Wasifah Hanim PDF
Wasifah Hanim PDF
Wasifah Hanim PDF
Wasifah Hanim
Pascasarjana Department Widyatama University Bandung Indonesia
Jl. PHH Mustafa No. 59 Bandung
Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40124
This study aims to analyze the system of drinking water management in the decentralization era
and to to analyze of the difference of community accessibility to drinking water between before
and after the era of decentralization. The analytical method used is descriptive method, which is
analyzing the implementation of drinking water supply systems (DWSS) in the decentralization era
and average difference test to determine the development of community accessibility to drinking
water before and after decentralization era. The result shows that decentralization provides a
positive development towards the implementation of the drinking water supply system, namely by
increasing the number of districts/cities that have DWSS planning documents but statistically the
decentralization era did not increase the growth of drinking water coverage.
forms everywhere, related to and the sixth agenda is to Decentralization is the submission of Government
ensure the availability and management of sustainable Affairs by the Central Government to autonomous
water and sanitation for everyone (GTLRG, 2016). regions based on the Autonomous Principle (UU
With the implementation of autonomy, districts Otonomi Daerah nomer 23 tahun 2014). Thus the
and cities has the authority to formulate policies and implementation of government based on decentralization
programs development in accordance with regional can also be seen as a reduction in the dominance of the
aspirations and needs. District and city governments central government and giving up some authority to
are expected to become more responsive in responding the regional government (Martinez-Vazquez & McNab,
to various problems that develop in the area so that 2003). The devolution of authority is accompanied
development programs are implemented according by financial transfer, both revenues and expenditures
to the needs and problems in the region. Regions also which are called fiscal decentralization.
have the authority to allocate budgets according to Decentralization will affect the implementation
priorities and regional needs. With conditions like of the public sector, both quantity and quality. Fiscal
this, the program and district and city government decentralization will encourage the allocation of
policies will be better able answer community needs public sector resources more efficiently. Differences
(Hamid, 2014). in preferences and community needs for public services
Along with SDGs targets, Indonesia has a policy to in each region will be more appropriate if provided by
achieve 100% access to safe drinking water by 2025. the local government. Tiebout (1956) states that not all
Existing conditions indicate that in 2013 the coverage public service provision must be provided by the central
of drinking water services in Indonesia was 67.73% in government, some public services are more appropriate
2017 to 72.04% so within 4 year increased by 4.31% if provided by local governments such as education,
(BPS, 2018). Therefore, it requires the acceleration of hospitals, etc. As well as Oates (1993) The basic
the Development of Drinking Water Supply Systems concept of fiscal decentralization is the improvement
(DWSS) to achieve targets in accordance with the of economic efficiency in the provision of public goods
Government’s targets and SDGs. in accordance with the tastes and circumstances of the
In accordance with the spirit of regional autonomy region, this will result in higher levels of community
as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia welfare (Hanim, 2018).
Number 23/2014 concerning Regional Government, The development of Drinking Water Supply System
which was then followed up with Government (DWSS) is an activity that aims to build, expand and/
Regulation No. 16/2005 concerning Development or improve the physical (technical) and non-physical
of Drinking Water Supply Systems (DWSS) which (institutional, management, financial, community and
confirms that the implementation of drinking water law) systems in a unified whole to implement drinking
services is the duty and responsibility of the Central water supply to the society towards better condition.
Government and Regional Governments. This paper In relation to the provision of drinking water, the
tries to explain how the authority of the central and law mandates that DWSS development is the task of
regional governments in the provision of drinking government, both central and regional governments.
water and whether there are significant differences Given the critical importance of drinking water supply to
in the acceleration of the coverage of drinking water the entire community, various laws and regulations are
services in the era of decentralization. issued for the implementation of DWSS development.
