Ultimate Guide To Records Management
Ultimate Guide To Records Management
Ultimate Guide To Records Management
What’s inside
What Is a Record? 6
What Records Must Be Kept? 8
What Is Records Management? 10
Managing Digital Records 13
How Is Records Management Different from Document Management? 15
Understanding Records Management Terminology 17
What Does a Records Management Application Do? 20
Transparent Records Management 24
Choosing a Records Management Application 26
Are Certifications Important When Selecting a Records Management System? 28
Implement Electronic Records Management in Five Steps 31
The Future of Records Management 35
Worksheet: Records Management Tool Kit 39
Ready to See Laserfiche in Action? 53
Allows quicker retrieval Supports and Frees up office space for other
of documents and documents historical purposes by moving inactive
information from files. and other research. records to storage facilities.
The Federal Records Act (44 USC 3301) indicates that records include “all books,
papers, maps, photographs, machine readable materials, or other documentary
materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by an
agency of the United States Government under Federal law or in connection with the
transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by that
agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies,
decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the Government or because of
the informational value of data in them.”
How to identify a record
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may have a record:
• Was it created in the course of business?
e.g. correspondence, agreements, studies
• Was it received for action?
e.g. FOIA requests, controlled correspondence
• Does it document organizational activities and actions?
e.g. calendars, meeting minutes, project reports
• Is it mandated by statute or regulation?
e.g. administrative records, legal/financial records, dockets
• Does it support financial obligations or legal claims?
e.g. contracts, grants, litigation case files
• Does it communicate organizational requirements?
e.g. guidance documents, policies, procedures
If you answer “yes” to this question, you may have a personal paper:
• Is it only related to your own affairs?
e.g. soccer schedule, PTA roster
Note: personal planners and calendars may actually be records if they
document your organizational activities.
What Records
Must Be Kept?
To identify which records your organization must keep,
it is important to consider four issues.
What does your organization do that needs to be documented?
1 What types of records are created in your organization? What
are your mission-critical records? What records document
decisions or are part of your work process? What records are
you required to keep by the regulatory bodies that have oversight
over your organization?
Examples might include permit files, project files, reports,
publications, time cards, personnel files, contact files and so on.
You may find that many of the series on the list for your office
Records management is a specialized branch of document
management that deals with information serving as
evidence of an organization’s business activities. Records
management includes a set of recognized practices related
to the life cycle of that information, such as identifying,
classifying, archiving, preserving and destroying records.
The ISO 15489: 2001 standard defines records management as “the field
of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the
creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the
processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about
business activities and transactions in the form of records.”
The fundamental concept behind records management is the idea that each
record has a life cycle. “Life cycle” refers to the stages that every official
business record must go through. After a record is created, it must be filed
according to a defined, logical scheme into a managed repository where it will
be available for retrieval by authorized users. When the information contained
in records no longer has any immediate value, the record is removed from
active accessibility. Depending on the nature of the record, it is either retained,
transferred, archived or destroyed.
Records Lifecycle
create/ transfer/
capture close retire*
receive destory
active inactive
The general principals of records management apply to records in
any format. Digital records, almost always referred to as electronic
records, raise specific issues. It is more difficult to ensure that
the content, context and structure of records is preserved and
protected when the records do not have a physical existence.
Unlike physical records, electronic records cannot be managed without a
computer. Functional requirements for computer systems used to manage
electronic records have been produced by the Department of Defense
(DoD). DoD Standard 5015.2 has become the de facto standard for records
management software across a wide spectrum of industries.
Different from
While records management shares some features of document
management, they are two different disciplines. Organizations
need to have an integrated approach that addresses both document
management and records management. Understanding how
these terms differ will save you countless hours, money and the
embarrassment of not coming close to your expectations—and it will
also help you identify which of these expectations are unrealistic.
Generally, digital document management focuses on:
Each of the following terms has a different meaning depending
on whether IT personnel or records managers are using the
term. How these two groups use these terms is so different
that it can easily lead to misunderstanding and confusion.
Record Managers IT Personnel
Store in an electronic 18
Classify and store
format and back up
records according
to another medium,
A manila folder
that holds paper
records; the act of An electronic
properly placing document.
a record into the
appropriate container.
An official document
of the organization.
Record A field in a database.
Not every
document is a record.
Record Managers IT Personnel
Trying to reinforce the importance of records management with IT personnel is often difficult
because they speak a different language than records managers. They, along with end users,
may not have given much thought to records management in the past, so they may not see it
as important or essential to business procedures.
Using the chart above, you should be able to address the concerns of both records managers
and IT personnel to find an appropriate records management application.
What Does
a Records
Application Do?
Records management software is a computer program used to track and store
records. This is different from imaging or document management systems that
specialize in paper capture and document management, respectively.
Records management applications simplify the life cycle management of
business records without interfering with your organization’s line of business.
A records management application supports the automatic enforcement
of consistent, organization-wide records policies and reduces the cost of
regulatory compliance. Records management applications must protect
records from loss and tampering, while allowing the records manager and
other decision makers access to necessary information.
