Best Starting Point To Comprehensive Process Safety Education

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Best Starting Point to

Comprehensive Process
Safety Education
Milos Ferjencik
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Energetic Materials, Studentska 95, 53210 Pardubice,
Czech Republic; (for correspondence)

Published online 30 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/prs.10183

Instruction in process safety began at the Faculty of INTRODUCTION: A TRADITIONAL APPROACH AND ITS WEAK POINTS
Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, in the Everyone knows typical safety instructions: brief
nineties. In 1994, a course named the Safety Engineer- commands, usually without any motivation to follow
ing was formed. We aimed to equip our students with them, as in an electrical appliance guide, e.g. ‘‘Do not
a theory that would orientate them in safety problems disable the power cord grounding plug. The ground-
during their professional lives. Similar to analogous ing plug is an important feature. Use only the power
courses at other universities, the Safety Engineering cord supplied.’’
course tends to follow basic steps of the quantitative Traditional safety teaching usually quotes certain
risk analysis (QRA). An accident analysis and two basic instructions, adds a historical background to them and
notions—a system and a hazard—were selected as explains the physics or chemistry of dangerous inter-
starting points of the course. actions and protection against them. It lists safety pro-
But after a few years of experience we felt that the visions used in practice and explains how they work.
However, the traditional teaching does not usually ask
Safety Engineering course did not represent exactly
whether any alternative provision is possible, and why
what the majority of our students needed. Although
just the listed provisions were selected. It does not
the concept of risk analysis represents a fundamental evaluate quantitatively how the officially required pro-
part of any process safety theory, there is another con- visions contribute to safety and it does not compare
cept that seems to be essential for professionals them with potential alternatives. It does not attempt to
involved in the process industry—safety management. identify potential alternatives systematically.
We started to recognize that an introduction into com- Objections against the traditional way of safety
prehensive process safety education should be divided teaching can be summarized into two groups
into two stages. The safety management and the risk
analysis should represent focal points of the first and 1. Pedagogical objections: There are no questions;
the second stages, respectively. Two stage arrangement and answers are prefabricated. Teaching is not in-
of the process safety course seems to suit needs of our teresting technically. It does not provide a basis for
students better than the previous scheme. After the creative thinking about safety.
idea of division of the process safety course had arisen, 2. Technical objections: The approach represents pure
a new starting point for the comprehensive safety edu- empiricism. It contains no systematic identification
cation had to be found. An old approach of Kletz’s on of alternatives, no theory enabling their identifica-
‘‘learning from accidents’’ showed itself to be suitable tion, selection, evaluation and comparison in the
to fulfill this role most naturally. Ó 2007 American context of safety.
Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog 26: Or even more briefly: the approach lacks a reasona-
195–202, 2007 ble theoretical concept. Students need to learn a
Keywords: teaching, courses, risk analysis, safety theory which will help them to identify, select, evalu-
management, learning from accidents ate, and compare safety provisions in their professio-
nal field. Our primary task is not to teach them a set of
specific safety provisions. We should give them a theo-
Ó 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers retical tool that will help them to orientate themselves

Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3) September 2007 195

Figure 1. Basic steps of quantitative risk analysis according to Ref. 1.

