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Implementation of Building Information Modeling (B.I.M) in Pakistan Construction Industry

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Implementation of Building Information Modeling (B.I.M) in Pakistan

Construction Industry

Article  in  Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research · August 2018


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6 authors, including:

Imtiaz Ali Bhatti Abd Halid Abdullah

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)


Sasitharan Nagapan Nabi Bux Bhatti

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


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Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018, 3199-3202 3199

Implementation of Building Information Modeling

(BIM) in Pakistan Construction Industry

Imtiaz Ali Bhatti Abd Halid Abdullah Sasitharan Nagapan

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Faculty of Civil and Environmental Faculty of Civil and Environmental
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
engrimtiaz290@gmail.com abdhalid@uthm.edu.my sasitharan@uthm.edu.my

Nabi Bux Bhatti Samiullah Sohu Ashfaque Ahmed Jhatial

U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Faculty of Civil and Environmental Faculty of Civil and Environmental
Studies in Water Engineering Engineering
Mehran University of Engineering & Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Technology, Sindh, Pakistan Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
nabibuxbhatti76@gmail.com sohoosamiullah@gmail.com aajhatial@hotmail.com

Abstract—This paper examines the implementation of building construction (AEC) professionals with more efficient planning,
information modeling (BIM) in construction industry. Various design, construction and management of buildings and
initiatives and approaches are used in different countries to infrastructure projects [2]. BIM can be viewed as a virtual
promote the BIM implementation in their construction process that encompasses all aspects, disciplines, and systems
industries. The real implementation and use of BIM remains a of a facility within a single virtual model, allowing all design
major concern of the construction industry. This study team members (owners, architects, engineers, contractors,
investigates the implantation of BIM globally, in developed subcontractors, and suppliers) to collaborate more accurately
countries and the percentage of implementation of BIM in and efficiently than using traditional processes [3, 4]. BIM also
constriction industry of Sindh, Pakistan. This research
facilitates us to enhance decision making and implementation
demonstrates 131 responses from BIM users regarding BIM
implementation whose collaboration aspects produce the highest
throughout the life cycle of a project [5-6]. Previously most of
positive impact. The adopted methodology is an online design decisions were taken by experts who were designing the
questionnaire survey and literature review which was conducted project according to client specifications and requirements
to find out the implementation of BIM in construction industries because the client himself or other technical people could not
of developed countries. This research reveals that BIM take decisions on their behalf. But in modern days, BIM
implementation is increasing continuously over the past few technology has brought all stakeholders to one platform where
years. A Number of developed countries are emerging successful they can contribute from the initial design process to the end of
BIM implementation strategies, United States, United Kingdom, the project. The implementation of BIM is a problem for
Germany, France are generally leading the way. However, developed and developing countries, whereas in developed
according to our study findings, only 11% of industries have countries their government, technical organizations and
implemented BIM in Sindh, Pakistan. institutions are performing great role to implement BIM
technology and it has been found that they have succeeded to a
Keywords-building information modeling; implementation; certain level. The implementation of BIM is a chronic concern
construction industry; developed & developing countries for developing countries like, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India,
Pakistan etc. This research is limited for Sindh, Pakistan. The
primary objective of this study is to identify the percentage of
Building information modeling (BIM) is a new innovative BIM implementation in Pakistan construction industry.
technology. The use of BIM technology is not limited only to
the design of 3D models, but it can be used for detailed design BIM as an official term was used in 1992 and later on in a
and analysis, to create project documentation, to prepare 2000 software called “Revit Software”. After that the same
estimates and to monitor the progress for ongoing project until software was sold to Autodesk and they brought many new
completion [1]. Except that, BIM can be used for operation, changes in 2004. Currently that software is known as Autodesk
maintenance and demolition of existing projects. BIM Revit. BIM has brought revolutionary change in the field of
technology is used as a three-dimensional 3D model-based building design to some high level of extent [2]. According to
process which provides architecture, engineering and [7] BIM provides a platform to work with collaboration. In

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Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018, 3199-3202 3200

