Dll-Grade9 9 W3
Dll-Grade9 9 W3
Dll-Grade9 9 W3
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing,
assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to
participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standard The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN9RC-Ia-16: Share prior EN9WC-Ia-8: Distinguish EN9LT-Ia-14.1: Identify the EN9LT-Ia-14: Analyze EN9V-Ia-1: Provide words or
Objectives knowledge about a text topic between and among distinguishing features of notable literature as a means of expressions appropriate for a
EN9LC-Ia-3.6: Perform a informative, journalistic, AngloAmerican lyric poetry, songs, discovering the self given situation
task by following instructions and literary writing. poems, sermons, and allegories EN9V-Ia-1: Provide words
EN9LT-Ia-14: Analyze EN9LT-Ia-14.1: Identify the or expressions appropriate
literature as a means of distinguishing features of for a given situation
discovering the self notable AngloAmerican lyric
EN9OL-Ia-1.15: Use the poetry, songs, poems, sermons,
appropriate segmentals and allegories
(sounds of English) and the
suprasegmentals or prosodic
features of speech when
delivering lines of poetry and
prose in a speech choir,
jazz chants and raps.
II. CONTENT LESSON 1: Recognizing Using Attentive Listening with Features of a poem SGDW (Small Group Words used to express
roles in life Informative Texts Differentiated agreement or disagreement
Features of a poem
(Rhymes and Onomatopoeia) Word Bank & Repetition
Critical Consonant Sounds of
Words & using appropriate
D. Discussing new concepts and Sharing of thoughts Answer the questions based on Sharing of ideas regarding the 4 Discuss the table given. Read these sample mini
practicing new skills regarding: the article that they listened to. features of poem w/ examples: dialogues aloud and spot the
What roles can I Answer Check What You Heard ALLITERATION - - is the presence of words/expressions
perform that will Page 77 LM. repetition of consonant indicating agreement or
make a difference in Sharing of answers on the sounds at the beginning of disagreement.
my life? additional task given. the words
Why is it important ASSONANCE - calls for the 1. Angelo: You’re the only
to recognize my roles Discussion of Rhymes and repetition of vowel sounds person who knows what really
in life? Onomatopoeia within words happened.
How can I perform CONSONANCE - is the Malee: That’s not quite true.
my roles in life repetition of consonant Sam was there, too.
effectively? sounds within and at the
end of the words. 2. May: Hey, that’s right. I
IMAGERY - makes use of remember he solved the
particular words that problem for us.
create visual Joe: That’s good to know. We’ll
representation of ideas in give him a call.
our minds.
3. Erick: We can play the game
Andrei: Okay, but I’m not good
at it.