The starting point of the thought of regional Authority and responsibility of DWSS Development
autonomy is as an effort to create a maximum public is the responsibility of the the central and regional
service system (Kabir, 2016). Indonesia as a country government to ensure the right of every person in
with thousands of islands has different characteristics in getting drinking water for basic daily needs to meet a
each region. These differences encourage differences in healthy, clean, and productive life. The authority and
community needs, differences in development in each responsibility of the government in the development of
region (Sianturi, 2011). The existence of differences in DWSS is set forth in the Government Regulation of the
public service preferences in each region, the standard Republic of Indonesia No. 16/2005 on Development
services provided by the central government are of Drinking Water Supply System article 38,39 and
considered less efficient. Therefore, local governments article 40 as shown in Table 1.
are more suitable to provide services because local The implementation of DWSS development in
governments are assumed to understand the unique the decentralization era regulated in Government
preferences of each region (Zakaria, 2013). Therefore Regulation No. 16/2005 and No. 38/2007, which
the implementation of regional autonomy which has contain the authorities and responsibilities of local
been immediated since 1999 as fulfillment of the governments in the development of DWSS, namely:
indonesian people’s demands in the framework of (1) Arranging Regional Strategic Policy of DWSS
accommodating the variety of indonesian community development; (2) Arranging Regional Regulation about
needs. the Formation of Regional State Owned Enterprises; (3)
The Implimentation of Drinking Water Supply ...
Arranging Guidelines for the development of DWSS by performance evaluation by Supporting Agency for
Master Plan; (4) Preparing Feasibility Study of DWSS DWSS for three years has decreased. As the number
Development; (5) Establishing Technical Planning of PDAMs evaluated decreases, it will cause changes
of DWSS Development; (6) Arranging regulations/ in the number and percentage of each criterion.
legal products related to the action plan of application Within 3 (three) years, the number of healthy
acceleration of Minimum Service Standards (MSS). PDAMs showed a positive trend. Based on existing
data, the number of healthy PDAMs in 2010 as many
METHOD as 142 PDAMs, in 2011 increased to 144 PDAMs and
in 2012 increased significantly by 171 PDAMs. In
In this study, the author used secondary data, other words, in 2011 the percentage of healthy PDAM
data requirements are obtained from Basic Health increased by 1.41% and in 2012 increased by 18.75%.
Research Book of 2013 published by Ministry of In line with the increasing number of healthy PDAMs,
Health, Performance Book of Drinking Water Supply it is expected that there will be an increase in the quality
Institution Region I - IV issued by Ministry of Public and quantity of PDAM services to the community. The
Works Supporting Agency for Development of DWSS improvement of PDAM performance evaluation results
and Result of National Recap of June 13, 2014, from for 2010, 2011 and 2012 can be seen in the Table 2.
Directorate of Improving Dringking Water of Public
Works year 2014 and drinking water coverage data in Table 2.The Improvement of PDAM Performance
districts in Indonesia before the decentralization era in Indonesia Period 2010-2012
(1993-1999) and after the decentralization era (2000- Performance 2010 Growth 2011 Growth 2012
2010). basic consideration for determining the 2000-
Healthy 142 1,41 144 18,75 171
2010 period, because in 2011 until now the calculation
of drinking water coverage is worth using a new method. Less Healthy 129 (18,60) 105 5,71 111
This research is a descriptive study which aims Not Healthy 70 22,86 86 (34,88) 56
to analyze the implementation of the drinking water Jumlah 341 335 328
system in Indonesia in the era of decentralization. the Source: Book of PDAM Performance Year 2012, Supporting
method carried out is by analyzing the authority of the Agency of DWSS
central and regional governments in the implementation
of the development of drinking water supply system Clean water service is a very important component
based (DWSS) on the laws and regulations. Analysis in public services. Water is a basic need that can not
of the development of drinking water service coverage be separated from human life. The provision of clean
before and after the decentralization era, was carried water to the special attention of every country in the
out by examining the differences in the average growth world is no exception in Indonesia. Population growth,
of decent drinking water coverage between before and development growth, and rising standards of living
after the decentralization era, namely using the average cause the increasing need for clean water. This makes
difference test. the quality of service providers and managers of clean
Indicators used in PDAM performance evaluation water is needed by the community.
