Resignation and Handover

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Resignation & Charge Handover Policy

Intent & Scope

The purpose of this policy is to define a process based on which employees tender resignations in a way
that ensures minimal disruption to the flow of work and is in accordance with professional work
etiquettes. The policy also seeks to ensure the efficient transfer of all contents (i.e. physical equipment,
documents, knowledge, connections, e.t.c.), pertaining to a particular job position at the time of
transition of responsibility between the predecessor and successor to a job. This transition may occur
due to either one of the following reasons.

1. The promotion of an existing employee

2. The resignation/termination of an existing employee
3. In case an employee avails an extended leave period i.e. 3 days or more

Resignation Procedure
An employee intending to voluntarily terminate his/her services with the organization may do so by to
submitting a written notification. While tendering resignations employees are required to observe the

1. Permanent employees are required to submit their intent to resign in writing to the Head of the
HR at least three months in advance.
2. Employees on probation are also required to submit written resignation to the HD of HR.
However, the notice period for employees on probation is two days during which they shall be
required to adequately handover charge to a management designated person and obtain
clearance for salary transfer by handing over any equipment provided by the company.
3. During the notice period employees shall be required to carry out their regular assignments and
follow through with the charge handover procedure as mentioned later in this policy document.
4. An employee who for any reason fails to serve the notice period shall be subject to a forfeiture
of 03 month(s) of salary
5. An employee who fails to perform according to management’s expected standard and as per the
charge handover procedure during his/her notice period shall be subject to a forfeiture of
experience certificate/recommendation letters.
6. Employees will be eligible to receive the experience certificate only if their service duration is at
least six months at the time of tendering resignation. An employee whose duration of service is
any less than six months shall not be entitled for an experience certificate.
7. Employees shall be eligible to receive recommendation letter only upon the completion of their
respective contracted tenures.

Handing Over Charge

Effective information transfer ensures continuity and a seamless flow of work during the transition
between the outgoing and oncoming employee
The following contents explicate the charge handover procedure for all positions pertaining to the
Islamabad office. The content to be handed over shall remain specific to each position and will be
mentioned individually in the annexure

The responsibility of the charge handover procedure jointly falls on:

1. The Exiting Employee: Implementing the charge handover procedure is primarily the
responsibility of the exiting employee. He/she will be responsible for ensuring that the
procedure for charge handover is carried as specified within this policy document.
2. The Direct Supervisor of the Exiting Employee: This person shall be responsible for monitoring
the handover process and ensuring that is carried through as per the satisfaction of the company

The handover process shall be carried as follows:

STEP I - Whom to Handover to: If at the time of an employees’ exit his successor/replacement has
already joined, all content shall be handed over to him/her. In case a successor/ replacement is not
readily available charge shall be handed over the direct supervisor. In both cases charge shall be handed
over as per the specified procedure.

STEP II - Duration: The charge handover procedure is critical to the smooth functioning of activities in
the event of a transition yet it cannot go on indefinitely. Certain time frame has to be allotted to the
process so as to ensure that once the process is complete the concerned individuals can redirect their
focus and effort on their core job descriptions. Given the specific nature of his/her job, the exiting
employee in coordination with his/her direct supervisor is to decide upon a specific duration for the
charge handover process. Through constant monitoring the supervisor will be responsible for ensuring
that the handover process is completed within the set duration

STEP III - Redrafting Job Description: The exiting employee shall be responsible for reviewing his job
description in accordance with to what he is actually doing and being responsible for. A comparison of
this shall be carried out with the original job description and any discrepancies be discussed with the
direct supervisor so as to ascertain how best to finalize the job description to be given to the successor.

STEP IV - Priorities: The exiting employee is required to list down all activities that need to occur within
the next one month. These should be categorized in order of priority, with those that are absolutely
essential to be directly highlighted and a time estimate given for the period needed to complete each
activity. This list needs to be discussed with and approved by the direct supervisor

STEP V - List of Time Bound Activities: The exiting employee is also required to prepare a list of all time
bound activities that have already been initiated and are currently under process so that no important
cases remain unattended or delayed due to the transition. This list also needs to be discussed with and
approved by the supervisor.
STEP VI - Checklist of Important Documents: The exiting employee further needs to prepare a check list
of all important documents, paper work and files in both electronic and paper form to be handed over to
the newcomer. Once the physical handover of all the items included on the checklist is carried out the
checklist would essentially be signed by the exiting employee, his successor and the direct supervisor of
the position in question.

STEP VII – Checklist of Physical Equipment: The exiting employee shall be required to prepare a checklist
of all physical equipment currently present with him by virtue of his position such as desktop/laptop
systems, stationery items, lockers, keys, e.t.c. It is required that this checklist be signed by the exiting
employee and the direct supervisor once the physical handover process is complete.

STEP VIII – Knowledge Transfer: It is helpful for someone new to a position to know where they can find
resources, answers and support whenever they may need it. As such it shall be the responsibility of the
exiting employee to ensure that his/her replacement is sufficiently knowledgeable about his superiors,
subordinates and their respective roles within the organization. This will facilitate the understanding that
the newcomer is to develop regarding his own role within the organization. It is also the responsibility of
the exiting employee to introduce his/her replacement to key people outside of the organization that the
incumbent of the position in question needs to maintain liaison with. It is absolutely essential at this
point to explain to all as to exactly when the newcomer shall be assuming full responsibility. This will
avoid confusion as to whom enquiries should be directed to during the handover period.

