Accesorios Fujifilm
Accesorios Fujifilm
Accesorios Fujifilm
To ensure safe operation, follow the instructions in the manual when handling the instruments.
*The appearance and specifications of the products in this catalog may be subject to change without notice. SGE-053-00
Reliable, accurate and designed for quality – Product Key
The FT Series Endoscopy Instruments use a system of abbreviations to indicate its function, design and
FUJINON's FT Series Endoscopic Instruments dimensions. The Product Key below is designed to help in choosing the appropriate instrument for every
A Product Model Name (Biopsy Forceps)
Today's endoscopy instruments are facing ever more stringent requirements for accuracy and reliability, BF 24 16 SF B External Diameter of Jaw (2.4mm)
A B C D C Length of Instrument (160cm)
safety and outstanding maneuverability.
D Type of Instrument (Standard Fenestrated)
FUJINON has worked to improve the function, specifications and variety of its instruments to meet the needs
of physicians. Biopsy forceps, injectors and other instruments have had their cutting edges refined to ensure
procedures that are both excellent and appropriate. SF Standard Fenestrated
Infection control has also been taken fully into account, with almost all instruments now being fully 4 BF Biopsy Forceps FN Standard Fenestrated with Needle
LN Long-diameter Fenestrated with Needle
T Three Prong
The FUJINON manufacturing environment has achieved both ISO9001 certification, the standard for quality B Basket
control awarded by the International Organization for Standardization, and EN46001 certification, the 6 GF Grasping Forceps A Alligator Jaw
WA W-shaped Alligator Jaw
European standard for quality control of medical devices. For doctors aiming to offer high-quality, safe
V V-shaped
treatment, FUJINON instruments are sure to prove a reliable assistant. TT Teflon Tube, Tapered Tip
8 IN Injector
MM Metal Tube, Metal Tip
ST Standard
9 WT Washing Tube
SP Spray
N Needle-shaped
S Papillotomy Knife Standard
10 DK Diathermic Knife
T・・G Papillotomy Knife Tapered (guide-wire compatible)
T Papillotomy knife Tapered
M Standard
RM Rotatable
H Standard
11 DS Diathermic Snare Hexagonal
RH Rotatable
E Standard
RE Rotatable
S Standard
15 CT Cannulation Tube C Cone
L Long Tapered
R Round
16 DC Diathermic Coagulater
S Spray
HB Standard
17 DP Diathermic Probe
HB2 Long-diameter
― Channel Washing Brush
18 WB Washing Brush ― Air/Water Channel Washing Brush
― Button Cylinder Washing Brush
2 3
Tip cups are now harder-wearing than those of
Endoscope Code Channel Effective length Remarks Autoclavable Endoscope Code Channel Effective length Remarks Autoclavable
BF1818SF 2.0mm∼ 1800mm ー ○ BF2416LN 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ー ○
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (EGD)
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (EGD) BF2416SF 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ー ○ BF2418LN 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
BF2418SF 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○ Duodenoscopes (ERCP) BF2418LN 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) BF2418SF 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○ BF2412LN 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
BF2412SF 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ー ○ Colonoscopes BF2418LN 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
Colonoscopes BF2418SF 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○ BF2424LN 2.8mm∼ 2400mm ー ○
BF2424SF 2.8mm∼ 2400mm ー ○ Bronchoscopes BF2412LN 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
Enteroscopes (Small Bowel) BF2430SF 2.8mm∼ 3000mm ー ○
Double Balloon Endoscopes BF1824SF 2.0mm∼ 2400mm ー ○
BF1812SF 2.0mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
BF2412SF 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
4 5
Designed for safe, reliable retrieval of foreign bodies.
23mm 30mm
33mm 35mm
・T GF23・
・T WA W-shaped Alligator Jaw
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable W-shaped grooves in the tip of these alligator forceps enables the retrieval of larger
GF1818T 2.0mm∼ 1800mm ○
samples of tissue during mucosal resection.
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (EGD) GF2316T 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ○
GF2318T 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) GF2318T 2.8mm∼ 1800mm Handle HA50 ○
GF2312T 2.8mm∼ 1200mm sold separately ○
GF2318T 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○
GF2323T 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○ Endoscope Code Channel Effective length Remarks Autoclavable
GF2325T 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○ Colonoscopes GF2323WA 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ー ○
Enteroscopes (Small Bowel) GF1824T 2.0mm∼ 2400mm ○
Bronchoscopes GF1812T 2.0mm∼ 1200mm ○
V V-shaped
Sharp v-shaped grooves in the tip permit the secure retrieval of foreign bodies that
B Basket
prove more difficult to grasp (i.e. coins, buttons, batteries.)
