4 Ec 4 BB 419 Cdab 2 D 5 C 3 F 3

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Unit Syllabus Standards of learning

1st Term
Unit 1. Types of physical magnitudes Define types of physical magnitudes:
and their definitions; fundamental and derived.
Fundamental and derived
magnitudes Recall the International System of
and scientific units. Units (SI).
activity. [9h] The International System of Analyse and process data using
units (SI) decimals, means and significant
Laboratory reports, figures.
processing information, tables Process data performing the basic
and graphs, using significant arithmetic functions: addition,
figures. subtraction, multiplication and
Organise data using tables and
Present a laboratory report.
Unit 2. Historic models of the Outline historic models of the
Universe. The origins of the Universe.
The Planet
universe and the Solar
Earth [9h] Summarise the theories of the origins
System. of the universe.
Characteristics of the solar Describe the Solar system and its
system and its components. components.
Characteristics of the planet Recall the characteristics of the Earth.
Earth. Movements of the
Earth, rotation and orbit. The Describe the movements of the Earth:
Moon. rotation and orbit.
Describe the movements of the
Outline the differences between Solar
and Moon eclipses.
Unit 3. Th structure and composition Outline the structure and composition
of the crust, mantle and core of the crust, mantle and core of the
of the Earth. Earth.
and the The symbols of the principal Recall the symbols of the principal
atmosphere. elements (groups 1 to 18). elements (groups 1 to 18).
[9h] Rocks and minerals: Recall the concept of mineral and
properties, characteristics and rock.
uses. List the properties, characteristics and
The composition and
structure of the atmosphere. uses of minerals and rocks.
The greenhouse effect. Describe the composition of the
Atmospheric pollution. The atmosphere.
importance of the atmosphere
for living beings. Outline the characteristics of the
layers of the atmosphere
Explain atmospheric pollution and its
impact on the Greenhouse Effect.
Discuss the importance of the
atmosphere for living beings.
2nd Term
Unit 4 The properties of water. Outline the properties of water.
Water on the Earth: the water Summarise the water cycle.
The Discuss the importance of freshwater
The importance of freshwater
hydrosphere and saltwater for living beings.
and saltwater for living
and the
beings. Water pollution Explain water pollution and its
biosphere impact on living beings.
[6h] The characteristics that make
Earth a habitable planet. Outline the characteristics that make
Earth a habitable planet.

Unit 5 The cell and cellular theory. State the concept and examples of
bioelements and some examples.
The characteristics of life.
Differentiate between inorganic and
Living things. The Vital Functions.
organic biomolecules.
[5h] Autotrophic and
Outline the characteristics of life.
heterotrophic nutrition.
Describe the Vital Functions.
Explain autotrophic and heterotrophic
Differentiate between asexual and
sexual reproduction.
Describe cellular theory.
Outline the differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
State the function of the main
organelles in both plant and animal
Label the main organelles in both
plant and animal cell.
Differentiate between prokaryotic
and eukaryotic (animal or plant) cells
in diagrams.
Unit 6 The 5 Kingdoms of life: Describe the 5 Kingdoms of life:
The diversity Monera, Protists, Fungi, Monera; Protist; Fungi; Plant;
Plants, Animals. Animal; and their adaptations.
of life. [16h]
Scientific Classification. Outline the differences that allow to
distinguish between the 5 Kingdoms.
Problems with the
classification of viruses. Discuss problems with the
classification of viruses.
The importance of
biodiversity. Explain the importance of
Adaptations of living things.
Describe Scientific Classification.
Identification keys.
Design identification keys for given
3rd Term
Unit 7 Concept and components of Outline the concept of an ecosystem
an ecosystem. Biotic and and list its biotic and abiotic factors.
abiotic factors. Aquatic and
[6h] Describe aquatic and terrestrial
terrestrial ecosystems. ecosystems.
Factors that affect the Explain the impact on an ecosystem
equilibrium of ecosystems. when one factor is changed.
Human actions that help to
conserve the environment. Describe human actions that can be
done to preserve the environment.
Discuss the importance of
maintaining biodiversity.
Unit 8. Forms of internal energy in Describe the dynamics of the Earth´s
the Earth. interior.
Geodynamics The types of tectonic plates Recall the types of tectonic plates and
[9h] and its movements. Seismic its movements.
activity and volcanoes Explain seismic activity and volcano
The geographic distribution formation.
of earthquakes and volcanoes. Explain the geographic distribution of
The dangers of seismic earthquakes.
activity and volcanoes.
Describe the dangers of seismic
Prediction and prevention of activity and volcanoes.
natural disasters. Discuss the problems of prediction
and prevention of natural disasters.
Unit 9. Terrestrial landforms. The Describe the processes that form
Rock cycle. landscapes: the Rock Cycle.
Geodynamics. External geological factors. Describe the effect of external
[12h] Weathering. geological factors: weathering
The ground. Erosion, (biological, physical and chemical);
erosion, transportation and deposition.
transport and sedimentation.
Geological effects of wáter, Outline the effect of water, wind,
wind, glaciers and living glaciers and living beings as external
things. geological factors.
Describe the structure and
composition of the ground.
Discuss the importance of the ground.

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