Unit 1: Listening Practice
Unit 1: Listening Practice
Unit 1: Listening Practice
1 4.2 Read sentences A–C. Then listen to the 3 4.2 Listen again and complete the sentences in
introduction to the radio programme. What question your own words.
are the speakers going to discuss?
1 An advantage of Facebook for older people is that they …
A Should adults be allowed to join Facebook?
B Should parents be their children’s Facebook friends?
C Should children be allowed to use Facebook?
2 4.2 Read questions 1–5. Then listen to the rest of 2 Trudy thinks that Facebook is …
the radio programme and choose the correct answers.
1 Trudy doesn’t want her mother to see her Facebook
page because: 3 When Mike removed his parents from his Facebook
A she’s ashamed of her friends. page, they felt …
B she and her friends have been behaving badly.
C it contains things that she doesn’t want to show
her friends. 4 The presenter thinks that Facebook is a public site
D she wants privacy from her parents. because …
2 Trudy’s mother, Claire, doesn’t want to communicate
with Trudy on Facebook because:
A she hasn’t got a Facebook page.
B she doesn’t like Facebook.
C she has already got enough friends.
D she doesn’t use Facebook much.
3 Trudy thinks her mother wants to be her friend on
Facebook because:
A her mother wants to spy on her and her friends.
B her mother hasn’t got many friends on Facebook.
C her mother hasn’t got much time to communicate
with her.
D her mother wants her to have more than 500
friends on Facebook.
4 Mike removed his parents from his Facebook page
A he didn’t want them to know all about his life.
B he knew they would see some terrible things on his
Facebook page.
C he didn’t want them to tell his teachers about him
and his friends.
D he knew they would offend his friends.
5 Mike’s mother, Jackie, thinks that:
A parents of young people over the age of eighteen
need to know what their children are doing on
B parents of young people under the age of eighteen
need to know what their children are doing on
C parents haven’t got a right to know about their
children’s lives if they are living at home.
D it isn’t safe for parents to know about their
children’s activities on Facebook.