in this industry. It’s being
annoying (you know who you a truly innovative marketer and
are), but there’s always an seeing opportunity when no
opportunity to come across a one else does that will allow
newly launched hidden gem you to grow a sustainable
that can make you truckloads in and highly profitable affiliate
profits if you pounce on it first. business and not just a fly-by-
night campaign operation run
Now let’s be real – most from your basement. Ingrain
campaigns don’t last forever. the concepts of first-mover
That’s why it’s important to advantage and scaling fast
capitalize on a campaign as while you can whenever you
much as you can as quickly launch a campaign and you’ll
as you can. There have www. have a lot more to be thankful
charlesngo.com 12 been so for.
many times when I had a really
profitable campaign going —Rohail Rizvi
that no one else was running, Suitcase Marketer
but I didn’t push it as hard as
I should have while the offer
was hot and unknown to other
affiliates. Trust me – that’s
a regret you don’t want to
have once you start seeing
your angle and lander being
plastered everywhere by other


David Ford

I made many mistakes as a

newbie in affiliate marketing.
Some were technical hurdles
I had to get over, and some
were mental barriers I had to

When you first start out, there There is a big learning curve
is no shortage of information when you first start affiliate
out there to start. There’s a lot marketing before you get to the
of great information out there, ‘making money’ part. It’s easy
but unfortunately there’s also to skip the fundamentals when
some bad or unhelpful advice. you start, but it will only get
I’m going to share two big you so far. It helps to keep in
mistakes I made when starting mind that all the skills you learn
out. My hope is that you can in the
take this advice and not get
stuck on the same mistakes. beginning will help you no
matter what area of online
1. Not Learning the Mechanics marketing you decide to focus
on. Don’t worry about what
I was very impatient in the area of marketing you start out
beginning and wanted to start with. Any skill you gain will
making money now. Because help you in almost any area of
of my impatience, I would try marketing. Soon, you won’t give
to find any shortcut I could the mechanics a second thought
take. I would do things like slap and be able to spend most of
together a landing page without your time marketing. When you
learning how to make one start out however, don’t neglect
properly, or avoiding tracking the mechanics or you can only
because I didn’t understand go so far.
how it worked.


2. Realizing You’re Not Doing their time building campaigns
Anything Wrong and testing new strategies
and traffic sources. They are
This is my biggest piece of actively building their business
advice, and I see people making by doing actions that are most
the same mistake all the time. likely to result in increased
They get to a certain level, like revenue. In contrast, the
making $50/day, $100/day affiliate who is trying to figure
or even $500/day but keep out what they’re doing ‘wrong’
thinking there’s something is not actively building their
missing or something they business. Don’t get me wrong,
aren’t doing that the it’s good

‘super affiliates’ are. They to analyze what you and your

think there is some special competition are doing and
way people are running their seeing if you can improve. The
campaigns, or some secret point is you don’t want to
traffic source they haven’t spend the majority of your time
discovered. thinking there is some secret
out there you don’t know. That
The reality is, the people will not help you make more
making 4-5 figures or more per money, while putting your
day aren’t really doing anything head down and doing the work
that special or different than definitely will.
someone making $100/day. So
why does one affiliate make —David Ford
$100/day and one $10,000 AffPlaybook
then? The one making $10,000/
day isn’t worrying or trying to
figure out some unknown secret.
That affiliate is spending all



If I could go back in time,

I would change 3 things:

1. My fear of losing money. 2. I would focus more on

attending networking events.
It is one of the scariest things
in a newbie affiliate’s life. When I wentto a few of the Affiliates
I started out as an affiliate Summits andto Ad-Tech once.
I still had the poor mindset Butby the time I got the hang
where I was afraid of buying of these conferences, years had
traffic because what if I lost the passed by.
If I was a newbie affiliate, I
I’m from Hungary where the would try to save up money for
average salary is about $500/ conferences and make a plan
month so thinking about risking on who to meet, what networks
a whole month’s salary was just to talk to and what parties to
too scary. attend.

In reality, when you’re testing As a newbie, I had no clue about

a new campaign you have to how you can network at the
treat traffic as buying data after parties.
to evaluate it and make data-
driven decisions. Come up with The trade show itself is literally
a “STOP LOSS ” per campaign for newbies, but when you go
and try to test offers that to a party which is hosted by a
have lower payout because big company, you get to meet
that way you can collect more the “big fish” also and people
“conversion data” tend to be much more helpful
and open in person (especially
Also, if you tend to jump around after a few shots).
from one traffic source to
another that’s also going to slow Prepare all of your questions
down your success. Focus and and when you get a chance,
master one traffic source and don’t be afraid to ask bigger
test more verticals/offers at a affiliates.