The basket maintains an appropriate level of tension and flexibility, ideal for retrieval
of slippery foreign bodies.
23mm 42mm 30mm 54mm Endoscope Code Channel Effective length Remarks Autoclavable
GF1818V 2.0mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
HA50 Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (EGD) GF2416V 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ー ○
・B GF23・
・B HA100 GF2418V 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable Duodenoscopes (ERCP) GF2418V 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
GF1818B 2.0mm∼ 1800mm ○ GF2412V 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (EGD)
GF2318B 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○ GF2416V 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ー ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) GF2318B 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○ GF2418V 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ー ○
GF2312B 2.8mm∼ 1200mm Handle HA100 ○ GF2424V 2.9mm∼ 2400mm ー ○
GF2318B 2.8mm∼ 1800mm sold separately ○ GF1812V 2.0mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
Colonoscopes Bronchoscopes
GF2323B 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○ GF2412V 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ー ○
GF2325B 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○
GF1812B 2.0mm∼ 1200mm ○
GF2312B 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ○
6 7
In addition to the materials used for needle tips and Washing tubes use running water to clean away
Injector tubing, a range of needle diameters and lengths
allows you to choose the ideal combination for each
Washing Tube debris or mucus from the site of a lesion and its
surroundings, clearing the field of vision. This range
IN procedure.
These instruments are not pre-packaged sterile and
WT includes two types of spray tube for use with dye
sprays to highlight the shape and extent of lesions.
require autoclave or gas sterilization prior to initial use.
8 9
The lineup includes a wide variety of tip types and This lineup includes standard, rotating, and
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable
DK1821N4 2.0mm∼ 2100mm needle lengths 4mm ○ DS1816M 2.0mm∼ 1600mm ○
Handle Upper Gastrointestinal
DK1821N5 2.0mm∼ 2100mm needle lengths 5mm HA50D ○ DS2316M 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) Endoscopes (EGD)
DK1821N6 2.0mm∼ 2100mm needle lengths 6mm Connection cord ○ DS2323M 2.8mm∼ 2300mm Handle HA100D ○
sold separately
DK1821N8 2.0mm∼ 2100mm needle lengths 8mm ○ DS2312M 2.8mm∼ 1200mm Connection cord ○
sold separately
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) DS2323M 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
DS2325M 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○
The tapered tip makes this an appropriate papillotomy knife for cases of papillary
constriction or diverticulitis.
30mm 20mm
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable DS23・
・・・ DS18・
DK1821T20 2.0mm∼ 2100mm cutting lengths 20mm ○
DK1821T25 2.0mm∼ 2100mm cutting lengths 25mm Handle ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) HA50D
DK1821T30 2.0mm∼ 2100mm cutting lengths 30mm ○
Connection cord
DK1821T40 2.0mm∼ 2100mm cutting lengths 40mm sold separately ○
DK2221T30G* 2.8mm∼ 2100mm cutting lengths 30mm ○
(guide-wire compatible)
10 11
H Hexagonal - Standard E Elliptical - Standard
The hexagonal loop opens evenly on both sides, enabling the diameter of the loop to For excizing any size of polyp.
be adjusted exactly as envisioned by the operator.
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable
DS1816H 2.0mm∼ 1600mm ○ DS1816E 2.0mm∼ 1600mm ○
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes
DS2316H 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ○ DS2316E 2.8mm∼ 1600mm Handle HA100D ○
DS2323H 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○ DS2323E 2.8mm∼ 2300mm Connection cord ○
Handle HA100D
Double Balloon Endoscopes DS1824H 2.0mm∼ 2400mm ○ sold separately
Connection cord DS2323E 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
DS2323H 2.8mm∼ 2300mm sold separately Duodenoscopes (ERCP)
○ DS2325E 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○
Colonoscopes DS2325H 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○
DS2312H 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ○
RE Elliptical - Rotatable
RH Hexagonal - Rotatable The wire loop can be rotated, making it simple to excise polyps whatever their location.
The wire loop can be rotated, making it simple to excise polyps whatever their location.
Loop diameter
30mm 20mm
・・・ DS18・
12 13
A 1,200-mm mandolin wire prevents the tube from folding
Cannulation Tube during insertion into the forceps aperture, and make it easier
to insert and more maneuverable than other similar products.
S Standard
An extremely versatile tube for routine use that enables the smooth injection even of
highly viscous contrast media.
