DayCor - EPRIsolutions

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DayCor “Solar Blind” Corona Camera

DayCor Camera - Background

Corona from high voltage equipment has always been an operational and
maintenance problem for electric power utilities. In addition to causing noise
and radio interference problems, these luminous discharges, which result from
the ionization of air around an electrode, may also indicate the presence of faulty,
damaged or contaminated high voltage components. Corona on some types of
components can lead to premature aging and failure of that component.

Identifying sources and the exact location of corona during daytime is extremely
difficult because it is almost impossible to see corona in the presence of sunlight.
Nighttime viewing either from the ground or by helicopter is often difficult,
inefficient, and expensive. Other methods to identify corona activity, including
listening for audible noise (AN) and measuring radio interference (RI), are
affected by background noise and may not easily pinpoint the source of corona.

Because of the limitations in corona detection and location technology, power

utilities have only used corona inspections to identify defective components on a
very limited basis, mostly to investigate customer complaints of AN or RI.

In 1996, EPRI identified a critical need in the electric power industry for a “solar
blind” corona detection and location device. (EPRI was established in 1973 as
the Electric Power Research Institute, a non-profit research consortium.) In
1997, EPRI found the key technology needed to develop such a device at Ofil,
Ltd. (Ofil is a research, development and manufacturing company in Israel with
extensive experience in the development and manufacture of UV filters.) The
development of a truly “solar blind” corona detection device, called DayCor, was
begun in 1997 as a joint development project of EPRI and Ofil.

The DayCor Mk II camera being offered in this document is a result of this joint
development effort. The DayCor Mk II camera is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
DayCor Mk II Corona Camera

How DayCor Works

The DayCor camera solves the problem of viewing corona in the daylight by
blocking out the sunlight and then superimposing an image of the corona on an
image of the object under investigation. While corona discharges emit ultraviolet
(UV) light, principally in the 230 to 405 nm range, the DayCor camera is designed
only to detect UV radiation in the 240 to 280 nm range, the so-called UV solar
blind band of the spectrum (see Figure 2).

Figure 2
Radio spectrum showing UV solar blind band where corona
emissions exist

The atmospheric ozone layer absorbs all solar radiation in this band, allowing
none to reach the earth. As a result, the DayCor camera can detect corona in
bright sunlight. Although corona emissions are weaker in this band than in the
overall 230 to 405 nm range, the DayCor camera is able to provide high-quality,
high-contrast images due to the complete absence of background radiation. The
key to the camera’s ability to produce such images is its UV solar blind bandpass
filter, which is installed in front of a UV image intensifier. Corona discharges can
be observed in the daylight by placing a solar blind bandpass filter in front of a
UV image intensifier, but it is impossible to determine the exact location of the
activity without the ability to overlay the image of the corona over an image of the
component under scrutiny. To solve this problem, the DayCor camera employs
bi-spectral imaging. It utilizes a UV beam splitter to divide the incoming image
into two images (see Figure 3).

Figure 3
The DayCor utilizes bi-spectral
One image is sent through the solar blind filter, which eliminates sunlight, then
through an image intensifier and a charge coupled device (CCD) camera. The
other image is sent through a standard video camera. The two images are then
processed and combined in an image mixer. An example of the actual image
produced is presented below (see Figure 4). Upon closer visual inspection,
broken strands on the conductor were found (see Figure 5).

Figure 4 Figure 5
DayCor image of corona Visual close-up of a broken
strand on a transmission line

DayCor Mk II Camera Characteristics

The DayCor corona camera can be used either from the ground or from the air to
find corona in full sunlight. DayCor camera is unique in its ability to detect and
display the exact location of corona during the daytime, totally unaffected by

The DayCor Mk II camera package includes both analog filtering and digital
signal processing (DSP) cards; built in LCD monitor; DSP and camera batteries
with charger; carrying vest for the camera; backpack for the batteries and DSP;
and a hard case for camera and accessories.

The DayCor Mk II camera provides the user a number of features and options to
help the user find and assess corona. The user may select the combined UV
and visible image, UV only image or visible image only. The corona intensity
option activates the DSP to provide the user with a real-time measure of the
intensity of the corona (photons per minute). The corona alarm option activates
the DSP to provide the user with a visual alarm when corona is present in the
camera field of view.

