Effectiveness of Advertisement
Effectiveness of Advertisement
Effectiveness of Advertisement
International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:8, No:12, 2014
Abstract—In today’s highly competitive, dynamic and
technology driven business circumstances, marketers are under
steady pressure to deliver the best. Organizations are continuously
improving and upgrading themselves to meet customer expectations
and demands. Technology has not only changed the way in which
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:8, No:12, 2014 waset.org/Publication/10000065
business is done in modern times but has also transformed the way to
reach out to target audience. Marketers have identified most recent
media options to communicate and convince potential customers.
Numerous scholars have studied the research domain of advertising
and have tried to recognize different measures of advertisement
effectiveness in context of various media. The objective of this paper
is to critically review accessible literature on advertisement
effectiveness in context of varied advertising media, recognize major
gaps in the literature and identify future research prospects on the
basis of critical analysis of literature.
Fig. 1 Classification of Advertisement Effectiveness Literature
Keywords—Advertising, Advertising Media, Competition,
Effectiveness Measurement. Hence, the purpose of present review paper is to understand
the concept of advertisement effectiveness and to identify
I. INTRODUCTION varied dimensions used to measure advertisement
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International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:8, No:12, 2014
modern business scenario and this study can help to identify placements measured it in terms of how well they were
major research gaps and future research prospects in the area remembered [15]-[17]. According to [15], effectiveness of
of advertisement effectiveness. placements depends on the extent of conscious processing of
the brand and its association in the memory.
III. ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVENESS: CONCEPTS AND ITS Russell [16] tested the effect of different levels of plot
MEASURES connection on brand placements while [17] in their study
The early scholars in the area of advertisement effectiveness revealed that execution style of placement had significant
focused on theoretical considerations and developed impact on the audience memory for the brand. Genre of the
conceptual frameworks to understand and measure movie where placements appear along with characteristics of
advertisement effectiveness [4], [5]. placements like the category of the brand placed, the mode,
Starch [4] suggested a conceptual framework to measure the the kind of actor, his/her role in the film and integration had
probable effectiveness of a series of proposed advertisements differential impact on effectiveness of placements [15]-[17].
before they are used while [5] examined three different aspects It is evident that explicit memory measures such as recall or
of effectiveness of advertising communication. Bendixen [1] recognition are used in majority of the studies [18]. Thus
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:8, No:12, 2014 waset.org/Publication/10000065
developed an advertising effectiveness model and some researchers the use of implicit memory in testing advertising
practical sets of propositions that relates to long-term and brand placement effectiveness is also proposed by various
consumer behavior and have profound practical implications researchers [18], [19].
for the management of the advertising function.
IV. TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS Measuring the Effectiveness of print advertisements is
Numerous researchers have examined the effectiveness of another area that has been widely researched [20]–[27].
TV advertisements with diverse perspectives [6]-[10]. Alpert Hanssens and Weitz [22] identified the specific characteristics
et al. [6] in their study measured the impact of repetition on of industrial print advertisements that are related to the
advertisement miscomprehension and advertisement effectiveness of advertising functions while [24] examined
effectiveness while [7] in their research focused on cross- influence of variety of factors such as size of an
national standardization of advertisements and measured the advertisement, number of colors used, the product advertised
effectiveness of TV advertisements targeted at Chinese and characteristics of the audience on recall and recognition of
Canadians in Canada. advertisements.
In a study, [8] compared the effectiveness of four telescopic Patterson and Richards [25] developed a structural latent
advertisements with advertisements for same products using variable model to determine the affect of newspaper
the traditional 30-sec TV commercial format and the advertisement characteristics while [26] identified the factors
infomercial format while [9] explored relative effectiveness of predicting the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement print
15 and 30 second TV advertisements using intermediate advertisements.
variable viz. advertising recall, liking and correct brand Keshari et al. [27] in their research explored the factors viz.
identification. In another study, [10] incorporated AIDA attractive visuals, believability, informational content,
model for measuring effectiveness of the TV advertisement relevance, memorability and persuasiveness that make service
for electric conservation in Isfahan city. print advertisement more effective. Table I summarizes major
research studies examined for the present review paper in
V. INTERNET ADVERTISEMENTS context of varied advertising media.
Scholars have also investigated the area of measuring
effectiveness of internet advertisements [11]-[14]. Newman et
al. [12] studied banner advertisement and web site congruity
effects on consumer website perceptions while [13] tested the
effectiveness of a mouse pointer image in increasing the click
through for a web banner advertisement.
Alijani et al. [14] explored various online advertisement
factors that affect the recall of online advertisements and
revealed that embedded videos, product price, product or
services itself and credibility are key elements that makes
consumers to recall online advertisements.
