4-5-18 M - Tech Geotechnical Engg Batch 2018
4-5-18 M - Tech Geotechnical Engg Batch 2018
4-5-18 M - Tech Geotechnical Engg Batch 2018
Master of Technology
Board of Study Civil Engineering
Department of Academics
l.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
M. Tech (Civil Engineering)
1. Students will learn soil and rock behavior. Students will be able to perform various
laboratories and in-situ tests on soil/rock to find out design parameters.
2. Students can design shallow/deep foundations, earth retaining structures, embankment and
earthen dams, tunnel support systems for given site conditions.
3. Student can compute factor of safety to assess stability of slopes and apply preventive
measures for stability.
4. Student can develop numerical models to estimate response of various geotechnical structures
under different loadings
First Semester
Allocations Marks Distribution
Course Name Credits
Type Total
L T P Internal External
Allocations Marks Distribution
Course Name Credits
Type Total
L T P Internal External
MTGT201 - 18 Dynamics of soils
Core 3 and foundations 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
MTGT202 - 18 Subsurface
Core 4 investigations and instrumentation 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
Elective – III
MTGT907 - 18 Offshore
Geotechnical Engineering/marine
MTGT910 - 18 Computational 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
Elective III
Allocations Marks Distribution
Course Name Credits
Type Total
L T P Internal External
Elective - V
MTGT915 - 18 Stability
analysis of slopes
MTGT916 - 18 Foundations 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
on weak rocks
MTGT917 - 18 Geotechnical
earthquake engineering
MTGT919 - 18 Business
MTGT920 - 18 Industrial
MTGT921 - 18 Operations
MTGT922 - 18 Cost 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
Management of Engineering
MTGT923 - 18 Composite
MTGT924 - 18 Waste to
MTGT232 - 18 Dissertation
0 0 20 60 40 100 10
Dissertation Phase – I
Total 6 0 20 140 160 300 16
Forth Semester
Allocations Marks Distribution
Course Credit
Course Name Total
Type Interna Externa s
L T P Mark
l l
Dissertatio MTGT233 - 18 Dissertation
n Phase – II 0 0 32 - - S/US 16
List of Audit Course 1 & 2
1. English for Research Paper Writing
2. Disaster Management
3. Sanskrit for Technical Knowledge
4. Value Addition
5. Constitution of India
6. Pedagogy Studies
7. Stress Management by Yoga
8. Personality Development through Life Enlightenment Skills.
M. Tech (Civil Engineering) Specialization: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
The students obtain the complete knowledge on strength of soil mass
The students are able to develop mathematical models for solving different problems
in soil mechanics
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Compressibility of soils: consolidation theory (one, two, and three dimensional
consolidation theories), consolidation in layered soil and consolidation for time dependent
loading, determination of coefficient of consolidation (Casagrande method and Taylors method)
Unit II: Strength behavior of soils; Mohr Circle of Stress; UU, CU, CD tests, drained and
undrained behavior of sand and clay, significance of pore pressure parameters; determination of
shear strength of soil; Interpretation of triaxial test results.
Unit III: Stress path; Drained and undrained stress path; Stress path with respect to different
initial state of the soil; Stress path for different practical situations.
Unit IV: Critical state soil mechanics; Critical state parameters; Critical state for normally
consolidated and over consolidated soil; Significance of Roscoe and Hvorslev state boundary
surface; drained and undrained plane. Critical void ratio; effect of dilation in sands; different
Dilation models.
Unit V: Elastic and plastic deformations: elastic wall; introduction to yielding and hardening;
yield curve and yield surface, associated and non-associated flow rule.
Atkinson, J.H. and Bransby, P.L, The Mechanics of Soils: An introduction to Critical soil
mechanics, McGraw Hill, 1978.
Atkinson J.H, An introduction to the Mechanics of soils and Foundation, McGraw- Hill
Co., 1993.
Das, B.M., Advanced Soil Mechanics, Taylor and Francis, 2nd Edition, 1997.
Wood, D.M., Soil Behavior and Critical State Soil Mechanics, Cambridge University
Press, 1990.
Craig, R.F., Soil Mechanics, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd., 1987.
Terzaghi, K., and Peck, R.B., Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley &
Sons, 1967.
Lambe, T.W. and Whitman, R.V., Soil Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, 1979.
Core –II
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
The students will be able to decide the type of foundations to be recommended for
construction of different engineering structures
The students will be able to design different types of foundations
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Planning of soil exploration for different projects, methods of subsurface exploration,
methods of borings along with various penetration tests
Unit II: Shallow foundations, requirements for satisfactory performance of foundations,
methods of estimating bearing capacity, settlements of footings and rafts, proportioning of
foundations using field test data, IS codes.
Unit III: Pile foundations, methods of estimating load transfer of piles, settlements of pile
foundations, pile group capacity and settlement, negative skin friction of piles, laterally loaded
piles, pile load tests, analytical estimation of load- settlement behavior of piles, proportioning of
pile foundations, lateral and uplift capacity of piles.
Unit IV: Well foundation, IS and IRC Codal provisions, elastic theory and ultimate resistance
Unit V: Foundations on problematic soils: Foundations for collapsible and expansive soil
Unit VI: Coffer dams, various types, analysis and design Foundations under uplifting loads
Bowles. J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill International Edition,
5th Edn, 1997.
Das B.M., Shallow Foundations: Bearing capacity and settlement, CRC Press, 1999.
Tomlinson M.J., Pile design and construction Practice, Chapman and Hall Publication,
Poulos, H. G. and Davis, F. H., “Pile Foundation Analysis and Design”, Wiley and Sons.
Core –III
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students understand theory of vibration and resonance phenomenon, dynamic
Students understand propagation of body waves and surface waves through soil.
Student exposed to different methods for estimation of dynamic soil properties required
for design purpose.
Students can predict dynamic bearing capacity and assess liquefaction potential of any
site. Students apply theory of vibrations to design machine foundation based on dynamic
soil properties and bearing capacity.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Fundamentals of vibrations: single, two and multiple degree of freedom systems,
vibration isolation, vibration absorbers, vibration measuring instruments
Unit II: Wave propagation: elastic continuum medium, semi-infinite elastic continuum
medium, soil behavior under dynamic loading.
Unit III: Liquefaction of soils: liquefaction mechanism, factors affecting liquefaction, studies
by dynamic tri-axial testing, oscillatory shear box, shake table and blast tests, assessment of
liquefaction potential.
Unit IV: Dynamic elastic constants of soil: determination of dynamic elastic constants, various
methods including block resonance tests, cyclic plate load tests, wave propagation tests,
oscillatory shear box test.
Unit V: Machine foundations: Design criteria for machine foundations; Elastic homogeneous
half space and lumped parameter solutions, analysis and design of foundations for reciprocating
and impact type machines, turbines, effect of machine foundation on adjoining structures.
Unit VI: Bearing capacity of foundations: Introduction to bearing capacity of dynamically
loaded foundations, such as those of water towers, chimneys and high rise buildings, response of
pile foundations.
