Energy For Sustainable Development: Rishabh Abhinav, Naran M. Pindoriya
Energy For Sustainable Development: Rishabh Abhinav, Naran M. Pindoriya
Energy For Sustainable Development: Rishabh Abhinav, Naran M. Pindoriya
Opportunities and key challenges for wind energy trading with high
penetration in Indian power market
Rishabh Abhinav ⁎, Naran M. Pindoriya
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382355, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper briefly discusses the present framework and status of Indian power market and guides through the
Received 21 April 2018 possible adaptations to accommodate the growing renewable energy (RE) integration into the grid. The partici-
Revised 23 August 2018 pation of RE generators in the wholesale energy market would provide them a platform to optimally manage
Accepted 24 August 2018
their generation portfolio which would help them in compensating the high investment cost. The increased com-
Available online xxxx
petition in the market would eventually bring down the electricity price. The objective of this paper is to identify
an ideal framework and optimal bidding mechanism for RE generators (wind energy in particular) to maximize
Battery energy storage system the overall capital gain (social welfare) in the Indian power market. The inputs from various foreign electricity
Day-ahead market markets having high wind energy penetration have been considered. Recent studies suggest that battery energy
Electricity market storage system (BESS) can play a significant role in handling risks associated with the uncertainties in wind
Intraday market power generation and thus can help in maximizing the revenue for wind farm owners. It can also be instrumental
Power exchange in active/reactive power balancing which will further help in the frequency regulation. The paper probes into
Power market the combined wind and battery energy trading, and various bidding strategies in the day-ahead market
Real-time market wind energy trading
(DAM), intraday energy market, real-time balancing, and other ancillary markets.
© 2018 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Overview of electricity markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Institutional market agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Market players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Pricing mechanism and market settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Major electricity markets-RE trading perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Indian power market: present status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Power exchanges in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
RE Trading in Indian power market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Literature review on electricity market for wind farms integrated with energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Short-term electricity market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Reserve market and regulation market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Demand Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Major challenges in trading of large-scale wind energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Key findings and future directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Future directives for the framework of Indian power market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Abhinav).
0973-0826/© 2018 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
54 R. Abhinav, N.M. Pindoriya / Energy for Sustainable Development 47 (2018) 53–61
by selling the generated electricity either through the electricity in the Nordic and Baltic region in Europe, delivers both day-ahead and
markets or to the retailers or directly to the consumers through bilat- intraday trading, clearing, and settlement to customers, regardless of
eral power purchase agreements. size or location of generating units (Nord Pool, n.d.). There are more
• Consumers: They are the end users of the electricity. Consumers than 370 companies responsible for power production in the Nordic
can be further categorized into industrial consumers, commercial and Baltic countries which comprises hydro, nuclear, thermal, wind
consumers, and residential consumers. It receives electricity through and solar energy. Wind energy is an integrated part of trading in Nord
retailers. It may also purchase electricity from the electricity market, pool.
or by signing the bilateral contracts with producers. Additionally, In other European markets, RE sources are encouraged with some
a consumer may get some incentives by participating in demand favored incentives, like green certificates, feed-in tariff, premium-price
response mechanism by varying its electricity consumption as per mechanism, etc. (Wang et al., 2015). In EPEX, Germany, RE generators
the command of ISO. will keep receiving feed-in tariffs as long as they use energy storage
• Retailers: These generally include distribution companies. Retailers for arbitrage (Energy Policies of IEA Countries – Germany, 2013)
supply electricity to those consumers which do not participate in the whereas Switzerland and France provide fixed feed-in-tariff to RE
market directly. They purchase the electricity through bilateral con- sources (RES LEGAL Europe, 2017). In Belgium (BELPEX), RE sources
tracts with producers and/or through the participation in the market are provided two support schemes namely the Green Certificates
and then supply to the consumers. The objective of a retailer is to Systems and the Offshore Wind Compensation Scheme, (http://www.
buy electricity as cheap as possible and maximize the profit by selling, n.d.). In Italy (GME),
to its customers. RE sources have access to four different schemes: feed-in tariff,
green certificate market, investment subsidies and price-premium
Pricing mechanism and market settlement mechanism (Renewable Energy Policy Review, 2012). Stimulering
Duurzame Energie (SDE+) in Netherland provides the subsidy to re-
The pricing and settlement schemes differ for different electricity newable energy technologies (
markets and different market-products like DAM, IDM, and RTM. Pricing stimulering-duurzame-energieproductie-sde, n.d.).
