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Vapor Graphics presents Magic Box - A master
template developed in Apple Motion. Showcase 48
photos or videos to reveal another image or video.
This project can be useful for all occasions
like wedding, birthday, anniversary, special occasions,
travel destination, corporate videos or showing
different products. Magic Box works as a logo
revealer also. Drag and drop your photos or videos,
adjust the position, scale values if required, then
render it!
After unzipping the project, Apple Motion users can directly open
the projects by double clicking it. If you want to save the projects as
Master Templates, you have to copy the projects to templates folder.
The path is //Users/username/Movies/Motion Templates/Generators.
Once you copy the projects to the Motion Templates folder there
are two advantages. One: It will be available for Final Cut Pro X . Two:
You can open the files through Apple Motion project bowser, and
the thumbnails and previews are there with the project.

Note 1

The transition projects in .motr format has to be copied in to

Transitions folder.
//Users/username/Movies/Motion Templates/Transitions

Note 2

Don't keep the projects files directly under the Generators/Transitions

folder. So we recommend you to copy the project folder itself.
Eg: /Motion Templates/Generators/MagicBoxProjects

Launch Final Cut Pro X

Open the Generators Browser by clicking the Generators button in

the toolbar, and click the category called MagicBoxProjects.

Click on the thumbnail to see the preview of the project. Hover the
mouse to see play the preview in the view port


Now drag and drop your generator to the time line. You may see a
popup message saying that the Video Properties of the clip are not
recognized. Select your format, resolution and frame rate. Then click
OK button

Select the template layer in the Timeline and go to Inspector, then

click on the Generator Tab to see the published parameters.
You can select the camera (Select one at a time because Generators
wont support multiple cameras).
You can change the background color, hotspot color , turn on /off
the hotspots or edit the cube colors using these parameters

In Published parameters, Go to Dropzone B ( your final image or

logo). Click on the dropzone logo, then select your clip, click on it and
press the Apply Clip button to apply the image to the Dropzone

You can adjust the pan , scale values of the image.

You can select a gradient background instead of the image.

You can make this one a color solid by selecting same color for
gradient colors.

You can add a text or logo on top of your image or gradient or solid.
Turn on the text layer and type your text. Adjust the parameters

Now you can set all the 48 dropzones in the similar way which we
described in the previous step. You can adjust the pan and scale
values to get it right.


Go to File -> Share to export/render your project

STEP 08 & 09

Now select your options. For eg: Master File..

It will show the info about your project, Click Next.
Now the render settings.. Select the format , Video Codec etc.
Click Next


Type your output movie name and press Save.

You are Done. This will render the project to an mov.
- END -

Thank you for supporting us by purchasing our product.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or

concerns. Our e-mail id is vaporgrafx@gmail.com

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