are the result of perfection in 2010 which was done by In the era of regional autonomy, decentralized
using Balance Score Card approach by measuring the water resources management aims to bring the service
health level of PDAM. Some indicators used to measure closer together, strengthen control and participation of
PDAM performance are financial, service, operational communities on the use of water and springs (sources),
and human resources aspects of PDAM. Each aspect water pollution and environmental degradation. The
is broken down into several service indicators for the decentralization of local government that occurs in clean
development of drinking water supply systems, and the water is left entirely to PDAMs that have the authority to
results of the assessment are categorized into 3 (three) manage and distribute water to the people of Indonesia.
criteria, ie healthy PDAMs, less healthy PDAMs , and To meet the water needs of the community, PDAM
not healthy PDAMs. uses water from water sources or water management
(Pranata, Soeaidy, & Hanafi, 2015).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Drinking Water Supply Institution (PDAM) shall
carry out the main duty to manage and give service of
In 2012, performance evaluation was conducted on clean water to improve the welfare of the community
328 PDAMs throughout Indonesia, the results showed in accordance with the Law no. 23/2014, on Regional
that the number of healthy PDAMs was 52.13% out Government. As one of the regional-owned enterprises,
of 328 PDAMs, while the percentage of PDAMs they should strive to be able supporting the realization of
with less healthy performance was 30.79% and the the mission and functions. Therefore, the management
PDAM with not healthy performance was 17,07%. of drinking water system should be done properly and
In its development, the number of PDAM conducted correctly and should meet technical and economic norms
62 Trikonomika Wasifah Hanim
Vol. 17, No. 2, December 2018
in accordance with predefined criteria standards. Based drinking water coverage between the period before
on average coverage of PDAM services in Indonesia and after decentralization shows that decentralization
in 2014, none reached 50%. Even the highest coverage has no difference in the growth of household drinking
of drinking water services by PDAM is 45.28% in water coverage. Statistically obtained t statistic values
Central Java Province, followed by PDAM Riau Islands of -0.05 and p value of 0.478.
Province of 40.88% while the lowest coverage of The statistically insignificant value shows that
drinking water services by PDAM is Lampung Province decentralization has no effect on public services, this
which is only 3.44% (Table 3). is in line with the research conducted by Sulistyarini
In accordance with the mandate of Government (2004). His research on the impact of decentralization
Regulation No. 16/2005 regarding the obligations on the quality of public services in the case of the health
of district/city governments in DWSS development, sector in the City of Yogjakarta. important conclusions
among others stated that the hours of drinking water include the health sector is only still a source of regional
services to the community reach 24 hours a day. Based retribution and the Yogyakarta City Government does
on the data of drinking water services obtained from not have a comprehensive and operational health
the Directorate of Drinking Water of Cipta Karya the development management in the long term and relevant
Ministry of Public Works, shows that the average hours to the needs of the community. Likewise research
of drinking water services by PDAM are less than 24 conducted by Huda & Sana (2013) on the effect of
hours a day. Only the PDAM of DKI Jakarta Province fiscal decentralization on school participation rates, the
provides 24 hours daily service. The province with the resulting effect was found to be insignificant.
fewest hour of PDAM service is Riau Province with Thus the local government is also required to fix its
service only 9 hours per day. infrastructure with regard to technical implementation,
Clean Water Supply has an important role in regional procedures, systems and working mechanisms between
development, chapin in 1995 revealed that there are all stake holders in the implementation of drinking water
three city infrastructure that is very influential for the supply. The spirit of reform and regional autonomy
development of the city of transportation, clean water that spreads across all segments of society today,
and sewage. These three types of infrastructure should would be the right momentum to implement the ideas
be available for the construction of a city to proceed of development and improve the quality of public
as planned. Thus the provision of clean water is one of services, especially related to the drinking water sector
the most important things since clean water is a basic (Hamid, 2014).
