BTB Earthing Transformers Int

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Our Solution. Your Transformers.

Earthing Transformers - Product Range

• Oil immersed & Dry-type (Cast Resin)
• Primary Voltage: 6.3 -77 kV
• Standard Ratings at 20,5 kV, Neutral
Current 2h Duty Cycle:
53, 67, 84, 105, 135, 169, 211, 266, 338,
422 A
• Connections: ZN, ZNyn

Reference Standards
• IEC 60076-1 and IEC 60076-6

Earthing Transformers
A return path for earth current is needed to protect a
system against earth fault currents. Earthing transformers,
sometimes also called neutral couplers or grounding
transformers, are used to create an artificial
neutral point in a three phase system, which
provides possibility for neutral earthing.

The primary terminals (1U-1V-1W) of the earth-

ing transformer are connected to the three-phase
electrical network and the earthing connection
is for instance made from neutral terminal (1N)
through an arc-suppression coil. The neutral point
(N) of the earthing transformer is energized with
phase voltage in case of earth fault in the electrical

The rated current and the fault time duration are key
design parameters for the earthing transformer when used
together with an arc-suppression coil.
General Standard Design

Our earthing transformers are naturally cooled and of her-

metically sealed design with corrugated tank. The insulating
liquid is inhibited mineral oil. Standard surface treatment
Earthing Transformers

according to C3 (ISO 12944).

The transformers can be installed both in- and outdoors

and they are designed to operate in an environment with
ambient temperature between -40°C and +40°C.

The transformers are easy to install thanks to plug-in bush-

ings and auxiliary wiring box for connection of signal cables.
For personal safety are the low voltage bushings of auxiliary
winding additionally equipped with protective covers.

The transformers are equipped with a top oil thermometer

including alarm and trip contacts. For additional safety is
the tank equipped with a pressure relief device.

Internal Electrical Design

Our earthing transformers are commonly made with one

Earthing transformer with auxiliary
winding being inter-star connected or also known as Zig- winding ZNyn-connected
Zag connection (ZN). The zero sequence impedance of such
a winding is normally quite low, but can be increased if the
purpose is to limit the earth fault current flowing through
the transformer.

Our design is flexible and we are able to design according to

specific requirements on for instance zero sequence imped-
ance or short circuit impedance if required.

Alternatively can we make the earthing transformers as two

winding design with star/delta-connection.

Optional Features

• Secondary winding for continuous auxiliary power

supply (e.g. ZNyn11)
• Multi-functional device for monitoring of gas, BTB Plaza has served as the marketplace for transformers since
temperature and oil level 2004. Our Finnish entrepreneur-driven company is known for
• Off-circuit tap changer for voltage regulation on its speed, flexibility and reliability.
primary side
• Improved surface treatment for environment with very
high corrosivity (environmental class C5-I in
accordance with standard ISO 12944)
• Fixed Petersen Coil with or without tappings

Our Benefits
• Flexible and custom made design to meet specific Choraeusgatan 13
customer requirements 68600 JAKOBSTAD
• Compact design and minimum need for maintenance
• User friendly - Easy installation

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