Description of Courses: MGT600 Management, Organizational Policy and Practices

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Management, Organizational Policy and Practices
The purpose of the course is to enable the students to understand and analyze the
management and organizational processes and strategies. The focus is on scholarly
research in the field of management and organizational theory and design. The course
emphasizes on the emerging issues of management, management research, leadership
styles, organizational design, policy formulation and strategic thinking. The ultimate goal
is to evolve the critical thinking among participants so that they can analyze the existing
literature on management focused on the indigenous management organizational
problems should significantly contribute to the existing body of scientific knowledge of

Statistical Inference
The main objective of the courses is to provide students with a solid ground in statistical
inference allowing them to conduct methodological research in the field. Students will at
the end of the course be familiar with different frameworks within inference can be
performed, being able to apply classical and modern methods of inference and be able to
deduce properties of different types of inference. Following topics will be covered:
Properties of estimators: Maximum likelihood and other methods of estimation;
Hypothesis testing and interval estimation; Decision theory and Bayesian approach to
inference; Non-Parametric and computationally Intensive methods.

Research Methodology
This course is appropriate for researchers and practitioners at all levels of mythological
sophistication. The goal of this course is to provide students with necessary skills to
evaluate existing empirical studies and to select appropriate methods for use in their own
research. Students will be exposed to a broad range of quantitative and qualitative
research methods in the social sciences. Topics covered include: 1) Hypothesis
formulation and theory construction, 2) data collection techniques experimental, survey,
and observation, 3) ethical issues in research, and 4) how to prepare a research proposal.

Quantitative Techniques
The objectives of the course are to help students to use the tools learnt in their research.
At successful completion of the course students are expected to apply analytical
techniques to various business situations and problems. The course comprises parametric
and non-parametric parts. The former includes review of subject matter and methodology
of econometrics, use of econometric soft-wares, types and sources of data, basic ideas of
the two variables and multiple variables regression analysis, the method of ordinary least
squares (OLS), assumptions, properties estimation and inference. The non-parametric
part consists of linear programming, radial measures of efficiency, data envelopment
analysis (DEA) under constant and variable returns to scales and scale efficiency.
Advanced Project Management
This module will give the program participants a comprehensive overview of the subject
of project management from both a holistic as well methodological perspective. Topics
covered here include the origins and growing popularity of project management in private
and public-sector organizations, the relevance of the project stakeholders, project
organization paradigms, project portfolios and project selection models, project manage-
ment methodologies, and the five project process groups which constitute the project life-
cycle (project initiation, planning, implementation, closing and monitoring, evaluation
and control) as seen from the perspective of the project management institute’s ten
defined project knowledge areas.

Project Constraint Management
Time, cost and scope are the defining parameters of a project. Managing these triple
constraints of a project is the key indicator of a project’s success or failure. This course
module will give the course participants an insight into various macro and micro time and
cost estimation techniques for projects and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Topics covered include the creation of the project schedule on the basis of the
information derived from the project’s scope, work breakdown structure, creating and
revising Gantt Charts, networking diagramming techniques (arrow on activity and arrow
on node, application of PERT/CPM and GERT tools, deriving cost baselines and budget
allocations for projects, and the methods for raising capital for complex international

Project Quality and Risk Management
This module will give the program participants a detailed insight into managing and
delivering a high quality project. Techniques will be discussed to identify, prioritize and
manage diverse project-specific risks in order to minimize their potentially adverse
effects on projects. Emphasis will be placed on quality assurance and quality control
techniques which are being applied in complex projects. Participants will be introduced
to modern quality management processes and will learn the mandatory components of a
quality management plan. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk and quality aspects
will be discussed to deliver a high quality, international standards’ compliant project.

Project Stakeholder Management
This module will give the program participants a detailed insight into the relevance of
“managing” stakeholders (i.e. primary and secondary) on projects. Proper stakeholder
and human resource management in projects is crucial in order to maximize the chances
of the project succeeding. All key stakeholders will be identified and their diverse
influence, interests and expectations with regard to projects discussed. Topics covered
include motivating and managing conflicts of Human Resources, communication theory
and methodology, making communication plans, the project management information
system as a tool for communicating with stakeholders, and the tricky issue of skillfully
dealing or engaging with a multitude of secondary stakeholders on projects. Staffing and
training processes for projects, the qualities desired of the project manager and project
team, managing different types of teams, and other social and cultural issues in the
context of international projects are also discussed.

Project Controlling and Monitoring
Empirical research undertaken by various sources proves that a large percentage of
projects fail to live up to expectations in some form or the other. Often, mechanisms for
project monitoring, evaluation and control are inadequate or lacking. This course module
will look at various practical project monitoring, evaluation and controlling techniques,
including the earned value method, reporting and audits. Furthermore, it will review the
multifarious reasons why so many projects are, inter alias, not achieving the goals set out
for them at the onset or are exhibiting cost and schedule overruns.

Software Project Management Applications
Advances in software have had a considerable impact on the practice of project manage-
ment, offering opportunities for gathering, analyzing and disseminating raw data and
information which previously were not easily or economically available. Two of the
numerous project management software programs presently available on the market –
MS Project 2007 and Primavera – stand out in terms of user acceptance and functionality,
especially with regard to complex projects. This course module, conducted in the
classroom and computer laboratory, will give the program participants a hands-on insight
into how to apply these programs using a practical project example as a frame of

Development and Management of Complex Projects
Vast amount of resources are invested in development and management of complex
projects across the world. Pakistan, being a developing country and an emerging
economy, needs an insight and experts into these types of projects in order to progress
and meet its objectives. This course module will acquaint students with all the important
infrastructure, poverty alleviation, education, health and sanitation. A large number of
“complex” projects are underway in various stages of planning and implementation at
any point in time. Complex projects are usually characterized by high levels of
investments, risk, and a large number of stakeholders with different objectives and
agendas. To handle these - and many other project-specific issues – project managers and
staff need to be familiar with a large number of concepts, processes and tools. This
module will provide the students with the knowledge they need in order to manage the
complexities involved and increase the likelihood of their projects succeeding.
Seminar in Project Management
An indispensable component of any advanced postgraduate study program in project
management is to acquaint the course participants with project management as it is being
applied by different organizations in different contexts. Supplementing the project intern-
ship, this course module will give the course participants the valuable opportunity to
learn from, and interact with, different project management practitioners, both Pakistani
and foreign, how their organizations apply project management concepts, and the
processes and tools developed to deliver a project which meets/exceeds the customers’


As is tradition and formal requirement in advanced postgraduate degree programs across

the world, course participants must work on and submit a thesis on a specific project
management theme towards the end of their course program. The thesis is expected to be
an individual and original effort on the part of each course participant and must meet all
the specifications laid out by the department of management sciences which will be
communicated to each participant prior to undertaking the research.

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