What do you have to lose after You go and meet the bigger
all? They either will answer affiliates in person and then
your question or tell you to get cut a deal to get a funding
lost :) for your winning campaigns.
Just imagine, it’s a win-win for
3. I would also try partnering everyone.Your JV partner will
up with other affiliates. fund the campaigns and gets
back a percentage of your profit
Having enough capital for while in the meantime you
scaling up a winning campaign manage the campaign and make
is usually a big issue for an sure you milk the most out of
affiliate who’s just starting out. the campaign.
Your budget and cashflow will
affect your success. Someone who has a lot of
capital for investing will
One thing I didn’t realize when appreciate your time you put
I was just experimenting with into the project and you will
affiliate marketing is that appreciate the possibility to
partnering up with someone grow to the next level.
is the best way to grow to the
next level. —fbQueen


Malan Darras

The biggest mistake I made

was working by myself for
so long.

1. Working in Isolation 2. Avoiding paid traffic too long.

After two years of working I made my first money doing

on my own doing SEO I was SEO. I didn’t want to lose any
making $3000 a month. In 30 money so I lost my time instead.
days working with an affiliate I worked night and day for two
manager doing paid traffic I was full years to build up a steady
making $3000/day. monthly income. I was proud of
that. It paid the bills but wasn’t
Every quality person I added to life changing.
my circle of friends after that
added another 30% to my ROI. When I finally took the leap and
I now have 100+ high- quality risked some of my own money
contacts in the industry. I can’t doing paid traffic I was terrified.
lose. I lost money everyday for the
first month. It was horrible. I
Want to make more money? almost quit.
Find some friends. You want
to have friends that are less Luckily I kept going and the
experienced than you, equally next month I made $10,000
experienced as you and more profit. The next month I tripled
experienced than you. that. I kept tripling it over and
over again until my life had
With a diverse crew, you get changed completely. If you want
crazy ideas and everyone wins. to make the big money, you
have to spend money. I neVeR
would have gotten to where I
am today doing free SEO traffic.

—Malan Darras


Tuan Vy

I’ve made countless

mistakes… Too many to count
but ultimately those failures
are what brought success my
way, so I encourage you to
embrace them as well.

The first million dollars I Be committed to reading and

made in affiliate marketing learning these topics religiously.
disappeared in less than a year.
This was due to me not being Your mindset plays a huge role
financially intelligent enough to in whether you make it or not
manage that kind of money…I in this business so be a devoted
operated with too much student and consume as much
overhead, spent knowledge as possible and
constantly develop yourself.
excessively on frivolous items, Your pride and ego are two
got complacent, didn’t develop things that will stand in your
my campaigns, and when that way of progress.
time of year came around I had
no understanding of this little Networking with others in the
thing called taxes. industry should be a priority
regardless of your experience
Proper management of your level. Seek a Mentor or a
finances, cash flow, and Mastermind group or create
investments will increase your your own as this will shorten
chances of creating a long-term your learning curve fast.
sustainable business. Learn
everything you can about If you are a newbie, don’t try
business, sales, marketing, to be too creative with ideas.
personal development, and Mimic what is working for
finance. others first and learn how to
generate conversions. From
there you can start


developing better angles and Believing in yourself alone is
ideas but this only comes not enough to make it in this
after you have gained some industry… The competitive
experience. nature of this business means
only the top 5% who work
You’ll probably survive the diligently will rise to the top
common mistakes which are and actually make real money.
typically the small ones so
This means you must take this
don’t be afraid to take action craft very seriously.
but the big mistakes can
literally take you out of the There is a huge window of
game fast. opportunity in this affiliate
marketing space so now is the
I remember doing a huge media perfect time to get in.
buy and signing a 6 figure
insertion order and only making If you ask me my biggest
back $45k in revenue… A huge mistake or regret I can tell you
loss for me. I was unsure about that it was me not starting my
the placement, I was being a career in this industry much,
push-over, I was pressured by much sooner.
the sales rep and I let my ego
do all the big talking. —Tuan Vy
I thought that to be one of the
big boys I had to do these type
of deals. The real truth is that
don’t ever do anything you are
unsure about for the sake of
being cool.



Not collecting enough data,

not testing enough angles, not
split testing enough creatives.