mechanisms are based on the marginal cost rather than the average cost Despite receiving several incentives and promotions, the uncertainty
of production as the former is more economically beneficial (Greer, in the generation limits the trading of RE in the market. Unforeseen pro-
2012). A marginal price is the cost of incremental change in the electric- duction of RE due to meteorological conditions may lead to the system
ity generation. Usually, there are three types of pricing mechanisms unbalance if the scale of integration is very high. One pragmatic solution
popular around the world (Morales, Conejo, Henrik, Pierre, & Marco, to this is energy storage. Energy storage can also enjoy the additional
2014): benefit of participating in reserve and ancillary service markets.
Share 89% 5% 4% 2%
the operations of IEX as the case to understand the various products trading over the past 5 years in IEX (REC Data on Indian Energy
being traded and operational in the market. Exchange (IEX), n.d.). There has been a steady growth in the number
Energy trading in IEX is executed through the DAM and Term-ahead of participants in REC trading over the period. The price of solar REC
market (TAM). In DAM, participants can trade electricity in the market has significantly dropped down from Rs. 13,000 (approx. US$ 186) per
for any/some/all of the ninety-six 15-minute time blocks of the next REC in May 2012 to Rs. 3500 (approx. US$ 50) per REC in January
day beginning from midnight. Fig. 3 shows the timeline and trading 2015. Since then, it has maintained a firm price. The price of non-solar
process flow of DAM in IEX. On the other hand, in TAM, electricity can REC has also been brought down to Rs.1500 (approx. US$ 21.4) per REC.
be purchased or sold on a term basis for a period of 1 week in advance. The statistics show the stability and maturity of the REC market.
IEX also serves intra-days contracts which are operated through the However, these numbers are a fraction of the total market players
continuous trading process and serves as adjustment market. Apart involved in actual energy trading. The key point is that the RE certificate
from the physical electricity, IEX also provides the platform for trading is not actual energy product but an attribute of the green energy being
the incentive-based products such as to reduce the energy consumption traded in the electricity market on a monthly basis. This leaves a void
of various industries: Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts) and to in the Indian electricity markets which at present, do not allow RE
promote the RE-based generation: Renewable Energy Certificates trading on a short-term basis. However, RE trading can be incorporated
(RECs). More information on REC, ESCerts and IEX trading process can by providing the platform for ancillary services like reserve and regula-
be obtained at IEX website (Indian Energy Exchange, Products, n.d.). tion markets, and by adopting the better forecast tools and advanced
Out of the various incentives provided by the government to technologies.
promote RE sources in India, RE certificates are of special interest.
RECs can be either solar or non-solar based on the source of generation. RE Trading in Indian power market
IEX started trading RECs in around May 2012. As of May 2017, IEX has
sold an average of 675,839 non-solar RECs and 71,541 solar RECs per The traits associated with the REC and the electricity generated
month (between Jan-May 2017). Fig. 4–6 show the growth of REC from RE sources are sold or purchased separately. At present, only
Initial Bidding Matching
Margin Buy/Sell bids through/ MCP and MCV
Corridor & Funds
Check by registered members calculated
D+1 By By By By By
1400 hrs 1800 hrs 1730 hrs 1430 hrs 1400 hrs
2500 14
Non-Solar REC Solar REC Non-Solar REC Solar REC
2000 12
1000 6
500 4
0 2
Aug '12
Nov '12
Aug '13
Nov '13
Aug '14
Nov '14
Aug '15
Nov '15
Aug '16
Nov '16
May '12
May '14
May '16
May '13
May '15
May '17
Feb '13
Feb '14
Feb '15
Feb '16
Feb '17
Aug '12
Nov '12
Aug '13
Nov '13
Aug '14
Nov '14
Aug '15
Nov '15
Aug '16
Nov '16
May '13
May '15
May '17
May '12
May '14
May '16
Feb '13
Feb '14
Feb '15
Feb '16
Feb '17
Fig. 4. The growth of REC (No. of participants) over the years in IEX.
