Comparative CSR Skyline

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28-30th July, Cambridge, England

Comparative Study of Sparse Matrix Storage Format in the Finite

Element Analysis of Thermal-Structure Coupling Problems

Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes¹, Ryuji Shioya2 and Masao Ogino 3

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts
Toyo University, Japan
Information Technology Center, Nagoya University, Japan

Corresponding author:

The aim of this research is to compare different sparse matrix storages schemes in the
finite element analysis of thermal-structure coupling problems. Thermal-structure
coupling approach has been developed using the ADVENTURE System. The approach
relies upon the existing module ADVENTURE Thermal, which handles the heat
conduction problems to have the temperature distribution in the solid model and a module
named ADVENTURE Solid which takes care of the stress analysis. Quite commonly, the
matrix that participates in the finite element computation of thermal and structural
problem is sparse. The present adventure modules which are based on the domain
decomposition method use the sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMxV) as their basic
operation. Sparse matrix by definition, are populated primarily with zeroes and thus
special storage formats are used to enable efficient storage and computational operations.
These representations usually store the non-zero values of the matrix with additional
indexing information about the position of these values. A memory efficient storage
format is proposed in this research. In the proposed technique, the inherent block sizes
present in the sparse matrix are exploited to reduce the memory requirement as well as
computation time. A SpMxV library has been developed that could be used both thermal
and structural problems. Impacts of sparse matrix storages formats on the total execution
time of the solver are evaluated. A 3D blast furnace cooling stave is analysed efficiently
in terms of computation time and memory using the developed approach.

Keywords: thermal-structure coupling; sparse matrix; indexing; cooling stave;


With the advent of high performance computer, efficient modules for the finite element
analysis (FEA) to solve large scale problems are the present demand of FEM users. The
ADVENTURE [adventure] is open source CAE software that has been developed for
large scale analysis and design of computational mechanics system. This software is able
to analyze three-dimensional (3-D) finite element models of arbitrary shape with 10-100
million degrees of freedom (dof). We have been developing the ADVENTURE system
for the future high performance computer as a memory and time efficient FEA module.
In this research a thermal-structure coupling system has been developed using two of
ADVENTURE modules, ADVENTURE_Thermal and ADVENTURE_Solid. The

developed system could be used to analyze heat transfer problems that have complex
geometries for the temperature distribution. The predicted temperature combined with the
applied external load is then used to compute the deformation and thermal stresses of the
model. Both thermal and solid modules use the parallel finite element method called
domain decomposition method to solve problems in parallel computers.
The performance of the domain decomposition method is dominated by the sparse matrix-
vector multiplication (SpMxV), y  y  Ax where, A is a sparse matrix and x, y are
dense vectors [Mukaddes (2014)]. The method is also influenced by the preconditioning
techniques [Ogino (2011)]. Sparse matrix by definition, are populated primarily with
zeroes and thus special storage schemes are used to enable efficient storage and
computational operations. These representations usually store the non-zero elements of
the matrix with additional indexing information about the position of these values. A
variety of compressed sparse row (CSR) format is used to store and manipulate the sparse
matrix for the thermal problem [Mukaddes (2014)]. The matrix in the structural problems
has inherent block shape. In order to reduce the memory requirement, exploiting the
block shape of the matrix could be a beneficial choice. In this research, a diagonal block
compressed sparse row (DBCSR) format for the structural problem are proposed and
compared with other formats. Here instead of entire rows or columns of a matrix, block
algorithms operate sub-blocks or data blocks.

The proposed storage formats are evaluated considering two models: High Temperature
Test Reactor (HTTR) and 3D cooling stave [Kumar et al. (2012), Lijun et al. (2006)]. The
numerical results obtained are presented and discussed.

