Dll-Grade9 9 W3

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DAILY School Saint Vincent de Paul Academy Grade Level Grade 9

LESSO Teacher Mr. Lamberto P. Mallari II Learning Area English 9

N Teaching Week Week 3 (June 18-22) Quarter 1st Quarter


Date 6/18/2018 6/19/2018 6/20/2018 6/21/2018 6/22/2018

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing,
assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to
participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standard The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN9RC-Ia-16: Share prior EN9WC-Ia-8: Distinguish EN9LT-Ia-14.1: Identify the EN9LT-Ia-14: Analyze EN9V-Ia-1: Provide words or
Objectives knowledge about a text topic between and among distinguishing features of notable literature as a means of expressions appropriate for a
EN9LC-Ia-3.6: Perform a informative, journalistic, AngloAmerican lyric poetry, songs, discovering the self given situation
task by following instructions and literary writing. poems, sermons, and allegories EN9V-Ia-1: Provide words
EN9LT-Ia-14: Analyze EN9LT-Ia-14.1: Identify the or expressions appropriate
literature as a means of distinguishing features of for a given situation
discovering the self notable AngloAmerican lyric
EN9OL-Ia-1.15: Use the poetry, songs, poems, sermons,
appropriate segmentals and allegories
(sounds of English) and the
suprasegmentals or prosodic
features of speech when
delivering lines of poetry and
prose in a speech choir,
jazz chants and raps.
II. CONTENT LESSON 1: Recognizing Using Attentive Listening with Features of a poem SGDW (Small Group Words used to express
roles in life Informative Texts Differentiated agreement or disagreement
Features of a poem
(Rhymes and Onomatopoeia) Word Bank & Repetition
Critical Consonant Sounds of
Words & using appropriate


A. References TG- Page(s)1 – 6 TG- Page(s) 7 TG- Page(s) 8 TG- Page(s) 9 – 11 TG- Page(s) 11 – 12
LM- Pages(s)1 – 10 LM- Pages(s) 10 – 12 LM- Pages(s) 12 – 13 LM- Pages(s) 14 – 16 LM- Pages(s) 16 – 18
B. Materials Books, visual aids, Books, visual aids, white board Books, visual aids, white board and Books, visual aids, white Books, visual aids, white board
PowerPoint presentations, and marker marker board and marker and marker
white board and marker
A.Drill Perform the Three Minutes Sharing of answers on the Reflection and Review of /about Review of the past lesson. Sharing of answers on the
Letter Search Riddle Game additional task given. the past lesson additional task given.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Discussion of the correct Ask the students what they love JUMBLED LETTERS: Let the students read “The Read the poem once more to
lesson answer. doing most when they were Ages of Man by William answer these questions.
kids. 1. TIONTERAALLI– Shakespeare” to answer  Do you agree with the
Let them to talk about the fun ALLITERATION Task 10 (5, 6 & 7) persona’s description of
of playing in the rain. the last age of man in
2. NCEAONSSA– ASSONANCE the last two lines of the
poem? Why?
3. NANCESOCON –  Do you agree when he
CONSONANCE says that the last stage
is “second childhood
4. RYIMAGE - IMAGERY without everything?”
Prove your point.
C. Presenting examples/ Interview at least five Prepare the students to listen The students will define each of Read the poem silently and Ask:
instances of the new lesson classmates and find out how to a short passage about acid the sound devices and imagery. look out for words in the Which words express
they perform their roles in rain. They will give own examples. poem that fit each agreement? Disagreement?
life. description below.
• Note their responses. 1. a lyric poem that tells a Can you give other examples of
• Copy the chart shown story ____________ agreement? Disagreement?
below and fill it in with the 2. a fat chicken
entries called for. ____________
• Share and compare your 3. crying ____________
ideas with a partner. 4. promises or pledges to
Ways to Perform Life Roles accomplish ____________
Ineffe Partially Effect 5. display unconsciousness
ctive Effective ive or nothingness
6. throwing up or vomiting
due to sickness
7. a school bag
8. refers to stem or branch
9. produces a high sharp
sound ____________
10. unhappy or sorrowful
sound ____________

• Check if words you have

unlocked are also found in
the list of words you made
• Add the words which are
unlocked to your Word
• Copy the Chart shown
below, and fill it out with
your difficult words and their
• Share your findings with
the other groups.

