Life-Threatening Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Life-Threatening Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Life-Threatening Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Pediatric Crohn's Disease
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition 2013 March 16(1):53-60
Case Report
In Crohn’s disease, mild gastrointestinal bleeding often occurs; however massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage,
which can have a dramatic effect on a patient’s vital sign, is rare. This could result in potentially life-threatening compli-
cations, which can lead to death. Massive hemorrhagic Crohn’s disease is not well known and for this reason, they
are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Various diagnostic and therapeutic methods are currently being devel-
oped and used. The surgical method is often used only as a last measure since this approach has the risk of serious
complications that may endanger patients. However, if massive bleeding continues even after all therapeutic meth-
ods are used, the surgical method must be implemented. In this case, all therapeutic methods were found to be in-
effective; therefore, surgery was used as a last option. Ultimately, the surgical method was found to be successfully
used to treat life-threatening hemorrhagic Crohn’s disease. (Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2013; 16: 53∼60)
Copyright ⓒ 2013 by The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License ( which permits
unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Among these, medical therapy, endoscopic therapy exam were as follows: erythrocyte sedimentation
and arterial embolization have been reported to be rate (ESR) 84 mm/h, C-reactive protein 106 mg/L
effective in controlling the bleeding of hemorrhagic (normal 0-8 mg/L), albumin 2.8 g/dL, prothrombin
Crohn’s disease [4,5]. However, if massive bleeding time 11.5 sec, partial thromboplastin time 28.1 sec,
continues even after attempting these various ther- hemoglobin 10.4 g/dL, leucocytes 9.8×109/L with
apeutic methods, the surgical method must be used. normal leukocyte differentiation, and thrombocytes
In this study, a 13 year old with Crohn’s disease 489×10 /L. A stool occult blood test was also per-
was admitted to the hospital and all methods, in- formed and found to be positive. The colonoscopy
cluding medical therapy, exclusive enteral nutrition showed an inflammatory bowel with multiple linear
(EEN), angiographic intervention were attempted deep ulcerations, cobble stone appearances and
without success. Severe hemorrhagic gastrointesti- pseudo-polyps (Fig. 1). In addition, in the MRI en-
nal bleeding continued and without any further op- terography, a diffuse bowel wall thickening was ob-
tions, surgical therapy was performed. This mode of served at the distal to terminal ileum, cecum and rec-
treatment eventually lead to successful controlled tosigmoid colon. Accordingly, he was diagnosed
bleeding. This case is even more significant because with Crohn’s disease. His Pediatric Crohn’s disease
it is extremely rare for massive hemorrhagic Crohn’s Activity Index (PCDAI) score was 68. Initially, in-
disease to occur among children. In addition, this duction therapy was performed with oral steroids
was the first case where severe gastrointestinal (30 mg/day) and Azathioprine (100 mg/day). He was
bleeding was the presenting symptom of Crohn’s also given 8weeks of EEN with a polymeric formula
disease. (Monowell 2,000 mL daily). After medical therapy,
the abdominal pain has declined slightly and the
CASE REPORT ESR and C-reactive protein (CRP) was reduced but
intermittent mild bloody stools were still observed.