2. Thermal-Solid coupling analysis

The developed system is conducted to predict temperature distribution in solid models
and then to investigate the thermal expansion or deformation due to the temperature
change. Analysis steps are as follows.
1) Read the input data for the heat conductive analysis and decompose the model by
2) Analyze heat conduction problems using ADVENTURE_Thermal.
3) Gather temperature of all nodes of the model from outputs of heat conduction
4) Read temperature of all nodes and other input data for structural analysis and then
decompose the model by ADVENTURE_Metis again.
Figure 1 shows the flow chart of thermal-solid coupling analysis with the developed
system. The name of the ADVENTURE module used in each analysis is shown in

Input data for thermal analysis Input data for solid analysis

Domain decomposition

Thermal analysis
Domain decomposition
Temperature information

Structural analysis


Figure 1 Flow chart of thermal-solid coupling system.

3. Sparse storage formats and their implementations

Sparse matrix storage schemes are described in this section. Consider the lower part of a
typical symmetric matrix A. This matrix can be stored using different storage schemes.
Several sparse matrix storage schemes are studied in this research and evaluated in both
thermal and structural analysis. They are Compressed Sparse Row (CSR), Compressed
Sparse Column (CSC), Variable Block Compressed Sparse Row (VBCSR) and Diagonal
Block Compressed Sparse Row (DBCSR). The DBCSR are proposed in this research and
compared with other storage format. For simplicity Skyline storage, CSR storage and
DBCSR storage formats are explained for the example matrix A.

2 3
4 5
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14 15
16 17
18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50 51

Matrix A
4.1 Skyline or Variable Band (SKY)
The Skyline representation becomes popular for direct solvers especially when pivoting is
not necessary. This is the most common matrix storage format. The matrix elements are

stored using three single arrays: data, row_index and row_pattern. The array data stores
the elements of the matrix A row by row, row_index contains column number of first
element of each row and row_pattern array points to the start of every row.
Table 1: Skyline format

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 41
42 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 45 46 47 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 50 51


1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1


1 2 4 7 11 16 22 26 31 37 47 58 69

4.2 Compressed Sparse Row (CSR)

Compressed sparse row format [Saad (1994)] is popular and the most general purpose
storage format for the sparse matrix. The elements are stored using three arrays: data,
row_pattern and col_index. The single array data of length number of nonzero (nnz)
contains the non-zero elements of A row by row, col_index of length nnz contains the
column number which correspond to the non-zero elements in the array data. The integer
vector row_pattern of length nrow+1 contains the pointers to the beginning of each row
in the array data and col_index. With the row_pattern array we can easily compute the
number of non-zero elements in the ith row as row_pattern[i+1] - row_pattern[i]. The
last element of row_pattern is nnz. The CSR representation of the symmetric matrix A:

Table -2 CSR format

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6
7 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 10 1
2 3 10 11 1 2 3 10 11 12

1 2 4 7 11 16 22 26 31 37 41 46 51

4.3 Diagonal Block Compressed Sparse Row (DBCSR)

The DBCSR exploit the 3x3 block shape of the matrix. In this format the diagonal block
can be stored separately in a diag array which does not require the indexing. The off-

diagonal elements are stored in the data array. index_brow represents the position of first
element of the first block in the data array. The last element of the index_brow is the
number of elements in the off-diagonal blocks. Index_bcol stores the column number of
the first elements of each off-diagonal blocks. Such indexing reduces the working sets as
well as memory requirements.
Table-3 DBCSR
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5
0 4 5 9 0 1 5 9 0 4 5 6 0 4 5 9 0 1

7 8 9 11 12 13 16 17 18 22 23 24 26 27 28 31 32 33 37 38 39 41 42 43 4
1 10 19 27

1 4 1

4.4 Working sets of sparse matrix storage formats

The skyline format takes more memory than others as it needs to store some unnecessary
zero elements. The CSR requires less memory than skyline, as it does not store zero
elements of the matrix. DBCSR reduces the memory requirement of the indexing part of
CSR. The working sets of three storage formats are given below.

Table-4 Working sets


elm + 4(row+1+row) 8nnz + 4(row+1+nz) 8nnz + 4(brow +1 + brow)

elm: num. of matrix elements; nnz: num. of non-zero; row: num. of rows; brow: num. of block rows

5 Numerical results and discussions

Evaluation of sparse matrix storage schemes:
A large scale High Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR) model is used to evaluate the
sparse matrix storage schemes. The computational environment is Intel Corei7-960
(3.20GHz/L2 256KB/L3 8MB/QuadCore). The DBCSR are evaluated and compared with
other sparse matrix storage fromats. Using the CSR type storage format computation time
is reduced to around 50% and required memory is reduced to around 45% comapared to
the skyline storage format. Again, DBCSR shows better performance over the CSR
format. It reduces 21% computation time and 15% required memory compared to the
CSR format.

