8cb4f6d94c2f180-Records Document Management Procedure
8cb4f6d94c2f180-Records Document Management Procedure
8cb4f6d94c2f180-Records Document Management Procedure
This procedure also provides details on DataWorks, Council’s official electronic document
and records management system, and the management of records throughout their life
cycle, including archiving and disposal.
It should be read in conjunction with the Records and Document Management Policy,
This procedure applies to all staff, contractors, Councillors, and volunteers of the City of
Greater Geelong (CoGG), across all Council functions. It applies to all aspects of CoGG
business, all records created during business transactions regardless of format, and all
business applications used to create records including email, database applications, and
Archiving Manual *
Code of Conduct, MPL555.0.20 *
Corporate Document Checklist *
Corporate Records Manual – Works Instructions (available on DataWorks)
DataWorks User Manual *
Document Management Strategy 2010-2013 *
Information Management Strategy *
Information Privacy and Health Records Policy and Procedure *
Information Technology Security Policy, MPL560.1.3 *
Freedom of Information Management Procedure *
Management Policy – Use of Electronic Signatures *
Records and Document Management Policy, MPL545.3 *
Social Media Policy, MPL60.3
Organisation Use of Social Media Procedure, MPR60.3.1
Standard Précis Suggestions for DataWorks Documents *
* Available on CityWeb
5.2 Archived Records – this includes all hardcopy corporate files and documents
held by Document Management Services at both Council and commercial
5.7 Document Management – the CoGG term for managing both documents and
Definitions from the Australian and International Standard on Records Management (AS ISO 15489.1)
Records and Document Management Procedure MPR545.31Page 3 of 11
5.8 Document Management Services (DMS) – the CoGG business unit
responsible for records and document management, archiving and archival
5.10 File – A collection of documents relating to the same subject. This may be a
physical (hardcopy) file or an electronic folder, binder or index entry.
5.12 Metadata – data describing context, content and structure of records and their
management through time. #
5.13 Official Record – In relation to hardcopy documents, the official record is the
original document. In relation to electronic documents, the official record is the
document which is registered onto DataWorks. If other copies of the document
exist, e.g. on CityWeb, network drives, or in email accounts, they are
considered access copies only. In either case, all notations should be made
on/against the official record which will be kept for the length of the retention
period, not copies. For example, where a record is electronic, notes should be
made against the record on DataWorks, not a printed hard copy.
5.14 Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) – the archives of the State Government
of Victoria. It is also the records and archival authority for Victoria, responsible
for assisting government agencies such as Councils to manage their records.
5.16 Records Management – the field of management responsible for the efficient
and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and
disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining
evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the
form of records. #
5.17 Records System – information system which captures, manages and provides
access to records through time. #
5.18 Retention and Disposal Authority – A schedule under the Public Records Act
1973 which outlines how long each category of records must be kept before it is
eligible for destruction, and which records are classified as Permanent.
Council is subject to the authorities listed under Legislation and Standards,
6.1 CoGG staff must ensure that records are created, captured, maintained,
secured, and disposed of in a way that complies with legal, administrative,
cultural and Council business requirements, throughout their life cycle.
Please refer to the Appendix for an outline of the Records Life Cycle.
6.3.4 Registration onto DataWorks will be done as outlined in the following table:
6.3.5 For records to be accessible and useable, each must have a clear and
descriptive précis (title), and it is recommended to attach each record to a
minimum of two indexes (e.g. Customer and Property, or Subject and
Project). Document précis guidelines and an explanation of the indexes are
provided in the DataWorks User Manual, or see Standard Précis
Suggestions for DataWorks Documents.
6.4.4 When handling/viewing documents, staff must also follow the principles set
out in the Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Information Technology
Security Policy, MPL560.1.3, in relation to use, storage and security of
6.4.5 CoGG staff must not disclose information to any third party without valid
business reasons to do so. Staff found to be accessing or distributing
information for personal gain for themselves or other individuals will be
subject to disciplinary action as detailed in the Code of Conduct.