Das, B.M., “Fundamentals of Soil Dynamics”, Elsevier,1983.
Steven Kramer, “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson,2008.
Prakash, S., Soil Dynamics, McGraw Hill, 1981.
Kameswara Rao, N.S.V., Vibration analysis and foundation dynamics,
WheelerPublication Ltd., 1998.
Richart, F.E. Hall J.R and Woods R.D., Vibrations of Soils and Foundations, Prentice
HallInc., 1970.
Prakash, S. and Puri, V.K., Foundation for machines: Analysis and Design, John Wiley &
Sons, 1998
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can plan subsurface investigation based on the requirement of civil engineering
project and site condition. Can finalize depth and number of boreholes
Students can execute different subsurface exploration tests, collect disturbed/undisturbed
samples for laboratory tests and can suggest design parameters.
Student exposed to different methods for estimation of dynamic soil properties required
for design purpose.
Students can develop instrumentation scheme for monitoring of critical sites
Syllabus Contents:
1. Soil formation -Processes – Characteristics of major soil deposits of India. Necessity and
Importance of soil exploration Method of sub surface exploration Test pits , Trenches, Caissons,
Tunnels and drifts, Wash boring , Percussion drilling , Rotary drilling, Factors affecting the
selection of a suitable method of boring. Extent of boring, Factors controlling spacing and depth
of bore holes, Spacing and depth for various Civil engineering structures.
2. Indirect method of exploration, Seismic method, Electrical resistivity, Resistivity sounding
and profiling, Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of test results, Comparison of resistivity
and seismic surveys, Shortcomings.
3. Stabilization of bore holes, Different method of stabilization of the bore holes, their relative
merits and demerits.
4. Ground water Observation: Different method of ground water observation: Time lag in
observation, Sampling of ground water.
5. Sampling: Source of disturbance and their influence, Type of sampler, Principle of design of
sampler, Representative and undisturbed sampling in various types of soils, Surface sampling,
Amount of sampling, Boring and sampling record, Preservation and shipment of sample
preparation of bore log.
6. In situ Permeability. Pumping in test in a cased hole with open end, Falling head packer test
constant head packer test, Pump in out tests in a single test wall and open pit or unlined hole.
Piezometer methods .
7. Water content at site: Speedy moisture tester, Their relative merits and demerits.
8. Fields Tests: Standard penetration test, Dynamic cone penetration tests with and without
bentonite mud slurry. Static cone penetration test, Surface sampling. Cylic plate load test, Large
shear box test, Vane shear test, Pile load, , Block resonance test, wave propagation test. Small
size penetrometers, Pressuremeter test and Diltometer test. Various corrections in the test results
and interpretation of test results for design of foundations. Correlation among various test results.
Precautions to be exercised during the execution of these tests. Preparation of bore hole log.
9. Investigation below sea/river bed – methods and equipments – interpretation of offshore
exploration, Instrumentation in soil engineering - strain gauges - resistance and inductance type -
load cells, earth pressure cells - settlement and heave gauges - Piezometers and slope indicators -
inclinometer, Field visit, data and report preparation.
Bowles, J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1997.
Schnaid, F., “ In Situ Testing in Geomechanics”, Taylor and Francis.
Hvorsler M. "Subsurface exploration and sampling of soil for Civil Engg. purposes.
Simon and Cayton " Site investigation",
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can apply different soil response models for specific problem based on the
Students can analyze footings/rafts resting on soil as beams/plates on elastic foundation
and work out design bending moments/shear and displacements.
Student can compute pile response for various loading condition for design purpose.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Soil-Foundation Interaction: Introduction to soil-foundation interaction problems, Soil
behavior, Foundation behavior, Interface behavior, Scope of soil foundation interaction analysis,
soil response models, Winkler, Elastic continuum, Two parameter elastic models, Elastic plastic
behavior, Time dependent behavior.
Unit II: Beam on Elastic Foundation- Soil Models: Infinite beam, Two parameters, Isotropic
elastic half space, Analysis of beams of finite length, Classification of finite beams in relation to
their stiffness.
Unit III: Plate on Elastic Medium: Thin and thick plates, Analysis of finite plates, Numerical
analysis of finite plates, simple solutions.
Unit IV: Elastic Analysis of Pile: Elastic analysis of single pile, Theoretical solutions for
settlement and load distributions, Analysis of pile group, Interaction analysis, Load distribution
in groups with rigid cap.
Unit V: Laterally Loaded Pile: Load deflection prediction for laterally loaded piles, Sub grade
reaction and elastic analysis, Interaction analysis, Pile-raft system, Solutions through influence
charts. An introduction to soil-foundation interaction under dynamic loads.
Selvadurai, A.P.S, Elastic Analysis of Soil-Foundation Interaction, Elsevier, 1979.
Poulos, H.G., and Davis, E.H., Pile Foundation Analysis and Design, John Wiley,1980.
Scott, R.F., Foundation Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1981.
Structure Soil Interaction - State of Art Report, Institution of Structural Engineers, 1978.
ACI 336. (1988), Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for combined footings and
Mats, American Concrete Institute.
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
At the completion of the course the students will be able to understand the different types
of ground modification can be done depending upon the site condition.
Reinforcement Methods for type and purpose of structure to be constructed.
Understand and Illustrate concept of Chemical grouting techniques alongwith freezing
techniques for stable foundations.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Introduction: situations where ground improvement becomes necessary
Unit II: Mechanical modification: dynamic compaction, impact loading, compaction by
blasting, vibro-compaction; pre-compression, stone columns; Hydraulic modification:
dewatering systems, preloading and vertical drains, electro-kinetic dewatering
Unit III: Chemical modification; modification by admixtures, stabilization using industrial
wastes, grouting
Unit IV: Thermal modification: ground freezing and thawing.
Unit V: Soil reinforcement: Reinforced earth, basic mechanism, type of reinforcements,
of stabilization/improvement of ground using Geotextiles, Goegrid, Geomembranes, geocells,
geonets, and soil nails.
Unit VI: Application of soil reinforcement: shallow foundations on reinforced earth, design of
reinforced earth retaining walls, reinforced earth embankments structures, wall with reinforced
backfill, analysis and design of shallow foundations on reinforced earth, road designs with
Hausmann, M.R., Engineering Principles of Ground Modification, McGraw-
Hillnternational Editions, 1990.
Yonekura, R., Terashi, M. and Shibazaki, M. (Eds.), Grouting and Deep Mixing,
A.A.Balkema, 1966.
Moseley, M.P., Ground Improvement, Blackie Academic & Professional, 1993.
Xanthakos, P.P., Abramson, L.W. and Bruce, D.A., Ground Control and
Improvement,John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
Koerner, R. M., Designing with Geosynthetics, Prentice Hall Inc. 1998.
Shukla, S.K., Yin, Jian-Hua, “Fundamentals of Geosynthetic Engineering”, Taylor &
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Yang and H. Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
Yoder and Witzech, Pavement Design, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
Sharma and Sharma, Principles and Practice of Highway Engg., Asia Publishing
Teng, Functional Designing of Pavements, McGraw- Hill, 1980.