necessity that is always consumed by the community
(Susanti, 2010). CONCLUSION
The availability of clean water will encourage
the availability of appropriate drinking water for the The authority and responsibility in DWSS
community. the availability of drinking water is closely development becomes the authority of Central
linked to poverty, therefore the target of all communities Government when the location of activities, users,
in Indonesia can access safe and proper drinking benefits are cross-provincial,when the use of resources
water to be one of Indonesia’s agenda in Sustainable shall be more efficient if carried out by the central
Development Goals (SDGs). government; and/or when it is strategic role for the
Achieving the target of 100% safe drinking water national interest. The authority and responsibility in
by 2019, this region needs careful planning as a DWSS development becomes the authority of the
reference in the implementation of drinking water Provincial Government when the location of activities,
supply. Decentralization has a positive impact on the users, benefits are cross-district and when the use of
development of the water sector, in the planning aspect, resources is more efficient if carried out by the provincial
decentralization has encouraged regions to develop the government. The authority and responsibility in DWSS
DWSS master plan. Regions must prepare planning development becomes the authority of the District/
documents within the DWSS development framework City Government when the location of activities,
for the 20-year planning period, namely RISPAM. users, benefits are cross-district and then the use of
Most districts/cities in Indonesia are in the process of resources is more efficient if carried out by the district/
drafting the DWSS Master Plan. in 2014 there were city government.
106 districts/cities that had compiled the DWSS Master Actually the implementation of regional authority
Plan (Ditpam,2014). In 2017 there was a large increase, in the provision of clean water in planning aspects has
from 508 districts/cities, only 32 districts/cities that been implemented. Most districts/cities have compiled
had not completed the DWSS Master Plan document a master plan for the development of drinking water.
(RISPAM) (Ciptakarya,2017). However, if it is chosen from the development of growth
Whereas the outcome aspect can be seen based in the coverage of drinking water services, it indicates
on the growth of decent drinking water coverage by that decentralization has not been able to accelerate
households. Comparing the average growth of adequate the growth of drinking water coverage. for this reason,
The Implimentation of Drinking Water Supply ...
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64 Trikonomika Wasifah Hanim
Vol. 17, No. 2, December 2018
Table 1. Authority and Responsibility of Government in DWSS Development According to Government Regulation No. 16/ 2005
Central Governmen Province Government District/City Government
(Article 38) (Article 39) (Article 40)
a. Establishing national a. Arranging policies and a. Arranging policies and strategies in their regions based on
policies and strategies; development strategies in its national policies and strategies and provincial policies and
b. Establishing norms, territories based on national strategies;
standards, guidelines policies and strategies; b. Can form a Regional-Owned Enterprises to provide DWSS
and manuals; b. F a c i l i t a t i n g DWSS development;
c. Establishing SOEs development across districts/ c. Fulfilling the drinking water needs of the community in
operating DWSS; cities; its territory in accordance with specified minimum service
facilitating resolution c. Establishing a provincial standards;
of problems among Regional Owned Enterprises d. Fulfilling the needs of sanitation services to improve the
provinces, which are as a provider of DWSS; health of the community in its territory in accordance with
specific, strategic, d. Solving problems between established minimum service standards;
both national and districts/cities; e. Ensure the continuity of DWSS development in its territory;
international; e. Conduct monitoring and f. Carrying out the procurement of construction services and /
d. Providing technical evaluation of the districts/ or the establishment of DWSS development in areas not yet
assistance and conduct cities; reached by Regional-Owned Enterprises services;
controls, as well as f. Submitting reports on results g. Providing technical assistance to the subdistrict, village
supervision of the of monitoring and evaluation government, and community groups in the region regarding
organization; of the implementation to the implementation of DWSS development;
e. Granting inter provincial to the Government and h. Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of
licenses; Supporting Agency for DWSS DWSS development in its territory;
f. Determining raw water Development; i. Submitting reports on results of monitoring and evaluation
allocation for DWSS g. Giving permission for cross- of the implementation to the provincial government, central
development needs in district/city administration; government and Supporting Agency of DWSS Development;
accordance with defined h. Facilitating the fulfillment of j. Supervising the implementation of DWSS development in its
water use rights; and raw water requirements for territory;
g. F a c i l i t a t i n g t h e DWSS development needs k. Provide permission to implement DWSS development in its
fulfillment of raw water in accordance with their territory; and
requirements for DWSS respective authorities. l. Facilitating the fulfillment of raw water requirements for
development needs in DWSS development needs in accordance with their respective
accordance with their authorities.
respective authorities.