Activity in English

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Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________

Section: ____________________ Date: ________________


Directions: Write A if the statement is TRUE. If not, change the underlined word to
make the statement correct.

___________________1. Intercultural communication: The branch of communication

field that studies communication among people from different
cultures, including distinct cultures within a single country.
___________________2. Interpersonal communication: Communication with oneself,
including self-talk, planning, and reflections.
___________________3. The communication theorist, Theodore Clevenger (1970),
counted over a hundred definitions of the word
___________________4. Communication is sending and receiving information between
two or more people.
___________________5. Communication is a process, which means it is ongoing and is
changing occasionally.
___________________6. Communication can be arbitrary, ambiguous, abstract
representations of other phenomena.
___________________7. Symbols are the basis of language, much nonverbal behavior,
and human thought.

___________________8. Intrapersonal communication exists on a continuum ranging

from impersonal (between social roles) to highly personal.

___________________9. Content level meanings are the literary meaning of messages.

___________________10. Communication is the source of a person’s daily

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________

Section: ____________________ Date: ________________

Directions: Fill in the correct step-by-step process of communication and explain below
each number its description. Each is worth 5 points.
Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________
Section: ____________________ Date: ________________


Directions: Given below are descriptions of the five elements of communication. Try to
identify what are the elements being asked for.

___________________1. This can be one person or an entire audience of people.

___________________2. It sits between the sender and receiver.

___________________3. This describes the receiver's response or reaction to the

sender's message.

___________________4. This plays the specific role of initiating communication.

___________________5. This helps the sender to determine how the receiver

interpreted the message and how it can be improved.

___________________6. It means the party to whom the sender transmits the message.

___________________7. This must use effective verbal as well as nonverbal techniques.

___________________8. It can come in many different forms, such as an oral

presentation, a written document, an advertisement or just a

___________________9. The message travels from one point to another via a channel
of communication.

___________________10. This may be the most crucial element of effective

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________
Section: ____________________ Date: ________________


Directions: Write V if the statement is a Verbal Communication while N if it falls under

Non-Verbal Communication. Write your answer on the spaces provided for you.

___________________1. Olfactics is an aspect of nonverbal communication dealing

with smells.

___________________2. Kinesics (simplistically called body language) deals with

physical movement, sometimes called affective displays.

___________________3. Communication has been called the transfer of meaning from

one mind to another.

___________________4. Environment involves the communicative value of the

physical space, such as room size, color, accessibility and

___________________5. This involves written communication as well as

communication that are transmitted through transmitted
through sign language, finger spelling, Braille, etc.

___________________6. Some examples include mirroring, mimicry, or behavioral


___________________7. Vocalics (also called paralanguage) deals with vocal cues,

more accurately referred to as the non-phonemic qualities of

___________________8. Because meanings exist in the human mind, they cannot be

shared or communicated except through some external

___________________9. In general terms, such elements that codify meaning are

called signs.

___________________10. The study of such signs is called semiotics.

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