A renewable only electricity market has been studied (Taylor &
Mathieu, 2016) which aims at understanding the strategic behavior of
market under uncertainty. A modified market structure containing
day-ahead, intraday and real-time trading is discussed in (Ding, Hu, &
0 Song, 2015). It utilizes rolling stochastic optimization for obtaining the
Aug '12
Nov '12
Aug '13
Nov '13
Aug '14
Nov '14
Aug '15
Nov '15
Aug '16
Nov '16
May '12
May '14
May '16
May '13
May '15
May '17
Feb '13
Feb '14
Feb '15
Feb '16
Feb '17
clearing process while the objective of other level is to maximize the Demand Response
overall profit of WPP (Dai & Qiao, 2015). Stochastic programming is
used to model the uncertainties present in system operations consider- Demand response (DR) is a scheme where consumers or DR
ing various scenarios of wind generation and demand (Morales, Conejo, aggregators receive some incentives for shifting their load consump-
Liu, & Zhong, 2012). The uncertainty present in wind forecast can also tions from the period of peak-demand or high price to off-peak or
be addressed by clustering techniques (González-Aparicio & Zucker, low-price period. This helps system operators in reducing peak load,
2015), Markov probabilities (Bathurst, Weatherill, & Strbac, 2002) or load leveling, and even in maintaining grid reliability. DR can also be
by probabilistic forecast (Pinson, Chevallier, & Kariniotakis, 2007). utilized to provide balancing services in the real-time market as it can
The uncertainty in production can be eliminated by a balancing provide much faster (5 min) balancing services than the conventional
mechanism but relying much on balancing may deteriorate the profit- generators (15–20 min) (Conejo & Morales, 2010). A technical overview
ability of the WPPs. In (Morales, Conejo, & Perez-Ruiz, 2010), the of real-time markets integrated with DR and distributed energy re-
authors proposed a bidding strategy for WPP as a linear optimization sources (DER) has presented in (Wang et al., 2015).
problem which reduces the risk in the market without much reduction DR aggregators can coordinate with WPPs to participate in DA
in the profit. Several other literatures (Matevosyan & Soder, 2006; Vilim market (Asensio & Contreras, 2017). The optimal decision making for
& Botterud, 2014; Giannitrapani, Paoletti, Vicino, & Zarrilli, 2016) repre- biding under the uncertainties is achieved by adding a condition value
sent bidding strategies and market clearing mechanisms as stochastic at risk (CVaR) term in stochastic modeling. In (Aalami & Nojavan,
models. 2016), the authors have implemented mixed-integer linear program-
ming wherein the ESS and DR programs are integrated into the stochas-
Reserve market and regulation market tic energy procurement problem (SEPP). It simplifies the decision
making of large electricity consumers for minimizing the cost of elec-
The demand for the reserve is likely to rise with the increasing tricity purchase considering the uncertainty in load, electricity price,
penetration of non-dispatchable producers. Under the scenario of high and output power of RE sources.
wind penetration, WPPs must act like conventional generators to Table 1 presents the summary of the literature survey.
provide frequency regulation. The coordination of wind farms with
BESS is greatly matched for such circumstances. The wind farm-battery Major challenges in trading of large-scale wind energy
hybrid system can be treated as a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) which can
offer its energy capacity in the day-ahead regulation market in order to Following challenges can be brought forward in the way of integrat-
provide frequency regulation (He, Chen, Kang, Xia, & Poolla, 2017). ing large-scale wind energy and their trading in electricity market:
BESS can be also utilized to shift the wind power production from
the off-peak period to on-peak period and to mitigate the ramp rate • Due to its intermittent nature, large-scale integration of wind may
of the wind farms. Hence it is well suited to participate in the energy lead to larger load-generation imbalance. In order to safeguard the
market as an operating reserve. An NA-S battery system was utilized power system operations, these variations have to be accommodated
to achieve similar goals in (Tewari & Mohan, 2013), presenting a by the conventional generators which will disrupt their dispatch
case study in MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) DA schedule. This may lead to the conventional power plants to operate
market. The authors in (Silva-Monroy & Watson, 2014) used lead-acid in an inefficient way with lower capacity utilization.
battery storage to develop a market management system (MMS) com- • In DAM, the market clearing price (MCP) and the market clearing
prising of DAM clearing processes, unit commitment, economic dis- volume (MCV) are decided much in advance of the physical delivery.
patch, and ancillary services. A number of privately-owned energy Due to the uncertain production of wind power, WPPs may not be
storage operators can aggregate together and may offer energy and able to deliver the amount they promised in day-ahead. Deviation
reserve in DA and intra-day markets as discussed in (Akhavan-Hejazi from the scheduled delivery is penalized in several markets. This
& Mohsenian-Rad, 2014). escalates the risk of losing profit in the day-ahead market.