Often, a records management application can help with the capture,
classification and ongoing management of records throughout their life cycle.
A records management application can be paper-based, like paper medical
charts, or it can be digital.
Records management applications commonly provide specialized security and 21
The DCMI has established standard ways to refine elements and encourage
the use of encoding and vocabulary schemes. There is no prescribed order in 22
Dublin Core for presenting or using the elements.
For more information on DCMI, visit www.dublincore.org.
Versioning is a special document relationship used to indicate an auto-
incremented sequence of revisions to a particular record. The records
management application must allow users to establish record versioning.
Versions must be retrievable as if they are independent documents and contain
their own metadata. A records management application must clearly indicate if
a record has multiple versions and which version is the most recent.
Security tags and audits
Security tags represent a metadata field intended to define and restrict
access to records, as well as aid in their classification and retrieval. A records
management application must allow the records manager to define security
tags and allow users to assign tags to records upon filing. Only authorized
users should be able to modify or remove security tags post-filing. The records
management application must also support the audit of all filing, handling and
disposition of records.
Vital records
Vital records—those records deemed essential in order for an organization
to resume business operations immediately after a disaster—are subject to
periodic review and update. A records management application must provide
a way to assign a review cycle to vital records and detail when they were last 23
Managing a compliant records management strategy while also meeting
the unique content management requirements of individual departments
can be difficult. Transparent records management is a flexible solution
that satisfies the distinct needs of every business unit, maintaining an
effective and compliant records environment for everyone.
Due to their job responsibilities, records managers are often forced to be more
interested in the rules (e.g., published retention schedules) and less interested
in the importance of records from a business perspective. They must also be
less concerned with designing a repository layout that allows them to find
records quickly and more concerned with designing a structure that logically
satisfies the retention schedule.
In many cases, the layout of a formal records management file plan is
related to the fact that different retention schedules apply to different types
of documents (e.g., insurance records, tax documents, and employment
applications). For example, a records manager might be required to organize
human resource (HR) documents by type.
Unfortunately, this type of layout is cumbersome for general users. For
example, a user who wants to print all HR documents for a specific employee
might have to open more than a dozen different folders in different locations to
search for that employee’s documents. 25
Ability to manage the full life cycle of the Ability to save search
Legal considerations
Legally, records must be trustworthy, complete, accessible, admissible in
court and durable for as long as the retention schedule requires. Records
management applications are uniquely positioned to help records managers
meet these requirements. Whereas paper files are vulnerable to fire, flood and
theft, digitized files enjoy multiple layers of protection. Security features protect
records from tampering or unauthorized release, while auditing functionality
allows you to monitor the actions users take on a record. To assist in disaster
recovery planning, records management software enables you to copy records
to disc or other unalterable media for off-site storage. If an incident occurs, you
can typically restore your archives in a matter of minutes, which allows you to
access the critical information you need to respond effectively and to ensure
organizational continuity.
Because web content plays a large role in service delivery, effective management
of web records is also critical to mitigating risk. Using a records management
application, you can take snapshots of your organization’s website at regular
intervals and retain these files according to a specified retention schedule. These
records will prove highly useful in the event of a legal challenge, or if the original
web content is compromised or lost.
Are Certifications
Important 28
When Selecting
a Records
When selecting a records management system, there are two
important certifications to consider: DoD 5015.2 and VERS.
What is DoD 5015.2?
Many organizations use DoD 5015.2-STD Electronic Records Management
Software Applications Design Criteria Standard from the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) as a starting point for evaluating records management systems.
The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) certifies records management
software solutions according to this standard. According to the JITC’s Website,
“The current version of DoD 5015.02-STD, signed 25 April 2007, defines the
basic requirements based on operational, legislative and legal needs that must
be met by records management application (RMA) products acquired by the
Department of Defense (DoD) and its Components. It defines requirements for
RMAs managing classified records and includes requirements to support the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy Act, and interoperability.”
Knowing a DoD-certified system has been tested against the DoD’s rigorous
standards provides reassurance to records managers at thousands of 29
organizations across a wide variety of industries.
Electronic Records
Management in
Five Steps
By Kathy Jenisch, Records Manager, Kentucky Sanitation District #1
As the second largest public sewer utility in Kentucky, Sanitation District #1 (SD1)
deals with a lot of records. Adopting an electronic records system helped SD1
streamline records management while maintaining compliance with the State of
Kentucky’s Local Government Retention Schedule. Here is the five-step process SD1
followed in implementing transparent records management.
1 Identify
The first step in implementing electronic records management is to identify
your organization’s problems, issues and pain points. Some of the problems,
issues and pain points that SD1 identified were:
• Documents were difficult to find when needed (e.g. during an audit or for
discovery in a lawsuit).
• Employees had to print and file their own documents and emails, and they
didn’t always remember to do it.
• It was difficult to follow the State of Kentucky’s Local Government
Retention Schedule, so files were kept much longer than necessary, taking
up a lot of space.
