Grade 9 Geography Marking Guideline English

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Question 1

 One mark per answer.

 There are no half marks.

No. Expected answer

1.1 B Breaking down of rocks into small particles 

1.2 B Frost shattering 
1.3 D Oxidation 
1.4 D Plants and animals break up the rock 
1.5 C Hydrolysis 
1.6 B Carbonation 
1.7 C Clearing vegetation 
1.8 D Vehicle emissions 
1.9 B Upper course 
1.10 B Meander 
1.11 A Oxbow lake 
1.12 C Lower course 
1.13 B Vertical erosion 
1.14 A Rapid 
1.15 B The water cascades over a layer of hard rock and erodes a layer of softer 
rock underneath.
1.16 D Erosion narrows the meander neck to form a new channel. 
1.17 C A total amount of sediment transported by a river. 
1.18 A Lower course 
1.19 B The river increases its velocity. 
1.20 C It is found where a river enters the ocean. 
1.21 B Resource 
1.22 A Resource which comes from the environment. 
1.23 C Petroleum, forests, water and soil 
1.24 B Resources that can never be used up. 
1.25 C Coal 
1.26 C Fish, trees and water 
1.27 D Recycling 
1.28 B When a resource had been dramatically reduced. 
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No. Expected answer

1.29 A When resources are used such that, they meet the needs of present and 
future generations.
1.30 D Use of renewable energy sources 
1.31 A Fix leaks, take a shower and close taps 
1.32 B Deforestation 
1.33 C Using appliances with renewable energy source. 
1.34 C Quota 
1.35 B A place where a specific plant or animal normally lives. 
1.36 D Aquaculture 
1.37 A The amount of carbon we create by using fuels that release carbon 
1.38 D Water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone 
1.39 A Biodegradable 
1.40 C To provide a safe place for fish stock to breed and grow 
1.41 D By printing less and recycling papers 
1.42 A Products that do little or no harm to the environment 
1.43 A By using energy-efficient cars 
1.44 D When all the citizens of the country have access to nutritious food all the 
1.45 C Availability, access and use 
1.46 C Factory farming 
1.47 A Animals can easily catch diseases 
1.48 D Genetic Modification 
1.49 A May be harmful to humans 
1.50 B Increases food production 
1.51 C Drainage ditches, strip cropping and terraces 
1.52 D Crop rotation, careful use of water and use of pest-resistant crops 

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Question 2

 There are no half marks.

No. Expected answer Clarification

2.1 Clearing of land.  Any one of the correct

Storm water drainage.  answers. 1

2.2 Stripping of land.  Any one of the correct

Excavation of rocks.  answers.
Mining waste dump which destroys vegetation.  1
2.3 Mono-cropping.  Any one correct
Using pesticides and chemical fertilizers.  answer.
Planting crops in rows up and down hillsides 1

2.4 a. The removal of soil through agents of erosion 2 marks: Concept

(water, wind, ice). fully defined OR
OR bolded words
mentioned on the
The removal of soil by wind/water/ice.  answer.

1 mark: Mentioned
one agent of erosion
(water, wind, ice) e.g.
it caused by wind etc.

0 mark: No answer,
incorrect or irrelevant
answer. 2
b. A practice of excessive feeding of livestock on a Concept fully defined
land unable to recover its vegetation. or bolded words
mentioned in the

1 mark: Mentioned
one of the bolded
words e.g. excessive
feeding OR land
unable to recover. 2

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No. Expected answer Clarification

2.5 Subsistence farmers farm to feed their own families 4 marks: The
while commercial farmers farm for profit. following key words
OR must be part of the
Subsistence farmers farm for their own needs and for answer:
their families while commercial farmers grow cash Subsistence: farm to
crops to sell and make money as a business.  feed /own needs and
own family
Commercial: farm /
grow cash crops and
sell /make

3 marks: Addressed
three points from the
key words. e.g.
mentioned farm
needs and farm for
Mentioned either own
needs OR own family
OR mentioned both
Mentioned either farm
for profit OR grow
cash crops OR sell
and mentioned both.

2 marks:
Addressed two points
from the key words.
e.g. mentioned farm
needs and farm for
1 marks:
Addressed only one
point from the key
words. e.g. mentioned
only farm needs/farm
for profit.
0 mark:
No answer, incorrect
or irrelevant answer. 4

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No. Expected answer Clarification

2.6 Soil is compacted.  2 marks: Any two

Deep gullies emerge.  correct answers.
1 mark: Any one
Topsoil is removed.  correct answer.
Soil fertility is reduced.  0 mark: No answer,
incorrect or irrelevant
answer. 2
2.7. Contour ploughing.  2 marks: Any two
Crop rotation.  correct answers.
1 mark: Any one
Filling of gullies/soil rehabilitation.  correct answer.
Covering of barren land/afforestation.  0 mark: No answer,
incorrect or irrelevant
answer. 2

Question 3

3.1 Scoring Rules

 Introductory/controlling sentence: effects of
Item: Any of the 6
overfishing.  answers provided
 Reduces the amount of food 
 Affects biodiversity Accept other correct
and relevant
 Leads to unemployment and increased answers not listed
 Loss of income
 Decline of certain species (extinction) 
 Reduces the amount of food
 Collapse of the fishing industry
 Using huge nets often leads to by-catch
 Marine pollution
 Removal of essential predators (like sharks and
tuna) affects the ecosystem
 Poor coral reef health
 Growth of algae
 Concluding sentence: own opinion on the effect of
overfishing 8

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Has introductory/controlling sentence.

Has all 6 facts expected.
Has concluding sentence. 8
Has either introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has all 6 facts expected.
Has introductory and concluding sentence.
Has 5 expected facts. 7
No introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has all 6 facts expected.
Has introductory/controlling sentence and concluding sentence.
Has 4 of expected facts.
Has introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has 5 of expected facts. 6
No introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has 5 of the expected 6 points.
Has an introductory/controlling sentence and a concluding sentence.
Has 4 of the 6 points expected. 5
No introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has 4 of the 6 expected facts.
Has introductory/controlling sentence and concluding sentence.
Has 2 of the 6 expected facts.
Has introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has 3 of the expected facts. 4
No introductory/controlling sentence and concluding sentence.
Has 3 of the 6 expected facts.
Has introductory/controlling sentence and concluding sentence.
Has 1 of the expected facts.
Has introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has 2 of the expected facts. 3

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Has 2 of the 6 expected facts.

Has introductory/controlling sentence or concluding sentence.
Has 1 of the expected facts. 2
Has 1 of the 6 expected facts. 1
Question not answered at all.
Incorrect or irrelevant responses. 0

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