Heatec: Products and Services For The Food Industry
Heatec: Products and Services For The Food Industry
Heatec: Products and Services For The Food Industry
About Heatec
Our offices and manufacturing facility are located in
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Astec Industries bought the
company in 1977 and it became known officially as
In the beginning our products were primarily for
heating and storage of asphalt used in the road
construction industry. It soon became apparent that
our heaters were well suited for industries unrelated
to road construction. Consequently we make heaters
and storage tanks for many other industries, includ-
ing the food industry.
Our company has grown steadily over the past 35 Heatec offices and manufacturing plant 2012.
years. We now have over 200 employees, including
an engineering staff of approximately 28 engineers
and designers.
We offer extensive parts and service. We have eight We continue to add new shop bays. Our most recent
qualified service technicians that provide on-site bay has new blasting and painting booths with built-
service for our products as well as similar prod- in man lifts that enable us to apply a finish to our
ucts made by others. And we provide live technical products second to none.
support by phone. Our stock room has an inventory
valued at $1,000,000.
EATEC MAKES a variety of
Heat cooking vessels
(cookers, fryers, etc)
& purification
Heatec steam generator rated at 10,000 pounds/hour. Also available in other sizes as needed to meet customer requirements.
We make our own coils. This is a capability that most an optimum fluid velocity. Our coils are built to ASME
heater manufacturers lack. We can intertwine multiple code. (Certification is optional.) Stainless steel coils are
helical coils to create additional fluid circuits to achieve optional.
H E AT E C , I N C . an Astec Industries Company
5200 WILSON RD • CHATTANOOGA, TN 37410 USA 800.235.5200 • FAX 423.821.7673 • heatec.com