C Cone
The conical tip of this tube makes it effective for the approach to a constricted or
accessory papilla. It is also effective for use in pediatric patients.
Handle HA50D (autoclavable)
L Long Tapered
This tube has a long, narrow tip that is effective for the approach to the accessory
1. Move the handle of the slider toward the insertion 2. Screw the handle onto the luer locking section of 3. Move the slider backwards and forwards to check
section.Insert the wire coupling. Tighten the slider the accessory. that the insertion section is firmly fixed to the
fixing screw, once the coupling is fully inserted. handle.
Handle HA100D (autoclavable)
Connection cord ACD-VL
14 15
Hemostatic procedures must often be carried out in Tissue excision and hemostasis can be carried out
Diathermic Coagulater emergency situations, and the cause and location
of bleeding is different in each case.
Diathermic Probe simultaneously, making these probes effective for
small-scale mucosal resections such as sessile
R Round HB Standard
An effective tool using high-frequency waves for coagulation and hemostasis of
bleeding from small blood vessels.
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable
DC1818R 2.0mm∼ 1800mm ○ Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes DP2316HB 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ○
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes
DC2316R 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ○ (EGD) DP2318HB 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○
DC2318R 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○ Duodenoscopes (ERCP) DP2318HB 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) DC2318R 2.8mm∼ 1800mm Connection cord ○ Double Balloon Endoscopes DP1824HB 2.0mm∼ 2400mm Handle HA50D ○
Double Balloon Endoscopes DC1824R 2.0mm∼ 2400mm sold separately ○ DP2312HB 2.8mm∼ 1200mm Connection cord ○
DC2318R 2.8mm∼ 1800mm DP2318HB 2.8mm∼ 1800mm sold separately
○ ○
Colonoscopes DC2323R 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○ DP2323HB 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
DC2325R 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○ DP2325HB 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○
Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable Endoscope Code Channel Total length Remarks Autoclavable
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes DC2316S 2.8mm∼ 1600mm ○ Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes DP2323HB2 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
(EGD) DC2318S 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○ (EGD) DP2523HB2 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
Duodenoscopes (ERCP) DC2318S 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○ DP2323HB2 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
Connection cord Duodenoscopes (ERCP) Handle HA50D
DC2318S 2.8mm∼ 1800mm ○ DP2523HB2 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
sold separately Connection cord
Colonoscopes DC2323S 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○ DP2323HB2 2.8mm∼ 2300mm sold separately ○
DC2325S 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○ Colonoscopes DP2523HB2 2.8mm∼ 2300mm ○
Bronchoscopes DC2312S 2.8mm∼ 1200mm ○ DP2525HB2 2.8mm∼ 2500mm ○
handle HA50D
Connection cord ACD-VL Connection cord ACD-VL
16 17
Brushes for cleaning off any debris adhering to the
Washing Brush inside of the channel. Choose the ideal brush for
the channel diameter and effective length of your
Accessories and
WB own particular scope.
Endoscope Code Channel Effective length Remarks Autoclavable Tip aperture Flexible section diameter of
Description Code Outer diameter Autoclavable
WB3218FW2 2.0∼2.8mm 1800mm ー × diameter corresponding endoscopes
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (EGD) EMR ST Hood DH-15GR Ф12.2mm Ф7mm 9.4mm∼10.0mm
WB4321FW2 3.8mm∼ 2100mm ー × ×
WB3521FW2 2.8∼3.2mm 2100mm ー ×
Duodenoscopes (ERCP)
WB4321FW2 3.8mm∼ 2100mm ー ×
Colonoscopes WB3521FW2 2.8∼3.2mm 2100mm ー × EMR ST Hood
Enteroscopes (Small Bowel) WB3530FW 2.8∼3.2mm 3000mm ー ×
Double Balloon Endoscope WB3224FW2 2.0∼2.8mm 2400mm ー × Placing this hood over mucosal resection incisions makes submucosal resection simple. It
Bronchoscopes WB3212FW2 2.0∼2.8mm 1200mm ー × enables reliable resection not only of horizontal but also vertical margins. The inside of
the incision can be observed through the scope, making safe incision possible. The high-
frequency knife can also be precisely controlled.
FW2 Air/Water Channel Washing Brush Description Code Outer diameter Tip aperture Flexible section diameter of Autoclavable
diameter corresponding endoscopes
A brush to clean the air and water channels of scopes in the 8 Series, including the ED-
EMR ST Hood DH-16CR Ф16mm Ф7mm 12.8mm∼13.5mm ×
450XT8, ED-450XL8, ED-250XT8, and ED-250XL8.
a b c
Endoscope Code Channel Effective length Remarks Autoclavable
AW channel washing brush WB2221FW2 ー ー For the 8 Series × M:Mucosa SM:Submucosa PM:Muscularis propria
d e f
18 19
Care and Cleaning How to clean cannulation tubes
1. 2. 5.