in safety problems during their professional life. We Creating the course, we believed that this content
don’t attempt to educate a graduate who will blindly would supply the students with theoretical concepts
fulfill all the traditional safety provisions and believe that would orientate them in safety problems during
that it will guarantee safety. We attempt to prepare a their professional life. We hoped that the course
graduate who will understand the purpose of the pro- would represent the best starting point to a compre-
visions and who will be able to identify independently hensive process safety education.
the optimal safety provisions.
CONTENT OF THE SAFETY ENGINEERING COURSE The Safety Engineering course constitutes a part of
A course called Safety Engineering was created dur- selected masters’ study programs, mostly as one of the
ing the second half of the nineties. The content of the mandatory courses. It is considered to be useful for
course has been improved gradually maintaining its students in the following programs: chemical engi-
basic elements such as the identification of hazards neering, explosive technology, organic chemistry, and
and scenarios, and the analysis of physical effects and environment protection. Usually it is attended by stu-
their consequences. The course follows basic steps dents in the fourth year of study. The course hap-
of the quantitative risk analysis as they are shown in pened to obtain a firm position in the above men-
Figure 1. tioned curricula. During the initial years of teaching
Summary of the Safety Engineering course is repro- we collected new observations and confronted them
duced in Table 1. The table shows that accident analy- with our former expectations.
sis and two basic notions—a system and a hazard—
1. We are not able to guarantee that each of the grad-
represent starting points of the course. Tools for the
uates who have attended our course is ready to an-
identification of hazards and a concept of incident sce-
alyze her/his future process and identify independ-
nario introduce students into the identification of fail-
ently the optimal safety provisions. The course is
ure cases. After an introduction into both the estima-
not detailed enough to provide attendees with more
tion of frequency of human errors and the estimation
than an orientation in these tasks especially for com-
of incident scenario frequencies, special attention is plex processes. But hopefully the graduates are able
devoted to the consequence analysis. Students learn
to take part in relevant analyses and understand
to estimate potential consequences of various incident
their results.
scenarios in the hazards that are characteristic for the
2. The course does not represent a starting point for
chemical industry. The last two lessons of the course
safety education. Our students are introduced to
attempt to join the preceding topics into an integrated
safety from our faculty long before the Safety Engi-
theoretical concept and to provide the students with
neering course. Each of them has had to pass through
general knowledge on how safety is managed and
various kinds of laboratory courses. Each of the labo-
supported by legislation in industrial practice. We are
ratories is commenced by safety training. Typically
trying to stimulate students’ activity during the course.
the training represents an example of traditional
After the introductory lessons they have to confront safety teaching. So we have to keep in mind that our
their understanding with test questions. After the con-
students start the Safety Engineering course with a
sequence analysis lessons one lesson is devoted to a
feeling that they know how safety practice looks.
students’ colloquium in which each of the students
has to present to their colleagues an article from the The first observation does not represent an essential
Process Safety Progress journal (e.g. 12 articles from problem. We do not suppose that each of the Safety
the Volume 12 were presented this year). Examination Engineering students will have to make a risk analysis.
is based on students’ projects. Each project reflects an Also we know that if they have to do it, some exten-
analysis of a specific industrial accident. sion of their knowledge will be necessary. But often

196 September 2007 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3)
Table 1. Content of the safety engineering course.

Lesson 1 Introductory accident example. Frequency of accidents. Accident analysis. System with hazards.
Safety and inherently safer design.
Lesson 2 Hazards. Realization of hazards. Causations, initiations, failures. Incident scenarios and hazards.
Human factor. Frequency of human errors.
Lesson 3 Hazard identification. HAZOP and FMEA techniques. Rapid ranking of hazards.
Lesson 4 Analysis of incident scenarios. Event Tree technique. System analysis. Fault Tree Analysis.
Estimation of incident scenario frequency.
Lesson 5 Test of knowledge. Specification of examination project. Introduction terms of consequence
Lesson 6 Transmission paths and attenuation. General principles. The atmosphere, water and the ground
as transmission paths. Barriers.
Lesson 7 Liquid and dust releases. Releases of liquefied vapors. BLEVE scenario. Releases of pressurized
and liquefied gases.
Lesson 8 Thermal energy impact. Mechanisms of thermal energy transfer. Releases of hot liquids or gases.
Flames on burning pools. Fireballs.
Lesson 9 Deflagration and detonation. General principles. Chemical energy releases, unconfined and
confined deflagrations.
Lesson 10 Harm to receptors. Correspondence between dose and harm. Harm to people, equipment,
buildings and the environment from acute emissions.
Lesson 11 Students’ colloquium – students present contents of selected articles from Process Safety
Progress journal.
Lesson 12 Chemical reactors. Chemical energy impact. General principles. Reaction runaways.
Adiabatic temperature rise. Evaluation of reaction hazards.
Lesson 13 Concepts and terminology of risk analysis. Procedures of risk analysis. Illustration
examples. The strategic approach to hazard reduction.
Lesson 14 The acceptability of risks. Control of process hazards. Management role in risk prevention.
Safety management systems. The role of the law.

