Evaluation of The Materials Damage in Gas Turbine
Evaluation of The Materials Damage in Gas Turbine
Evaluation of The Materials Damage in Gas Turbine
D. Nappini, G. Zonfrillo
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Via S.Marta 3, Florence, Italy
duccio.nappini@unifi.it, giovanni.zonfrillo@unifi.it
F. Mastromatteo, I. Giovannetti
GE Oil&Gas, Florence, Italy
francesco.mastromatteo@ge.com, iacopo.giovannetti@ge.com
ABSTRACT. Experimental indentations are carried out on items of two different materials, taken in several
location of various components from high pressure gas turbine rotor which have seen an extensive service. The
components object of investigation consisted in 1st and 2nd high pressure turbine wheels made in nickel-base
superalloy (Inconel 718), the spacer ring (Inconel 718) and the compressor shaft made in CrMoV low alloy steel
(ASTM A471 type10).
Aim of the work is to set up the capability of the instrumented spherical indentation testing system to evaluate
variations in the material properties due to damage, resulting from temperature field and stresses acting on
components during service. To perform this task load-indentation depth curves will be acquired in various
zones of the above mentioned components. The analysis of the results has allowed to identify an energy
parameter which shows a linear evolution with the mean temperature acting on the components.
H eavy-duty and aircraft-derivative gas turbines rotors for power generation and industrial applications are among
the most critical and highly stressed components of the plants and they are expected to reliably operate for a
period which may be in excess of thirty years. Over the turbine’s life the structural integrity of rotor materials
naturally declines when subjected to the harsh conditions of gas turbine operation; high temperatures exposure,
mechanical stress and startup/shutdown cycles result in the initiation and growth of flaws, which can eventually
compromise the machine’s safety and integrity.
Remaining life assessment methodologies employ a combination of traditional and high-tech non-destructive tools and
methods to evaluate the mechanical integrity of rotors; therefore, they can be used to confirm the safety of continued
operation or to recommend necessary restoration [1-4].
The measure of material’s mechanical properties are a fundamental task in safety design and lifetime assessment of
industrial components and among the in-field inspection and real-time monitoring non-destructive methods indentation-
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
based technique for materials characterization are a promising and attractive tool nowadays available in materials
engineering and science [5-9].
Instrumented indentation holds several advantages: they are inexpensive, non destructive and it does not require specimen
preparation; therefore, it may be used to investigate the material properties on small volumes, such as thin films, and soft
tissues on small scales by just one simple impression test.
Indentation tests can be used to probe hardness of materials, toughness, elastic modulus, elasto-plastic behaviour and
constitutive laws evaluation by different reverse analysis methods of indentation load-displacement curve [10-16].
Aim of the work is to set up the capability of the instrumented spherical indentation testing system to evaluate variations
in a gas turbine rotor material properties due to damage resulting from temperature field and stresses acting on
components during long time service.
To perform this task load-indentation depth curves were acquired in several location of various components made in
IN718 and CrMoV from high pressure gas turbine rotor. Conventional hardness measurements were also carried out, in
order to verify if a correlation can be obtained between these tests and indentations. Finally, whole results will be analysed
to assess the material damage.
E xperimental indentations were carried out using an instrumented indentation testing equipment developed by
University of Pisa, University of Trento and Scienza Machinale S.r.l, able to performs a maximum indentation
load of 2000 N - with a resolution of the order of 0.2 N - during the experimental tests. With this device it is
possible to investigate the behaviour of the hardest metallic materials. Indentations were performed via a spherical
tungsten-carbide ball having a diameter of 2.5 mm. The relative displacement between indenter and target was
continuously measured by two LVDT transducers ensuring an accuracy of 4 µm and a resolution of 0.2 µm. Tests were
carried out in displacement control at a speed of 1µm/s, thus ensuring that the data were collected under quasi static
condition and no potential strain-rate effects were involved. The technical specifications of the testing machine are
summarized in Tab. 1.
A detailed description of the design solutions can be found in [17].
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
nstrumented indentation is widely used to probe the elastic and plastic properties of engineering materials. The
indentation test can only provide the characteristic load P vs. penetration depth δ curve, a sequence of measured
values ( Piexp ,δexp
i ), and a reverse analysis is therefore required to estimate the mechanical properties of materials (Fig.
a) b) c)
Figure 1: (a) Scheme of spherical indentation on a homogeneous, isotropic semi-infinite bulk specimen; (b) typical indentation load–
depth curves obtained from an experiment; (c) the uniaxial stress–strain (σ–ε) curve of a power-law hardening solid.