STEP X – Skill Transfer: The exiting employee is responsible for identifying the skills that he/she uses in
their job. A list of these skills is to be developed and discussed with the direct supervisor. Once this list is
finalized and approved the exiting employee should try and assess as much as possible about the
replacement’s level of experience, areas of expertise and knowledge regarding specific skills sets
required for the job. He should then work towards handing over specific set of approved skills required
to carry out his job. Although skill transfer shall remain to be the responsibility of the exiting employee
yet, monitoring the learning of the newcomer regarding skill transfer and/or appropriate corrective
measures is the direct responsibility of the supervisor of the position in question.

STEP X - Organizing Workspace: The exiting employee is required to go through his/her workspace and
ensure that all personal items are removed, files and paper work placed in order and the workspace is
prepared for the newcomer.

STEP XI – Time Division for Physical Handover: If the company management has already arranged a
replacement for an exiting employee, he/she is required to divide the entire duration set for the charge
handover process into two phases.

1. PHASE I should be targeted towards letting the oncoming employee shadow the existing
employee in his her routine job. This phase should ideally be executed as an opportunity for
the newcomer to learn their new role, whereas the exiting employee should continue to
function as he would in his routine job. Where necessary, the teaching of specific skills should
be initiated at this point.
2. PHASE II should essentially be marked with the exiting employee shadowing his/her
replacement, giving advice when necessary but letting the replacement to take over and
make relationships with the people that they’ll be working with. This should essentially be a
time for the newcomer to experience problems while the exiting employee is still around to
support the newcomer. If possible during this time the exiting employee should go out
completely for some time and return briefly to monitor and help with any problem before
leaving completely.

4.0 Check List for Employees

The process has been divided into two categories:

4.1 General Check List for all Employees:

All employees, irrespective of departments, have to undertake the following steps as specified
by this policy:

 Orientation Plan

Any employee who resigns from his current position is responsible for the orientation of the new
employee hired as the replacement. It is his responsibility to create an Orientation Plan for two
weeks, which should include a list of activities on a daily basis. This Orientation Plan should
include all those tasks and activities that are vital to the particular position, so that the new hire
can have maximum learning in his orientation period. This Orientation Plan should be then
effectively carried out during the resignee’s notice period, or at the completion of his contract.

 Transfer of Data and Knowledge:

It is the responsibility of any employee who is leaving, to hand over all information and data
related to his job that is available with him. This knowledge can be in any form:
 Soft copy of files
 Hard Copy of files
 All Tacit knowledge which is not in any physical form but is retained by the employee
 Any important contact details and numbers which are external to the company
 Passwords of Official email account and any confidential files
 All data stored in a personal computer away from the office, or on a personal laptop
 Any other information required by the new hire to perform his job effectively. The
resignee must ensure that the new hire is well equipped with all knowledge related to
his position. Any work in process must also be explained.

 Ethical Responsibility:
It is the moral and ethical responsibility of the resignee to not withhold any information from
the company. Any facts, data or information must be shared with the respective authorities
before leaving.

It is also the responsibility of the resignee to behave in a professional manner with the new
hire and not misguide him about the workings and processes of the company. All information
provided must be correct and unnecessary details should be avoided.

 Other Office Items:

Following is a list of general office items which must be handed over to the HRC before

 Locker Keys
 Room Keys or any Cabinet/Drawer Keys
 Duplicate Keys of any other Office
 Employee Name Tag
 Any Computer Equipment
 Any pending Cash Payments must be made
 Empty out drawers and cabinets so that there are no personal items remaining

4.2 Check list for Human Resource Department

Apart form the items included in the general policy, employees working in the HR Department
must be careful about handing over the following to the next senior position or the Senior
All resumes must be handed over and no such information or resumes must be copied or
withheld from the company CV Data bank.

 Any hard copies of resumes should be handed over and not taken along.
 Any policy work, finished or in process must be handed over
 Any reports, forms, or contracts must be handed over to the company
 Any external contacts which are related to the company should also be specified

4.3 Check List for Documentation Department:

Apart form the items included in the general policy, employees working in the Documentation
Department must be careful about handing over the following to the next senior position or the
Senior Executive:

 All Financial Data i.e. Accounts, Fixed Assets Details, Ledger and Cheque Book
 Library Management System
 The CV Data bank
 The Master Files
 Permission Files
 Any external contact details
 The new hire must be familiarized with any external contacts or visits to be made

4.4 Check List for Office Boys:

All office boys are required to hand over the following items to the AHRC:

 All Office keys

 General office items including kitchen items or cleaning items
 Receipts

4.5 Check List for Driver:

The driver must hand over the following items to the AHRC:

 Log Book
 Registration Book
 Car Keys
 Insurance copy
 Cash Book


This is to certify that I, Murtaza Abbas have handed over all documents, information and
items as specified by the Charge Handover Policy to the Asst Senior Executive. I am not
withholding any information or physical items that may compromise the performance of the
company or the new hire in the future. Moreover, I am not in possession of any confidential
data or information related to the company.

Signature of GSO Signature of ASE

Signature of Senior Executive


This is to certify that I (New Hire) have received all documents, information and items from
the (Resignee) which are required to perform my job. I have received detailed orientation
about the process and am capable of performing in the absence of the (resignee).
Signature of Resignee Signature of

Signature of Senior Executive

Experience Certificate

Month, date, year


This is to confirm that Mr. / Ms. _________________ has been employed with Makco Group in the

capacity of a ____________________for the period _____________to _______________.

His/her major responsibilities included the following:

1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________

During his/her period of employment we found him/her to be a dedicated and hardworking individual.

We wish him/her all the best in his/her future endeavors.


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