Normalization of The Wavefunction
Normalization of The Wavefunction
Normalization of The Wavefunction
Next: Expectation Values and Variances Up: Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics Previous: Schrödinger's
However, a measurement of must yield a value between and , since the particle has to be located
For example, suppose that we wish to normalize the wavefunction of a Gaussian wave packet, centered on
, and of characteristic width (see Sect. 3.12): i.e.,
In order to determine the normalization constant , we simply substitute Eq. (141) into Eq. (140), to obtain
(144) 1/4
7/3/2019 Normalization of the Wavefunction
Now, it is important to demonstrate that if a wavefunction is initially normalized then it stays normalized as it
evolves in time according to Schrödinger's equation. If this is not the case then the probability interpretation of
the wavefunction is untenable, since it does not make sense for the probability that a measurement of yields
any possible outcome (which is, manifestly, unity) to change in time. Hence, we require that
(151) 2/4
7/3/2019 Normalization of the Wavefunction
However, this is a necessary condition for the integral on the left-hand side of Eq. (140) to converge. Hence, we
conclude that all wavefunctions which are square-integrable [i.e., are such that the integral in Eq. (140)
converges] have the property that if the normalization condition (140) is satisfied at one instant in time then it is
satisfied at all subsequent times.
It is also possible to demonstrate, via very similar analysis to the above, that
is known as the probability current. Note that is real. Equation (154) is a probability conservation equation.
According to this equation, the probability of a measurement of lying in the interval to evolves in time
due to the difference between the flux of probability into the interval [i.e., ], and that out of the interval
[i.e., ]. Here, we are interpreting as the flux of probability in the -direction at position
and time .
Note, finally, that not all wavefunctions can be normalized according to the scheme set out in Eq. (140). For
instance, a plane wave wavefunction
is not square-integrable, and, thus, cannot be normalized. For such wavefunctions, the best we can say is that
In the following, all wavefunctions are assumed to be square-integrable and normalized, unless otherwise stated. 3/4
7/3/2019 Normalization of the Wavefunction
Next: Expectation Values and Variances Up: Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics Previous: Schrödinger's
Richard Fitzpatrick 2010-07-20 4/4