D. Discussing new concepts and Sharing of thoughts Answer the questions based on Sharing of ideas regarding the 4 Discuss the table given. Read these sample mini
practicing new skills regarding: the article that they listened to. features of poem w/ examples: dialogues aloud and spot the
 What roles can I Answer Check What You Heard  ALLITERATION - - is the presence of words/expressions
perform that will Page 77 LM. repetition of consonant indicating agreement or
make a difference in Sharing of answers on the sounds at the beginning of disagreement.
my life? additional task given. the words
 Why is it important  ASSONANCE - calls for the 1. Angelo: You’re the only
to recognize my roles Discussion of Rhymes and repetition of vowel sounds person who knows what really
in life? Onomatopoeia within words happened.
 How can I perform  CONSONANCE - is the Malee: That’s not quite true.
my roles in life repetition of consonant Sam was there, too.
effectively? sounds within and at the
end of the words. 2. May: Hey, that’s right. I
 IMAGERY - makes use of remember he solved the
particular words that problem for us.
create visual Joe: That’s good to know. We’ll
representation of ideas in give him a call.
our minds.
3. Erick: We can play the game
Andrei: Okay, but I’m not good
at it.

4. Bam: That’s what they say!

Rom: No, seriously. I don’t play
very well at all.

5. Connie: Do come. Can you

stay for lunch?
Vangie: I’m afraid not. We
have to go somewhere.

6. Rina: But you have time for

coffee, don’t you?
Tess: That would be nice.

7. Milette: There’s something I

have to tell you.
Mila: Can’t it wait?
Imagery in The Seven Ages of Milette: Not really. It’s pretty
From The Seven Ages of Man by
Man important.
William Shakespeare
Words Image Feelin Meani
/Lines s gs ngful 8. Lucille: Should I memorize it
Alliterati Create
Exper all?
on d d anceience Annie: No, just listen carefully.

9. Sonny: Okay, I guess I’m

Leif: Good. Now, concentrate.
E. Developing Mastery - Watch out for words which SGDW (Small Group Do Task 10 (3 & 4): Answer and Discuss Task Do Task 11 (B)
are difficult for you to Differentiated Read the poem again and look out 10 (6 & 7 )
understand. List them in your Works) for words or lines that sound like
Rhyme is part of what we mean theyare examples of alliteration,
vocabulary notebook and
when we say poetry is musical. assonance, and consonance.
have them as entries in your When the ending sounds of • List all of them and chart them
Word Bank. words are repeated, we call it on the space provided below.
rhyme. Rhyming words do not Read the poem silently and think
The teacher will read the appear only at the end of the of the images the words created in
poem. lines (end rhyme) in poems, but your mind.
they may appear within the line • Picture them in your mind and
(internal rhyme). try to bring them in clear focus.
The student will group into 3
• List these words that create clear
and will read and pronounce
The poet uses words that pictures in your mind.
the Critical Consonant Sounds
suggest sounds at the same • Share the feeling that each
of Words & use appropriate
time describe actions being image evokes.
stress correctly.
made. ONOMATOPOEIA is a • Point out the real-life experience
sound device used by poets to or observation in life that each
- Choral reading text 1 on suggest actions, movements imagesuggests.
page 9 of the LM. and meanings. Copy the chart shown below and
 Looking for Rhymes fill it out with the entries called for.
 The Best CLUE
F. Finding practical applications Sharing of ideas about the Sharing of ideas about the Sharing of ideas about the answers Sharing of ideas about the Sharing of ideas about the
of concepts & skills in daily living reading text answers of the students. of the students. answers of the students. answers of the students.
G. Making generalizations & Discuss the message of the Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask:
abstractions about the lesson text. “How rhymes and “How alliteration, assonance, “How the use of words and How are you going to provide
onomatopoeia add meaning to consonance, and imagery add repetitions help the readers words or expressions
the poem or text?” meaning to the poem or text?” to understand the text appropriate for a given
easily?” situation?
H. Evaluating Learning Differentiate the Seven Ages Quiz/Seatwork Quiz Answer Task 10 #8 Quiz
of Man.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Mr. Lamberto P. Mallari II Mr. Rogelio Dioso Jr. Mrs. Carmelita E. Palaganas
Teacher Head Teacher School Principal

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