BIM, a single project can be subdivided into different phases They digitized the building industry by investing 20 million
because in a single project there is involvement of different euros. Today 65% of construction companies are using BIM
experts of various fields depending upon the nature and type of aiming to achieve sustainability and reduced costs [18].
project. They accumulate their work together into a single
project. Therefore, different experts in various fields using BIM F. Australia
software don’t have worry about the design process because A research was carried out through a series of interviews
integration and coordination will be dome by the system with 25 construction companies from two major cities in the
automatically. A wide research is ongoing to realize the issues state of Queensland. They found that 51% of companies use
for BIM implementation in construction industry [8-10] and to BIM [19].
communicate the advantages of real BIM implementation to
G. Canada
construction industry [11-12]. Authors in [13] have been
tracking the evolution and implementation of BIM in global Canada has founded various organizations to adopt and
construction industry. They report that BIM implementation implement BIM, like Canada BIM council, Institute for BIM in
was 26% in 2007 and over doubled in less than a decade, Canada and Building Smart Canada. This is the reason why the
reaching 57% in 2016. BIM is widely used in United States, ratio of implementing BIM has reached 67% and still keeps on
United Kingdom and Western Europe. Familiarity of BIM increasing.
spread out among developed and developing countries and, H. India
after 2007, the ratio of BIM users increases. Increasing ratio of
BIM usage is considerably higher in developed countries rather BIM adoption in India is very low compared to other
than in developing countries. In North America a survey was countries. According to research, it is found that only 22%
carried out regarding BIM implementation in construction construction companies are using BIM. In India BIM is also
industry. In 2008 it was recorded that only 28% of construction known as virtual design and construction (VCD) [20].
companies were using BIM, but when construction industry got I. Singapore
familiar with the advantages of BIM, the escalation reached to
BIM has transformed the construction industry. Singapore
72% in 2012. Authors in [13] predicted that this will continue
BIM implementation rate is rising rapidly [21].
to escalate, with BIM market from 1.8 billion USD in 2012 to
reach 6.5 billion USD by 2020. Sudden increase in number of J. Middle East
BIM projects is anticipated over the next 18 months According to [22] BIM is implemented by 10% of
transforming well beyond the achievement to date. Authors in construction companies on their projects.
[13] carried out a survey and collected responses of 727
contractors from developed and developing countries regarding II. BENEFITS OF USING BIM
BIM implementation in the top ten of the largest national
Based on the survey responses and interviews conducted in
construction markets in the world. United States, United
previous studies, it is found that BIM has potential and must be
Kingdom, Germany, Malaysia, France, Australia, Canada,
deployed in construction industry. Most respondents have
India, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Middle East had been
significantly reduced cost and time with the use of BIM [24],
reviewed as described below.
some professionals using BIM reported that it helps improve
A. United States coordination among different stakeholders, such as architects,
A significant number of construction companies in US contractors, suppliers and other project team members.
believe that BIM has a potential to reduce the cost of the Publications, researches and policies have been developed to
projects. This is the reason why 72% of companies are using it. implement BIM. The governments of US, UK, Germany,
Canada and other developed countries have made the
B. United Kingdom implementation of BIM compulsory in their industries [24]. In
According to [15] BIM implementation in UK had reached UK and Canada there’s a high level of BIM awareness because
54%, whereas in 2015 it was 48%. Since April 2016, the UK government has invested on their professionals to be
government has issued a strategy for construction companies, trained in BIM technology, whereas a number of institutions
which aims to achieve 20% savings in procurement cost. launched by Canadian government are specialized to aware
professionals about BIM, while European countries like
C. Germany Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are known as BIM
BIM implementation in Germany has reached up to 90% leaders [25].
[14]. Most of the construction companies and clients are aware
about BIM technology so there is a demand for it. III. METHODOLOGY
Based on the collected information, an online questionnaire
D. Malaysia
was developed and distributed for collecting data regarding the
Only 20% of the architectural firms are implementing BIM practical implementation of BIM in construction industry of
while 10% of surveying firms are using it [11, 16, 17]. Sindh, Pakistan from targeted participants. The link to the
E. France questionnaire survey was sent to contracting companies,
consultant and architectural firms and engineers. The firms’
In 2014 the government of France decided to develop email addresses were obtained from their websites, whereas the
500,000 houses in 2017 by using BIM for that project [18]. engineers were contacted through social networks. The