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can understand basic stress-strain relationship for soil and develop Stress
deformation analysis.
Students can develop finite element formulation for different geotechnical problems
including shallow foundation, seepage and consolidation problems.
Syllabus Contents:
O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, Finite element methods Vol I & Vol II,
K.J. Bathe, Finite element procedures, PHI Ltd., 1996.
David M Potts and LidijaZdravkovic, “Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical
Engineering Theory and Apllication”, Thomas Telford. 1999
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can understand Soil-environment interaction, Soil mineralogy and Mechanisms
of soil-water interaction
Students can lean ground water flow and predict contaminant transport phenomenon.
Can apply remediation techniques for contaminated site.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Soil as a multiphase system; Soil-environment interaction; Properties of water in
relation to the porous media; Water cycle with special reference to soil medium.
Unit II: Soil mineralogy; significance of mineralogy in determining soil behavior;
Mineralogical characterization.
Unit III: Mechanisms of soil-water interaction: Diffuse double layer models; Force of
attraction and repulsion; Soil-water-contaminant interaction; Theories of ion exchange; Influence
of organic and inorganic chemical interaction.
Unit IV: Concepts of waste containment; Sources, production and classification of wastes,
Environmental laws and regulations, physico-chemical properties of soil, ground water flow and
contaminant transport, desirable properties of soil; contaminant transport and retention;
contaminated site remediation.
Unit V: Soil characterization techniques; volumetric water content; gas permeation in soil;
electrical and thermal properties; pore-size distribution; contaminant analysis. Contaminated site
characterization, estimation of landfill quantities, landfill site location, design of various landfill
components such as liners, covers, leachate collection and removal, gas generation and
management, ground water monitoring, end uses of landfill sites, slurry walls and barrier
systems, design and construction, stability, compatibility and performance, remediation
technologies, stabilization of contaminated soils and risk assessment approaches.
Mitchell, J.K and Soga, K., Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
Fang, H-Y., Introduction to Environmental Geotechnology, CRC Press,1997.
Daniel, D.E, Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal, Chapman and Hall, 1993.
Rowe, R.K., Quigley, R.M. and Booker, J.R., Clay Barrier Systems for Waste Disposal
Facilities, E & FN Spon, 1995.
Rowe, R.K, Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2001.
Reddi, L.N. and Inyang, H.F, Geoenvironmental Engineering - Principles and
Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc, 2000.
Sharma, H.D. and Lewis, S.P, Waste Containment Systems, Waste Stabilization and
Landfills: Design and Evaluation, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994.
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
At the completion of the course the students will be able to decide the type of
mathematical models to be used for analyzing the behavior of soil mass at critical state
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Soil Behavior: State of stress and strain in soils, Stress and strain paths and invariants,
behavior of soils under different laboratory experiments
Unit II: The Critical state line and the Roscoe surface: Families of undrained tests, Families of
drained tests, the critical state line, drained and undrained surfaces, The Roscoe surface
Unit III: Behavior of Over consolidated samples: The Hvorslev surface: Behaviour of over
consolidated samples, drained and undrained tests, The Hvorslev surface, complete State
Boundary Surface, Volume changes and pore water pressure changes
Unit IV: Behaviour of Sands: The critical state line for sands, Normalized plots, the effect of
dilation, Consequences of Taylor's model
Unit V: Behaviour of Soils before Failure: Elastic and plastic deformations, Plasticity theory,
Development of elastic-plastic model based on critical state soil mechanics, The Cam-clay
model, The modified Cam-clay model.
J. H. Atkinson and P. L. Bransby, “The mechanics of soils: An introduction to critical
statesoil mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 1978
D. M. Wood, “Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics”, Cambridge
UniversityPress, 1990
B. M. Das, “Fundamental of geotechnical engineering”, Cengage Learning, 2013
Research Methodology and IPR
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 1hrs/week
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
Understand research problem formulation.
Analyze research related information
Follow research ethics
Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information Technology, but
tomorrow world will be ruled by ideas, concept, and creativity.
Understanding that when IPR would take such important place in growth of individuals
& nation, it is needless to emphasis the need of information about Intellectual Property
Right to be promoted among students in general & engineering in particular.
Understand that IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for further research
work and investment in R & D, which leads to creation of new and better products, and in
turn brings about, economic growth and social benefits.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit 1: Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria Characteristics of
a good research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectives ofresearch
problem. Approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem, data collection, analysis,
Interpretation, Necessary instrumentations
Unit 2: Effective literature studies approaches, analysis Plagiarism, Research ethics,
Unit 3: Effective technical writing, how to write report, Paper Developing a Research Proposal,
Format of research proposal, a presentation and assessment by a review committee
Unit 4: Nature of Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs, Trade and Copyright. Process of
Patenting and Development: technological research, innovation, patenting, development.
International Scenario: International cooperation on Intellectual Property. Procedure for grants of
patents, Patenting under PCT.
Unit 5: Patent Rights: Scope of Patent Rights. Licensing and transfer of technology. Patent
information and databases. Geographical Indications.
Unit 6: New Developments in IPR: Administration of Patent System. New developments inIPR;
IPR of Biological Systems, Computer Software etc. Traditional knowledge Case Studies,
IPR and IITs.
Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science
& engineering students’”
Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition , “Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for
Halbert, “Resisting Intellectual Property”, Taylor & Francis Ltd ,2007.
Mayall , “Industrial Design”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
Niebel , “Product Design”, McGraw Hill, 1974.
Asimov , “Introduction to Design”, Prentice Hall, 1962.
Robert P. Merges, Peter S. Menell, Mark A. Lemley, “Intellectual Property in New
Technological Age”, 2016.
T. Ramappa, “Intellectual Property Rights Under WTO”, S. Chand, 2008
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can execute investigation program for marine soil deposits and select necessary design
Parameters. Design suitable marine foundation as per project requirement. Can develop numerical model
for response of marine foundation for offshore conditions.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Marine soil deposits: Offshore environment, Offshore structures and foundations,
Specific problems related to marine soil deposits, Physical and engineering properties of marine
Unit II: Behavior of soils subjected to repeated loading: Effect of wave loading on offshore
foundations, Behavior of sands and clays under cyclic loading, Laboratory experiments including
repeated loading, Cyclic behavior of soils based on fundamental theory of mechanics,
Approximate engineering methods which can be used for practical cases
Unit III: Site Investigation in the case of marine soil deposits: Challenges of site investigation
in marine environment, Different site investigation techniques, sampling techniques,
Geophysical methods, Recent advancements in site investigation and sampling used for marine
soil deposits
Unit IV: Foundations in marine soil deposits: Different offshore and near shore foundations,
Gravity platforms, Jack-up rigs, pile foundations. Cassions, spud cans
Unit V: Numerical modeling of marine foundations subjected to wave loading: Numerical
modeling of cyclic behavior of soils, empirical models, elastic-plastic models, FEM analysis of
marine foundations subjected to wave loading.
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can understand different numerical and statistical tools for analyzing various
geotechnical engineering problems.