Elastic modulus, E, has been widely employed to obtain damage evolution, using the fact that it shows a progressive
degradation with damage. Therefore, by measuring the value of E it is possible to indirectly measure the value of damage
according to the following common equation:
DM 1
where E is the effective modulus of damaged material and E0 is the modulus of virgin material.
The stress–strain (σ-ε) curves of the materials are represented in Hollomon like power law form, identified by three
parameters: the Young modulus, the stress of proportionality limit, σ0, and the strain-hardening exponent, n. The σ-ε
curve can be deduced from indentation test by means an optimization algorithm that minimize the function
χ(E, n, σ 0 , Piexp ,δexp
i ) , which represents the global distance between the measured points and the theoretical curve defined
by the material properties E, σ0, n [18-20].
The reverse analysis of the indentation test involves three-axial stress state, as well as the highly nonlinearity of material
behaviour, and the complexity of contact problem due to the presence of friction and size effect. Therefore it is the
critical step of the whole procedure.
By evaluating E by means of indentation tests it is possible to estimate the damage. The promising potential of the idea is
related to the possibility to correlate the damage parameter to stress and temperature fields, but the measurement of the
elastic modulus obtained from σ-ε curves were not considered in this work enough accurate in consequence of a
substantial data dispersion.
In order to set up the effective capability of the instrumented spherical indentation testing system to evaluate variations in
the material properties due to damage resulting from long time service, the collected load-indentation depth curves were
systematically analysed. In particular the parameters below listed were evaluated (Fig. 2):
- The maximum displacement, δmax.
- The final depth, δf, i.e. the permanent depth of penetration after the indenter is fully unloaded.
- The elastic unloading contact stiffness, S (dP/dδ), defined as the slope of the portion of the curve during the initial
stages of unloading.
- The value δi of the intercept on x-axes of the line with slope S starting from the maximum of the curve.
- The area included by loading and unloading curve corresponding to the total work done by the indenter, W.
- The value of diameter at the rim of the impression, d, evaluated in function of the value of penetration depth δ
acquired by the LVDT transducers:
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
d 2 δ (D δ)
in which D indicates the indenter diameter.
- Some parameters calculated by the standard Brinnell formulation:
Note that because these definitions of “hardness” are not based on the contact area after unloading, they deviate from the
traditional hardness measurement. Moreover, during the test the maximum value of the load is not maintained for a
specific dwell time as the ASTM standard testing requires. So any evaluated hardness value cannot be in agreement with
the standard, however the evaluated H parameters could be indicative of the material hardening. In all cases the
penetration depth is calculated starting from the value of displacement at the first contact, assumed in correspondence of
P = 1 N (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Estimation of penetration value δ at the first contact for P = 1 N used to calculate the parameters.
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
Experimental procedure
Initially, in order to asses a statistical dispersion of indentation response a set of measures was performed on a forging
ring piece of ASTM A182F22 in “as is” conditions. A set of 25 indentation measurements were carried out using a
maximum load of 1800 N and the maximum indenter penetration depth was measured. Tab. 2 and Fig. 4 respectively
show an overview of the obtained values and the related Gaussian distribution, highlighting as the dispersion of
indentation response is low.
Table 2: Statistical parameters of the indentation response [µm] Figure 4: Gaussian curve of indentation response.
on a set of 25 measurements.
Aim of the research is to investigate the capability of the instrumented spherical indentation system to evaluate variations
in the material properties, due to damage resulting from stresses and temperature fields during long time service. To
perform this task, the sites of indentation were chosen considering both the thermal and the mechanical gradients on
components, obtained from FEM analysis. For each component, the measurements were performed in order to analyse
the whole surface. In particular, points positioned on lines parallel to the direction of the gradients were selected. Also
conventional hardness measurements were carried out using the same criteria. Overall 130 spherical indentation and 50
conventional hardness measurements were performed in order to map the significant areas on the components.
Fig. 5a clarify the scheme of spherical indentation of the 1st stage turbine disc, underlining where sets of measure were
carried out. Fig. 5b shows the dimensionless temperature profile obtained for an average engine running in ISO condition
for, while fig. 5c shows the results of the 2D axial-symmetric elastic analysis at steady state condition.
a) b) c)
Figure 5: a) Positions of spherical indentation (red points) on item. In the yellow points are carried out conventional Brinnel tests b)
Positions of spherical indentation (black points) overlying on thermal analysis c) Positions of spherical indentation overlying on
structural analysis.