The safety engineering course attempts to cover all topics of the textbook [5] and introduces a set of topics that
are similar to those included in the well-known book [2].

we feel that the teaching would be more effective industrial practice without satisfactory attitudes to
if the students collected a certain sum of empirical safety and motivation for safety. They may even leave
knowledge before the beginning of the course. Realis- our Safety Engineering course, since our teaching, con-
tic knowledge of the industrial environment and dan- centrated more on physical and mathematical concepts
gers met here make understanding of the starting gen- than on reasons for their construction, does not combat
eral notions (hazard, incident scenario) easier and sat- the negative safety prejudices satisfactorily. That is why
isfactory. Obviously, a certain introduction of the topic we started to think that larger exposure of students to
would be helpful. the principles of safety management and safety legisla-
The second observation shows that the students of- tion is necessary and that bigger numbers of students
ten enter our course with prejudices regarding safety, should be introduced into the way how safety is man-
e.g., they think that there is nothing like ‘‘general laws aged and regulated by legislation. We feel that the
of safety’’ and that safety is something that is included teaching would be more effective if it was based on a
in a process in a relatively late phase of its existence, certain sum of empirical knowledge. Hopefully, suita-
after its invention and design. Or they tend to think ble examples from the industrial environment could
that the general purpose of operational procedures is help to prevent the ill attitudes and support under-
to protect management, not employees. There is also standing of the importance of process safety.
a danger that the students start to think that the labora- So after a few years of experience with the Safety
tory safety training represents an industrial practice, Engineering course we believed that our course was
and our safety teaching represents an academic theory, up-to-date and correct, however, we felt it was isolated
and that there is no connection between the two fields. from management practice and from legislation. We
Negative attitudes lead to a loss of motivation for safety understood that it should have been preceded with
and therefore the second observation represents the some kind of introduction providing more empirical
more essential problem. and managerial insights to bigger numbers of students.
The second observation draws our attention to the
fact that the students, and definitely not only the stu- OPPORTUNITY FOR A CHANGE
dents of our course, often know too little about the In 2005 we were invited to prepare a new process
principles of safety management and about safety legis- safety course for the students of bachelors’ study pro-
lation. It is sad because many graduates may leave for grams. It created a welcome opportunity to consider

Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs September 2007 197
again the best possible starting point for the compre-
hensive safety education. We began to think about a
new introductory process safety course.
Students of the chemical technology faculty are ex-
pected to become experts and managers in the chemi-
cal and related industries. We know that most will be
responsible for safety at their workplaces. The assur-
ance of safety will be their everyday duty. A process
safety course should prepare them to be able to fulfill
the expected duty. Hence, the main objective of safety Figure 2. How our students may pass through the
course is to teach students what procedures, techni- process safety courses.
ques, and methods are used in the contemporary
process industry to assure safety.
As it is mentioned above, two additional important
circumstances should be respected:
Students do not represent ‘‘virgin land’’ regarding provisions that can be named ‘‘local safety manage-
safety. They may have their ideas about safety and ment system.’’ They will participate in fulfilling the
prejudices against it. The introductory course should provisions of the safety management system. Our
reveal the negative attitudes and oppose them. graduates are expected not only to fulfill certain re-
Most of the students have little industrial experi- quirements, but also to understand them, and improve
ence especially at the bachelors’ study programs. them. Understanding the purpose and sense of safety
The introductory course should find a way to over- provisions is necessary for the effective support of
come this difficulty. If the course is successful, it provisions and for critical thinking about them.
may not only remove an important obstacle for The first level safety course should introduce stu-
safety education but it may also help students to de- dents into general rules of how the safety manage-
velop more realistic knowledge about their possible ment systems should be constituted, what they should
future workplaces. contain, and why. Students should understand inten-
So especially the introductory safety course should tions and interactions of possible provisions constitu-
fulfill two formative objectives: ting the safety management systems. Together with a
general overview of possible types of hazards it will
1. Help the students to form a sound positive attitude provide them with the ability to understand the sense
for safety assurance. of the individual provisions of their local safety man-
2. Show the students the industrial environment in agement system and the system itself. Hence, the first
which safety is to be assured. level course objective is to
• Understand the purpose and structure of the
NEW VISION safety management systems.
Similarly to other engineering skills, the process
safety may be taught gradually in one to three levels The first level course is based on the idea that even
(bachelor, master, specialized and/or doctor study). a worker who understands safety only qualitatively,
Our existing Safety Engineering course represents the and is not able to quantify it, may contribute positively
second level of teaching. Skills of our students should to safety assurance if he acts in accordance with the
be gradually deepened and broadened on the consec- sense of safety management systems. The second level
utive levels of the process safety teaching. These course is based on the fact that the purposeful
courses should provide comprehensive process safety improvement of the local safety management system
education. However, students should not be expected needs ability to quantify the contributions of various
to pass through all levels of the teaching. Figure 2 provisions to safety. Risk analysis represents a theory
illustrates the situation that is supposed to occur for that enables systematic identification, selection and
two levels of teaching. A relatively big number of stu- quantification of possible safety provisions. The risk
dents (a+b) will pass the first level course. A majority analysis is introduced in the second level course as a
of them (a) will not continue. A lower number (b+c) tool that enables the most effective exploitation of the
will pass the second level course. A certain number of limited sources we have at disposal for our local safety
students (c) would not be prepared for the second management system. Our graduates should be pre-
level course. pared to take part in the improvement of safety man-
agement system effectiveness via the application of
risk analysis methodology. Hence the second level
SAFETY TEACHING course objective is to:
As mentioned in the first section, we do not think • Understand the principles of risk analysis and
that students finishing the first level course have to be evaluation and the application of risk analysis
able to identify the optimal safety provisions. How- methodology for the improvement of safety man-
ever, they definitely have to be able to understand the agement system effectiveness.
purpose and sense of provisions that are in place in
their future work environment. In any enterprise at As we have mentioned already, the third level courses
any industrial activity they will meet a set of safety are understood to constitute a part of a specialized

198 September 2007 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3)
and/or doctoral studies that should result in the ability
of graduates to identify independently the optimal
safety provisions. The third level course objective is to:
• Understand the methods of risk analysis and evalu-
ation and their application to improve the safety
management system effectiveness. Be able to adopt,
apply, control, and develop them.


The safety management systems were identified in
a previous section to represent a base for the compre-
hensive process safety education. We suppose that
understanding the purpose and structure of safety Figure 3. The components of safety management
management systems will help every student who system according to Ref. 1.
intends to enter industrial practice and that it will be
useful not only for the students finishing university
studies at bachelors’ level but also for those who will
continue studying in higher grades. demonstration of possible accidents in the hazards,
However, it does not mean that the most suitable and possible ways of accident prevention and miti-
starting point of the first level course is the definition gation. If the range of possible hazard types is cov-
of the safety management system. If it were so, then it ered sufficiently in the lessons, the collected illustra-
would be possible to quote proper formal definition tive material will serve as a proper base for the final
of the safety management system (see Figure 3), ex- generalization.
plain the individual items of the definition, mention a A large number of detail descriptions of real acci-
few examples and that would be all. Such an explana- dents are accessible in various printed and electronic
tion could not take more than a few hours. It might be sources. Suitable selection of the accident examples
suitable for qualified and experienced persons, who may help demonstrate properties of any selected haz-
operate inside a specific safety management system, ard type. The selected examples make the description
know its components, and understand their purpose. of preventive and mitigative possibilities easier. Exam-
In this case they would put their existing knowledge ples also provide arguments opposing the safety prej-
in a proper frame. udices and introducing students into the real industrial
But such an explanation would not probably help environment. Last but not least, the teaching that is
students who have limited experience with the envi- based on the descriptions of real accidents is usually
ronment of chemical industry and with a specific considered to be attractive.
safety management system. The real meaning of the
definition would stay unclear. Students would not be CONCEPTION OF THE FIRST LEVEL COURSE
convinced that the safety management system repre- The comprehensive process safety education begins
sents a useful concept and tool. And the two formative from the analyses of real accidents in selected hazard
objectives of the introductory safety course (form the types. We suppose that if the motivation of students for
sound attitude and show the real environment) would safety is to be based soundly, then enough time has to
stay unfulfilled. be devoted to what famous Trevor Kletz calls ‘‘learning
We decided to proceed in the opposite direction. from accidents’’ [3]. Creation of the course starts from
The individual components of the safety management the selection of a set of accident examples illustrating
systems are introduced to students by means of vari- behavior of important hazard types and importance of
ous specific examples in which the terminology from relevant safety provisions.
Figure 3 is not used. The introduction of the terminol- Since the objective of the introductory course is of
ogy is the final point of the explanation. The teaching a qualitative nature it is possible to exclude mathemat-
introduces a collection of specific details providing an ical tools, complicated calculations and difficult defini-
illustrative base for the general definition of safety tions. Correct and exact terminology is used, but it is
management systems. Simultaneously it opposes safety not explained in detail. Such an approach creates suf-
prejudices and makes students familiar with the in- ficient space for fulfillment of formative objectives.
dustrial environment. Hopefully, such teaching is able The explanations of physical and mathematical mod-
to prepare students’ perception for the fulfillment of els and detail definitions of terminology are included
both the first level course objective, and the formative in the higher level courses.
Any local safety management system represents a
system of provisions aimed to prevent accidents in the A set of accident descriptions are used in teaching.
local hazards and mitigate their consequences. The The set is supposed to illustrate answers to following
system is based on understanding properties and be- four questions:
havior of the specific local hazards. Therefore, we
decided that the lessons would commence with the 1. What hazard types are to be considered dangerous?
identification of various types of hazards, with the 2. What behavior of hazards may be forecasted?

Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs September 2007 199
Table 2. Content of the introduction to safety engineering course.

Lesson 1 Introduction about purpose of procedures. Accident in hydroxylamine plant.

Application of procedures. Importance of deviations.
Lesson 2 Ship canal accident. Properties of flammable liquids. Explosions in flammable liquid tanks.
Explosive atmosphere.
Lesson 3 Accidents with toluene. Manipulation with flammable liquids. Explosions of flammable
liquid vapors. Vapor cloud dispersion.
Lesson 4 Hot work permit. Accidents caused by modification. Behavior of liquefied gases. Accidents with
LPG and LNG. Domino effect and tank protection.
Lesson 5 Protection against pressure. Explosion of methane. Properties of flammable gases. Explosions
of hydrogen.
Lesson 6 Accidents with ammonia. Chemical substances law, safety data sheets. Toxic clouds. Control
of integrity. Chlorine release. Defence in depth.
Lesson 7 Transport of dangerous substances. Release of hydrochloride acid. Investigation of release.
Test of knowledge.
Lesson 8 Visit of a risk analyst from an insurance company. Presentation of experience. Discussion.
Lesson 9 Characteristic fires. Fire load. Fire risk. Fire prevention. Means for fire detection and suppression.
Fire legislation.
Lesson 10 Explosions of condensed explosives. Accidents with fertilizers. Dust explosions. Protection
against explosion. Mitigation of explosions.
Lesson 11 Runaway reactions. Thermal explosions. Environmental impact assessment. Major accidents
prevention law.
Lesson 12 Hazards. Accidents with oxidizers. Accidents with inert substances, asphyxiants. Explosion
of tank with CO2. Legislative protection of workers.
Lesson 13 Two accidents in waterworks. Human factor. Safety culture. Integrated pollution prevention law.
Safety management system.
Lesson 14 Industrial accidents that changed the world. Descriptions. Analyses. Seveso, Flixborough,
Bhopal, Chernobyl.

The introduction to safety engineering course introduces a set of topics that are similar to those included in the
book [4].

