Listening Answer Key

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Answer key

Listening Unit 5
1 C
Unit 1
2 1A 2C 3B 4C 5A
1 B
3 Suggested answers:
2 1D 2D 3A 4A 5B 1 It will be harder for the planet to sustain us because
3 Suggested answers: our population is growing so quickly.
1 … can get in touch with old friends they haven’t 2 If we don’t use genetically modified crops, there
heard from for a long time. won’t be enough food to feed everyone.
2 a private space for friends to communicate and 3 People are already using more of these now, and he
share things without their parents. thinks this trend will grow in the future.
3 … hurt and suspicious. 4 He thinks that controlling the weather could help
4 … your friends know everything about everyone else. farmers to grow crops.

Unit 2 Unit 6
1 A 1 C
2 1C 2A 3D 4B 5B 2 1B 2A 3D 4B 5B
3 Suggested answers: 3 Suggested answers:
1 He thought it was a lot of money. 1 … help you to understand complicated texts better.
2 His mother wouldn’t allow it. 2 … refreshed and more ready to tackle difficult tasks.
3 She wants to shorten it and add some new buttons. 3 … they involve tactics and working out strategies.
4 People donate fabric to her, so she has a large 4 … activities that are different from your normal
collection of things that inspire her. routine.

Unit 3 Unit 7
1 C 1 C
2 1C 2C 3C 4D 5A 2 1A 2B 3B 4B 5D
3 1 False. Catherine could have also studied at 3 Suggested answers:
Edinburgh University. 1 Food, emergency medicine and safety equipment
2 False. She also wanted to go there so she could were not included.
challenge herself, and become more open-minded 2 She thinks it makes people want to buy more things
and independent. because they associate possessions with happiness.
3 False. Sam could have gone to a top British 3 He was most surprised about how easy it was to stop
university. buying things.
4 False. Sam has experienced problems with cultural 4 Although it was a restriction, they actually felt
issues, but he hasn’t got any regrets about going liberated from the pressure to buy things.
to China.
Unit 8
Unit 4 1 B
1 C 2 1C 2D 3A 4C 5A
2 1B 2D 3C 4C 5A 3 Suggested answers:
3 Suggested answers: 1 He wanted to impress them.
1 They need people to make a crowd or background 2 The gesture the President made had an offensive
scene look realistic. meaning in Australia.
2 The best way is to register with an agency that 3 They think that standing with your arms folded and
specializes in finding extras. avoiding eye contact could indicate these things.
3 Most people in real crowds are ordinary-looking. 4 He thinks that it can say a lot about you.
4 She recommends taking a book or some homework
to do.


Answer key
Unit 9 Unit 3
1 C 1 1 slaves
2 1B 2C 3C 4C 5B 2 prisoners
3 dialect
3 Suggested answers:
4 empire
1 There are rooms with bunk beds, larger family rooms
and also a luxury suite in the cockpit. 5 going through
2 There used to be factories and mines. 2 1B 2C 3A 4C 5C
3 It melts, but a permanent part of the hotel remains
open for summer guests. Unit 4
4 It is in the middle of a lake, one kilometre from the 1 1 jewellery
shore. 2 budget
3 luxuries
Culture 4 profit
5 merchandising
Unit 1 2 1 True.
1 1 shut (himself) off 2 False. A famous actor costs $20 million to $25 million
2 crucial more than a good director.
3 unplugged 3 False. They also make money from DVD and internet
4 landline sales, and from merchandising.
5 take over 4 False. You can only see a film on DVD and the
2 1 Bill internet for several months after it is released at
the cinema.
2 Anni and Sussy
5 True.
3 Susan and Bill
4 Sussy 3 Suggested answers:
5 Anni and Bill 1 Famous actors help films to be successful, but they
are expensive.
3 1 hasn’t 2 They expect luxuries such as five-star hotel suites.
2 the way the family used media technology
3 It’s an example of a film that had expensive
3 different production costs such as special effects.
4 wasn’t a success at 4 They made a lot of money from merchandising.
5 can’t
Unit 5
Unit 2
1 1 endangered
1 1 neighbourhood 2 aware
2 live 3 damage
3 appeal 4 gadgets
4 employ 5 carbon footprint
5 deal
2 1E 2D 3A 4C 5B
2 1 False. He uploaded a video of foxes in his garden.
3 Suggested answers:
2 True.
1 They think changes to the environment are the
3 False. Jamal now uses more sophisticated filming
result of things that people do.
2 Western countries are responsible because they
4 True.
have been polluting the planet for the last 200
5 False. Jamal made a deal with Sony to start a years.
recording company.
3 They have started doing things that are considered
3 Suggested answers: more environmentally friendly.
1 Jamal’s two hobbies were grime music and making 4 The amount of energy that we use has increased a
films with his video camera. lot because of our love of gadgets.
2 There were a lot of grime fans, but TV companies 5 The writer concludes that we should control our
didn’t play grime music or show grime artists. own negative impact on the environment before we
3 He decided to create his own TV station because his tell others what to do.
grime music videos were so popular.
4 He included different types of music and musicians
on SB.TV.
5 Twelve people now work for Jamal.


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