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Aviation Management Page - 1
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The study intends to review important aspects in of Management in Aviation by taking
Emirates Airline as selected firm. The discussion improves knowledge on assessing
macroeconomic concepts that have been identified influencing the hypothetical economy.
Emirates have become one of the largest amongst organisation in the UAE; they are
engaged in the leisure industries, tourism, aviation and travel. Across 50 business sector, 50,000
employees are working with Emirates Group. In Arabian Gulf and the world, the group owns
biggest companies. They are leading since they own mastered in travel and tourism. Also Data
has worked by Emirates Airline.
Discussion (Task)
LO1: Computing GDP using distinct methods
LO2: Role of money in the economy and balance of payments and exchange rates
Role of Money
There are various functions perform by money, it service for economic development as a
standard value which is measured. It works as a store value that acts for deferred payments as a
standard. An important function of money is to distinguish the value of goods as the medium of
exchange. It is used to buy goods and services that contribute the development of monetary
economy (Guru, 2016, p.1).
Balance of payments
It determines in various markets, by referring to equilibrium in product market
depending on the supply and demand for goods. The market price decided when supply equalled
demand in the macroeconomics markets (Redpath, O'Connell, & Warnock-Smith, 2016, pp.4-5).
This balance is determined by the rate of interest and supply of labour market and loanable
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funds. The balance of payments determines by using basic analysis by determining inflation
(prices) and GDP (output).
Exchange Rate
In relation to price of one currency, exchange rate is determined. By the demand and
supply of the currencies in exchange rate markets it relate with the price of two currencies. These
can be used for determining domestic price and currency that varies from one another (Ibarra, &
Blecker, 2015, pp.1-2).
LO3: Economic Growth theory and its connection to inflation and unemployment
Many arguments have been proposed on reaching the responsiveness of growth to
inflation. Theories of economic growth analyse it’s the harmful effect of growth. The economic
growth theory is useful because it helps in accounting observed aspects, so inflation possesses
relation to economic growth theory as it built by persistent inflation. Mainly the bouts of
inflation are followed by economic growth by showing upward or downward trend. Therefore,
inflation with economic growth theory stays particular to it if constraints or issues arise. This
theory contributes in accounting a positive relation amongst the growth and inflation. On the
other hand, as at some point, there would be periods of the negative or low output of growth or
inflation rates, there may be the increase in the rate of unemployment. Evidently, a curve relation
appears at that time. Relation of economic growth theory help in assessing unemployment issues
as this concept gained prominence in understanding stagflation. Unemployment rises with
increase prices in some period due to which economies experience unemployment massively.
Therefore, the relation of growth theory with unemployment or inflation could understand by
review of Monetarist, Neo-classical, Neokeynesian, Endogenous growth or Classical growth
theories. It is because these theories contribute to making correlation with inflation-growth
respectively. It is considered as a recall for economies, which are because of its emphasis on
needs for saving, investor incentives to grow as it links with labour, land or capital. It provides a
model to link inflation with quantity theories that contribute to determining inflation or monetary
growth to assess its impact on capital accumulation (Aurangzeb, 2012, pp. 45-46).
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Task 1
Q1.Define GDP and two factors which inflate the GDP.
The monetary value of goods and service is measured by GDP (Gross domestic product),
which is produced in the state in some period and bought by the final consumer. It is composed
of service or good which is product and distributes in market and involves production by
nonmarket like education or defence service provided by the State regime (Mehmood, 2012,
pp.11-12). Two factors mainly inflate the GDP; one of them is the Nominal GDP that is
measured by real costs, which are unadjusted for expansion. One the other hand, there is Real
GDP that measures yield inconsistent dollars. Therefore, they help in evaluating economic output
annually which precisely compare with the past year. Since costs change from year to year, GDP
may change from year to year regardless of any changes in the Real GDP. Consequently, there
must be some changes in GDP as it reflects back to the adjustment in costs. Rising costs expand
GDP while falling costs flatten GDP. In this manner, to get genuine GDP, the operation must be
turned around. Since costs typically rise, GDP is emptied by the measure of the expansion to
touch base at genuine GDP. Consequently, it is frequently called the GDP deflator.
Income approach
S.No Rewards Amount
1. Corporate profits ($1220)
2. Personal savings ($480) depreciation
3. Net interest ($1348)
4. Compensation of emp. ($10592)
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The GDP could be 19304 but after eliminating depreciated amount it = 16924
GDP, in the Long run, is determined by the quantities of factors production and
technology which is available to institution and behaviour in labour market. It determines the
labour force by fraction employed. GDP in the short run is determined by the interaction of
aggregate demand (C, I, G, NX) with aggregate supply. Further, the GDP equilibrium also
depends on these two factors (Aggregate supply and aggregate demand). Wages and other few
prices do not respond to be changed in the economic situation in the short run period. For
maintaining this equilibrium, in some markets, there would be no quick adjustment in prices. It
creates period of surplus or shortage with sticky prices which are slow to sustain equilibrium
level. GDP equilibrium level is sustained without the stickiness of price for achieving potential
results and natural employment level. Conversely, the long run in an analysis of macroeconomic
is a period in which wages and costs are adaptable, during the long run the level of employment
may will to the Real GDP and natural level to potential (Nicita A, 2013, p.2).
• With the decrease that aggregate expenditure from the recession in the economy, at
that time businesses lead to cut their production, and this is known as cyclical unemployment
(Blvd, Suite, Davis, p.1).
a. Real and Nominal GDP for all the three years calculation
Real GDP
For 2006
(180*100) HATS + (150*104) BALLS = (100*60) BATS =$39600
For 2007
(200*100)= (200*104) +(100*60 =$46800
For 2008
(200*100)+(240*104)+(130*60)= $52760
Nominal GDP is always equals to Real GDP
For 2006
(180*100)+(150*104)+(100*60)= $39600
For 2007
(200*120)+(200*4)+(100*50)= $29800
For 2008
(200*130)+(240*4.5)+(130*50)= $33580
b. Calculate the growth rate in Real GDP between 2006-2008
46800-39600/39600*100=18.18% (change and growth between 2006-2007)
c. Calculate GDP deflator for all the three years.
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For 2006
For 2007
For 2008
In conclusion, the study has enlightened important macroeconomic aspects which are
necessary to sustain a better business approach. This will help in improving knowledge on
elements that are required to have the consistent development of the company. It includes the
analysis of a specific case to review needs of making substantial policies to sustain effective
economic growth. Moreover, it shows the importance of having adequate knowledge on skills to
manage an Aviation based company who’s working globally; it will help management to apply
better economic models in the context of the airline industry.
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