Future and Scope of Wind Energy in India PDF
Future and Scope of Wind Energy in India PDF
Future and Scope of Wind Energy in India PDF
ABSTRACT: In the present paper we have studied the present scenario of power sector of India and need
for application of renewable sources for future shortage in power demands. Wind turbines do not need
any type of fuel, so there are no environmental risks or degradation from the exploration, extraction,
transport, shipment, processing or disposal of fuel. of all the renewables, wind energy dominates as an
immediate viable, cost effective option which promotes energy conservation and avoids equivalent
utilization of fossil fuels and avoid million ton of Greenhouse gas emission causing ozone depletion and
other environmental impacts like Global Warming. Carbon di-oxide emissions can be reduced on an
average 3.3million tons in a year by adding 1 GW energy of renewable origin like wind energy and
production of clean energy only by help of renewable energy sources, so it will help to minimize the
adverse effects of climate change in India.as we as globally.
Source –GWEC
There are a growing number of wind energy In consideration of unique concept, Govt. of
installations in states across India. By the end of Madhya Pradesh has sanctioned another 15 MW
January 2014, the states of India had a project to Madhya Pradesh Wind farms Ltd.
cumulative installed capacity of 20298.83 MW. MPWL, Bhopal at Nagda Hills near Dewas under
consultation from Consolidated Energy
Consultants Ltd. CECL Bhopal. All the 25 WEGs
have been commissioned on 31.03.2008 and
under successful operation.
Wind energy production state wise in India
Odisha a coastal state has higher potential for
(Source -MNRE)
wind energy. Current installation capacity
TAMIL NADU (7158 MW) stands at 2.0 MW. Odisha has a windpower
potential of 1700MW. The Govt of Odisha is
With peak wind power generation at close to actively pursuing to boost Wind power
7000 MW, Tamil Nadu is one of the wind power generation in the state. However it has not
hubs of South Asia. Tamil Nadu generates 40% progressed like other states primarily because
of India's wind power. Major districts with wind Odisha having a huge coal reserve and number
farms are Tuticorin, Coimbatore, Kanyakumari, of existing and upcoming thermal power plants
Thirunelveli and Tiruppur. is a power surplus state.
MAIN BARRIERS -CHALLENGES IN WIND in India till 2022. The wind energy market in
ENERGY AND MAJOR ISSUES India has been growing since the last many
years. The total installed capacity of the Indian
Initial cost for installations a wind turbine is Wind Energy market is 21136.20 MW. India
greater than that of conventional fossil fuel stands at the 5th Rank in terms of the total
generators per MW installed. Noise is produced installed wind power capacity just behind China,
by the rotor blades. and the energy production is USA, Germany and Spain. But the potential is far
fully depends on flow of wind, This is not from being utilized. It is estimated by the Indian
normally an issue in the locations chosen for Wind Energy Association that the Wind power
most wind farms. (Geographical structure of potential for all the states of India put together
India) There are some factors which may would be in the order of 1.5 GW. It can sustain
provide serious barriers to a scheme and a the growing needs of electricity of the Indian
barrier study is to address these and to inform consumers in a sustainable way. The report aims
the client of the development potential that is at providing the reader a detailed view of the
available. industry with the use of analysis frameworks
which help in identifying the political,
1. Examine average wind speed
economical, social and technical factors that
2. Review planning issues and land determine the scenario of the market and the
availability market forces prevailing in the industry. The
Key challenges faced by existing players and the
3. Assess external electrical system barriers for a new player entering into the
strength market, are also covered. The report also
identifies the role played by the central and the
4. Assess aircraft and radar interference state governments by analyzing the incentives
potential and subsidies offered by central and state
governments. This report also provides details
5. Report observations and conclusions
about risks associated with credit, policy and
technical factors in Indian wind energy market.
The report also has detailed company profiles
FUTURE AND SCOPE including their position in wind energy value
chain, financial performance analysis, product
Wind power is an affordable, efficient and and service wise business strategy, SWOT
abundant source of domestic electricity. It's analysis and key customer details for eleven
pollution-free and cost-competitive with energy companies namely Suzlon Energy Limited,
from new coal- and gas-fired power plants in Gamesa Wind Turbines Private Limited, Vestas
many regions. The wind industry has been Wind Technology India Private Limited, Wind
growing rapidly in recent years. The Ministry of World India Limited, Global Wind Power
New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has fixed Limited, Inox Wind Limited, Kenersys India
a target of 10,500 MW between 2007–12, but an Private Limited, Regen Powertech Private
additional generation capacity of only about Limited, GE India Industrial Private
6,000 MW might be available for commercial use Limited, RRB Energy Limited and LM Wind
by 2012.The MNRE has announced a revised Power Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd.
estimation of the potential wind resource in
India from 49,130 MW assessed at 50m Hub CONCLUSION
heights to 102,788 MW assessed at 80m Hub
height. The wind resource at higher Hub heights In the present paper we have studied the
that are now prevailing is possibly even more. present scenario of power sector of India and
India has set a target of achieving overall wind need for application of renewable sources for
energy installed capacity of 27,300 MW by 2017 future shortage in power demands. Wind energy
and 38,500 MW by 2022. As per NOVONOUS today plays a significant role in reducing
estimates, this creates an US$ 31.25 greenhouse gas emissions and can be rapidly
billion opportunity in the wind energy market deployed in the future. Each wind-produced
kilowatt hour (kWh) avoids a kWh created by Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (2009)
power stations burning coal, gas and oil - on 285–317
average 696 gCO2/kWh.Carbon di oxide doi:10.1016/j.rser.2007.10.004.
emissions can be reduced on an average
3.3million tons in a year by adding 1 GW energy 2. Earth Summit ’92, 1992. The United
of renewable origin like wind energy, so it will Nations Conference on Environment
help to minimize the adverse effects of climate and Development, Rio de Janeiro 1992.
change in India and also minimize the effect of
3. Mani A, Mooley DA. Wind Energy Data
global warming. The proposed target for 12th
for India, Allied Publishers Private
five yearly plans (year 2012 to 2017) is 15,000
Limited, New Delhi, 1983.
MW. Here in India, it is necessary to introduce
long-term comprehensive stable policies to 4. Justus CG. Wind Data Collection and
support and boost the necessary investments in Assessment, Proc. Initial Wind Energy
renewable energy. Data Assessment Study, Ashville, NC,
NSF-RA-75-020, Department of Energy,
Some facts:-
USA, 1975.
In 2011, wind power in the EU avoided
5. India wind energy outlook 2012,
the emission of 140 million tons (Mt) of
accessed at http://www.gwec.net/wp-
CO2, equivalent to taking 71 million
vehicles off the road.
In 2020, the 213 GW of installed wind
6. Draft of “The National Offshore Wind
power as planned in Member States'
Energy Policy” May, accessed at
National Renewable Energy Action
http://bit.ly/11vlu5e (2013)
Plans could avoid the emission of 316
Mt of CO2. This is equivalent to around 7. Centre for Wind Energy Technology,
three quarters of today's EU car fleet's Chennai, accessed at http://www.cwet.
emissions and 28% of the EU's tn.nic.in/html/information.html (2013)
greenhouse gas reduction effort for
2020 (20% reduction) 8. Press Information Bureau release on
August 14, “Connection of wind power
REFERENCES:- to grids” accessed at
http://bit.ly/13BOM4D (2012)
1. Ramachandra T.V. 2009. RIEP: Regional
Integrated Energy Plan, Renewable and