Questions - Final Exam - LaTeX101x Courseware - IITBombayX
Questions - Final Exam - LaTeX101x Courseware - IITBombayX
Questions - Final Exam - LaTeX101x Courseware - IITBombayX
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Due Date to Submit this Final Exam: 02 December 2019, 18:00 UTC.
All the Best!
0.5/2.0 points (graded)
Consider the following LaTeX code and identify errors. Mark all the options that are
In this ...
2.0/2.0 points (graded)
Rohan is new to LaTeX and wants to typeset a particular paragraph into 3 columns and the
columns should be separated using a vertical line of 1pt. Which code given below will do
the needful? Assume that document class (article) and other necessary packages are
already written.
content ...
content ...
content ...
0.0/2.0 points (graded)
What could be the possible reasons for running into an error? Mark all options that are
Missing opening or closing curly braces (unbalanced) while writing LaTeX commands
Mismatch in enviornments
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to grade them.
1/1 point (graded)
Rohan has changed the font size to \Large. He wants to switch back to the original font size.
Which command will do the needful?
2.0/2.0 points (graded)
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you.
Consider the text given above. Just to reiterate, Roses are red is colored 'red', Violets are
blue is colored 'blue', Sugar is sweet is made bold, while 'And so are you' is underlined.
Which code, from the options given below will achieve an output similar to the one shown
in the question. Assume that all the necessary packages are included. Please read the
commands carefully.
None of the choices generate an output similar to the one shown in the question
1/1 point (graded)
What is the difference between \flushleft command and flushleft environment? Choose the
option that best matches.
There is no difference.
\flushleft aligns only a certain part of the text while flushleft enviornment aligns the
entire document
The text followed by the \flushleft command is aligned as left while the flushleft
environment aligns only a certain part of the text
2.0/2.0 points (graded)
In the image given below, the word 'Hello' is written in a few languages.
Which command will equally space out all the words horizontally in the same line?
1/1 point (graded)
The error 'Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.' is displayed when:
you define the itemize environment but do not write any item in it.
you define the description enviornment but write \item ... instead of \item[...] ...
you define the description environment but do not write any item in it.
Please mark all the options that are valid
1/1 point (graded)
In the textbox given below, write LaTeX code for typesetting the mathematical formula give
above. Please make sure that you do not enter any space in the textbox. Assume that
the mathematical expression that you write will be enclosed between $ and $ and it will be
displayed along with the text (inline). Do not consider the size the of the fraction displayed
He has written the following code but he does not know how to merge rows and columns
of the table. Hence, he has left them blank and inserted some comments there.
%Line 1
Item & Qty & Cost \\
%Chunk 2
Q10 - Part 1
1.0/1.0 point (graded)
Part 1
With which of the following command should Rohan replace %Line 1 with, so that he can
achieve merging of 3 columns for displaying 'Whole Sale Items'.
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Whole Sale Items} \\
Q10 - Part 2
0.0/2.0 points (graded)
Part 2
With which of the following command should Rohan replace %Chunk 2 with, so that he can
achieve merging of 3 rows and displaying Pencil 2B along with its quantity and cost.
Assume that all the necessary packages are included.
\multirow{3}{|l|}{Pencil 2B} & 10 & 50 \\
& 20 & 70 \\
& 50 & 100 \\
1/1 point (graded)
Which command will generate a list, similar to Table of Contents, that will display all the
table captions and their respective page numbers.
None of these
2.0/2.0 points (graded)
The following image has 5pt border and the space between the border and image is 15pt.
Which commands given below will do the needful?
2.0/2.0 points (graded)
In \begin{table}[position] or \begin{figure}[position] enviornments, we specify the
position of where the table or figure should appear on the page. Look at the table given
below and match Position column with the Description column.
Position Description
1. h A. top
2. b B. here
3. t C. bottom
Match the columns: Match the left column (position) with the correct description. Note the
number of the left column and the alphabet in the right column. Mention the correct
alphabet in the text boxes given below, next to the position number. For example, if 'h'
position denotes 'bottom' as the description, then my answer next to 1 would be C.
Please do not enter any space in the textbox and enter the alphabet in capitals
1 B Answer: B
2 C Answer: C
3 A Answer: A
1/1 point (graded)
Consider the sentence: For more information visit the Wiki article!
Nagesh wants the readers to read more about Falkirk wheel, in one of his documents, such
that when clicked on the word Wiki in the sentence given above, it should redirect to
1/2 points (graded)
Consider the following sentence:
Figure 3.2 on page 78 displays the relation between children and parents.
Assume that the key is (fig:relation) and the label is defined at the appropriate place.
Choose the correct option from the dropdown that will do the needful.
1/1 point (graded)
All the necessary commands are written by Vishal to create and display an index. The only
issue is that the title 'Back Index' should be visible in the table of contents. Which command
will do the needful?
0.0/2.0 points (graded)
In a beamer documentclass, Firuza wants to create 4 columns but she is confused in
mentioning the size of the columns with respect to the textwidth. Given below is her code
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top.
Do you know the muffin man?
Hickory, dickory, dock.
With which of the commands given below, should she replace ColumnSize with? Choose
the most appropriate option that will display the content of all the 4 columns properly.
2.0/2.0 points (graded)
Choose the correct option for changing the background color of the slides to yellow.
Assume that all the necessary packages are included.
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{yellow}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=yellow}