School of Physics & Materials Science: Thapar University, Patiala

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Thapar University, Patiala

School of Physics & Materials Science
B.E. (II Sem.) EST UPH 004: Applied Physics
May 2017
Time: 3 hours; MM: 100 Name of Faculty: NKV, MJS, SDT, DPS, SOJ, PUL, RKR, SDV, GDV

Note: Attempt all five questions in same order as they appear in the question paper.

1. (a) Show that the displacement current density is rate of change of electrical displacement.
(b) Outline the conditions for non-reflecting and highly reflecting thin films.
(c) What are the causes for absorption of sound energy by a material?
(d) Describe the application of ultrasonic wave in fog dispersion.

2. (a) A parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength  is incident normally on a slit of width
b. Derive an expression for intensity of diffraction pattern. Also, find the condition of maxima and
(b) A parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm is incident normally on two
identical and parallel slits of width 0.09 mm separated by 0.7 mm. Find the angular position (in
radian) of first two interference and diffraction minima.
(c) Justify the statement “Resolving power of grating is higher in higher order spectra”.

3. (a) Discuss the significance of Brewster’s law for production of plane polarized light. Also, show
that when light is incident at polarizing angle on a glass plate, the reflected and refracted beams are
at right angles to each other.
(b) In Newton’s ring experiment the diameters of nth and (n+14)th rings are 4.2 mm and 7 mm
respectively. Radius of curvature of plano convex lens is 1 m. Calculate the wavelength of light.
(c) Justify the statement “Electric field vector is considered as light vector”.
(10+ 6+4)

4. (a) Describe the working of Ruby laser using appropriate energy level diagram.
(b) The spectral width of semiconductor laser emitting wavelength 634.8 nm is 0.05 nm. Find out
the coherence time and coherence length.
(c) Justify the statement “He-Ne laser is a continuous laser”.

5. (a) Establish the Schrödinger’s time independent wave equation. What is its application in
quantum mechanics?
(b) Find out the ground state energy and wave function for an electron confined in one
dimensional box of length 10 nm.
(c) Justify the statement “Tunneling probability of a particle across a barrier decreases with
increase in potential energy”.


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