A 13 years old boy was admitted to the hospital be- After the 10th day of hospitalization, approximately
cause of gross hematochezia. There was nothing sig- 1,000 mL of a fresh bloody stool and dizziness with
nificant in the patient’s past medical history over the about a 10-second loss of consciousness had
past 6 months. He reported suffering from inter- occurred. At this time, his blood pressure had drop-
mittent diarrhea and abdominal pain. Also, he went ped to 80/40 mmHg. In addition, his hemoglobin lev-
from 47 kg to 40 kg during the course of 3 months. He els dropped from 10.4 g/dL to 7.6 g/dL. Accordingly,
was initially believed to have hematochezia and 6 units blood transfusion was performed over a 24
therefore a colonoscopy was performed. After the co- hour time period. After the blood transfusion, his vi-
lonoscopy, he was sent to our hospital with suspicion tal signs had stabilized. Based on the patient’s past
of inflammatory bowel disease. At his first visit, his history and the colonoscopy data, we presumed that
blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, body this gastrointestinal hemorrhage was caused by
temperature, height and body weight were 110/65 Crohn’s disease. At that point, oral steroid treatment
mm/Hg, 90/min, 20/min, 36.5oC, 164.2 cm (25-50 p) was changed to intravenous steroids and the patient
and 40 kg (5-10 p), respectively. He appeared chroni- was placed under conservative care. However, even
cally ill and was pale. The physical examination upon after 10 days, due to over 500 mL of continuous mas-
admission showed slight pain and tenderness at the sive hematochezia and repetitive hemoglobin drop,
peri-umbilical region without muscular guarding. blood transfusion was needed. Thus, a bleeding fo-
His bowel sounds were normal and the rectal exami- cus evaluation was performed. From the GI bleeding
nation revealed an empty ampulla with no other pe- scintigraphy, the radiotracer was found to be up tak-
culiar symptoms regarding peri-anal abscess or en in the mid to left upper quadrant in the abdomen
fistula. The laboratory investigations during the first and no abnormal signs were observed in the abdo-
men CT. A duodenal ulcer was observed in the upper mesenteric arteries were selected using a micro-
endoscopy but no other acute findings were made. A catheter and gel foam arterial embolization was suc-
colonoscopy was then performed and multiple active cessfully performed (Fig. 3 and 4). A hematochezia
ulcerations in the distal ileum and inflammatory pol- was found nowhere and the PCDAI score had de-
yps and cobble stone appearance were found (Fig. 2). creased by 20 points. Starting on the 27th day, mu-
Ulcers and bleeding was also expected to be found; cosal healing and bleeding was thought to be well
however, current active bleeding was not observed managed from infliximab infusion and embolization
and no other bleeding focus was present. For 3 and maintenance therapy was performed using me-
weeks, even with steroid induction and azathioprine salazine (4,000 mg/day). 2 weeks after the first in-
therapy, mucosal healing was not successful. The fliximab injection, which corresponded to the 34th
PCDAI score was also 60, which was indicative of day of hospitalization, valve, a second infusion of in-
continued severe disease activity. Since steroid ther- fliximab (5 mg/kg) was done. However, 650 mL of
apy was ineffective, infliximab infusion (5 mg/kg) massive hematochezia was observed on the 35th day
was initiated. On the 21st day, a superior mesenteric of hospitalization. For the first 24 hours, the patient
angiography was performed. In this test, no active was given 2 units of blood. However, even with active
bleeding was observed; however, a hypervascular transfusion, the massive rectal hemorrhage con-
blush, which caused by inflammatory changes, was tinued and his hemoglobin levels dropped from 12.6
observed near the proximal ascending colon and gm/dL to 11.6 gm/dL. At this point, we deemed it
ileocecal (IC) valve. To account for this, 2 superior necessary to perform surgery. To examine the precise 55
Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr
Fig. 3. The 1st superior mesenteric angiography shows Fig. 4. Two superior mesenteric artery branches were selected
increased focal staining in the ileocecal valve and proximal and arterial embolization was performed.
ascending colon.
operation, wall edema and inflammation was found and an ileocecectomy was performed as well as a
on the IC valve which was about 30 cm deep into the hand swen end to side anastomosis (Fig. 6).
terminal ileum. An ileostomy was initiated to ob- According to the pathologic examination, the ileoce-
serve the inside of the lumen and a cobble like ap- cum was erythematous and multiple ulceration,
pearance, mucosal ulceration and dark blood clot transmural inflammation with perforation and
was found. The lumen of the cecum was relatively small non-caseating granuloma were observed, a
clean and inflammation was not severe. Although a condition that was compatible with Crohn’s disease.
single bleeding point was not identified, the hemor- No colonic diverticula were identified. After the ileo-
rhage presumably originated from the diffusely mul- cecectomy, the patient’s bleeding promptly ceased
tifocal ulcerated ileal mucosa. Approximately 30 cm and he did not require additional blood transfusions.
of the terminal ileum and cecum together were cut On the 6th postoperative day, a clear liquid diet was
started and on the 7th postoperative day, a dark
brown colored stool was evident; however, no more
hemorrhage episodes occurred and the abdominal
pain was managed, which resulted in a steady in-
crease in food consumption. The daily dose of pre-
dnisolone was set at 30 mg/day initially and was de-
creased according to the clinical activity of the
disease. On the 12th postoperative day, the PCDAI
score was 15 and the wound had cleared; therefore,
the patient was discharged. Currently, the patient is
in maintenance therapy and receives only
infliximab. After the hospitalization, the PCDAI
score remained below 10 and disease activity was
controlled. The patient has no recurrence of bleeding
or evidence of Crohn's disease and is currently in
good condition.
