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AY 2018-2019 University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos SECOND SEMESTER

PRBLM251E Environmental Engineering

12) Which of the following is not a physical characteristic of

1) The level of the upper surface of the groundwater is
A. odor
A. Water table
B. turbidity
B. Hydraulic Gradient
C. color
C. Ground Level
D. hardness
D. Saturation Gradient
13) Mr. and Mrs. Green have no children. In an average
2) Temporary hardness in water is due to the presence of
week they purchase and bring into their house
A. Chloride
approximately 50 kg of consumer goods (food,
B. Carbonate
magazines, newspapers, appliance, furniture, and
C. Calcium
associated packaging). Of this amount, 50 percent is
D. Manganese
consumed as food. Half of the food is used for biological
3) A common disinfectant used in village wells is
maintenance and ultimately released as CO2; the
A. Ozone gas
remainder is discharged to the sewer system. The
B. Iodine and Bromine
Greens recycle approximately 25 percent of the solid
C. Potassium permanganate
waste that is generated. Approximately 1 kg
D. Free chlorine
accumulates in the house. Estimate the amount of solid
4) What substance in water is removed by Lime Soda
waste they place at the curb each week.
A. 25 kg
A. Odor and Taste
B. 24 kg
B. Temporary Hardness
C. 6 kg
C. Iron and Manganese
D. 18 kg (28-29)
D. Permanent Hardness
14) A well-mixed sewage lagoon (a shallow pond) is
5) A wastewater with a BOD/COD = 1 indicates that
receiving 430 m3/d of untreated sewage. The lagoon
A. Chemical Treatment is required
has a surface area of 10 ha and a depth of 1.0 m. The
B. Biological Treatment is most practical
pollutant concentration in the raw sewage discharging
C. The wastewater is highly polluted
into the lagoon is 180 mg/L. The organic matter in the
D. Does not indicate anything
sewage degrades biologically in the lagoon according to
6) The amount of chlorine available in water after the
first-order kinetics. The reaction rate constant is 0.70/d.
disinfection is called
Assuming no other water losses or gains (evaporation,
A. Free Chlorine
seepage, or rainfall) and that the lagoon is completely
B. Residual Chlorine
mixed, find the steady-state concentration of the
C. Free Available Chlorine
pollutant in the lagoon effluent.
D. Combines available Chlorine
A. 2 mg/L
7) The total uptake of chemicals by an organism from food
B. 5 mg/L
items as well as via mass transport of dissolved
C. 1.10 mg/L (41-42)
D. 10 mg/L
A. bioaccumulation
15) A wastewater treatment plant must disinfect its
B. bioconcentration
effluent before discharging the wastewater to a nearby
C. biomagnification
stream. The wastewater contains 4.5x105 fecal coliform
D. all of these
colony-forming units (CFU) per liter. The maximum
8) It is a phenomenon that results in the overabundance of
permissible fecal coliform concentration that may be
algae growth in bodies of water. It is also the natural
discharged is 2,000 fecal coliform CFU/L. It is proposed
process of nutrient enrichment that occurs over time in
that a pipe carrying the wastewater be used for the
a body of water.
disinfection process. Determine the length of the pipe
A. biomagnification
required if the linear velocity of the wastewater in the
B. thermal inversion
pipe is 0.75 m/s. Assume that the pipe behaves as a
C. anaerobic respiration
steady-state plug-flow system and that the reaction
D. eutrophication
rate constant for destruction of the fecal coliforms is
9) A common coagulating agent.
A. Aluminum sulfate
A. 540 m
B. Ferric sulfate
B. 1,250 m
C. Ferric chloride
C. 1,060 m (43-44)
D. Sulfuric acid
D. 825 m
10) This is recyclable material labeled as no. 3.
16) Before entering an underground utility vault to do
repairs, a work crew analyzed the gas in the vault and
found that it contained 29 mg/m3 of hydrogen sulfide.
Because the allowable exposure level is 14 mg/m3, the
work crew began ventilating the vault with a blower. If
11) It is defined as the controlled decomposition of organic
the volume of the vault is 160 m3 and the flow rate of
materials, such as leaves, grass, and food scraps.
contaminant-free air is 10 m3/min, how long will it take
A. composting
to lower the hydrogen sulfide level to a level that will
B. putrefaction
allow the work crew to enter? Assume the manhole
C. incineration
behaves as a CSTR and that hydrogen sulfide is
D. recycling
nonreactive in the time period considered.
A. 16 min
B. 12 min (50-51)
C. 30 min
D. 28 min

Prepared and Compiled by Engr. Ashraf R. Khater, ChE Page 1 of 2

AY 2018-2019 University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos SECOND SEMESTER

PRBLM251E Environmental Engineering

17) Silk’s Lake has a surface area of 70.8 ha. For the month
of April, the inflow was 1.5 m3/s. The dam regulated the
outflow from Silk’s Lake to be 1.25 m3/s. If the
precipitation recorded for the month was 7.62 cm and
the storage volume increased by an estimated 650,000
m3, what is estimated evaporation? Assume that no
water infiltrates out of the bottom of Silk’s Lake and
that the density of water is constant.
A. 0.076 m (120-121)
B. 0.1 m
C. 0.005 m
D. 0.05 m
18) A water has an alkalinity of 200 mg/L as CaCO3. The Ca2+
concentration is 160 mg/L as the ion, and the Mg2+
concentration is 40 mg/L as the ion. The pH is 8.1. Find
the total hardness.
A. 650 mg/L
B. 367 mg/L
C. 56 mg/L
D. 567 m/L (281-282)
19) A coagulation treatment plant with a flow of 0.5 m3/s is
dosing alum at 23.0 mg/L. No other chemicals are being
added. The raw-water suspended-solids concentration
is 37.0 mg/L. The effluent suspended-solids
concentration is measured at 12.0 mg/L. The sludge
solids content is 1.00 percent and the specific gravity of
the sludge solids is 3.01. What volume of sludge must
be disposed each day?
A. 150 m3/d (354-355)
B. 200 m3/d
C. 100 m3/d
D. 50 m3/d
20) The town of X discharges 17,360 m3/d of treated
wastewater into the Y Creek. The treated wastewater
has a BOD5 of 12 mg/L and a k of 0.12/d at 20 degrees
Celsius. Y Creek has a flow rate of 0.43 m3/s and an
ultimate BOD of 5.0 mg/L. The DO of the river is 6.5
mg/L and the DO of the wastewater is 1.0 mg/L. The
stream temperature is 10 degrees Celsius and the
wastewater temperature is 10 degrees Celsius.
Computer the DO.
A. 10 mg/L
B. 8.25 mg/L
C. 77.12 mg/L
D. 4.75 mg/L (414-415)

--- End ---

Prepared and Compiled by Engr. Ashraf R. Khater, ChE Page 2 of 2

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