One of the other attractive features of BESS is exploiting the arbitrage • The wind power production and demands are not often correlated. It
opportunities wherein energy can be stored in the battery when elec- means that the peak of wind power generation and peak demand may
tricity price is low and can be sold later during the period of higher. A not occur at the same instance. This poses a challenge for load centers
linear optimization based robust bidding strategy for energy arbitrage to shift the duration of their peak electricity consumption to a period
which allows the battery to be charged only from wind-generated when there is high wind power production. This requires a well-
energy is proposed in (Thatte, Xie, Viassolo, & Singh, 2013). An adequate demand response mechanism.
Integrated Bidding and Operating Strategy are introduced in (Ding, • WPPs hesitate to participate in future markets due to their inability to
Pinson, Hu, & Song, 2016) where uncertainties in wind are modeled as guarantee the pre-determined amount of power during the future
probabilistic distribution, based on which the farm places the day- period. This increases the need for the reserve to wind generators
ahead bids. Here, the role of energy storage is limited to minimize which can be achieved by running the plant at lower than maximum
the imbalance in real-time operations. Another approach employing power point. This may result in low revenue as the plant is not utiliz-
stochastic programming makes optimal decisions to maximize the profit ing its full potential. Thus, the participation of wind generators in the
for energy storage under the uncertainties of DA and real-time markets short-term market must be supplemented with a reserve market.
(Krishnamurthy, Uckun, Zhou, Thimmapuram, & Botterud, 2017). • The day-ahead bidding by a generator is considered as a delivery
State of the charge (SOC) of the energy storage plays an important obligation if it qualifies in the market. In case of wind generators,
role in planning the bidding strategy in DA market as SOC at the end the inaccurate power forecast may lead to the inaccurate bidding.
of the trading day is the initial SOC for the next trading day. A look- Hence, the optimal bidding strategy greatly depends on the day-
ahead technique is proposed in (Wang et al., 2017) which optimizes ahead forecasting. This requires better wind power forecast techniques
the energy storage operator's bidding strategy based on the battery with an objective of minimizing forecast error.
SOC for two days. • The uncertainties present in wind forecast can either represented as
Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEVs) with battery storage are of great multiple scenarios or as a stochastic process. However, the accurate
significance in regulation markets. Appropriate utilization of the PEVs representation of the system may result in nonlinear models which
in the market can considerably mitigate the imbalance in the power are not easy to solve. Therefore, the proper approximation is required
system and can also reduce the energy costs for PEVs owners (Hu, Su, in order to linearize the model and formulate a linear optimization
Chen, & Bak-Jensen, 2013). problem.
R. Abhinav, N.M. Pindoriya / Energy for Sustainable Development 47 (2018) 53–61 59
Table 1
Summary of the literature survey on wind energy trading in the electricity market.
Energy trading options Ref. no. Objectives Optimization technique Energy storage type Electricity market/test system
Short-term market (DA, 26 Planning and operation of combined Net present value (NPV) optimization Na-S battery Italian electricity market
Intraday, and RT Wind-energy storage system
Market) 27 Efficient energy storage dispatch for Mixed Integer Linear Programming Pumped storage Irish electricity market
electricity market (MILP)
28 Comparison of BESS and pump-storage Optimizing technical and economic Lead-acid battery APX Power UK
for wind farm applications performance and Pumped storage
29 Energy management for a wind-battery Model predictive control (MPC) Lead-acid battery Alberta electric system operator
hybrid system for market
30 Improving wind farm dispatch Na-S battery NSW electricity market, Australia
32 Optimal bidding strategy for Rolling stochastic optimization Pumped storage Prospective Chinese electricity market
33 short-term market Nash equilibrium based bidding – IEEE 24-bus reliability test system
strategy (RTS)