Figure-2 Computation time for thermal (left) and sturcture (right)

Figure-3 Required Memory for thermal (left) and structural (Right)

Cooling stave analysis:

In the present paper, a cooling stave of a blast furnace has been modeled and analyzed
using the developed system. Parts name are shown in figure 4a. For the finite element
analysis, the 3D geometry of the cooling stave is made using the commercial CAD
software, Meshman. After that the model is exported to .iges file. Then the file is
imported to the ADVENTURE Systems. For simplicity, a part model of a cooling stave
(figure 4b) is analysed. Results of full model are given later. The design parameters and
material properties are taken from [Kumar et al. (2012)]. The boundary conditions for
thermal and solid are set up as follows:

 Air temperature is 323 K, water temperature is 303 K.

 Heat convection coefficients: between furnace shell and atmosphere-12 W/(m2 K),
between water and inner sides of the furnace shell -8000 W/(m2K).
 The upper and lower surface are fixed.
The cooling channels are shown in figure 4b, where convection boundary conditions are
considered. The figure 3a shows the temperature distribution after the thermal analysis
using the ADVENTURE_Thermal. The ADVENTURE_PostTool is used to visualize the
temperature, displacement and stress. The temperature information is used in
ADVENTURE_Solid as loads to measure the thermal expansion and stresses. The
thermal expansion (X 100) in the y direction is shown figure 3d and corresponding nodal
equivalent stress is shown in figure 4a. Numerical results depict that the stress intensity
on the cold surfaces is mainly affected by the cooling water and much higher on the hot

Figure-4 Cooling stave full (left) and part (right)

Figure 5: Temperature distribution (left) and expansion (x100, right)

(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: (a) Equivalent stress (b) Cooling channel (c) Temperature distribution of full
Finally, a full model of cooling stave is modelled and analysed as shown in figure 5b.
After thermal analysis of the full model it is found that, the temperature on the top and
bottom surfaces are higher than other regions and maximum values are on the hot sides
(figure 5c).

6. Conclusion

In this research, the developed thermal-solid coupling system is successfully implemented

to analyze the cooling stave of a blast furnace. The intensity of stress is reduced due to the
cooling system. The computational cost of the developed system is improved dramatically
by employing several sparse matrix storage formats. Several sparse matrix storage
formats are implemented and compared. DBCSR type storage format shows better
performance compare to the previous Skyline and CSR storage format. Future research is
to compare different blocking strategies of DBCSR storage format.


This research is financially supported by one of Japan Science and Technology (JST),
CREST projects named “Development of Numerical Library Based on Hierarchical
Domain Decomposition for Postpeta Scale Simulation”.


Kumar, A., Bansal, S. N. and Chandraker, R., (2012), Computational modeling of blast furnace cooling
stave based on heat transfer analysis, Material Physics and Mechanics, 15, 46-65.

Mukaddes, A M M., Ogino, M. and Shioya, R. (2014), Performance study of domain decomposition
method with sparse matrix storage schemes in modern supercomputer, International Journal of
Computational Method (in press).

Lijun, W, Weiguo, Z. Huier, C. Yunlong, S., Xiaojing Li and Canyang, S. (2006), The study of cooling
channel optimization in blast furnace cast steel stave based on heat transfer analysis. International Journal
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 29, 64-69.

Ogino, M., Shioya, R. and Kanayama, H. (2008) An inexact balancing preconditioner for large-scale
structural analysis, Journal of Computational Science and Technology, 2- 1, 150-161.

Saad, Y., (1994) SPARSEKIT: A basic tool kit for sparse matrix computations. Technical report, Computer
Science Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, Version 2.

Shahnaz, R. and Usman, Anila (2011), Blocked-based sparse-matrix vector multiplication on distributed
memory computer, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 8- 2, 130-136.

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