2 Set goals 32
Once you’ve identified your organization’s problems, pain points and issues, it
3 Make a plan
The first step in making a plan is enlisting the help of a champion. For many
employees, the champion will be a direct supervisor. The champion can help
obtain executive-level support for the project. In SD1’s case, the project
champion was SD1’s general counsel.
Make sure to partner with the right people both inside and outside your
organization, especially with the information technology (IT) department. It is
crucial for the IT, legal and records departments to have a good relationship.
Once you’ve enlisted support from other members in the organization, it is time
to outline, determine and finalize the retention schedule.
To simplify this process, I recommend using the big bucketing approach. Big
bucketing consolidates record types related to the same business function or
process with similar requirements into bigger retention “buckets” or records
series. Big bucketing gives employees fewer retention choices, helping them
classify information more consistently, and ensures compliance. It also
reduces risks associated with keeping records too long and maintaining and
responding to records requests and e-discovery.
SD1 used big bucketing to revise the HR portion of the retention schedule
by scaling down from a total of 25 retention periods to ten retention periods.
For example, SD1 used to have 3, 5 and 7-year retention for tax documents
but combined all documents into one record series using the maximum
7-year retention.
4 Get to work
Before implementing the retention schedule, learn the business processes.
Even if your reseller will end up writing your organization’s workflows, 33
someone will still need to explain your business processes to your reseller.
Educate employees and supervisors by putting written policies and procedures
of Records
Records management (RM) is one of the many lines of work evolving
from basement-born afterthought to imperative business initiative.
What are the driving forces behind this change, and how will they
impact the role of the records manager? Kimberly Samuelson,
Director of ECM Strategy at Laserfiche, discusses the topic’s
increasing relevance in today’s compliance-driven climate.
How do you predict industry trends?
I read, a LOT. I look at what’s in the news, I think about what a product is
capable of and how to push that. Then I triangulate the three things.
a good job with explicit knowledge, but the tacit knowledge is what they’ve
Tool Kit
This Records Management Tool Kit will help your organization:
• Make a preliminary assessment of the
status of records management programs.
• Identify major problems.
• Set priorities for program improvements.
• Develop your own comprehensive records management programs.
This Tool Kit is divided into six sections. You may use the entire Tool Kit to
conduct a comprehensive program review or select sections to focus on specific
areas, such as records disposition or files maintenance. The Tool Kit consists of a
series of questions to be answered either “yes” or “no.” A “yes” answer indicates
compliance with National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) records
management regulations and recommended practices.
Section 1 Program Management
An effective records management program requires:
• A clear definition of program objectives, responsibilities, and authorities.
• Sufficient resources to administer the program.
• Continuing training for staff.
• Regular internal evaluations to monitor compliance
and program effectiveness.
Internal evaluations
Does your records manager periodically evaluate records management
Yes No
Do these evaluations include electronic records?
Yes No
Are written evaluation reports prepared?
Yes No
Are evaluated programs, departments or offices required to promptly respond
to evaluation reports?
Yes No
Does the records manager follow up to determine if offices implement
necessary corrective action or recommendations for improvements?
Yes No
Section 2 Records Creation & Recordkeeping Requirements
Ensuring adequacy of documentation in any information system depends on the
clear articulation of recordkeeping requirements. Recordkeeping requirements:
• Specify the creation and maintenance of specific records to document agency
operations and activities.
• Facilitate action by agency officials and their successors.
• Permit continuity and consistency in administration.
• Make possible a proper scrutiny by Congress and other authorized
regulatory agencies.
• Document important meetings and the formulation and implementation of
basic policy and decisions.
Creation of records and adequacy of documentation
Electronic records
Are records in electronic information systems readily identifiable?
Yes No
Does your records management application provide indexing and text
search capabilities?
Yes No
Does your records management application require user identification codes
or passwords to control access and ensure document integrity?
Audiovisual records
Are the original and use copies of audiovisual records maintained separately?
Micrographic records
Are microform records arranged and indexed to permit ready retrieval of
individual documents?
Yes No
Do microforms contain a title header or initial target page that identifies
the records?
Yes No
Are microform boxes individually labeled with the records series title and date
span of the records? Are they numbered sequentially?
Yes No
Are permanent and temporary records filmed separately?
Yes No
Are silver and nonsilver microforms filed separately?
Yes No
While they are in storage, are silver master microforms of permanent and
unscheduled records inspected biannually?
Yes No
Section 5 Records Disposition
Records disposition is a critical element of records management. Only those
active records needed for current business should be maintained in your office,
and you should use records schedules to determine when to destroy records.
The records disposition program contributes to economical and efficient
agency operations. Clearly written, up-to-date, and properly implemented
comprehensive records schedules form the basis for a sound records
disposition program.
Vital records
Have you assessed potential risks to your vital records?
Yes No
Have you identified the responsibilities of specific individuals?
Yes No
Have you designated a point person to coordinate your vital records plan?
Yes No 51
Have you identified your vital records, i.e. emergency operating records and