34 Bilevel stochastic optimization, MPEC
35 Stochastic Optimization
36 Reduction of wind power forecasting Clustering techniques – Spanish electricity market
37 uncertainties Markov process NETA, UK
38 Probabilistic forecast Dutch electricity market
39 Optimal bidding and risk reduction Stochastic optimization – Assumed electricity market in the U.S.
40 Optimal bidding and minimize the Nord pool
cost of imbalance (eastern Denmark)
41 Optimal bidding and capture relation Nord pool
between market price and wind power (western Denmark)
42 Optimal bidding strategy Italian electricity market
Reserve and 43 Cooperation between wind farm and Scenario-based optimization problem Vanadium flow PJM
regulation market energy storage for frequency regulation battery
44 Mitigate wind ramp-rate and reserve Optimal charging/discharging of BESS Na-S battery MISO
46 Operation of storage for energy and Convex optimization BESS IEEE 24-bus RTS
reserve market
47 Energy arbitrage Robust optimization, Monte Carlo Not mentioned Nord pool
simulation (western Denmark)
48 Stochastic optimization, MILP
50 Bilevel stochastic optimization, MPEC IEEE 24-bus RTS
51 Plug-in Vehicle as battery storage for Optimal charging/discharging of BESS Li-ion battery Nord pool
regulation (western Denmark)
Demand response 53 Optimal bidding for wind and Stochastic optimization, Monte Carlo – Hypothetical
demand response simulation
54 Effect of DR program and ESS on Stochastic optimization, MILP Not mentioned –
renewable generation
• The large-scale integration of wind energy could be greatly aided flexibility to the wind generators to participate in the electricity market.
by coordinated operation with large-scale energy storage facilities. In The uncertainties in the wind can be represented as numerous scenarios
addition to the smooth power output and load-generation balancing, which can be obtained using the available forecast. Based on the price
energy storage can provide reserve and regulation capabilities to forecast, planning for day ahead trading is made. To bid from the gener-
wind generators. However, the high cost of large-scale energy storage ator side, the investment cost of wind farm and BESS are considered.
will add burden to the initial investment cost. Production of low-cost The objective of the bidding strategy is to maximize the total profit or
ESS is still under development. social welfare from the sale of electricity in the day-ahead market.
• Wind power generation sites are typically far from the traditional load This can be mathematically formulated as an optimization problem
centers. This increases the burden on transmission infrastructure and with should satisfy the network constraints. The bids comprising of
hinders the smooth power transfer to the load sites. Thus, network bot- electricity prices and the combined power output of the wind farm
tleneck is a major barrier to the integration of large-scale wind energy and BESS for any/some/all of the 15-minutes time blocks of the next
resources. day are submitted to the market. Based on the appropriate calculations
considering available network corridors, market operator clears the
market and MCP and MCV are decided. The system operator then
Key findings and future directions sends the dispatch signals to the wind farm operators which in turn
inject the coordinated wind farm and BESS output power to the
Renewable power plants are non-dispatchable and the uncertainties grid as per the dispatch schedule. The wind farm owners are then paid
in the power generation are attributed to the availability of the underly- according to the bidding structure of the market (uniform pricing or
ing RE source. Wind power generation forecasting is not very accurate pay-as-bid).
due to variability in wind resulting in a deviation from the dispatch The day-ahead bidding strategy of combined wind farm-BESS can be
schedule, incurring penalties. This toughens for the WPPs to decide kept similar to that of a standalone wind farm. This means that the day-
the volume of wind energy to bid in the electricity market and therefore ahead bidding is solely based on the wind power forecast and the role
the trading of wind energy is risky. This uncertainty in wind increases of BESS is to minimize the deviation between the day-ahead offer and
the need for a backup to endure the unpredicted fluctuations of power real-time outputs. But utilizing the battery only to compensate for the
generation. imbalance in real-time operations may increase the risk of charging it
From the comprehensive literature survey, it has been observed at a higher price or discharging it at a lower price. This situation can
that BESS can improve the wind dispatchability and provide enough be improved by imposing constraints-based charging and discharging
60 R. Abhinav, N.M. Pindoriya / Energy for Sustainable Development 47 (2018) 53–61
of the battery at each interval. The risk in day-ahead trading can be • The inclusion of platform for demand response and distributed energy
further be reduced by participating in the real-time or the balancing resources in the current system will reduce the burden on existing
market. If the trading horizons are close to real-time operations, it electrical network and facilitate both, the supplier and the consumer.
would reduce the uncertainty in decision making by wind power pro- • If the Indian power market opens its door for ancillary services like
ducers enabling more efficient trading. However, the real-time market reserve market and regulation market, it will not only economically
prices are generally less competitive than the day-ahead and adjust- beneficial to wind power producers but also enhance the system
ment markets. Consequently, if WPPs become more dependent on the stability and security.
real-time market, its profitability may promptly shrink. Hence, gaining
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