Engineering Physics Model Question Paper 2 2018 PDF
Engineering Physics Model Question Paper 2 2018 PDF
Engineering Physics Model Question Paper 2 2018 PDF
(CBCS Scheme)
USN 18PHY12/22
Module – 4
7. a. Staring from Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation, derive the expression for energy eigen
value and eigen function for an electron present in 1-d potential well of infinite depth. (10 marks)
b. What is a laser range finder? Give the qualitative explanation of construction and working of laser
range finder (6 marks)
c. An electron is trapped in a 1-D potential well of infinite height and width of 0.1nm. Calculate the
energy required to excite it from its ground state to fifth excited state (4 marks)
8. a. Explain the terms (a) spontaneous emission, (b) stimulated emission (c) population inversion (d)
active medium and (e) resonance cavity (10 marks)
b. What are the properties of a wave function? Give the qualitative explanation of Max Born’s
interpretation of wave function (6 marks)
c. A laser operating at 632.8nm emits 3.182 x 1016 photons per second. Calculate the output power of
the laser if the input power is 100 watt. Also find the percentage power converted into coherent light
energy (4 marks)
Module – 5
9. a. Give the assumptions of quantum free electron theory. Discuss two success of quantum
free electron theory (8 marks)
b. What are dielectrics? Give the relation between dielectric constant and polarization. Discuss
solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics with one example for each. (8 marks)
c. Define Fermi temperature. Calculate Fermi temperature for a metal whose Fermi energy is
7eV (4 marks)
10. a. Describe Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductor and hence obtain the expression for
Fermi energy in terms of energy gap of intrinsic semiconductor (8marks)
b. Give a brief account for Fermi-Dirac distribution theory. Obtain the expression for Fermi
energy at 0 K (8marks)
c. The conductivity and Hall coefficient of an n-type semiconductor are 112/m and
1.25 x 10 -3m3/C respectively. Calculate the charge carrier concentration and electron mobility
(4 marks)
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