Students can apply probabilistic approach for selection of design parameters and compute
their impact on risk assessment.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Solution of Non-linear Equations: Bisection, False Position, Newton-Raphson,
Successive approximation method, Iterative methods
Unit II: Solution of Linear Equations: Jacobi’s method, Gauss Seidal method, Successive over
relaxation method.
Unit III: Finite Difference Method: Two point Boundary value problems – Disichlet
conditions, Neumann conditions; ordinary and partial differential equations.
Unit IV: Finite Element Method: Fundamentals, Constitutive finite element models for soils.
Unit V: Correlation and Regression Analysis: Correlation - Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson
coefficient of correlation, Limits of correlation coefficient; Regression –Lines of regression,
Regression curves, Regression coefficient, Differences between correlation and regression
Unit VI: One-dimensional Consolidation - Theory of consolidation, Analytical procedures,
Finite difference solution procedure for multilayered systems, Finite element formulation
Unit VII: Flow Through Porous Media - Geotechnical aspects, Numerical methods,
Applications and Design analysis, Flow in jointed media.
Unit VIII: Risk assessment in Geotechnical Engg. - Probabilistic site characterisation and
design of foundations
S. Chandrakant., Desai and John T. Christian, “Numerical Methods in Geotechnical
Engineering”, Mc. Graw Hill Book Company, 1977.
M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar and R.K. Jain, “Numerical Methods for Scientific and
Engineering computations”, Third edition, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers,
New Delhi.
D.J. Naylor and G.N. Pande, “Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering”, Pineridge
Press Ltd., UK.
Sam Helwany, “Applied soil mechanics”, John Wiley & sons, Inc,
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
The students will be able to perform various laboratory tests on rock and classify rock
Be able to predict strength of rock mass with respect to various Civil Engineering
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Rock: Formation of rocks, Physical properties, Classification of rocks and rock masses,
Elastic constants of rock; In-situ stresses in rock
Unit II: Rock Testing: Laboratory and Field tests
Unit III: Discontinuities in Rock Masses: Discontinuity orientation, Effect of discontinuities
on strength of rock.
Unit IV: Strength Behaviour: Compression, Tension and Shear, Stress-Strain relationships,
Rheological behavior.
Unit V: Strength/ Failure Criterion: Mohr-Coulomb, Griffith theory, Hoek and Brown,
strength and other strength criteria. Stresses in rock near underground openings;
Unit VI: Application of rock mechanics in Civil Engineering: Rock tunneling, rock slope
stability, bolting, blasting, grouting and rock foundation design. Modern modeling techniques &
analyses in rocks.
Hudson J.A. and J.P. Harrison. Engineering Rock Mechanics: an Introduction to the
Principles, 1997. Elsevier, Oxford
Goodman, R.E. Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons.
Ramamurthy, T., “Engineering in Rocks”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Jaeger, J.C. and Cook, N.G.W, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall,
Wyllie, D.C., Foundations on Rock, E & FN Spon. 2nd Edition, 1992.
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
The students will be able to do analysis and design of different types of retaining
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Earth Pressure: Rankine and Coulomb theories, active, passive and pressure at rest;
concentrated surcharge above the back fill, earth pressure due to uniform surcharge, earth
pressure of stratified backfills, saturated and partially saturated backfill.
Unit II: Retaining walls: Proportioning of retaining walls, stability of retaining walls,
mechanically stabilized retaining walls/reinforced earth retaining walls
Unit III: Sheet Pile wall: free earth system, fixed earth system
Unit IV: Bulkheads: bulkheads with free and fixed earth supports, equivalent beam method,
Anchorage of bulkheads and resistance of anchor walls, spacing between bulkheads and anchor
walls, resistance of anchor plates
Unit V: Tunnel and Conduit: Stress distribution around tunnels, Types of conduits, Load on
projecting conduits; Arching and Open Cuts: Arching in soils,
Unit VI: Braced excavations: Earth pressure against bracings in cuts, Heave of the bottom of
cut in soft clays.
Das, Braja M., “Principles of Foundation Engineering”, PWS Publishing. 1998
Bowles. J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill International Edition,
5th Edn, 1997.
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can understand the use of elastic and plastic analysis in the design of
underground support system.
Students will have idea about the field tests generally conducted during and after
construction of under structures.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Introduction, planning of and exploration for various underground construction projects,
stereographic projection method, principle and its application in underground excavation design.
Unit II: Elastic stress distribution around tunnels, stress distribution for different shapes and
under different in-situ stress conditions, Greenspan method, design principles, multiple openings,
openings in laminated rocks, elasto-plastic analysis of tunnels, Daemen’s theory
Unit IIII: Application of rock mass classification systems, ground conditions in tunneling,
analysis of underground openings in squeezing and swelling ground, empirical methods,
estimation of elastic modulus and modulus of deformation of rocks; uniaxial jacking / plate
jacking tests, radial jacking and Goodman jacking tests, long term behaviour of tunnels and
caverns, New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), Norwegian Tunneling Method (NTM),
construction dewatering.
Unit IV: Rock mass-tunnel support interaction analysis, ground response and support reaction
curves, Ladanyi’s elasto-plastic analysis of tunnels, design of various support systems including
concrete and shotcrete linings, steel sets, rock bolting and rock anchoring, combined support
systems, estimation of load carrying capacity of rock bolts
Unit V: In-situ stress, flat jack, hydraulic fracturing and over coring techniques and USBM type
drill hole deformation gauge, single and multi-point bore hole extensometers, load cells, pressure
cells, etc. Instrumentation and monitoring of underground excavations, during and after
construction, various case studies.
Hoek, E and and Brown, E. T.,” Underground Excavations in Rocks”, Institute of Mining
Obert, L. and Duvall, W.I., “Rock Mechanics and Design of Structures in Rocks”, John
Singh, B. and Goel, R.K.,”Rock Mass Classification- A Practical Engineering
Approach”, Elsevier.
Singh, B. and Goel, R.K., “Tunnelling in Weak Rocks”, Elsevier
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students can understand theory of plasticity and various yield criteria and flow rule.
Students can apply critical state concept of consolidation and triaxial soil behavior.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Role of constitutive modeling; Importance of laboratory testing with relation to
constitutive modeling; Elasticity: linear, quasi linear, anisotropic;
Unit II: Plasticity basics: yield criteria, flow rule, plastic potential, hardening/softening; Rate
Independent Plasticity: Mohr-coulomb, nonlinear failure criteria, Drucker Prager, and cap
Unit III: Critical state soil mechanics: critical state concept, cam clay models, simulation of
single element test using cam clay,
Unit IV: Consolidation, drained and undrained triaxial test; Stress dilatancy theory;
Unit V: Work hardening plasticity theory: formulation and implementation; Applications of
elasto-plastic models; Special Topics: hypo elasticity-plasticity, disturbed state concept.
