Vision of The Institute: Developing State-Of-Art Technocrats For Challenging Environment of Industrial Context

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Vision of the Institute

Developing state-of-art
technocrats for
challenging environment
of industrial context
Mission of Institute

Inculcating skills and

talents in rural masses for
development through
diploma engineering
education, training and
research to cope-up with
growing industrial
Vision of Department of
Computer Technology

Vision of department of Computer

Technology is to persistently
improve its educational
environment in order to develop
state-of-art Computer
Technologists those will contribute
to ever-changing field of Computer
Mission of Department of
Computer Technology

1. To mold the rural masses for their overall

development with various aspects like
technical education, self-motivation,
ethics and personality.
2. To improve the educational environment
in the department persistently to achieve
outcome-based education.
3. To train the students to cope-up with
ever-changing field of Computer
Technology and to pursue advanced
graduate studies.
Programme Educational Objectives

On completion of Diploma in Computer

Technology, a diploma holder will
1. Possess foundation of mathematics, sciences,
engineering fundamentals and core principles
of Computer Technology. (PEO-1)
2. Apply this knowledge for developing or
investigating solutions to critical problems of
society as well as for pursuing higher studies
and enhancing his/her own skills towards
excellence in ever-changing field of Computer
Technology. (PEO-2)
3. Possess oral and written communication skills
along with professional & ethical skills so as
to achieve team work with mutual support in
the challenging industrial context. (PEO-3)
4. Apply ethical and social aspects of Computer
Technology along with environmental aspects
to design, development and use of computer
artifacts. (PEO-4)
Programme Outcomes
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, sciences, engineering
fundamentals and core principles of Computer Technology to design
small modules, software or hardware systems.
b. Build problem analysis ability in the ever-changing field of
Computer Technology.
c. Design and develop programs/software by considering constraints
like memory and complexity.
d. Investigate the problems in computer artifacts and troubleshoot
them by gathering information through various searches.
e. Select and use modern engineering tools for computing, hardware,
network, testing and security.
f. Demonstrate understanding of issues related to health, safety, law
and culture while designing and handling computer artifacts.
g. Identify the effect of the computer artifacts on the society &
environment and design & develop hardware or software systems
which will help society and environment (by designing paperless
h. Demonstrate the knowledge of professional ethics and
responsibilities while working in profession as an individual or a
member of team.
i. Work effectively as an individual as well as in team with good team
management skills.
j. Communicate effectively to team members, professionals and
stakeholders of systems with various aspects like oral
communication, written communication, electronic communication,
presentations, documentations and reports.
k. Apply design principles and management principles for designing
and developing for hardware or software systems as projects.
l. Enhance his/her own skills and knowledge of mathematics, science,
humanities and core principles and be updated in ever-changing
field of Computer Technology.

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