3 Marks - MT 2

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3 Marks

Unit 1
1. Give the classification of machine tools with respect to specimen & tool movement.
2. What are the different types of lathe machine? Explain any one.
3. Explain the different types of guide ways with neat figure.
4. What are the principal parts of lathe machine? Explain any two.
5. What is back gearing mechanism? Why it is used in lathe?
6. A lathe has four steps, the diameter of each being 90 mm, 130 mm, 170 mm and 210 mm.
the counter shaft pulley revolves at 100 r.p.m. the gears A, B, C, D have 16, 48, 16, 48 teeth
respectively. Find the various speeds of the spindle.
7. A shaft 2000 mm long has a taper of 1:150 for a length of 400 mm. The maximum
diameter of the shaft is 70 mm. Determine the minimum diameter of the shaft and the
amount of set over distance.
8. Determine the time required for one complete cut on a piece of work 650 mm long and
60 mm diameter. The cutting speed is 30 meters per minute and feed is 0.4 mm per
9. Draw a 9-speed changing all geared headstock mechanism and give the gear pairs from the
10. What is tail stock? Explain with neat sketch.
11. List different types of tool post and explain any one with neat figure.
12. Explain tumbler gear mechanism with neat sketch.
13. Explain sliding key mechanism with neat sketch.
14. What is Apron mechanism? Explain.
15. Explain half nut mechanism, used in threading operation with neat sketch.
16. Write down the functions of face plate, angle plate and mandrels used in lathe machine.
17. List out rests and explain any one with figure.
18. Which are the different types of operations carried out on lathe. Explain any two with
19. Explain taper turning operation by swiveling the compound rest method.
20. Explain knurling operation with neat figure.

Unit 2
1. How is the size of a drilling specified? What are the different types of drilling machine?
2. Discuss various types of boring machines.
3. Sketch and describe in brief of a radial drilling machine.
4. Explain “Twist Drill Nomenclature”.
5. Explain the sensitive drilling machine.
6. Explain the upright drilling machine.
7. What are the principal parts of drilling machine? State the functions of each.
8. Which are the different types of drill chucks? Explain any one.
9. Explain function of T-bolt and clamps with figure used in drilling machine.
10. Explain the working of plain vise with figure used in drilling machine.
11. State the function of V-block with neat figure.
12. Why angle plate is used in drilling machine? Explain with figure.
13. Explain the function of drill socket with neat sketch.
14. Give the difference between drilling operation and reaming operation.
15. Give the difference between reaming and boring operation.
16. Where and why spot facing operation is preferred? Explain with figure.
17. Give description of tapping operation with figure.
18. Give the difference between tapping and threading operation.
19. Explain of cutting speed, feed and depth of cut in drilling machine.
20. Explain machining time calculation for drilling machine.

Unit 3
1. Explain Machining time calculation with its formula on milling machine.
2. Described column and knee type milling machine with its figure.
3. Give classification of milling machine and explain any one.
4. Give the difference between plain and universal milling machine.
5. List out the principal parts of milling machine and explain.
6. Explain function of T-bolt and clamps used in milling machine, with figure.
7. Explain the working of plain vise used in milling machine with figure.
8. State the function of V-block used in milling machine with figure.
9. What is diving head? Explain any one with figure.
10. Explain end milling with neat sketch. Where it is applied?
11. Explain face milling with neat sketch. Where it is applied?
12. Give the advantages and disadvantages of down-milling process.
13. Give the advantages and disadvantages of up-milling process.
14. What is shank? Why taper shank is used in end milling?
15. Explain straddle milling operation with neat sketch.
16. Explain saw milling and form milling operation with neat sketch.
17. Explain cutting speed and feed for milling machine.
18. Give comparison of peripheral milling and face milling.
19. Write down safety measures required during milling.
20. Derive the equation of approach length for face milling cutter in milling machine.

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