3. How to prevent or mitigate realizations of danger? reproduced in Table 2. The table shows that teaching
4. What legislation is to be followed? follows the presented scheme in 12 of 14 lessons. Two
lessons are different. The eighth lesson is devoted to a
The answer to the first question is required to be rela- presentation of risk analysis experience by an expert
tively detailed. The introductory safety course represents
from an industrial or insurance company. The last les-
an opportunity for introduction into properties and
son describes four accidents with extreme influence
behavior of a satisfactorily wide range of hazard types.
on human attitudes and legislation.
The meaning of the term ‘‘satisfactorily’’ may be ex-
The term safety management system is introduced
plained, for instance, by the requirement that the repre-
in the 13th lesson. The system is presented as a uni-
sentatives of all hazard types that are included in legisla-
versal concept applicable to any industrial activity.
tion on dangerous chemical substances, major accident
The fourteenth lesson may be understood as a report
prevention and fire prevention should be introduced to
about the origin of individual components of the
students. In addition, reaction runaways and examples
safety management system and about the origin of
of nonchemical hazards should be covered. This ap- two complex managerial concepts: safety management
proach provides the following list of hazard types: flam-
system and safety culture.
mable liquids and their vapors, flammable gases, lique-
Relatively big number of case histories was ex-
fied flammable gases, toxic gases, toxic liquids, solid ploited in the lessons. Alphabetical listing of major
flammable substances, condensed explosives, flamma-
case history references is included in the first column
ble dusts, exothermic reactions, oxidizing substances,
of following Table 3. The second column shows which
asphyxiants, and potential and pressure energy.
lessons refer to the individual sources.
The answers to questions 2–4 need not be so
detailed. Students are supposed to absorb only a gen- CONCLUSIONS
eral understanding of relevant topics. The term safety management system names a gen-
We decided to proceed through the above selection eral managerial concept enabling an integral approach
of hazard types and answer gradually the questions 2– to safety assurance. The list of components of the safety
4 for each of the hazard types. Accident examples management system represents a list of knowledge and
were selected to illustrate the answers. The summary activities that are considered to be necessary conditions
of the Introduction to Safety Engineering course is for the integrated approach to safety assurance of

200 September 2007 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3)
Table 3. Major case history references for the introduction to safety engineering course.