Hicher and Shao, “Constitutive Modeling of Soils and Rocks”, John Wiley. 2008
C.S. Desai and H. J. Siriwardane, “Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials
withEmphasis on Geologic Materials”, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey. 1984
David M Potts and LidijaZdravkovic, “Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical
Engineering Theory and Application”, Thomas Telford. 1999
C.S. Desai, “Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces: The Disturbed State Concept”,
CRCPress LLC. 2000
A.P.S. Selvadurai, M.J. Boulon, “Mechanics of Geomaterial Interfaces, Elsevier.
PE – V
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Student will be able to check the stability of earthen dams, and the safety measures to be
undertaken to prevent the instability of slopes, earthen dams and embankments
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Slopes: Types and causes of slope failures, mechanics of slope failure, failure modes.
Unit II: Stability analysis: infinite and finite slopes with or without water pressures; concept of
factor of safety, pore pressure coefficients, Mass analysis, Wedge methods, friction circle
method ;Method of slices, Bishop’s method, Janbu’s method, Morgenstern and Price, Spencer’s
Unit III: Stability analysis in the presence of seepage: Two dimensional flow – Laplace
equation and it’s solution, graphical method, determination of phreatic line, flow nets in
homogeneous and zoned earth dams under steady seepage and draw-down conditions, seepage
control in earth dams, influence of seepage on slope stability stability analysis of dam body
during steady seepage.
Unit IV: Strengthening measures: stabilization of slopes by drainage methods, surface and
subsurface drainage, use of synthetic filters, retaining walls, stabilization and strengthening of
slopes, shotcreting, rock bolting and rock anchoring, instrumentation and monitoring of slopes,
slope movements, warning devices, maintenance of slopes.
Chowdhary R and ChowdharyI , ”Geotechnical Slope Analysis”, CRC Press.
Harr M.E.,” Ground Water and Seepage”, McGraw Hill. 1962
PE – V
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
The students will be able to classify different types of rock mass and design different
types of foundations placed over rock mass.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Engineering properties of weak rocks, different rock mass classification systems, relative
merits and demerits
Unit II: Failure criteria for weak rocks, bi-linear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, Hoek and
Brown criterion and modified Hoek and Brown failure criterion etc.
Unit III: Effect of structural planes on rock foundations, possible modes of failure of
foundations on rocks/ rock masses, determination of in-situ shear strength of rocks and rock
Unit IV: Requirements for satisfactory performance of foundations, bearing capacity of
foundations on rocks and rock masses, allowable bearing pressure of rock foundations using a
nonlinear failure criterion, monotonic and cyclic plate load tests
Unit V: Pressure-settlement characteristics, effect of layering, anisotropy, heterogeneity and
Unit VI: Shallow foundations, shallow foundations on sloping ground, raft foundations, stilt
foundations, foundations for suspension bridges, transmission line towers, framed buildings etc,
treatment of foundations - open joints, solution cavities, weak seams
Unit VII: Piles in weak rocks, bearing capacity and settlement of piles, piles in stratified rock
masses, field load tests on piles in weak rocks, behaviour of bored / driven piles in soft
/weathered rocks
Wyllie Duncan C.,” Foundations on Rock: Engineering Practice”, E&FN Spon, Taylor
Hudson J.A. and J.P. Harrison. Engineering Rock Mechanics: an Introduction to
thePrinciples, 1997. Elsevier, Oxford
Singh, B. and Goel, R.K.,”Rock Mass Classification- A Practical Engineering
Approach”,Elsevier .
Ramamurthy, T., “Engineering in Rocks”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Hoek, E., “Practical Rock Engineering”, Rock science.
PE – V
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/ week
Students will know the causes and quantification of earthquake.
Student will be exposed to the effect of earthquake and the design criterions to be
for the design different geotechnical structures
Syllabus Contents:
Unit I: Earthquake seismology – Causes of earthquake, Plate tectonics, Earthquake fault
sources, Seismic waves, Elastic rebound theory, Quantification of earthquake, Intensity and
magnitudes, Earthquake source models.
Unit II: Earthquake ground motion – Seismograph, Characteristics of ground motion, Effect
of Local site conditions on ground motions, Design earthquake, Design spectra, Development of
site specification and code-based design.
Unit III: Ground response analysis – One-dimensional ground response analysis: Linear
approaches, Equivalent linear approximation of non-linear approaches, Computer code
Unit IV: Liquefaction and lateral spreading - Liquefaction related phenomena, Liquefaction
susceptibility: Historical, Geological, Compositional and State criteria. Evaluation of
liquefaction by cyclic stress and cyclic strain approaches, Lateral deformation and spreading,
Criteria for mapping liquefaction hazard zones.
Unit V: Seismic design of foundations, Seismic slope stability analysis: Internal stability and
weakening instability and Seismic design of retaining walls.
Steven Kramer, “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson,2008.
Seco e Pinto, P., Seismic behaviour of ground and Geotechnical structure, A. A.
Naeim, F., The Seismic Design Handbook, Kluwer Academic Publication, 2ndEdition,
Ferrito, J.M, Seismic design criteria for soil liquefaction, Tech. Report of
NavalFacilitiesservice centre, Port Hueneme, 1997.
MTGT111 – 18 - Soil Mechanics Lab -I
Lab: 4 hrs/week
List of Practicals:
1. Determination of Moisture Content and Specific gravity of soil
2. Grain Size Distribution Analysis and Hydrometer Analysis
3. Atterberg’s Limits (Liquid Limit, Plastic limit, Shrinkage limit)
4. Visual Classification Tests
5. Vibration test for relative density of sand
6. Standard and modified proctor compaction test
7. Falling head permeability test and Constant head permeability test
8. Consolidation test
MTGT112 – 18 - Soil Mechanics Lab -II
Lab: 4 hrs/week
List of Practicals:
1. Unconfined compression test
2. Direct shear test
3. Tri-axial compression test – UU, CU, CD tests
4. Laboratory vane shear test
5. Field Vane shear test
6. Field direct shear test
MTGT113 – 18 - Sub soil exploration Lab
Lab: 4 hrs/week
List of Practicals:
1. Exploratory borings by different methods including auger boring, wash boring, percussion
drilling and rotary drilling.
4. Standard penetration test
5. Dynamic cone penetration test
6. Static cone penetration test
7. Plate load test
8. Pressure meter test
9. Geophysical exploration tests
MTGT114 - 18 - Soil dynamics Lab
Lab: 4 hrs/week
List of Practical:
1. Spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) Test / Multi-channel analysis of surface waves
2. Seismic cross-hole test
3. Seismic down-hole / up-hole test
4. Seismic dilatometer test
5. Resonant column test
6. Piezoelectric bender element test
7. Cyclic triaxialtest
8. Cyclic direct shear test
Core –
MTGT232 – 18 - Dissertation I (Credits- 0:0:20 = 10)
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 4 hrs/week Mid Sem Evaluation weight age - 30%
End Sem Evaluation weight age - 70%
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Identify structural engineering problems reviewing available literature.
Identify appropriate techniques to analyze complex structural systems.
Apply engineering and management principles through efficient handling of project
Syllabus Contents:
Dissertation-I will have mid semester presentation and end semester presentation. Mid
Presentation will include identification of the problem based on the literature review on
the topic referring to latest literature available.