Fig. 5. The 2nd superior mesenteric angiography shows a
hypervascular blush in the ileocecal valve and proximal DISCUSSION
ascending colon. 57
Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr
therapy and conservative care, additional acute ther- control bleeding during a massive hemorrhage in
apeutic interventions are needed. Several ap- Crohn’s disease has also been reported [15]. Even
proaches such as endoscopic treatment, angio- though vasopressin infusion was not sufficient to
graphic intervention and surgical resection have cease the hemorrhage and control the bleeding com-
been used to treat this disease [10,11]. pletely, the injection could provide time for stabiliza-
For a majority of life threatening lower gastro- tion and full resuscitation and thus it could be uti-
intestinal hemorrhage patients, emergent surgical re- lized to provide more time for the operation [16].
section is performed as a standard treatment [4]. Another benefit of using vasopressin is that it can be
Cirocco et al. [7] reported that surgical resection of- selectively used in diffuse lesions and cases in which
fered excellent palliation, with low mortality (3%) super selective catheterization is not technically pos-
and a low rebleeding rate (5.7%), when compared sible [6].
with those patients managed medically (38%). EEN is also currently used for the treatment of
However, it has been found out that Crohn’s dis- Crohn’s disease and it has been shown to have sev-
ease can easily reoccur and surgical resection does eral benefits. EEN was first performed in 1973 by
not affect the recurrence rate of Crohn’s disease [12]. Voitk et al. [14] to reinforce the nutritional state of
Also, surgery increases the risk of major complica- patients with Crohn’s disease who were resistive to
tions, such as post operative bowel obstruction, in- diverse types of medications. After the first report of
tra-abdominal and wound infections, anastomotic remission of induction of this patient, the potential
leakages, and fistulas [13]. From repetitive bowel re- of using EEN to treat Crohn’s disease was inves-
section, serious complications, such as short bowel tigated [17]. Positive effects such as mucosal healing
syndrome can occur, which could result in a variable and nutritional improvements due to EEN treatment
amount of diarrhea and metabolic upset [2]. As de- have been reported.
scribed above, there are many limitations to the sur- The use of infliximab for treatment of this disease
gical method; thus, various therapeutic methods is also controversial. Typically, for refractory Crohn’s
should be used together. disease, which original medications aren’t effective,
Non-surgical methods are preferred if an oper- and recurrable gastrointestinal bleeding, Infliximab
ation is not needed. Non-surgical methods include could have possible benefits in regards to treatment
angiographic embolization, arterial vasopressin [10,18,19]. Infliximab can induce rapid and sus-
therapy, EEN and infliximab [5,10,14]. tained mucosal healing [10]. For instance, according
Superselective embolization has been used to pre- to one study, steroids only have a 29% incidence of
vent surgical resection in hemorrhagic Crohn’s dis- mucosal healing, whereas infliximab offers a theo-
ease [4]. This therapeutic intervention with emboli- retical advantage over steroids given its high rate of
zation was shown to have a downside: risk for in- mucosal healing, which is about 50% [20]. In addi-
testinal infarction. However, with recent advances in tion, infliximab has been shown to suppress and re-
interventional radiological techniques, developed solve severe acute bleeding [10]. Because this ther-
microcatheters and embolic agents and microcoils, apy has very rapid effects, and may be used instead of
complications such as infarction have significantly surgical resection for uncontrolled bleeding, we be-
decreased [8]. Therefore, angiographic embolization lieve that infliximab therapy should be considered
can be used as an initial treatment strategy for hem- for acute and massive GI bleeding in Crohn’s disease
orrhagic Crohn’s disease. It has been reported that before surgery [10].
angiographic embolization has a success rate ranging As described above, various methods to treat
from 81% to 93%, with a mortality rate between 0% Crohn’s disease with gastrointestinal bleeding with-
and 7% [5]. out any surgical procedure have been suggested;
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