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Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018, 3199-3202 3201

questionnaire was consisting of personal information and just 3) Engineers

only 11 questions regarded the BIM evaluation. The combined Questionnaires were distributed among 100 engineers and
sample size of the study is summarized in Table I. 71 of them responded. Only 11 engineers were familiar with
BIM and their knowledge of BIM applications was focused
only in 3D geometric model generation. The rest of the
Types of Contributors Questionnaires distributed engineers were not familiar with BIM.
Contracting Companies 50
Consultant & Architecture 50 VI. CONCLUSION
Engineers (1-5 years’ experience) 100
BIM has altered the way of designing, constructing and
operating buildings. BIM utilization led to augmented
IV. SURVEY QUESTIONAIRE profitability, reduced cost, reduced project duration and
The questionnaire consisted of two sections, section A enhanced customer-client relationships. Implementation of
inquiring the demographics of the respondents while section B BIM has progressed rapidly. In a global scale, in 2007 it was
was related to BIM in construction industry of Pakistan. The 26% and in 2016 it reached 57%. BIM implementation is an
survey questionnaire is depicted in the appendix. enduring problem in developing countries. In Pakistan only
11% of related industry has implemented BIM and only to
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION generate 3D models which is a very limited part of BIM.
A. Survey Analysis APPENDIX
The questionnaire survey respondents were contracting The survey questionnaire which was distributed among the respondents,
companies, consultant and architectural firms and engineers. section-wise follows.
The response rate from contracting companies was 58%, from Section A: Demographics
consultant and architectural firms 62% and from engineers 1. Name and address of company / organization
71%. All the companies were of medium size having 1-100
2. Type of your Organization
employees and all engineers had 3-5 years of experience. The Consultant Contractor
survey analysis is shown in Table II. Client Other (please specify)
3. Type of building project undertaken by your company
Residential Building
Survey Analysis Non-Residential Building
Others (please specify)
Respond Respond
Respondents Sample Size 4. The size of projects you have involved in terms of contract amount:
Rate Percentage
0-50 million PKR
50 29 58% 51-100 million PKR
Consultant & 101-500 million PKR
50 31 62% Above 500 million PKR
Architectural Firms
Engineers 100 71 71% 5. Level of your Academic Qualification
Diploma Bachelors
B. Response Analysis Masters Ph.D
6. Years of working Experience in Construction Industry
1) Contracting Companies 0-5 years 6-10 years
11-15 Years 16-20 Years
Questionnaires were distributed among 50 contracting
21-25 Years More than 25 Years
companies and only 29 of them responded. When their
7. Current Position in the Organization
responses were further analyzed, 4 companies were using Revit
Engineer Construction Manager
Architecture software which is a BIM application to generate Planner Project Manager
only 3D geometrical models, 11 companies had known BIM Quantity Surveyor Resident Engineer
but were not implementing it and 14 companies were unaware Contracts Manager General Manager
about BIM. This shows that only 8% of contracting companies
Section B: Implementation of BIM in Construction Industry of Pakistan
were using a BIM application which is a very limited and
initial stage of BIM, and only to generate 3D geometrical 1. Are you aware of BIM and its benefits?
Yes No
2. Is your company aware of BIM and its uses?
2) Consultant and Architectural Companies Yes No
Questionnaires were distributed among 50 companies and 3. Does your company use any BIM Software?
Yes No
only 31 companies responded. Only 7 companies were using a
BIM application to generate 3D geometrical models for 4. Which BIM software is used in your company/Organization if any?
Revit (Arch, Struct, MEP) ArchiCAD
architectural and MEP services, their percentage being 14% Vectorworks Architect MicroStation
which only shows that these firms are also using BIM to a very
5. 5. Do you believe that industry is not yet clear enough of what BIM
limited level. 24 companies were familiar to BIM but they were actually is?
using other applications to generate 3D models. Yes No

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Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018, 3199-3202 3202

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