Earned Value Management in P6
Earned Value Management in P6
Earned Value Management in P6
Primavera P6
Primavera support you to control project performance by Earned Value Management technique.
1 column / day.
100 $ / column
We can show columns as display in below picture to analyze Earned Value Management.
Right click on Activity Table -> Column. Select columns in Earned Value group.
At the end of day 5 of the project:
How many column should have been built? (This is the Planned Value)
(This value is automatically calculated by using Baseline we assign previously. Baseline said that
Project’s duration is 10 days, today is 5th day, so 5 column should be completed)
PV = 5 x 100 = 500 $
How many column have actually been built? (This is the Earned Value)
We receive report from construction site and it said only 3 columns finish.
(This is value based on the Performance % Complete which is equal to Activity % Complete by
EV = 3 x 100 = 300 $
How much did it cost to build those three column? (This is Actual Cost)
AC = 3 x 200 = 600 $
Then we can show “Schedule Variance” and “Cost Variance”.
According to PMI standard, we should take CPI into account to calculate these 2 values. So we
can change the way Primavera calculate by :
Go to WBS window -> Earned Value tab. Check on PF = 1 / Cost Performance Index
ETC = = = 1400 $
( CPI = = = 0.5 )
However you have to configure this option at the beginning of project (before update anything).
Otherwise it doesn’t affect.