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Author [4] [20] [10] [5] [22] [23] [24] [1] [11]
Media Print Print Print Print Print Internet
Study Type Conceptual Survey Experimental Conceptual Survey Experimental Experimental Conceptual Experimental
Type of Click Through
Attention Aided Recall Precipitation Recall Attractiveness Ad Size Recall
Endorser Rates
Purchase Copy Testing
Interest Action Score Persuasion Readership Persuasiveness Use of Color Perceived Image
Intent Measures
Conviction Believability Reinforcement Credibility Type of Product Credibility
Suggested Product
Dimensions Memorable Reminder No. of Colors Recognition Familiarity
Action Bleed Recall
Ad Position
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:8, No:12, 2014 waset.org/Publication/10000065
Presence of
Ad Size
Author [18] [25] [29] [16] [30] [12] [31] [13] [32]
Media Film Print Print Television Television Internet Film Internet Print
Study Type Conceptual Exploratory Experimental Experimental Survey Experimental Experimental Descriptive Experimental
Click Through
Recall Ad Size Recall Recall Ad Length Recall Impressions Recall
Attitude Click Through Behavioral
Recognition Color Recognition Recognition Ad Frequency Recognition
Measurement Rates Intention
Attitude Attitude Type of
Logo Internet Usage Purchase Intention
Measurement Measurement Product
Suggested Consumer Purchase
Modality Recall
Dimensions Preferences Intentions
Purchase Plot
Involvement Recognition
Intent Connection
Ad Border
Author [19] [33] [9] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [27]
Media Film Television Television Film Film Television Print Print
Study Type Experimental Experimental Survey Experimental Survey Conceptual Experimental Experimental Survey
Type of Attractive
Recall Recall Recall Movie Genre Attractiveness Recall Source Likability
Placement Visuals
Mode of
Recognition Recognition Liking Repetition Credibility Recognition Source Credibility Believability
Suggested Choice Correct Brand Consumer Product-Celebrity Attitude Attitudinal Informational
Likability Recall
Dimensions Behavior Identification Attitude Match Measurement Responses Content
Consumer Brand Level of
Recognition Relevance
Attitude Execution Involvement
VIII. OBSERVATIONS, GAPS AND RESEARCH ISSUES different advertising media with reference to advertisement
Based on the review of available advertisement effectiveness. No generic ad effectiveness measures are
effectiveness literature, it is clear that most of the available.
advertisement effectiveness research studies are either Furthermore, majority of the researchers have explored the
experimental or questionnaire survey based. Students are area of advertisement effectiveness with two different
taken as sample audience in nearly all the researches which is perspectives viz. a) Dimensions on which Advertisement
not appropriate and thus a debatable issue. Effectiveness depends and b) Dimensions which are used to
It is also evident that majority of the studies are done in measure Advertisement Effectiveness. The survey of literature
USA, UK and other foreign countries. Typically in Indian leads to some important research issues which require
scenario, the subject of advertisement effectiveness has not attention from academicians and practitioners. These issues
drawn much attention of researchers. Also, the subject of are summarized below:
advertisement effectiveness is vague and perceived by varied Research Issue 1: Despite of numerous researches on
researchers in different ways. Different dimensions are used in advertisement effectiveness, debate exists over the clear
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International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:8, No:12, 2014
definition of advertisement effectiveness with reference to [9] K. Newstead and J. Romaniuk, “The Relative Effectiveness of 15 and 30
Second TV Advertisement”, Journal of Advertising Research, March
specific media. 2010, pp. 68-76.
Research Issue 2: Majority of the advertisement [10] B. Ranjbarian, A. Shaemi and S. Y. Jolodar, “Assessing the
effectiveness research is limited to the use of experimental or Effectiveness of Electric Conservation Advertisements in Isfahan
Channel Television”, International Business Research, Vol. 4, No. 3,
survey based research design. Can traditional research 2011, pp. 194-200.
methods viz. content analysis, case study method, NGT or [11] J. Hofacker and T. Murphy, “World Wide Web Banner Advertisement
Delphi technique be used to investigate the area of Copy Testing”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 7/8, 1998,
advertisement effectiveness? pp. 703-712.
[12] Newman et al., “Banner Advertisement and Website Congruity Effects
Research Issue 3: Advertisement effectiveness measures on Consumer Website Perceptions”, Industrial Management and Data
are product specific in context of different media in most of Systems, Vol. 104, No. 3, 2004, pp. 273-281.
the researches. Is it valid in Indian context? If yes, then for [13] K. Lees and J. Healey, “A Test of the Effectiveness of a Mouse Pointer
Image in Increasing Click Through for a Web Banner Advertisement”,
what kind of products with reference to a specific media. Marketing Bulletin, Vol. 16, 2005 pp. 1-6.
Research Issue 4: Even for a particular media, different [14] Alijani et al., “Effectiveness of Online Advertisement Factors in
researchers have used diverse advertisement effectiveness Recalling a Product”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol. 14,
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International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(12) 2014 3906 scholar.waset.org/1999.10/10000065
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International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(12) 2014 3907 scholar.waset.org/1999.10/10000065