End semester presentation should be done along with the report on identification of topic
for the work and the methodology adopted involving scientific research, collection and
analysis of data, determining solutions and must bring out individuals contribution.
Continuous assessment of Dissertation – I and Dissertation – II at Mid Sem and End Sem
will be monitored by the departmental committee.
Core –
MTGT233 – 18 - Dissertation II (Credits- 0:0:32 = 16)
Teaching Scheme
Contact Hours: 3hrs/week
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Solve complex structural problems by applying appropriate techniques and tools.
2. Exhibit good communication skill to the engineering community and society.
3. Demonstrate professional ethics and work culture.
Syllabus Contents:
Course objective
1. Understand the role of business analytics within an organization.
2. Analyze data using statistical and data mining techniques and understand relationships between the
underlying business processes of an organization.
3. To gain an understanding of how managers use business analytics to formulate and solve business
problems and to support managerial decision making.
4. To become familiar with processes needed to develop, report, and analyze business data.
5. Use decision-making tools/Operations research techniques.
6. Mange business process using analytical and management tools.
7. Analyze and solve problems from different industries such as manufacturing, service, retail,
software, banking and finance, sports, pharmaceutical, aerospace etc.
Business analytics: Overview of Business analytics, Scope of Business analytics, Business Analytics
Process, Relationship of Business Analytics Process and organisation, competitive advantages of
Business Analytics. Statistical Tools: Statistical Notation, Descriptive Statistical methods, Review of
probability distribution and data modeling, sampling and estimation methods overview.
Unit 2:
Trendiness and Regression Analysis: Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data, simple Linear
Regression. Important Resources, Business Analytics Personnel, Data and models for Business analytics,
problem solving, Visualizing and Exploring Data, Business Analytics Technology.
Unit 3:
Organization Structures of Business analytics, Team management, Management Issues,Designing
Information Policy, Outsourcing, Ensuring Data Quality, Measuring contribution of Business analytics,
Managing Changes. Descriptive Analytics, predictive analytics, predicative Modelling, Predictive
analytics analysis, Data Mining, Data Mining Methodologies, Prescriptive analytics and its step in the
business analytics Process, Prescriptive Modelling, nonlinear Optimization.
Unit 4:
Forecasting Techniques: Qualitative and Judgmental Forecasting, Statistical Forecasting Models,
Forecasting Models for Stationary Time Series, Forecasting Models for Time Series with a Linear Trend,
Forecasting Time Series with Seasonality, Regression Forecasting with Casual Variables, Selecting
Appropriate Forecasting Models. Monte Carlo Simulation and Risk Analysis: Monte Carle Simulation
Using Analytic Solver Platform, New-Product Development Model, Newsvendor Model, Overbooking
Model, Cash Budget Model.
Unit 5:
Decision Analysis: Formulating Decision Problems, Decision Strategies with the without Outcome
Probabilities, Decision Trees, The Value of Information, Utility and Decision Making.
Unit 6:
Recent Trends in: Embedded and collaborative business intelligence, Visual data recovery, Data
Storytelling and Data journalism.
Business analytics Principles, Concepts, and Applications by Marc J. Schniederjans,
Dara G.
Schniederjans, Christopher M. Starkey, Pearson FT Press.
Business Analytics by James Evans, persons Education.
MTGT920 – 18 - Industrial Safety
Teaching scheme
Lecture: - 3 h/week
Unit-I: Industrial safety: Accident, causes, types, results and control, mechanical and electrical
hazards, types, causes and preventive steps/procedure, describe salient points of factories act
1948for health and safety, wash rooms, drinking water layouts, light, cleanliness, fire, guarding,
pressure vessels, etc, Safety color codes. Fire prevention and fire fighting, equipment and
Unit-II: Fundamentals of maintenance engineering: Definition and aim of maintenance
engineering, Primary and secondary functions and responsibility of maintenance department,
Types of maintenance, Types and applications of tools used for maintenance, Maintenance cost
& its relation with replacement economy, Service life of equipment.
Unit-III: Wear and Corrosion and their prevention: Wear- types, causes, effects, wear reduction
methods, lubricants-types and applications, Lubrication methods, general sketch, working and
applications, (i) Screw down grease cup, (ii) Pressure grease gun,( iii). Splash lubrication, (iv).
Gravity lubrication, (v). Wick feed lubrication (vi). Side feed lubrication, (vii). Ring lubrication,
Definition, principle and factors affecting the corrosion. Types of corrosion, corrosion prevention
Unit-IV: Fault tracing: Fault tracing-concept and importance, decision tree concept, need and
applications, sequence of fault finding activities, show as decision tree, draw decision tree for
problems in machine tools, hydraulic, pneumatic, automotive, thermal and electrical equipment’s
like, (i). Any one machine tool,( ii). Pump (iii). Air compressor, (iv). Internal combustion engine,
(v) Boiler, (vi). Electrical motors. Types of faults in machine tools and their general causes.
Unit-V: Periodic and preventive maintenance: Periodic inspection-concept and need, degreasing,
cleaning and repairing schemes, overhauling of mechanical components, overhauling of
electrical motor, common troubles and remedies of electric motor, repair complexities and its
use, definition, need, steps and advantages of preventive maintenance. Steps/procedure for
periodic and preventive maintenance of: I. Machine tools, ii. Pumps, iii. Air compressors, iv.
Diesel generating (DG) sets,
Program and schedule of preventive maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment,
advantages of preventive maintenance. Repair cycle concept and importance
1. Maintenance Engineering Handbook, Higgins & Morrow, Da Information Services.
2. Maintenance Engineering, H. P. Garg, S. Chand and Company.
3. Pump-hydraulic Compressors, Audels, Mcgrew Hill Publication.
4. Foundation Engineering Handbook, Winterkorn, Hans, Chapman & Hall London.
MTGT921 – 18 - Operations Research
Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/week
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
1. Students should able to apply the dynamic programming to solve problems of discreet and
continuous variables.
2. Students should able to apply the concept of non-linear programming
3. Students should able to carry out sensitivity analysis
4. Student should able to model the real world problem and simulate it.
Syllabus Contents:
Unit 1:
Optimization Techniques, Model Formulation, models, General L.R Formulation, Simplex
Techniques, Sensitivity Analysis, Inventory Control Models.
Unit 2
Formulation of a LPP - Graphical solution revised simplex method - duality theory - dual
simplex method - sensitivity analysis - parametric programming.
Unit 3:
Nonlinear programming problem - Kuhn-Tucker conditions min cost flow problem - max flow
problem - CPM/PERT.
Unit 4
Scheduling and sequencing - single server and multiple server models - deterministic inventor
ymodels - Probabilistic inventory control models - Geometric Programming.