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
Data analysis
T he comparison between the load-indentation depth curve obtained for ASTM A471 and IN718 was shown in
fig. 6. The sensibility of instrumented indentation testing system to characterise different materials is highlighted.
The analysis of the P–δ raw data is a good way to find promising indicators which might be useful to describe the
behaviour of superalloy as well as alloy steel.
Figure 6: Comparison between the load-indentation depth curve for ASTM A471 and IN718 alloys.
An accurate analysis of all the previous detailed quantities obtainable from the load-indentation depth curves was
performed for each items, to evaluate the possibility to correlate some parameters to damage.
Conventional hardness measurements were also carried out in order to find a relationship between these tests and
indentations parameters. In fact, the hardness characteristic is correlate, to a certain extent, with the characteristics of
many mechanical properties of a material, but the measured values was exhibit low sensitivity to structural transformations
related to ageing in service, as observed also by the work of Lebedev [21].
The damage resulting in a serviced component is a function of time, stress and temperature. Turbine wheels and the
spacer ring had seen the same extensive serviced time, about 105 hours, so it could not be a variable. Also the material was
the same, so the variables of interest were the stress and the temperature fields.
As examples of the obtained results, in fig. 7 was reported for the rotor of the first stage the evolution of δmax, δi and δf as
function of stress, while the fig. 8 shows the variation with temperature of HB1, HB2 and HB3.
90 800
80 H1
700 H2
Hardness [N/mm2]
60 600
δ [μm]
30 400
δi 300
0 200
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.80 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00
Dimensionless stress Dimensionless temperature
Figure 7: Evolution of penetration values δ in function of the Figure 8: Evolution of hardness values in function of the
stress field for the 1st stage wheel. temperature field for the spacer ring.
Since an indentation test is not very appropriate for detecting a mechanical damage, such voids or micro-cracks, firstly the
stress was not considered in the analysis and the results were modelling as a function of the temperature.
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
Moreover, indentation sites at the same temperature performed on the spacer ring and on the 1st and 2nd stage of turbine
wheels were considered equivalent points of measure. For each variable, the mean values among equivalent points were
calculated and reported in function of the temperature. The analysis of all defined parameters had allowed to identify
those which showed a monotonic and regular function. Among them, the most significant are the elastic unloading
contact stiffness and the area included by loading and unloading curve (fig. 2).
A good fit solution was performed using a linear functions of mean data. Fig. 9 shows the obtained trend. The quantities S
and W extrapolated from the P– δ curves could be used for a first assessment of the mean temperature of the component
in the site of analysis, so these parameters are also promising indicators to material damage estimation due to extensive
a) b)
Figure 9: Total work done by the indenter a) and elastic unloading contact stiffness b) as function of mean temperature in indentation
zone for serviced material (IN718).
Following this analysis, various objective function f(temperature, stress) were tested in order to include the stress field
effect on damage. The stress acting on components was not considered as important as the temperature; its effect was
therefore introduced as an amplification factor of the temperature values. In particular the functions shown in fig. 10a.
Evolutions of the various parameters vs. the modified temperature were carried out and the accuracy of the fits was
determined by the correlation coefficient R2.
All the factors performed an improvement of the correlation coefficient, but the better result were obtained using the
amplification factor as shown in fig. 10b for the S parameter.
a) b) 77.5
R² = 0.9451
S (dP/dδ)
S, raw data
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
modified temperature
Figure 10: a) Comparison between three amplification factors proposed to include stresses effect; b) The relation between the elastic
unloading stiffness and the modified temperature in indentation zone for IN718 in serviced condition.
A n accurate analysis of several quantities evaluated from the load-indentation depth curve were performed on
items sampling on turbine component in Inconel 718, with the aim to assess the capability of spherical
indentation testing system to evaluate variations in the material properties due to damage resulting from service.
D. Nappini et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 394-402; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.47
Indentation sites at the same temperature performed on the rotor components were considered equivalent points of
measure and the resulting average values were reported in function of temperature. The most significant parameters
related to temperature damaging are the elastic unloading contact stiffness and the area included by loading and unloading
curve. These variables showed a linear behaviour with the temperature; after a calibration step, indentation tests may be
used as an index of the average temperature acting on the component. So, these parameters are also promising indicators
to material damage due to extensive service. The stress acting on components was considered an amplification factor of
the temperature field. Using the linear factor σ/σmax an improvement of the correlation was obtained.
The correlations proposed should be clearly verified with other tests. In fact, it is obviously that the performed study is
still far from obtaining an analytical relation between a parameter, derived from the indentation test, and damage of the
component; however, it demonstrates the feasibility of this task.
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