Affiliate marketing is all about Split testing, A/B testing,

statistically significant data; multivariate testing – these
without it, you have no clear are all super important to a
path to take; what to cutfrom successful campaign. Images
your campaign what to scale on. are everything on visual traffic
When I was a newbie,I sources like Google Display,
Facebook – so if I could go back
used to throw $20 bucks at a in time; I’d tell myself FOCUS
$5 payout offer for example ON IMAGES; then the text. The
and if it didn’t bring me a more bizarre, shocking the
conversion or many; I’d jump better. Put yourself into the
to conclusions and say “oh this shoes of the audience; pretend
offer sucks” and move on to the you are one of them – what
next thing. kind of ad would catch you off
guard; what’s something that
Angles, angles, angles – repeat would ignite curiosity in you
this to yourself because it’s the that you just couldn’t resist the
secret juice behind a successful urge to click?
campaign. Angles are headlines
on banners; text ads and These 3 things are definitely the
landing pages – it is what make top mistakes I’ve made when I
people tick and act. Scaring was a beginner, and if I could
people with a scary angle; travel back in time with my
appealing to their wants and time machine and tell myself to
desires with a sexy angle; or avoid these newbie screw-ups; I
solving their extremely urgent would.
problem with the right solution
are all angles. When I was new —attila
to affiliate marketing; I didn’t www.iamattila.com
know why its so important to
‘speak the language of your
target audience’ and use words
that resonate.


Mr. Green

1. I was under the impression 3. When I spent $200 on testing

that every super affiliate and generated $0 revenue I
knew some super special would feel down.
secret that I didn’t.
I would give up on that
Once I hit my first profitable campaign. I would question
campaign it was clear to see whether this wasfor me.
that affiliate marketing was just You need to brush off that
about applying the basics and mindset. You will fail. You will
working hard. lose money. You need to be
prepared and eager to fail in
2. I wasted time order to win. It’s a lot easier
‘perfecting’every single to manage if you look at that
element of my campaigns money spent as an investment
before I launched them. in your education. Take a lesson
out of every campaign you
I sarcastically put ‘perfecting’ create. What ad worked best?
in quotation marks because I What lander worked best? What
assumed I knew what would targeting worked best? Anyone
make my campaign perfect, I and everyone can make affiliate
assumed what would make marketing work.
my landing page work well.
The only way your campaign 4. I made decisions without
will be perfect is by making statistically significant data.
decisions based on data you
get from traffic, NOT based on I would up the bid or budget
your assumptions. Launch your because I got excited by one
campaigns as fast as possible, quick conversion that came
let the data do the designing through soon after I launched a
for you. Let’s leave assumptions campaign. Or, I would pause a
to ad agencies and brand campaign because
advertisers :D.
I didn’t get a conversion after
spending $20 (even though
the offer payout was $30). It’s
harder said than done, but try
to distract yourself with other
tasks while data is coming in.


5. I didn’t treat affiliate name and didn’t properly track
marketing like a proper my business expenses. Take
business. time to set your business bits
and pieces up like company
I hit a mega campaign after registration, get an accountant
6 months. I lost huge HUGE etc. Don’t be scared to hire help,
potential earningsbecause you can’t doeverythingyourself.
I didn’t delegate tasks and You’llthankmelater!
hire employees. I also paid
$250,000 worth of taxes in —Mr. Green
my first year because I did www.stmforum.com
business under my personal


Hey, Charles here again.

Damn, it’s crazy how open some ground for affiliates. Period.
affiliates are when you ask Guys who have gone through
them questions. this training have gone on to
make consistent $10k+ per day
I hope you pulled a few gems profit from their campaigns.
from this compilation and came Not to mention the life- long
away with a few solid actions friendships and masterminds
you can take. that get formed during this in-
person, 3-dayevent.
Inside information and having
successful affiliate friends will If you’re sick of taking the
put you way ahead of the game scenic route on the way to
in this industry. Think of these becoming a profitable affiliate,
affiliates as your friends - they you might be a suitable
blog, podcast and speak to help candidate.
I have friends who have been
If you found this compilation trying to get profitable and they
useful, but you’re wanting more, just can’t…. And they started at
you may be a good fit for some the same time as I did in 2008.
of my programs, Nobody is
going to give away the golden I know it’s difficult, but once
goose online… Forfree. you crack it in this industry,
things will never be the same
The Newbie FastTrack is a again.
program I’ve built from the
ground up that is suitable for And of course I’ll still be
anyone – even if you’re brand delivering massive knowledge
new to the industry. I’ve had bombs on my blog at
people take this course and charlesngo.com + emails,
come out the other side making SnapChats, Facebook posts etc.
solid $500 per day campaigns
and going on to do incredible If you haven’t added me on
things. SnapChat yet – you’re missing
out! Add me charles_ngo
The AFFcelerator Super
Affiliate Intensive is the most —Charles
advanced, high-level training


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