Unit 5
Competitive Models, Single and Multi-channel Problems, Sequencing Models, Dynamic
Programming, Flow in Networks, Elementary Graph Theory, Game Theory Simulation
1. H.A. Taha, Operations Research, An Introduction, PHI, 2008
2. H.M. Wagner, Principles of Operations Research, PHI, Delhi, 1982.
3. J.C. Pant, Introduction to Optimisation: Operations Research, Jain Brothers, Delhi, 2008
4. Hitler Libermann Operations Research: McGraw Hill Pub. 2009
5. Pannerselvam, Operations Research: Prentice Hall of India 2010
6. Harvey M Wagner, Principles of Operations Research: Prentice Hall of India 2010
Open Elective
MTGT922 – 18 - Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Teaching scheme
Lecture: - 3 h/week
Introduction and Overview of the Strategic Cost Management Process Cost concepts in decision-making;
Relevant cost, Differential cost, Incremental cost and Opportunity cost. Objectives of a Costing System;
Inventory valuation; Creation of a Database for operational control; Provision of data for Decision-
Project: meaning, Different types, why to manage, cost overruns centres, various stages of project
execution: conception to commissioning. Project execution as conglomeration of technical and non
technical activities. Detailed Engineering activities. Pre project execution main clearances and documents
Project team: Role of each member. Importance Project site: Data required with significance. Project
contracts. Types and contents. Project execution Project cost control. Bar charts and Network diagram.
Project commissioning: mechanical and process
Cost Behavior and Profit Planning Marginal Costing; Distinction between Marginal Costing and
Absorption Costing; list Break-even Analysis, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Various decision-making
problems. Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. Pricing strategies: Pareto Analysis. Target costing,
Life Cycle Costing. Costing of service sector. Just-in-time approach, Material Requirement Planning,
Enterprise Resource Planning, Total Quality Management and Theory of constraints. Activity-Based Cost
Management, Bench Marking; Balanced Score Card and Value-Chain Analysis. Budgetary Control;
Flexible Budgets; Performance budgets; Zero-based budgets. Measurement of Divisional profitability
pricing decisions including transfer pricing. Quantitative techniques for cost management, Linear
Programming, PERT/CPM, Transportation problems, Assignment problems, Simulation,
Learning Curve Theory.
1. Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Charles T. Horngren and George Foster, Advanced Management Accounting
3. Robert S Kaplan Anthony A. Alkinson, Management & Cost Accounting
4. Ashish K. Bhattacharya, Principles & Practices of Cost Accounting A. H. Wheeler publisher
5. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd.
Open Elective
MTGT923 – 18 - Composite Materials
Teaching scheme
Lecture: - 3 h/week
Advantages and application of composites. Functional requirements of reinforcement and matrix.
Effect of reinforcement (size, shape, distribution, volume fraction) on overall composite
1. Material Science and Technology – Vol. 13 – Composites by R.W.Cahn – VCH, West
2. Materials Science and Engineering, An introduction. WD Callister, Jr., Adapted by R.
Balasubramaniam, John Wiley & Sons, NY, Indian edition, 2007.
1. Hand Book of Composite Materials-ed-Lubin.
2. Composite Materials – K.K.Chawla.
3. Composite Materials Science and Applications – Deborah D.L. Chung.
4. Composite Materials Design and Applications – Danial Gay, Suong V. Hoa, and Stephen W.
Open Elective
MTGT924 – 18 - Waste to Energy
Teaching scheme
Lecture: - 3 h/week
Unit-I: Introduction to Energy from Waste: Classification of waste as fuel – Agro based, Forest
residue, Industrial waste - MSW – Conversion devices – Incinerators, gasifiers, digesters
Unit-II: Biomass Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis – Types, slow fast – Manufacture of charcoal – Methods -
Yields and application – Manufacture of pyrolytic oils and gases, yields and applications.
Unit-III: Biomass Gasification: Gasifiers – Fixed bed system – Downdraft and updraft gasifiers
–Fluidized bed gasifiers – Design, construction and operation – Gasifier burner arrangement for
thermal heating – Gasifier engine arrangement and electrical power – Equilibrium and kinetic
consideration in gasifier operation.
Unit-IV: Biomass Combustion: Biomass stoves – Improved chullahs, types, some exotic
designs, Fixed bed combustors, Types, inclined grate combustors, Fluidized bed combustors,
Design, construction and operation - Operation of all the above biomass combustors.
Unit-V: Biogas: Properties of biogas (Calorific value and composition) - Biogas plant
and status - Bio energy system - Design and constructional features - Biomass resources and
their classification - Biomass conversion processes - Thermo chemical conversion - Direct
combustion -biomass gasification - pyrolysis and liquefaction - biochemical conversion -
anaerobic digestion -Types of biogas Plants – Applications - Alcohol production from biomass -
Bio diesel production -Urban waste to energy conversion - Biomass energy programme in India.
1. Non Conventional Energy, Desai, Ashok V., Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1990.
2. Biogas Technology - A Practical Hand Book - Khandelwal, K. C. and Mahdi, S. S., Vol. I &
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983.
3. Food, Feed and Fuel from Biomass, Challal, D. S., IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1991.
4. Biomass Conversion and Technology, C. Y. WereKo-Brobby and E. B. Hagan, John Wiley &
Sons, 1996.
Course objectives:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand that how to improve your writing skills and level of readability
2. Learn about what to write in each section
3. Understand the skills needed when writing a Title
Ensure the good quality of paper at very first-time submission
Unit 1:Planning and Preparation, Word Order, Breaking up long sentences, Structuring
Paragraphs and Sentences, Being Concise and Removing Redundancy, Avoiding Ambiguity and
Vagueness (4 Hours)
Unit 2: Clarifying Who Did What, Highlighting Your Findings, Hedging and Criticising,
Paraphrasing and Plagiarism, Sections of a Paper, Abstracts. Introduction (4 Hours)
Unit 3: Review of the Literature, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, The Final Check.
Unit 4: Key skills are needed when writing a Title, key skills are needed when writing an
Abstract, key skills are needed when writing an Introduction, skills needed when writing a
Review of the Literature, (4 Hours)
Unit 5: Skills are needed when writing the Methods, skills needed when writing the Results,
skills are needed when writing the Discussion, and skills are needed when writing the
Conclusions (4 Hours)
Unit 6: Useful phrases, how to ensure paper is as good as it could possibly be the first- time
submission (4 Hours)
Suggested Studies:
1. Goldbort R (2006) Writing for Science, Yale University Press (available on Google Books)
2. Day R (2006) How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press
3.Highman N (1998), Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, SIAM.High
man’sbook .
4. Adrian Wallwork , English for Writing Research Papers, Springer New York Dordrecht
Heidelberg London, 2011
Course Objectives: -Students will be able to:
1. Learn to demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts in disaster risk reduction and
humanitarian response.
2. Critically evaluate disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response policy and practice from
multiple perspectives.
3. Develop an understanding of standards of humanitarian response and practical relevance in
Specific types of disasters and conflict situations.
4. Critically understand the strengths and weaknesses of disaster management approaches,
planning and programming in different countries, particularly their home country or the countries
they work in.
Disaster: Definition, Factors and Significance; Difference Between Hazard and Disaster; Natural
and Manmade Disasters: Difference, Nature, Types and Magnitude.