6.5.2 Hardcopy records and archives are also recorded and tracked through the
6.5.4 For electronic documents, the official record is considered to be the one
registered onto DataWorks. If other copies of the document exist e.g. on
CityWeb, network drives, or in email accounts, they are considered access
copies only. All notations should be made on/against the official record on
DataWorks, not copies. Access copies should be avoided where possible.
6.6.2 Hardcopy records archived through DMS are managed through DataWorks
for tracking and retrieval purposes. Hardcopy records which are sent to
business units for perusal (e.g. to see colour, or detailed plans), should be
returned to DMS as soon as practicable for ongoing management and
secure storage.
6.6.3 Each Business Unit is responsible for ensuring those documents that are
not managed by DMS are maintained appropriately. Only those documents
that are of corporate value will be archived at secondary storage facilities –
working documents and files will not be archived. Copies, drafts and
working files should be disposed of by the Business Unit as part of normal
administrative practice (after it has been double-checked that no original
documentation has been placed on the file – if original documents are
found, return them to DMS).
6.6.4 DMS will not be responsible for creating, recording, maintaining, archiving
or file movements of working files.
6.6.5 Archiving Records – Business Units are required to arrange and box
hardcopy files and documents in line with the relevant PROV Retention
and Disposal Authorities – refer to the Archiving Manual for instructions.
These records will be then be managed and maintained by DMS to ensure
longevity, ease of retrieval and appropriate destruction.
6.6.6 Retrieving Archived Records - Staff can request DMS to retrieve archived
documents and files using the process outlined in the Archiving Manual.
Documents and files will be retrieved by DMS twice weekly unless there is
an urgent request, whereby special arrangements will be made. Archived
records should be returned to DMS as soon as use has concluded.
6.7.1 Disposal of records relates to assessing their status and deciding what
should be done with them at a particular point in time. Permanent records
e.g. original Council minutes, will ultimately be transferred to PROV for
ongoing management as records of the State. Temporary records are able
to be destroyed once their retention period has passed. This is the period
of time outlined in the PROV Retention and Disposal Authorities for which
that class of records must be kept. For example, timesheets can be
destroyed 7 years after administrative use is concluded.
6.7.3 Staff must not destroy electronic or hardcopy records of Council business
value unless in accordance with the relevant PROV Retention and
Disposal Authorities. DMS must keep records of all document disposal for
audit purposes, and can provide advice to Council staff on retention
periods and archiving practices. The exception to this rule is that copies,
drafts, working files and routine administrative documents can be disposed
as part of normal administrative practice, without staff needing to notify
6.8 Reporting
6.8.2 Requests for new reports to address specific business unit reporting
requirements should be directed to the DMS Coordinator.
6.9.1 DataWorks training sessions are offered regularly and are advertised on
CityWeb. Training is mandatory for all office-based staff members, and can
be requested via CityWeb. Access to DataWorks will not be granted until
training has been completed.
6.9.2 Recordkeeping Awareness sessions are offered ad-hoc and are advertised
via email and CityWeb.
6.9.5 For text-based DataWorks help, the main source is the DataWorks User
Manual, provided in introductory training. There is also information
available on CityWeb, including manuals, hints, questions and answers,
and guidelines. These can be located by typing what you are looking for
into the search box e.g. ‘DataWorks’ or ‘précis’.
Quality Records shall be retained for at least the period shown below.
2. DataWorks or 3. Active
hardcopy file Record
1. Corporate
4. Record in
primary storage
8.1 Documents of corporate value are captured into DataWorks or a hardcopy file
as a record.
8.2 The record is described by the metadata given to it and the indexes it is
attached to, such as précis, author, date registered, customer, property. The
better this descriptive information, the easier it is to find the record in a search.
8.3 The record is considered active during its retention period e.g. seven years.
8.4 While the record is active it is initially kept in a primary storage area e.g.
DataWorks, Business Unit, local records storage area.
8.6 When a record comes to the end of its retention period it becomes due for
destruction (e.g. timesheets can be destroyed after 7 years).
8.7 Once approvals are received the records are destroyed by shredding and
pulping (hardcopy records) or deletion (electronic records). Records are kept
of all destruction as they will be required for audit purposes and inspection by
the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV).
Permanent records are transferred to PROV, the State Archive, for ongoing
management as records of the State, e.g. agendas and minutes of Council