Ef3e Int Filetest 07b
Ef3e Int Filetest 07b
Ef3e Int Filetest 07b
7 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B Intermediate
Write a description of the school you go / went to
(140–180 words). Include the following information:
• a brief introduction: the kind of school, size, location,
your age when you went there, number of pupils in each
• homework, uniform, discipline, teachers
• subjects – favourite / least favourite
• your general opinion of the school – good / bad? Why?
Writing total 10
1 Listen to the conversation. Complete the 1 Answer your partner’s questions.
sentences with one or two words.
Now make questions and ask your partner.
1 The presenter says we all want to have __________
1 What / you find difficult at school?
and wooden floors.
2 Which / best subject?
2 It’s a good idea to __________ things you don’t need. 3 your school / strict? How?
3 Walls should be painted __________ colours to 4 you move house when / child? How many times?
make a room look bigger. Where to?
4 If we had larger furniture, the room would look 5 prefer studying alone / with friends / with one other
__________. person? Why?
5 Lots of colours and designs __________ can make a
room look crowded. 2 Listen to your partner talking about education. Do
you agree with him / her?
3 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree
2 Listen to five conversations. Tick (✓) A, B, or C. or disagree. Give reasons.
1 Where did Bob move from? ‘It’s easier to be happy living in a city than in the
A A small village to a big city ■ country.’
B The north to the south ■ Speaking total 15
C The centre of the city to the outskirts ■
Listening and Speaking total 25
2 Who was punished at Will’s school?
A Nobody ■ B A dishonest pupil ■
C Will ■
3 Where would Ted like to live?.
A In a first-floor flat ■
B In a flat in the centre of York ■
C In a flat with a view ■
4 What is new in the house?
A The roof and the fireplace ■
B The chimney and the cooker ■
C The curtains and carpets ■
5 What A level subject does Pete say is most
A Art ■ B Physics ■ C Maths ■
Listening total 10