Repercussions of Disasters and Hazards: Economic Damage, Loss of Human and Animal Life,
Destruction of Ecosystem. Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Volcanisms, Cyclones, Tsunamis,
Floods, Droughts and Famines, Landslides and Avalanches, Man-made disaster: Nuclear Reactor
Meltdown, Industrial Accidents, Oil Slicks and Spills, Outbreaks of Disease and Epidemics, War
and Conflicts.
Disaster Prone Areas in India
Study of Seismic Zones; Areas Prone to Floods and Droughts, Landslides And Avalanches;
Areas Prone To Cyclonic And Coastal Hazards With Special Reference To Tsunami; Post-
Disaster Diseases And Epidemics
Disaster Preparedness and Management
Preparedness: Monitoring of Phenomena Triggering A Disaster or Hazard; Evaluation of Risk:
Application of Remote Sensing, Data from Meteorological and Other Agencies, Media Reports:
Governmental and Community Preparedness.
Risk Assessment
Disaster Risk: Concept and Elements, Disaster Risk Reduction, Global and National Disaster
Risk Situation. Techniques of Risk Assessment, Global Co-Operation InRisk Assessment And
Warning, People’s Participation In Risk Assessment. Strategies for Survival.
Disaster Mitigation
Meaning, Concept and Strategies of Disaster Mitigation, Emerging Trends in Mitigation.
Structural Mitigation and Non-Structural Mitigation, Programs of Disaster Mitigation in India.
1. R. Nishith, Singh AK, “Disaster Management in India: Perspectives, issues and strategies
“’NewRoyal book Company.
2. Sahni, PardeepEt.Al. (Eds.),” Disaster Mitigation Experiences And Reflections”, Prentice Hall
OfIndia, New Delhi.
3. Goel S. L. , Disaster Administration And Management Text And Case Studies” ,Deep &Deep
Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Course Objectives
1. To get a working knowledge in illustrious Sanskrit, the scientific language in the world
2. Learning of Sanskrit to improve brain functioning
3. Learning of Sanskrit to develop the logic in mathematics, science & other subjects
enhancing the memory power
4. The engineering scholars equipped with Sanskrit will be able to explore the
huge knowledge from ancient literature
Unit 1
Alphabets in Sanskrit,
Past/Present/Future Tense,
Simple Sentences
Unit 2
Introduction of roots
Technical information about Sanskrit Literature
Unit 3
Technical concepts of Engineering-Electrical, Mechanical,
Architecture, Mathematics
Suggested reading
Local Administration:
District’s Administration head: Role and Importance,
Municipalities: Introduction, Mayor and role of Elected Representative, CEO of
Municipal Corporation.
Pachayati raj: Introduction, PRI: Zila Pachayat.
Elected officials and their roles, CEO Zila Pachayat: Position and role.
Block level: Organizational Hierarchy (Different departments),
Village level: Role of Elected and Appointed officials,
Importance of grass root democracy
Unit 6 (4 Hours)
Election Commission:
Election Commission: Role and Functioning.
Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners.
State Election Commission: Role and Functioning.
Institute and Bodies for the welfare of SC/ST/OBC and women.
Suggested reading
1. The Constitution of India, 1950 (Bare Act), Government Publication.
2. Dr. S. N. Busi, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar framing of Indian Constitution, 1st Edition, 2015.
3. M. P. Jain, Indian Constitution Law, 7th Edn., Lexis Nexis, 2014.
4. D.D. Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis, 2015.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Discuss the growth of the demand for civil rights in India for the bulk of Indians before the
arrival of Gandhi in Indian politics.
2. Discuss the intellectual origins of the framework of argument that informed thenceptualization
of social reforms leading to revolution in India.
3. Discuss the circumstances surrounding the foundation of the Congress Socialist Party [CSP]
under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru and the eventual failure of the proposal of direct
elections through adult suffrage in the Indian Constitution.
4. Discuss the passage of the Hindu Code Bill of 1956.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
1. Review existing evidence on the review topic to inform programme design and policy
making undertaken , other agencies and researchers.
2. Identify critical evidence gaps to guide the development.
Unit 1 ( 4 Hours)
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to understand:
1. What pedagogical practices are being used by teachers in formal and informal classrooms in
Developing countries?
2. What is the evidence on the effectiveness of these pedagogical practices, in what conditions,
and with what population of learners?
3. How can teacher education (curriculum and practicum) and the school curriculum and
guidance materials best support effective pedagogy?
Course Objectives
1. To achieve overall health of body and mind
2. To overcome stress
Unit 1 (8 Hours)
Definitions of Eight parts of yog. ( Ashtanga )
Unit 2 (8 Hours)
Yam and Niyam.
Do`s and Don’t’s in life.
i) Ahinsa, satya, astheya, bramhacharya and aparigraha
ii) Shaucha, santosh, tapa, swadhyay, ishwarpranidhan
Unit 3 (8 Hours)
Asan and Pranayam
i) Various yog poses and their benefits for mind & body
ii)Regularization of breathing techniques and its effects-Types of pranayam
Suggested reading
1. ‘Yogic Asanas for Group Training-Part-I” :Janardan Swami Yogabhyasi Mandal, Nagpur
2. “Rajayoga or conquering the Internal Nature” by Swami Vivekananda, AdvaitaAshrama
(Publication Department), Kolkata
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Develop healthy mind in a healthy body thus improving social health also
2. Improve efficiency.
Course Objectives
1. To learn to achieve the highest goal happily
2. To become a person with stable mind, pleasing personality and determination
3. To awaken wisdom in students
Unit 1 (8 Hours)
Neetisatakam-Holistic development of personality
Verses- 19,20,21,22 (wisdom)
Verses- 29,31,32 (pride & heroism)
Verses- 26,28,63,65 (virtue)
Verses- 52,53,59 (dont’s)
Verses- 71,73,75,78 (do’s)
Unit 2 (8 Hours)
Approach to day to day work and duties.
Shrimad BhagwadGeeta: Chapter 2-Verses 41, 47,48,
Chapter 3-Verses 13, 21, 27, 35, Chapter 6-Verses 5,13,17,
23, 35,
Chapter 18-Verses 45, 46, 48.
Unit 3 (8 Hours)
Statements of basic knowledge.
Shrimad BhagwadGeeta: Chapter2-Verses 56, 62, 68
Chapter 12 -Verses 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18
Personality of Role model. Shrimad BhagwadGeeta:
Chapter2-Verses 17, Chapter 3-Verses 36,37,42,
Chapter 4-Verses 18, 38,39
Chapter18 – Verses 37,38,63
Suggested reading
1. “Srimad Bhagavad Gita” by Swami SwarupanandaAdvaita Ashram (Publication
Department), Kolkata
2. Bhartrihari’s Three Satakam (Niti-sringar-vairagya) by P.Gopinath,
Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthanam, New Delhi.
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to
1. Study of Shrimad-Bhagwad-Geeta will help the student in developing his personality and
achievethe highest goal in life
2. The person who has studied Geeta will lead the nation and mankind to peace and prosperity
3. Study of Neetishatakam will help in developing versatile personality of students.