Cleaning Wipe off the surface with a piece of gauze
soaked in washing liquid.
With the cannulation tube immersed in washing
liquid, use a syringe to draw washing liquid up into
Remove the cannulation tube from the washing
liquid and rinse under running water (purified
the tube. water).
Warning If some time elapses between when instruments are used and when they are washed it may not be possible to 3. Clean the cannulation tube by using ultrasound. 6. Dry off the water with a piece of sterile gauze.
clean them adequately, and proper disinfection and sterilization may become impossible. Always clean 7.
4. Remove the cannulation tube from the washing Roll up the insertion section and seal it in a
instruments immediately after use. sterile pack.
liquid, and use a syringe to introduce washing liquid
Note Bending or folding may cause damage to the tip. Do not use excessive force. into the tube to flush it out.
* If jaws or prongs will not move because they are encased in debris, forcibly moving the slider may damage
the equipment. In this case, soak the jaws or prongs in warm water for a while, then move them gradually.
Ultrasound Cleaning
How to clean biopsy forceps
Carry out ultrasound cleaning at a frequency of 40 kHz for five minutes.
Follow the instructions that came with your ultrasound cleaning equipment.
After placing the sealed sterilizing pack containing the forceps inside the autoclaving equipment, Autoclaving time and temperature
put them into a metal instrument box for use in the sterilizer, and autoclave for the times and at
the temperatures given in the table on the right. (Placing the instruments directly into the Temperature Time
autoclave may cause damage.) For the conditions for sterilization, follow the appropriate
guidelines for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization, or the recommendations given by the Forceps 134℃ 3 minutes
manufacturers of the sterilizer. Follow your own institution's guidelines for autoclave sterilization. Tubes 134℃ 12 minutes
1. Wearing rubber gloves, use a sponge or brush 2. Operate the handle to open and close the jaws 3. Remove the forceps from the washing liquid When operating autoclave equipment, follow the instructions that came with the equipment or
to clean the biopsy forceps in a bowl filled with while the forceps are immersed, and use a and rinse them under running water. those supplied by the manufacturer. Snares 134℃ 12 minutes
washing liquid. washing sponge or brush to clean the biopsy 4. Dry off the water with a piece of gauze.
forceps. (N.B. In some autoclaves, the temperature while drying rises higher than the set temperature. In this case, turn the "Dry" switch off before use.)
Note Do not store in a place that does not meet the storage conditions, as this may result in malfunction. Rolling up
the insertion section into a diameter of less than 200 mm for storage may result in malfunction. Do not force the
insertion section in order to store it.
Humidity :30∼85%
(however, not in a state of condensation)
20 21
Scope Chart
Blue :200
Red :400 Series
EG-250PE2 EG-450PE5
2.2mm EG-250PE5 EG-410PE EN-450P5
EG-250HR2 EG-485ZH
EG-250WR5 EG-450ZW5
EG-250FP5 EG-485HR
EG-250FP EG-450WR5
EG-250D EG-450G
EG-201FP EG-450HR
EG-250HR EC-410MP
EG-410HR ED-410XL EG-200FP type13
2.8mm EB-250T EB-450T EG-410FP2 EN-200WM EN-410WM
ED-410MP EG-200HR EC-410MP
EG-450D EC-200MP EC-450DL5 type23 type23
Diameter of scope forceps aperture
EG-410D EN-450T5
EC-250MP5 EC-410WM
EC-250WM EC-485ZW
ED-250XL8 ED-450XL EC-250LP5 EC-450LP
ES-200ER ES-410WE EC-410HM
ED-250XL5 ED-450XL8 EC-250LP EC-450LP5
3.2mm ES-450WE5 EC-410D
ED-250XL ED-450XL5 EC-200MR EC-410HL
EC-200WM2 ED-420XL EC-200WM
ED-200XU EC-450WM5
EC-250WL5 EC-450WL5
EG-250D EG-450D EC-250WM5 EC-450WI5
3.7mm EC-250HL5 EC450ZW5/L
EG-250CT5 EG-410D EC-201WM EC-450ZW5/M
ED-250XT8 ED-450XT8
4.2mm EG-200CT EG-410CT ED-250XT ED-450XT5
22 23