< Corona Intensity

Corona Alarm >

Specifications for the DayCor Mk II Camera

UV Camera Three-stage image intensifier with UV

advanced solar-blind photo-cathode
Visible camera High-sensitivity color camera with zoom lens,
auto focus and digital interface
Lens UV f=165F4
Lens Visible 18x zoom f-4.1 to 73.8
Field-of-view 5° (horizontal) x 3.75° (vertical)
Focus range UV: 3m to infinity Visible: 0.8m to infinity
Focus method Automatic or manual focus of visible camera;
UV camera focus slaved to visible focus
Zoom The zoom of the visible lens is preset to give
the same FOV as the UV lens
Sensitivity 300pC @ 50m
Image Overlay Registration < 50 mm at 50 m (1 miliradian)
Image rate Standard 30 frames/sec
Video Overlay Analog video keying or digital video overlay
Output Type NTSC & PAL (Color combined image)
Built-in Display LCD Black & White Screen

Display Modes Combined UV-visible overlaid image
UV only
Visible only
Noise Suppression Digital signal processing.
Corona alarm Visual indication of corona presence
Environmental Solar blind
Operation temperature range: -250C to +550C.
Dimensions (L x W x H) Camera: 255 x 180 x 180 mm (10” x 7” x 7”)
Weight Camera: 5.5 kg (12 lbs.)
Backpack with batteries & DSP: 3.5 kg (8 lbs.)
Total: 9.0 kg (20 lbs.)
Camera Power Supply 12 VDC (Battery and AC to DC converter
DSP Power Supply 12 VDC (Battery and AC to DC converter

Camera Controls
Power: On/Off
Display Modes:
• Normal (combined UV and Visible overlay),
• UV only, and
• Visible only
UV Camera Gain (for image optimization)
Auto/Manual focus
Processing: Analog/DSP
Status display
Visible camera zoom
Visible exposure

As an extra cost option, we offer a DayCor Field Recording Accessory Package.

This package lets the user record DayCor images and voice messages in the
field. The recording accessory package includes one digital recording device,
one mini tie-clip microphone, one microphone amplifier, one remote control unit,
and required cables and connectors. We can provide details on request.


The DayCor Mk II camera is marketed and sold by EPRIsolutions.

(EPRIsolutions is a wholly owned subsidiary of EPRI and was formed in 2000 to
market, sell and support EPRI developed products and technology.)

Current delivery of the DayCor Mk II camera is within 90 to 120 days of receipt of

a purchase order. Delivery times may vary with the number of cameras ordered.

Ofil, Ltd. in Nes Ziona, Israel, manufactures the DayCor Mk II camera.

A variation of the DayCor Mk II camera, called the DayCor Mk IIa, is also

Both Mk II series cameras are identical except for one item. The Mk IIa camera
does not have the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) card that is included in the Mk
II camera. Deleting the DSP card changes the screen "cleanup" (random noise
reduction) processing in the camera to an analog process, eliminates the
automatic corona identification (corona "targeting") feature and eliminates the
corona intensity measuring (photon counting) feature. All other features are the
same for the MK II and MK IIa models.

The Mk II model camera package includes both analog filtering and digital signal
processing (DSP) cards; built in LCD monitor; DSP and camera batteries with
charger; carrying vest for the camera; backpack for the batteries and DSP; and a
hard case for the camera.

The Mk IIa camera package includes the analog filtering card; built in LCD
monitor; camera battery with charger; carrying vest for the camera; backpack for
the camera battery; and a hard case for the camera.

We offer the following training options:

• Scheduled training classes at our Lenox Massachusetts Center
• On-site training in your offices


The manufacturer warranties the DayCor Mk II package including camera, DSP

(Digital Signal Processor), backpack and cables, to be free from defects in
workmanship, material and components for a period of 12 months under normal
use and service. Batteries are not included in this warranty period.


Paul Lyons
100 Research Drive
Haslet, Texas 76052
Telephone: (817) 234-8200 or (817) 439-5900
Fax: (817) 439-1001

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