Baker Q. A., Ketchum D. A., and Turnbull K. H., Storage Tank Explosion Investigation,
Process Safety Progress, 23(1), March 2004, 16–20. Lesson 2
Craig Schroll R., Industrial Fire Protection Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002. Lesson 9
Clayton W. E. and Griffin M. L., Catastrophic Failure of a Liquid Carbon Dioxide Storage
Vessel, Process Safety Progress, 13(4), 202–209. Lesson 12
Dowell A. M. III. and Hendershot D. C., No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Case Studies
of Incidents and Potential Incidents Caused by Protective Systems, Process Safety Progress,
16(3), 132–139. Lesson 5
Frank W. L., Dust Explosion Prevention and the Critical Importance of House-Keeping,
Process Safety Progress, 23(3), Sep 2004, 175–184. Lesson 10
Gröbl Z., Piaček K., Požár skladu bavlny a umělých vláken, časopis 112, čı́slo 2/2005,
s. 7–8, (in Czech language). Lesson 9
Hall D. S. and Losee L. A., Carbon Disulfide Incidents During Viscose Rayon Processing,
Process Safety Progress, 16(4), 251–254. Lesson 4
Hendershot D. C. et al., Peroxide Drum Explosion and Fire, Process Safety Progress,
17(3), Fall 1998, 225–231. Lesson 11
Hong-Chun Wu, Explosion Accident Analysis of Diaminodiphenolether Process,
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 17(5), September 2004, 373–376. Lesson 11
Horák J.,Technické, psychologické a sociologické přı́činy haváriı́, 11. kapitola v Organické
produkty ve výrobě a v životnı́m prostředı́, ÚOCHB ČSAV, 1989, (in Czech language). Lesson 14
Kirchsteiger C. (Editor), Risk Assessment and Management in the Context of the Seveso II
Directive, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998. Lesson 14
Kletz T. A., Learning from Accidents, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994 Lesson 14
Lacoursiere J. P., An Explosion Caused by Mixing Incompatible Liquids, Process Safety Progress,
24(2), June 2005, p. 115–119. Lesson 11
Lees F. P., Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2nd edition, Lesson 6, 10,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996 11, 12, 14
Leveson N. G., A New Model for Analyzing Accidents, Proceedings of the JRC/ESReDA
Seminar on Safety Investigation of Accidents, Petten, Netherland, 12–13 May 2003. Lesson 13
Long L. A., The Explosion at Concept Sciences: Hazards of Hydroxylamine,
Process Safety Progress, 23(2), June 2004, 114–120. Lesson 1
Lukš O., Zásah hasičů při úniku chlóru, 150 hořı́, prosinec 2000, s.10–12, (in Czech language). Lesson 6
Morrison D. R. et al., Common Causes and Corrections for Explosions and Fires in Improperly
Inerted Vessels, Process Safety Progress, 21(2), 142–150. Lesson 3
Lesson 2, 3,
Marshall V. and Ruhemann S., Fundamentals of Process Safety, IChemE, Rugby, 2001. 6, 10–13
Ogle R. A. and Carpenter A. R., Lessons Learned from Fires, Flash Fires, and Explosions
Involving Hot Work, Process Safety Progress, 20(2), 75–81. Lesson 4
Ogle R. A. and Morrison D. T., Investigation of an Acid Spill Caused by the Failure of an
Air-Operated Diaphragm Pump, Process Safety Progress, 20(1), 41–49. Lesson 7
Pande J. O. and Tonheim J., Ammonia Plant NII: Explosion of Hydrogen in a Pipeline
for CO2, Process Safety Progress, 20(1), 37–40. Lesson 5
Planas-Cuchi E. et al., Explosion of a road tanker containing liquefied natural gas,
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 17(2004), 315–321. Lesson 4
Pratt T. H., Static Electricity in Pneumatic Transport Systems: Three Case Histories, Process
Safety Progress, 13(3), July 1994, 109–113. Lesson 10
Pratt T. H. and Atherton J. G., Electrostatic Ignitions in Everyday Chemical Operations:
Three Case Histories, Process Safety Progress, 18(4), 241–246. Lessons 3, 10
Riezel Y., Explosion and Fire in a Gas-Oil Fixed Roof Storage Tank: Case Study and
Lessons Learned, Process Safety Progress, 21(1), 67–73. Lesson 5
Sutherland L. E. and Holman M., Pressure Relief Valve Piping Failures and Fire:
Ammonia Synthesis Loop, Process Safety Progress, 18(2), 107–112. Lesson 6
Ta-Cheng Ho and Yih-Shing Duh, Case Studies of Incidents in Runaway Reactions
and Emergency Relief, Process Safety Progress, 17(4), Winter 1998, 259–262. Lesson 11
Verduijn W. D., Catastrophic Failure of an Ammonia/Air Mixer, Process Safety Progress,
15(2), 89–94. Lesson 6
Vrzal Jan, Ze suroviny zbyl jen popel, časopis 112, čı́slo 1/2004, s. 4–6, (in Czech language). Lesson 9 Lesson 12

Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs September 2007 201
industrial activities. The safety management system present the best starting point to the comprehensive
thus represents both a theoretical concept and a practi- process safety education.
cal tool.
Understanding of this concept is supposed to be LITERATURE CITED
both a reasonable preparation for practical activities 1. C. Kirchsteiger, (Editor), Risk Assessment and
and a suitable basis for continuing process safety edu- Management in the Context of the Seveso II Direc-
cation. In accordance with the book [3], analyses of tive, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1998.
real accidents in selected hazard types (‘‘learning from 2. D.A. Crowl and J.F. Louvar, Chemical Process Safety
accidents’’) are supposed to lead students to the un- Fundamentals with Applications, 2nd Edition, Pren-
derstanding of the concept. tice Hall, NJ, 2002.
The Introduction to Safety Engineering course was 3. T. Kletz, Learning from Accidents, Butterworth-
based on these ideas. The course is supposed to serve Heinemann, Oxford, 1993.
as a useful preparation for those students who leave 4. R.L. Brauer, Safety and Health for Engineers, 2nd
the faculty from the bachelors’ level and as a reasona- Edition, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2006.
ble basis for those students who continue to study in 5. V. Marshall and S. Ruhemann, Fundamentals of
masters’ study programs. The course is considered to Process Safety, IChemE, Rugby, 2002.

202 September 2007 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.26, No.3)

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